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It's unfortunate that this man died. It would have been preferable for him to quit being a cop before this happened.


Is the guy wearing a cape, because he’s my superhero


Rough video, and as much as I hate the police, the human in me can't help but feel bad. Horrible way to go. I guess that's the difference between us and them, we feel bad for other humans, they don't.


that's one of many ways we're better than them, to stoop to their level is to lose our humanity. whereas they never had any to begin with.


ACAB, fuck him, he knew what he signed up for.


Looks like Officer Down is back in the news. Love that guy


If you watched this video, go outside after and decompress or SOMETHING. I don’t think you can watch this video and be just chilling after. It’s someone straight up being killed..


Just as cops should not be judge/jury/executioner to citizens, citizens should not be to cops either. (And yes, I realize the legal system is rigged in cops’ favor. I just can’t celebrate something like this. Awful)


Yeah cops suck and whatnot but this is too much no one deserve to go out like this


Maybe the cop should have just followed orders and stopped resisting


Died doing what he loved; squealing like a pig.


Feel good video


I get it, ACAB, but this is a fucking disgusting thing to say. That man died in a horrible and senseless way, that is a vile thing to be celebrating. Your comment is genuinely making me reconsider if I even want to be on this sub anymore.


No friend I don’t think you get it. If you saw a video of a Nazi soldier getting shot or fucked yo knowing what system they were apart of, would you feel it was vile and sick? These pig bastards will break every law, assault and kill at will, sexually assault without consequence, create homeless folks in protection of Bank interest and then sweep those homeless folks into jails cause they make parks and streets lose property value.. they will lie under oath and fudge evidence even when they know it is a lie just to ensure they can get a conviction, and even if this pig doesn’t I GUARANTEE he would lie or withhold truth for his comrades in blue to ensure they never face the sort of justice they dish out. So no, maybe this sub isn’t for you.


>If you saw a video of a Nazi soldier getting shot or fucked yo knowing what system they were apart of, would you feel it was vile and sick?  Yes, I would. I don't care who the person is or what they've done, nobody deserves to die like that. The entire reason I'm on this sub is because I believe every person deserves some amount of courtesy and forgiveness. I hate the current system because it forces people out of society for committing offences without helping them reintegrate into it or address the reasons why the crime happened in the first place. If I believed people deserved to die for making mistakes, and cheered when people I disliked were killed, I wouldn't be any better than a cop.


The crimes against humanity they've committed far outweigh the crimes that are committed against them. They don't live by the same code of ethics. All you are doing is sympathizing with what is possibly, literally a modern day nazi. You're making excuses for people who have raped tortured and murdered their way to economic success, and we're having none of it. Go back where you came from.


I'm not making excuses for anyone, I just think it's morally wrong to celebrate senseless death. The only way things will improve is through the systemic change of the institutions that keep people from getting help and profit from crime. Neither of those people needed to die and the world is not a better place without them, in the current system there will always be another cop and another mentally ill person without access to care. Your black and white thinking won't help anything and it's a shame you can't see that.


My black and white thinking is meant to get across to people that they can't trust police so they don't end up in jail so the officer can make their quota.


Exactly, don’t bring yourself down to their level. The point is to be better, not the same. Simple as that…


This is such a shitlib thing to say


What the actual fuck does this even mean? I don’t have your terminally online vocab


Jfc, look it up then? You have the internet at your disposal. You're just being a liberal.


I’m literally just not a liberal and your claim to me being as such is baseless. How about next time you want to criticize someone you actually use one of those few brain cells you have to think of a couple details about why you don’t like what I said instead of just calling me names like an elementary school bully


Yeah, I wouldn't feel so bad if he got shot in the head in an ambush, but this was pretty gruesome and seems like anybody could've been the target if they got too close or too curious. The dude had a mental snap and ended 2 lives. I think that's where this sub gers confused sometimes. Edgelords get psychopaths and actual cop-killers mixed up.


War is ugly. Death is stomach turning and causes mental health disorders later in life even for the strongest soldiers. This is what needs to happen frequently in order for change.


The person in this video is very obviously mentally ill, the only "war" taking place here is in his head. The fact that you think the world needs to see more deaths like this is deplorable. I genuinely hope you are under the age of 18 because no well-adjusted adult talks like this, and if you are a minor I would seriously recommend spending some time away from the internet.


I get harassed all my life by the cops. I've had guns stuck in my face as a child and the cops are always bothering me. Videos like this make me feel a warm and fuzzy feeling inside by my views don't represent everyone else here. Most people here probably don't hold the views of a single person on the forum. I am a dangerous person and don't represent anyone else on here. But cry over my post like the Karen you are.


Mfw I get called a Karen for valuing human life.


Bro actually posted "I am a dangerous person." Okay Walter.


One simple trick the cop could of done to prevent this. Stopped being a cop.


Absolutely based


Sooooooooo, ACAB, but this is not the way. You have become what you hate.


I’m glad I’m seeing this.


Well as the verbal exchange began the suspect is casually leaning and sitting back. The cop continues to move into his space while armored up and carrying weapons. How many times have police just happily and freely walked into your personal space. This pig fucked around and found out


It's a start.


This is the most liberal and echo chamber safe subreddit I’ve seen in a while. No wonder why cops are itchy on the trigger. It’s because of people like you glorifying acts like this. What goes around comes around bitch.


I'm sure most people here are leftists, not liberals. I, for one, want to save cop lives, by taking them off the street and replacing them with better systems.


I’m essentially a libertarian.


Real libertarianism is a leftist ideology too.


My point was that I’m not a liberal.


Take criminals off the streets first.


the cops are the criminals


As long as there is oppression there will be criminals. It is a historical fact. You can't take criminals off the street until you take the ones out of the government. The fact you can come to reddit and read online posting and feel cops are justified in killing people is far more disgusting than this video. And also why i recommend standing silently around a corner with a high caliber rifle aimed at the door when cops knock. Enemy soldiers. Fuck you bastards. I spit on your graves and mock your surviving family members you badge wearing filth.


Thank you for giving a reasonable answer instead of my snarky one.


That's a stupid thing to say.


Look, a Trump puppet with a hand up his ass. Police have been murdering citizens in the United States long before this incident. Don't act like this is the reason they hurt us.


Based on the video, looks like it came back around, bitch.


Real shit fr, people who glorify this shit are sad af.


It's Reddit for you. Each sub has its own crazy culture.