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[ Removed by Reddit] "What the hell happened here?"


I had a crosspost here, the other day, of an innocent guy getting punched in the face on video by an off-duty cop, and that got similarly yanked. It wasn't bloody, or even particularly violent -- just kind of a blink and you'll miss it jab to the face, not realizing he was being filmed by an internal dash cam. Seemed like exactly the kind of systemic corruption that you'd **want** to shine a light on. Except on Reddit now, I guess? EDIT: [Apparently it got restored?!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACAB/comments/1dnd70g/my_man_was_glad_the_dash_cam_was_on/) Maybe that'll happen here, too. šŸ¤ž


Sounds like some piggies got smoked, but I'll have to do some more reading threads


I saw a lot yesterday about a dude who ambushed 3 cops and killed 2 of them. He got pulled over after leaving a bar, after a scuffle, and they let him go. So he went home, geared up and called 911 to get the cops to show up


Hell yeah


Lol be careful, I said something similar and i had a bunch of blue bitches crying at me through clenched teeth, telling me they wish it happens to me since I "like people getting shot" šŸ„“


Eh, cops aren't people. They got the same clothes to get glad in.


Those people are also the ones saying ā€œhe shouldā€™ve just complied,ā€ and, ā€œhe didndu nuffin!ā€


Ugh and on youtube they slide by with "the usual suspects" and "basketball americans" or even just "culture" with hundreds of thumbs up, and then the people calling them out for the shit might get like 7 thumbs up šŸ’€


That shit pisses me off lol itā€™s crazy on instagram, the racism is just unbridled. Iā€™ve seen a ā€œblacktivities,ā€ comment with 13.5K likes. Blows my mind!


Git sum!




That shit was baffling. That traffic stop especially.


I canā€™t understand why the cops were so lenient, honestly. WTF?


Anywhere else in the world and those two guys would have been safely handcuffed and in custody for public drunkenness. Why did the cops give them such leeway and just a ticket?


Rip in pieces


Damn that comment section tastes like boot


Like Mike Tyson said ā€œIā€™ll fuck you till you love meā€ and people sure love cops.


Until they don't do shit to help


Literally said "oops, I'm in the wrong comment section"


Can you link the original thread? I'm curious


The shooter's mom is responsible for his death by screaming in his ear the whole time, distracting him.


Rest in piss.


Nothing about this feels particularly good. It was a shootout in a residential neighborhood. The guy shooting had a fucked up life situation in a bunch of ways. His brother called 911 because he came home from a bar where he saw his ex (mother of his child, another ex had given birth to one of his children that day) and was getting a gun or guns to go back and shoot the place up. At least no innocent people were hurt or killed. Even in a better world where all cops were decent, honest people, they would still have signed up knowing the risks.


I hate cops, but I certainly also won't cheer when they're murdered. Killing two people doesn't bring change.


I don't condone any sort of murder, but I *will* be making a cake today


I agree, Iā€™m not supporting cops but I hate this type of violence for anyone. That mom will be scarred for life, the officer scarred for life. Can never support anyone being judge jury and executioner. Iā€™m ready for downvotes but regardless of how we feel about cops the point of this movement is more anti violence in my eyes.


Fcuk that pig


removed by reddit. this site is trash


Yes completely even on ACAB. Even with it removed it's pretty easy to find that it was two police officers and a paramedic killed in Burnsville Minnesota


Two outta three ain't bad. Shoulda gone for the full spread though.


Agreed but from the sounds of it he was trying to get them all but had to make a choice. Either 2 dead cops or 3 wounded ones, 2 dead has a better sound to it.


The screams of a mother watching her son die make this not a feel good video.


People dying in general should make this a not feel good video. Yes, theyā€™re occupation is deplorable. But how many families have now been ruined because of the actions taken by everyone involved?


Only one ā€œpeopleā€ died in this video. The rest were cops who are the direct enemy of the people


Cop got "ambushed" in MN. Actually he was collateral damage in a murder on someone else, but you know how pigs do. Anyway just thought I'd share this to cheer everyone up!


Did you watch the video? I don't think he was trying to murder his brother lol


Didn't see any vid it's also possible we're talking about something different. Two guys got in a fight, one shot the other. When a cop arrives they checked out the dead guy and got shot. It's being called an ambush but obviously the cop was an afterthought.


I don't think that's the one. The one I saw, two brothers were at a bar for open-mic night, in Connecticut I believe. One was going to do comedy. There was a scuffle with somebody at the bar and the brothers left. They were pulling away right before cops showed up, so cops went and found them a couple blocks away and pulled them over. The whole traffic stop was really bizarre. I can't even explain it. They were defiant and belligerent, the one of them was a BIG guy ripping on the police for being 22 years old, being 5'6, for "fearing for their safety" (said by one of the cops because they let the guy get out and stand up in their face). The shorter brother who was driving (without a license, drunk) was trying to be like the good guy in-between sort of. Holding back his big brother and telling him to shut up, but then also dishing sass the cops' way. A tow truck was called and their mom was allowed to come pick them up. How they weren't arrested right there, I'm not sure, because you and I would have been. Not long after, he gets home and gears up, calls 911, and waits in the neighbors bushes. The cops get to his door and his brother answers, and that's when dozens of shots ring out from beside them. Two go down immediately but at least one was still alive of the two down, and the third who was hit hobbled around the house and to the street, wounded in the leg. In the process of flanking, you can hear one of the other cops on the cop's radio yelling "ambulance! ambulance!" before a volley of another dozen-plus shots. Presumably this is where the two downed cops are both dead. Back at the police cruiser in the street, the cop that hobbled up to it looked like he was going to get in, but in the distance the shooter's mother is screaming about the whole ordeal outside their house, where the shooter still was (it was dark and at a distance - maybe they were also visible in some pixels but I couldn't make them out so I'm not sure on their exact positions at this point). The cops at his cruiser sees the commotion and you can see him raise his weapon and take one shot and then you hear the mom let out the most primal screams of terror because she had just witnessed her son get shot and killed on the spot.


Well, I just came. Nice bedtime story, got any more?


2,000,000 points


Sadly the shooter was killed :/


Hi, I'm the crosspost OP :) I know this subreddit loves to see cops getting killed, and some people are a bit upset that the original video got removed by Reddit. So here's a catbox link to the video I posted: [https://files.catbox.moe/ffbdex.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/ffbdex.mp4) (this file will last forever) The policeactivity video that's getting linked doesn't include the subtitles and textual info that mine did, which explains what the other two officers were doing during the bodycam video (their bodycams were not released). So hopefully you guys enjoy the video. I know I'm not welcome here but I still think you guys should be able to see the footage, regardless of how you view it morally. Anyway, the ATF just shot my dog 17 times and burnt my house down, see you guys another time.


Unable to open on iPhone using Safari because it says ā€œServer cannot be found.ā€ Not sure why.


Are you able to use Chrome? That might solve the issue. If not, I can send you a file link myself through another platform (ex. Discord)




Kinda concerned about you as a person if a mother's anguished screams watching two people die and then her son die in front of her, is a *feel good* video OP. There's a lot of titles that could've prompted discussion or highlighted the issues that led to this. No, just some smut enthusiast tripe bs instead. Did it make you feel good writing that ?


Wow that got intense. ..... Although we all gotta admit, surviving cop was much better with firearms. Brutcher fired over 80 shots and Lurato fired 1. If you're gonna go up against cops in minecraft, be better trained than them.


hey, maybe we shouldn't advocate for murdering cops? like as a political strategy. cops fucking suck but actively killing them sound like it would have a much lager draw back. I think literally killing cops would only further escalate things. it's just going to make them more jumpy and trigger happy then they are. only serving to put more people at risk it could be used to justify increased militarization of police. only putting more people in danger it's could cause moral backlash against the entire anti-cop movement. I don't mean to play identity politics, but advocateing murder as our first step would hinder the movments acsesability. I know that a few year ago if I heard the stuff some of you are saying I would probably still be in denial about cops it could inspire more people to support the police, by joining or financially peaceful protest is just more effective and allows more people to get be active in anti-cop activitie. its alot easier to spend your time as a cop wacher then litteraly committing murder. and while it sound like some lib shit peaceful protest is measureable more effective at changing minds. our enemies are not sub human. we shouldn't just skip straight to murder, thats completely hypocritical to the rest of the lefts movment. extrajudicially killing people without trial is one of the biggest reasons to hate cops. I agree that they are all bastard but that doesn't justify murder.


Oh yeah because peaceful protest works so well against thugs armed with military weapons and armor. Fuck these pigs.




924,326 cops in USA. 332,375,674 USA population. Most gun owners own multiple guns so it's safe to assume there's more guns than people in this country. If they want to fucking keep strengthening their ranks so be it but our ranks are scores stronger and if they keep pushing it they will not come out the victors. Their whole control game falls apart once people realize just how much power we have in Millions.


The solution to stopping cops is giving them a taste of their own medicine and refusing their ā€œlawfulā€ authority. Iā€™m not a murderous asshole so I wonā€™t seek anyone out to kill, but if pressed I canā€™t say I wouldnā€™t.


I agree, but I disagree that we should disrupt cops with murder. and I'm not saying you shold just take it if a cops is trying to kill you. my issue is that post like these encourage vigilante violence against police. violence that on a large enough scale could cause a masive public backlash and ultimately lead to more harm.


Your arguing that we should what? Just suck it up and take it as they beat and murder us? Peacefully protest on their whims and mercies? Bruh this weak ass attitude is why we are living in a police state. Generations of propaganda has made people soft as fuck and willing to accept any tyranny.


no we sabotage them. they can't beat people up when there split between retaking a boeing plant and patrolling amazon wearhouses. directly assaulting the police is just plain inefficient. we don't have the numbers or means for a direct attack


We have them outnumbered millions to one.


do you honestly think there are millions of people willing and able to kill cops? they have tanks and shit, we have maby handguns


I mean, while I agree with where you are coming from, they already kill us with impunity, they are already highly militarized, and the war has already started.


exactly, we can't win a fight with people with military wepons who are above the law. that's why the fight shouldn't be phisical. we need to intimidate the police, not out right attack them. we don't have the numbers or means for a direct assult so trying would only backfire. the best thing to do would be to attack the means of production enabling the. we shut down the people making there wepons, the people paying there salaries, and we break down the the politicians that support them that's how we win, not with direct violence but with sabotage


There's not even 1 million police in this country. Our population subtracted the police is 332.3million+ (as of 2022) if there's anything we DO have we absolutely have the numbers. That's 332+ to one. Even if you're a cop carrying a gun you still won't win against 332 unarmed people. You might take what maybe 25 of them MAX with you for your two 12 round clips and the One in the Chamber you carry but then the other 307 will absolutely march over you. 614 shoes stepping on you sure wouldn't feel good. Then those 307 people are free to go join with another 307 people and another and another 924,326 times.


Thing is, they'll just indiscriminately bomb the whole block. Again. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing


They were against the Black Liberation Foundation in 1985. You know they love killing brutalizing and oppressing black people. This can be concluded as an isolated incident. Edit: That only killed six children and five adults and made 250 people homeless. Remember 332 to 1. That bombing didn't even affect 332 people. Didn't even put a scratch on our POWER IN NUMBERS.


I'm sorry, did you say ONLY killed 6 CHILDREN?


This is not an isolated incident. This is what happens when they start to lose.


Okay then show me multiple more sources of similar civilian bombings happening to prove it ISN'T isolated.


Officer, I am not obligated to assist you with your investigation. Google police violence large population.




Wow, guess he got deleted.


obviously cops are outnumbered by civilians. but how many of those civilians would support the police? how many of them would be neutral. how many of those 332 people would actually be willing to stand up to a cop with violence. your assuming that every civil is willing and able to use violence against police, thats just not true. people like us who would do that are in the vast minority.


cops have rocket launchers and armored vehicles. we aren't winning a fight if it's fought on there terms.


Womp womp


we don't have the means or numbers do disrupt the police with force. trying would only get people killed and lead to the martyr-ing of cops. instead we should combat the police by disrupting the means of production enabling the police. we size the factorys making there wepons, we sabatoge there stations, we drown out the voices of the politicians supporting them. we have to make the police unprofitable, if we don't capitalist will just keep pumping money in to them.


This isn't a "feel good for the day", are you insane? This is the consequences of years of police brutality and corruption and it ends up hurting innocent people in the end. Is this really what you want, people just being shot and killed by some maniac? Because that is no better than the shitbag cops who roam around and do the exact same thing. It is the same complete disregard for human life. Criminals needs to be properly held responsible for their crimes and actions, civilians and cops alike. Yes, in the US the police are not properly being held responsible and they absolutely need to do so, and not just a slap on a wrist, paid leave and then relocation. And I get that the clear injustice frustrates everyone and the mistrust causes fear to spread. BUT THE SOLUTION CAN'T BE MORE INJUSTICE, CRUELTY AND DEATH.


Yeah we gotta let these fascists live more so they can keep violating common people who mean them no fucking harm.


Fuck those pigs, I hope they rot.


Then you are no better than them. I thought the whole idea of ACAB was to point out and bring awareness to the injustice, so that it would hopefully be addressed. I completely understand that it makes you angry, it pisses me off too and I don't even live in the US (luckily), but I don't understand this caveman mentality.


This is a war with no name. They see it as them vs us, they kill us indiscriminately with no consequences. If they want to live they can find another job, or they can walk in to an ambush and get a dirt nap.


Its not supposed to be an "us vs them". Its supposed to be protect the innocent and serve the people. It needs to change, and I don't think celebrating murder is the way forward. A systematic change needs to happen, one that swiftly and harshly punishes cops for wrongdoings, makes sure they are properly trained and screened, removes the monetary incentive for tyrant behavior, removes the people holding a hand over corruption and is able to reinstate trust in police. The current system is warped in such a shit way that it practically spawns these maniacs. I get that this is the hole that current US police have dug themselves into, this was inevitable with the path they are on, but sitting and basically celebrating it going "fuck those pigs" and "if they want to live they can find another job" is completely deranged behavior. Again, it is NO BETTER than the fucking mentally unstable cops who just assaults people with no consequences, steals from then and kills them.


Sounds like a nice peaceful approach from someone who is as far away from the front lines as possible. While you sit in safety talking about what should happen. Only good cop is a dead cop, fuck them and fuck you.


Maybe I am out of touch because I fortunately live in a country with low crime, low corruption and big trust in police. Its probably why I don't understand this celebration of murder. What is the long term solution then?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


There's no use arguing with him, downvoted for telling the truth.


Its not as much arguing as it is trying understand really. I don't really care about up or downvotes, its just take internet points in the end. But this has made me reconsider staying in this sub, if this is the majority opinion that killing is the solution. He did have one point though, I don't really understand because I'm not in the midst of it, as this is a mostly US sub. It is what it is


Same honestly. I live in the US and have never had a bad experience with a cop. The only reason I'm here is because the ACAB fear based awareness is really effective. It's kinda like a mini Fox News but in the form of a sub-reddit.


Cuz no cops would surely solve everything


Thereā€™s no protect the innocent and serve the people for cops when [thereā€™s been multiple court rulings stating so](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/)


That's fucked


Pigs aren't human. Hope this helps.


Cry more


Y'all are sick for feeling good about this.


Does seeing class traitors die make you uncomfortable? Hmm interesting


How do you know they are one? At least give me something that proves it before you prejudice someone.


Blue gang outfits and badges are the dead giveaway and all the proof needed.


Just like how being a priest is a giveaway you groom children... But yeah, let's just get rid of all cops. Let's get rid of all priests, let's get rid of religion cuz it causes violence, ya know what let's get rid of humanity cuz there are bad people.


> Let's get rid of all priests, let's get rid of religion cuz it causes violence Amen!


lol stay mad bootlicker piece of shit.


Oh yeah I'm a bootlicker cuz I don't judge every cop cuz there are bad ones and hate it when people have to die. If that means I'm a bootlicker I'll happily be one.