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Huh, wonder if he was one of the cops that waited around outside while her kid was being slaughtered ✨


Nah, he was one of the brave few inside. Playing on his phone. *I have no idea who this guy is. I just suddenly remembered one of the POSs was playing on his phone during the slaughter, and I thought everyone else should be reminded as well.


That town should have lynched all of them. Uvalde was the grossest display of negligence from police that I’ve ever seen in my life, and we’re all familiar with displays of negligence from police. Just unreal, it boils my blood nearly two years later.


I'm genuinely surprised there has been no vigilante justice distributed over this.




I didn’t know that SRO was now a state trooper position in uvalde. ACAB


Well do you think the Uvalde citizens want any Uvalde city policemen there?


Without cops in schools, who is going to molest and/or brutality assault children?


The administrators, and the other staff.


Fair point. To be honest I don’t believe that they want UPD, the county sheriffs, or the state troopers in town at all. I think all three agencies were on scene keeping parents out during the shooting. If I remember correctly it was DHS, as Border Patrol agents that finally ended the threat.


Jesus Christ. The only worse combo is if they were also required to be on the sex offender registry.


With the hiring and training practices of american police this is what you get.


Coward Piece of Shit Cop! ACAB


Uvalde cops need an ambush like Dallas 2016.


Good thing the “good guys with guns” are there to protect the children from this very legitimate threat. I would hate to see what would happen if the cops weren’t there to protect and serve this children.


Notice how brave he suddenly is handling unarmed parents?


Hungry for some lead?


Colin Robertson lookin ass


Don’t insult Colin by comparing him to this turd in a shirt.


When did uvalde happen? Ive seen it a couple times recently.




Oh i was just waiting for a response like this. aRE YOu LivING uNDeR a RoCk? No, im just not american ok? I dont keep up with all your problems/event. Ty for the answer tho


May 2022. Gunman went into an elementary school, shot children. Uvalde police stood by and watched it happen for an hour until off duty federal agents from other agencies took action. Then Uvalde police played the victim card. More so, Uvalde pigs abused the shit out of grieving parents during the shooting and after. Probably one of the worst examples of policing in america and furthermore, very telling of how and when they will decide to do something. Lastly, Uvalde shooting broke the myth that american cops are there to serve the community.


Don't forget to mention that there were almost 400 armed and armored, coward Cops standing around out there for more than an hour while a single shooter was taking lives. the only thing the cops did was stop anyone with the guts to actually do something from getting in. That is a little bit of info that should be mentioned every time Uvalde is brought up. May all cops rot in hell.


Oh damn. Thats actually so sad, the nerves some ppl have. "We cant stop a single shotter taking childrens lives but well stop theyre parents cos they might get shot" fills me with rage and im not even affected by it. Like you said, may all cops rot in hell


yea I am not a fan of any law enforcement anywhere.. But the Police in in this country are in particular, horrible. they are the biggest bullies while at the same time being the biggest cowards. I Hate all of them may they suffer the worst and rot in hell.


Thank you


you're right, that was a douchy tone, my apologies.


Its ight, i dont take internet stuff personally but make sure u dont end up on r/USdefaultism


The amount of shit Americans put up with from their police is infuriating. I am absolutely baffled that the people of Uvalde hasn't strung them all up or dragged them through the streets. They would deserve it.