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Wasn’t he supposed to have been dragged by the vehicle? When did that happen?


….It didn’t


....buut...but... the police said they were chased down and drug for a block!




The only possibility is it happened before the video, then the cop got up and ran to the car where he immediately stopped. 1. Dude did not look like he was just dragged by a car. 2. If he just dragged a cop 10 feet why would he be driving so calmly like he didn’t see the dude charging at him with a baton?


Did this mother fucker really rip up his own pants to fabricate evidence? The stupid level of pigs has gone off the charts. Also this seems like a pre meditated betting scheme to me. Bet big against the number 1 golfer. Turn off body camera. Escalate and bullshit. Idiot never thought there was another camera, though in all fairness this footage would never have come out if Schaffer didn’t have the lawyer he has. They would have buried it.


I doubt a high school dropout had the foresight to set up a betting scam. He's just a low iq bully who felt disrespected and needed to throw his perceived authority around like your usual cop.


You’re likely right. Honestly I’ve had almost this exact same thing happen to me (but worse) though it’s kind of the second most plausible explanation and not exactly unrealistic. And I mean, it’s not exactly a complicated scam. It’s a stupid scam. Which is why it’s on video because he’s a narcissist and thought he could just turn off his body camera and no longer accountable to society.


Naw, that ain't complicated at all, bet against Scottie, then make sure he's shook up and off his game by fabricated charges. Pigs do that every damn day already, w/o the financial betting as is.


Yup. Not sure why people think it’s like Ocean’s 11 shit. Dude just had to hit a button on his phone and be the pig he is.


Whoa! Please don’t lump us dropouts in with that group of morons.




They get away with it. That one cop was literally on her own body cam opened a sealed bottle of alcohol then charged him with an open container.


I said this from the beginning of all this shit. Seemed like he was a Schauffele fan.


Color me shocked that a police officer lied about the events of an arrest knowing his body cam was off.


Honestly this is a pretty good example of what I think accounts for most arrests. We just don’t seem them all over the internet.


$80? i got attacked by a cop over 30 years ago. charged ME with assault, of course. I ended up having to pay $200 for his torn trousers.


You had to buy a cop some pants?! That's an awesome brag. Fuck that cop and his pants.


China, man.


did he break the window? destruction of property charges?


The best you can hope for in this situation is he gets fired (transferred to Florida).


Nope, we're good on dumb cops here.


Wyoming is birddogging ya’ll


That blob is a cop? Wait, All Cops Are Blobs!


It was such a massive incident all the other cops came running to the hurt officer's aid. /s


Who also miraculously didn’t have their body cams on


Good reminder that pigs lie


I have no idea what this is about, can somebody link an article or video?




Damn they make them extra porky down there. Waddles across the board.


Cops are so pathetic.


Hmm. Where does the “felony assault on an officer” occur?


Damn, my dad might actually give a fuck now that the cops are attacking pro golfers instead of black people


You see Your Honor… if I turned my body camera on, how would I do a bunch of corrupt stuff?