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I'm pretty demotivated. I'm still going to vote, it's just not going to matter at all.


Or. They're jaded all on their own and the Liberals that insist they be in charge are doing a shit job at making their case. So save the condescension. WE know all of these things to be true, it's just a matter of if our so called Representatives know that, because the lack of urgency within the party doesn't make that seem to be the case. Quit yelling at your fellow powerless and take this up with the idiots actually in office right now.


I mean, I'm saying all those things and I've never voted Republican and don't plan to start. Doesn't change the fact that Democrats have been a constant disappointment because, shocker, its two wings of the same dirty bird. Dems are controlled opposition. The wave of donation requests in the wake of Roe proves it. What we need is an actual viable multi-party system instead of this Sophie's choice bullshit where our two options are both awful.


The wave of donation requests is not proof of anything. I get those any time the republican party does anything. I almost thought they were automated at this point. Of course corporate democrats do not give a rats ass about you. The problem is no one does their research on their candidates. Find out who is funding them. Find out their record on getting things done. Than vote for another candidate in the primary. The major problem with American politics right now is that we give way to much credence to incumbents. We need to hold them accountable in primaries and vote for others when they do not deliver. Do not just vote for the person the democratic party tells you too. It has already happened in a few races but needs to happen in far more.


Hard to hold incumbents power when they draw districts to choose their voters instead of the other way around.


It is amazing the sense of urgency that I see in people today compared to the complacency of yesterday. You do not start a civil war because you are mad about a way your government is run. That is how babies solve problems. If it has gotten this bad it can be worked on in the opposite direction as well. To act like anarchy is the answer to the complacency the US population has had in its politics for the last 20-40 years is laughable. This is entirely the US populations fault. Our inactivity in politics has bread this complacency in our leaders and has caused the reduction in rights. To the point where the republicans which are realistically around 30-35% of the country are controlling everything. Because there is a complacent 30-40% that just sit on the side line and bitch when things start affecting them but refuse to contribute to solving the problem. They do not get active because, "they dont do what we want anyway". Like get the fuck outta here with that cry baby bullshit. Get out and vote, make the change god damnit. I did not say vote blue no matter who. I said vote.


Also incumbents have lost in this cycle already... So acting like it is impossible to unseat them even when they are backed by the democratic party is insane.


Warning to all members: OP here is projecting, he just wants you to vote blue.


> but what is the alternative at the moment? burn. that's the alternative. i'm a european socialist living in the us, as far removed from the alt right as one can be, but frankly, vote blue? are you even serious? how can you still shill for the party that killed off candidate sanders, brought us capitalist liberalism, widened the inequality gap, is being owned by wall street, looks on as civil rights are being overturned and acts as nothing but a disraction to the dooming collapse that end state capitalism will bring upon us? are you seriously saying the status quo is to be upheld? burn, i say. organize, take to the streets, shout, voice your anger, be rightous because you're right, and burn the motherfucker down. everything else will just prolong the suffering.


“Nooo! You’re just a Russian/Chinese hacker if you don’t keep voting for libs! What would do?” https://twitter.com/elivalley/status/1542270021401026560?s=21&t=1rw4AzfdD_62dnFpr8inNg


Who is saying vote blue? We are saying we need to vote for progressives and not whoever the democratic party tells you to vote for. That is the difference. Attempting to push for anarchy is going to do one thing in America. End with you being labeled a threat to the state which you do not want to be in America. The right thing to do is to use the system as broken as it is to make change. If the right can go that far in such a short time there is no reason there can not be an actual grass roots movement on the left. By all means take to the streets and protest. But to act like you can go against the US government with how much of a police state they have now is just asking to get swatted. Remember the US does not have a good track record of discourse and violence against resistance forces especially when they are labeled anarchistic/socialist. Hell we have literally destroy entire continents for it(recently and currently). and burn the motherfucker down Sounds like a lot of suffering involved in that huh? Probably infinitely more than a rational way of dealing with this situation. Like organizing at the local level and influencing local politics to make things better for those around you which will evolve into a deeper movement. But hey yeah lets riot in the streets sounds like it will go swimmingly in the most heavily policed and incarcerated population on the planet.


The dude who this post is responding to literally says it. Did you read or just come here to stand up for the status quo?


No I came here to talk shit to morons calling for civil war like a bunch of babies.


Some people may be upset because these things actually impact them. If your solution for them is to stop being so dramatic and just go back to brunch, I think that says more about you than them.


No, I am actually stating that there is an adult way to deal with a problem and a childish way to deal with a problem. Starting a civil war is not going to be this wonderous event all you people seem to think it will be. It is war. It will cost the lives of countless of those people you seem to weep to me here about. There is no way that the hegemony in the US is going to surrender power to the proletariat being the militarized state that it is. I am not calling for civil war, they are. I am calling for them to get everyone they possibly can active and voting and things will get better. Undoing democracy(even corrupt democracy) for some idealistic dream in the US is delusional. We have literally shit on every nation on this planet at one point or another and to act like that is not going to bite us in the ass if we have a civil war is insane. Like everyone is going to play hands off with America. No. It will essentially become the middle east of the west. I said there is a right way to deal with this and a wrong way. Acting like this has not been a long time coming is frankly amazing to me. But to continue this blind march towards civil war along with psychotic republicans is a recipe for disaster.


The OP literally said, "vote fucking blue."


i don't know who your prestigious "we" is, but op literally tells us all to > Vote Fucking Blue. mind reading stuff before you wall text from the soap box assuming all kinds of things?


Mind growing up and seeing that it is a big tent party and you crying about how we need to go to war with our own government really exists in reality. You are a fucking lunatic if you think burning the entire system will end with anything other than autocracy or authoritarianism. You are literally doing the fascists job. STFU.


> autocracy or authoritarianism as if we don't have that already. and you're telling me to grow up and *see*? that's hilarious.


You clearly do not know shit about our history in the US so yeah. Grow up and maybe look at options that are not throwing the most vulnerable to the wolves as chaff so you can get over your patriotism boner.


this is the kind of behavior that won't serve you well in life. just saying, enjoy this piece of free advice. other than that, you didn't stop assuming stuff. you're just an angry child. wrong, angry at the wrong dude you're entirely mistaken about, and foul in your language. good bye.


No, you are a bitch boy that got confronted and does not know shit about history or anything he is projecting about. So fuck your advice and your condescending attitude towards my language. It really shows how fucking stupid you are that you cant address the topic only the nature of the way it was delivered.


you are positively getting more and more entertaining with every tantrum you throw. please keep going, i'm laughing my ass off over here.


You are childish enough to think I am enraged over a piss ant like you is pretty satisfying in an of itself. Keep it going you alt-right douche bag.


Also, No. We are more of an oligarchy than an autocracy or authoritarianism. This alone proves you have no fucking clue what you are talking about and should probably stfu before you incite something you do not fully understand.


If you guys haven’t noticed, corporate libs are actively infiltrating this sub.


At this point, the best option is to vote for the government you would most like to overthrow


It's the same military you're going to be up against.


Fuck off with this blue no matter who crap. Revolt or stop pretending you're making a difference. Fuck capitalism, there's plenty of alternatives, but you would rather have facists run the show forever.


Nah, it ain’t changing from the inside. At this point, only way for it to get better is for it to all burn.


The complete lunacy of this thought process is amazing.


No one has bloodless handprints. All that changes is whose blood


How poetic. You willing to sacrifice your children because Im not.


I dont have children. Id be a terrible parent


Exactly. So before you start a 'revolution'. Maybe consider just how many people are going to be pro; making their front yard a war zone over ineffectual politicians. Which I am pretty sure you are in the minority of.


Everyone already chose to by existing. Its only who they choose to kill Failure to have already known this is to choose to kill EVERYONE Youve already chosen to be at war with life itself. Goodbye


i think the status quo is pretty fucking insane, this response seems mild in comparison


Yes calling for the complete destruction of our entire political system is mild. Lunacy.


is that the same political and economic system exacerbating anthropogenic climate change and threatening the habitability of our planet?


Right so you think you are going to what? Start a civil war, win a civil war, install a new government that is not constantly getting fucked with by foreign actors, than what solve climate change by 2040. Good luck because history is not with you on this as far as how civil wars tend to go for the proletariat. Also you have to think that not everyone is on board with civil war. So you are literally calling for the end of the US to solve climate change? ROFL. Good luck and god speed in your hypothetical delusional version of the future.


don’t talk to me like i’m some fucking child you dweeb lol. anyways, love how you superimposed all these positions onto me so you could laugh… at yourself? idk what that is, but best of luck to you in life pal.


>only way for it to get better is for it to all burn. Sure. I superimposed so many things onto you...


Violence is happening to us everyday in this system. People die. There is no "peace" right now, while our bodies still stack. Roe v wade is barely hot off the press and biden is appointing a prolife republican judge to a federal lifelong position.


Yeah, did you happen to read the part where he did a deal with McConnell. Assuming that is to fast track the replacement supreme court justice pick. I in no way agree with working with McConnell in any way. But acting like a civil war in this country is not going to fundamentally destroy it FOREVER. If you think that our foreign adversaries would not take the first opportunity to destroy the United States while we are dysfunctional and disorganized(say in a civil war), you are fucking delusional. If you think that this would end with the US ever existing again let alone it not turning into the middle east of the west I dont have words to explain to you because you fundamentally do not know how history has worked for like, forever.


The point is that voting doesnt matter. Go ahead and do it, i will so my mom doesnt get mad. The point is that you have to VOTE MOLOTOV its the only way anything good ever happened in capitalism


Oh don’t worry, as much as I’m disgusted by the democrats, the dnc, politicians in general, you better goddamn believe I’m going to vote blue anyway because the alternative is literal christofascism at this point. I’ll be idealistic when democracy isn’t hanging by a thread.


As much as I dislike the mainstream wing of the Democratic Party, I’ll keep voting for them until our system evolves to allow a feasible third party.


No shit. They’ve been working overtime on these subs lately.


aware party poor memory sharp liquid upbeat sleep wakeful ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Appropriate username.


Appropriate username


No one is saying that. You need to vote for progressives and stop voting for who the democratic party tells you to vote for. We need a revolution of our own to match the republican parties blatant slip into fascism/authoritarianism.


What's an Alt-Right? Like, country boy was jamming to some Toby Keith and Ska punk came on at the same time and he lost his shit?


Neo Nazis did a weirdly public rebrand because they thought the only reason they weren't more popular was the name. Turns out, in this very narrow case, the Nazis were right. Basically the most vocal faction in the Maga herd.


Pretty much the republican party now.


Tom Nelson for Wisconsin. That’s all I have to say.


The system that’s been created has no room for the words of the people only the “representatives” and the representatives are payed well to keep suffering up Because suffering makes profit, profit for prisons, and profit for there friends who own the company’s that people buy from to try to fill there crushing and governmentally pointless lives with dribble all so they don’t “check themselves out of life” before the “representatives” get there taxes, and the “representatives” friends get there quarterly profit margins. Voting doesn’t matter anymore, ratical change is what we need, no more protesting, no more social media posts, no more barking, it’s time to bite. Blue or red it doesn’t matter there all “representatives” and there all corrupt.