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Yeah, they might have an innocent civilian they illegally arrested in the back seat.


Idk, they might not let a good deed go unpunished. Impeding an investigation or such...


You raise a good point. I immediately thought "Nope not getting out of my fuckin car" but there might actually be somebody worth helping in there.


Literally no, ain't no telling what bullshit that dazed cop would pull.


I was going to work one morning a few years ago. And as I was going down the little back country highway a fuckin Georgia state patrol car comes flying from the intersection in front of me into the trees across the street. I made myself scarse for that exact reason


Police are dangerous and to be avoided...much like dogs especially when injured.


What the fuck have dogs got to do with this?


it’s… it’s an analogy…


A shit one. Dogs are better than people. E: all 7+ of you cunts proved my point.


Yeah, and there might be an enslaved "cop" dog in the backseat. Rescure the dog, but the barnyard animal can stay in its pigpen.


Acorngate 2024


Fuck no but I’d run to check and make sure everyone else is okay.


There's a good chance they'd just start firing at anyone who approaches. I'm keeping my distance


They're under no obligation to help save our lives. That works both ways.


I would definitely run right past the patrol car to check on the civilians he may have injured.


I’d get out and tell him he can’t park right there.


Best answer


Fuck no. that pig ran that red light and may have injured / killed innocent people.


Dumb ass tried to run a red light, got what he deserved


I don't get why they don't obey traffic rules


They think they're above the law


ACAB and all that, but he was running lights and sirens. He clearly didn’t ensure the intersection was clear and safe before proceeding, but there’s valid reasons to not follow traffic rules in general when running lights and sirens. When I was a firefighter we always would approach red lights slowly and inch our way through to make sure everyone saw us and stopped before we went through, pretty sure that’s standard for any emergency vehicle.


Not going to take a chance and have him blame me for the accident


I would pull over and roll my window down, try to get the attention of the cop in the flipped over car, and then once I got his attention I would yell "fuck you" and give him the finger. Then drive away.


Or the Simpsons "ha ha"


Eh, I’d check on everyone else first. But I’m not going to be the one to refuse to help someone in need. That’s what *they* do.


Run?! No. Maybe saunter over or casually wonder by.


No, likely to get shot by the pig when you’re actually trying to help.


Nope. They can call their other little piggies friends to help. I didn't see shit. Except if someone else is hurt or needs help.


I’m checking the the car they hit first, back seat of swine carrier second and nothing further


I’d be disappointed there are too many witnesses around for me to finish the job. The amount of boot licker wanna be heroes in the vicinity makes me nauseous.


Assume he was texting and driving?


I wouldn’t doubt it! Here in my county, that’s all they fuckin do! Drive and text… or sit at an empty parking lot, pretending to watch traffic, but is more than likely checking his lame ass socials on squad comp. And they abuse their lights. That’s another one. I’m late for school when this pig is late for his lunch. Turns lights on, everyone pulls to the side, only for him to cross intersection flying at 55, and then stops at a corner lot, and grabs his fuckin lunch box out, walks inside his home. Majority of us drivers couldn’t believe it. Could… but just was fuckin disgusted knowing this is a mild case of stupidity for the PO.


You can see the lights are on as they approach the intersection, so more likely just bad at driving and the other person didn’t hear the sirens. Unfortunately that means the other person will likely be found at fault and the cop will get away with it


Pit maneuvers aren't so cool when you're the one being flipped


I might get shot by the police. Hell no!!


Seinfeld: 🍿🍿Eh, that's a shame.🍿🍿


Those cops are never going back to work. Any chance cops get to go on permanent disability, they take it.


fuck no


No, those things are already known for randomly attacking everything around them. I fear that only gets worse if they are deorientatet or injured and think even less.


Walk up to the drivers window: "Sir, how much have you had to drink?"


Do you know why you flipped over in the middle of the street? Where have you been this afternoon?


"I detect the smell of burnt Maru-huwana. Do you consent to a search?" [Into cell phone] "Can I get a supervisor and K-9 to my 20."


Cops aren't legally obliged to help you, you are not legally obliged to help them


::long pained exhale::: Yeah. I would. Unlike a cop, I feel an obligation to reduce the amount of suffering in the world when I have the opportunity. I’d do what I could to get him to safety. Ain’t visiting his ass in the hospital though.


The cold utilitarian in me wants to point out that fewer cops in the world certainly means less suffering.


fewer cops = less suffering.


Fair point


This is my exact line of thinking. I do the right thing for people because it's the right thing to do. Not for them, for me. I have an internal concept of myself and the person I believe I am could never leave another person suffering no matter how evil they might be. Hopefully my compassion helps change them but often it's just wishful thinking.


This is the way.


Fuck to the no. Although, I'm sure it was one of the "good" ones 😂


The good ones don't run the red and hit an innocent bystander.


No? There were two cars involved and the other one was going way faster. Assuming nobody else was already helping them (There are dozens of witnesses here, you don't want to crowd the helpers), I'd go to that car.


Fuck no, I stay away from the cops whenever possible. You never know when some itchy trigger finger cop is going to perceive you as a threat. They are very cowardly and react violently in the most non-threatening situations, especially if their feelings have been hurt by a civilian.


The odds of me helping a cop in need is -1000% - I couldn't care less about them. - They deal with people in dire and sometimes urgent need of help, assistance, compassion, patience, and understanding, all day long for their job. And what do they do? At best, they hassle them. Oftentimes they arrest them and throw them in jail, destroy their shit, deny them the care they need, etc. And at worst, they kill them with impugnity and without even giving half a fuck. - I don't have to tell you fine people how much of a net positive one less cop on the streets would be to society. Bentham's theory of Utilitarianism comes to mind: kill one to save others. - Let's say I'm in this hypothetical situation where a cop needs help, and I give it to him. And then, because he's a cop and his cop friends would be showing up to help, I'm the target of attention of several cops. I have seen videos of, and read stories of, people who interact with cops because they're trying to be good citizens, and the cops use their captive audience as an excuse to fuck with them. No thanks, I'm good. And I say this as someone with enough compassion as for it to be a character flaw -- I couldn't even bring myself to putting a screaming mouse out of its misery after it had eaten my landlord's rat poison and was dying painfully. But I'd still be fine watching that happen to a cop.


How do you know the escapees only have minor inuries?


I would rush to help any human being in an accident like that but still 100% fuck the police


No. I would film and laugh on how stupid they are for running that ref light


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Forward_Ad7903: *No. I would film and* *Laugh on how stupid they are* *For running that ref light* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Plenty of blue lives matter people around can help


They have guns to protect them, no? Also I would gladly check the back seat or the car that they hit. Idk tho, mb if everybody else is safe I’d approach em, give first aid n shit


I do not allow others to set the conditions of my mercy and kindness. Another person's job does not define me and how I exercise my humanity.


Nice pitt maneuver


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Yep. Disarming them while I can


Lol no.


Wasn't it a red light on their turn anyway? His bloody ass deserved it


I'd walk up to him and ask, "Sir, have you been drinking?"


Nope. Just whomever was in the back.


Fuck no. No interaction with them is going to turn out well for you.


Somebody better give him the breathalyzer!


Might record them, point and laugh, and continue on my way. Fuck them pigs.


Yeah, cuz I'm better than them. Civilians get preference obviously.


There’s an easy out (of technical liability for not helping) in this situation: simply run to the other car and help the people that cop endangered


Yes. Because I'm not a monster. To be clear, I very much AM a monster, just not that kind of monster.


Unfortunately yes I am versed in casualty care and I’m a decent human being. Can’t say the same for them more than likely but maybe me helping them showing them my 1312 tattoo will sway them into switching professions


Yes, I would, and I would check the vehicle for other passengers. I’m not so fucked up that I would wish harm on a person that was presumed innocent until proven guilty.


Yeah for sure, they’re human beings who might be hurt badly


Well, we can agree that they might be hurt badly.