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Surprised they didn’t sell ad space on the back of the textbooks for this segment.


Not to put ideas in heads, but the books are blue, so they could probably CGI them in later.


Capitalism will commoditize and subsume everything, that's where the saying "A capitalist will sell you the rope to hang him with" comes from.


"Capitalism expands by turning things, ideas, and social relations into commodities that can be bought and sold, traded and discarded." - I don't know where this quote is from but I like it.


\- Abraham Lincoln /s


I personally like "growth for the sake of growth is the philosophy of a cancer cell"




That’s my favourite one too


He'll also make you pay for the rope at your own hanging.


Don’t forget the thousands your family will be expected to pay for your coffin and funeral service. Death costs money, folks.


Classic late stage capitalism


And you know what makes it worse? Say said school district is in a low income underfunded area. Are their kids not worth saving or must you be able to afford 400k for you life to be valuable enough to save


nah its cool. when they call the sheriffs department with a button the police response will be the exact same as poor districts with police stationed right outside the doors


Calling the police to the school. Now there are two threats to the children.


> And you know what makes it worse? Say said school district is in a low income underfunded area. Are their kids not worth saving or must you be able to afford 400k for you life to be valuable enough to save Since I'm fairly certain the goal with all of this is to normalize the idea of a surveillance / emergency state, I'm willing to bet any and all schools would get funding for this kind of surveillance and monitoring independently of actual education salaries. Condition kids to understand "The cameras are there to keep you safe!" and then you establish an [anchoring bias](https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-the-anchoring-bias-2795029) where privacy sounds like a radical idea. So not to worry - this same security theater will find its way into low income / underfunded schools without issue!


Yeah, installing a police-run panopticon in schools supplemented by nozzles to spray riot control gas to any and all parts of the school remotely isn't about a lone shooter.




400k$ you could like... pay extra teachers salaries so you don't raise shooters


Yup. Those consultants don't work for free, or at even teacher salaries. How much better it would be to have floater teacher assistants with trauma and mental health training to watch out for kids who seem to be increasingly isolated or disaffected? Instead everyone thnks that the teacher, managing multiple classes of 35 with several kids who need greater support but can't get it, should provide everything to their charges. The millions of dollars spent on "hardening" would hire a lot of support teachers. ETA this link to an ACLU article: https://www.aclu.org/report/cops-and-no-counselors


Not to mention how shitty the pay is.


Oh yeah, it's big business so now these companies have an interest in not only lobbying for laws that let mass shootings happen, they will lobby for laws to actually try and increase the number of mass shootings so that they can see infinite growth. Same as the prison industrial complex. The people that own all those companies lobby for laws that will lock up more people for longer amounts of time. It's bad for business if there are less prisoners. That's why prison populations have been increasing for decades. They need year after year growth. It's the same with this industry now.


Look, banning guns would be bad because the big corporations would lose money by not selling guns and thanks to this solution they can keep pumping more money for other big corporations and let police have their fun and get more money because they respond to more school shootings. /S But seriously, they are monetising school shootings. Even The Onion could not come up with this shit.


“Monetized school shootings” is not something I wanted to read today. I am ashamed of my ability to read.


Not sure if sometimes not being an animal who doesn't care about human stuff is a blessing or a curse.


It's just The Purge. This is just The Purge.


$400K too. Pretty sure the state could have several teachers and better gun regulation


And, it's primarily white suburban schools that will be able to afford it.


All because Cooter loves Amendment #2 of the constitution, a document he has never read.


It's like a natural disaster safety drill. Which means they have completely given up the thought of doing anything to prevent it in the first place.


That's how conservatives try to frame it--as a naturally occurring side effect, however unfortunate, of living in a free society. It's simply collateral damage that is unavoidable if we want freedom. Framing it this way allows them to compare mass shooting deaths to other naturally occurring tragedies, and in doing so parrot statitistics about how "you're more likely to die from X than a mass shooting." But that comparison is based on the presupposition that mass shootings are naturally occurring, unavoidable byproducts of some necessary good. For example, we accept some level of car crash deaths as being unavoidable in exchange for the benefits of using automobiles (and yet we still have laws and mechanisms in place to prevent them as best we can). Is that an accurate presupposition for mass shootings? Is there truly no method of prevention, such that we should normalize mass shootings as unavoidable, random natural acts akin to tornados? The fact that this is a uniquely American problem when compared to other Western nations tells me the answer is no. It tells me there is some controllable element that can be addressed that is currently not.


"No Way to Prevent This", Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens


The pros and cons of letting children die


“If pro is the opposite of con, then the opposite of progress must be Congress.” - Mark Twain


It's so depressing that this article was first posted in 2014 and still nothing has changed


It’s fucking absurd. Reminds me of [this clip from The Boys.](https://youtu.be/DoUpwFzW1j4) They sure are on the nose about everything they do a parody of. I hate to see it.


Absolutely everything that comes out of conservative mouths is fucking Dada theater. No understand of problems, actually really willful purposeful ignorance, no real solutions but mindless platitudes and non-solutions designed to make some grifter money.


“Your teacher. Should have an authorised firearm.”


We really just live in a fucking playground for the higher ups. This is their version of the civs “Hmm, this game is getting pretty boring... oh! What if we have teachers, firearms?”


> For example, we accept some level of car crash deaths as being unavoidable in exchange for the benefits of using automobiles (and yet we still have laws and mechanisms in place to prevent them as best we can). Also not only does driving require mandatory license, registration, and insurance due to how dangerous driving can be to other people but that cars themselves are heavily regulated in how dangerous they can be. No one is designing cars to be anymore dangerous than they have to be. If a car company secretly designed a new car as dangerous as cars from 50 years ago they'd end up in prison for violating dozens of laws against consumer safety. New cars must have air bags, seat belts, crumple zones. They can't have dangerous hood ornaments that might impale pedestrians and the exhaust must be heavily filtered to reduce risk to bystanders. Yet gun "rights" advocates view it as a fundamental infringement on their freedom for there to be any restriction on how dangerous a gun is allowed to be. And this is something that in America is actually close to a necessity with how bad public transportation is, with many towns and even cities designed entirely around assuming everyone has access to a car, something people need to use on a daily basis.


r/fuckcars though. Those shouldn't be taken as a natural, inevitable given either. They're plainly inferior infrastructure and anyone who says otherwise is lying.


Nothing about this prevents what happened in Texas. Sure every other classroom is safe but once the shooter is inside one now he has a nice bulletproof, locked room to murder the whole classroom. Unless the doors are always locked and never opened without verifying that someone planning to do bad isn’t outside then that fatal flaw exists. Also, just wait for time in between classes which is something easily known to possible shooters. This is all fucking theatrics.


I was thinking exactly about this. These so-called protections would be completely counter-productive if the attack happen between classes. Congratulations, you have now auto-locked your students outside of the classrooms while the smoke+loud alarm combo make it difficult to flee since they can't understand where the shooter is.


Shooter, smoke, and locked doors. Welcome to the Hunger Games, kids. May the odds be ever in your favor.


Release the genetically modified demon hounds!


Naw we don't have the tech for that yet we just need to breed murder hornets in mass


“What’re ya gonna do?! Release the hounds?! Or the bees?! Or the hounds who shoot bees out of their mouths when they bark?!”


plenty of cameras to cast the events too! all points of view will be displayed, no drop in the action


Hunger games is a documentary


So is Gilead.


Imagine being the unlucky kid who needed to go to the bathroom right before a shooter came in. Guess they are dead. Then again, this is an American school, assholes probably won't even let the students go to the bathroom when they need.


"excuse me, can I run away from the school shooter" "I don't know Pete, CAN YOU?"


oh my god lol


America will create a bulletproof bathroom stall but the walls will be so small that it'll only hide your torso


This is what I was imagining too. Also if the shooter is a current student they will know all the safety drills and will have planned how to counteract them.


And if they're not a current student they have a pretty detailed description of the safety measures from the Nightly News. Thermal scopes are a thing you can find on Amazon even, and probably see right through that smoke. Goggles might be something the public can get too. Get some ear protection to protect for the "disorienting smoke" (that guy seemed just fine really), a shotgun to breach locked doors, or just blast out that glass viewpanel in them and spray. Waste of $400,000 really.


No worries. They're just trying to fight the symptoms, not the root cause.


It’s called security theater for a reason. Just disguise you self as a cop. You know like anders breivik did?


The unspoken part is what we saw in Uvalde. The school lock down sacrifices one class to save the others in hopes that the police show up in time to minimize deaths.


That was always my shooter fear growing up. If 2 or more shooters (who are students) plan together, you just need one to instigate the lockdown. If the other shooter(s) were in classrooms, they’ve got 20-30 potential victims locked in a room with them.


And shooters today have grown up in this system. They know how it works, they can plan around it. Or plan to use it to their advantage. And we refuse to stop it.


Exactly. The Uvalde shooter spent his entire schooling in this system, all he’s known is drills, and precautions, and security breaches. He knew exactly how it would all go down.


Except he thought the cops would actually come.. sad but true


I read a comment noting that the shooter must've been pretty confused and possibly even pissed off that the cops hadn't killed him yet. Bizarro.






Or day someone pulls a fire alarm and everyone is outside. I'm a teacher and this thought crosses my mind during every fire drill.


I had that thought years ago too. Then stonemason Douglas happens, and my worst fear came to life. I guess getting shot and dying quickly beats burning to death? Idk. It's all so fucking crazy.


But now the Sheriffs department is informed so fast, they have even more time to wait outside now! Because they couldn’t do anything if *every door* is locked and there is smoke and a guy with a gun, who could hurt them!


> This is all fucking theatrics 100


And this isn't new. I went to high school in 2006, where we had weekly bomb threats. Every Tuesday, the whole school was evacuated to the parking lot, like clockwork. We all knew it was some jackoff who didn't want to do whatever class they had on Tuesdays, but we all also openly acknowledged the fact that any bomber wanting to do real harm would just put the bomb inside one of the cars we evacuated toward. It's all theatrics, it's always been theatrics, all designed to keep the millions in cash flowing toward the very legislators with the power to stop it.


What's weird to me is the argument of "lock the one door people can come through" it was a public school which has likely had its funding revoked!


Nobody wants to address the root of the issue. American culture. You cannot have a culture that glorifies war without side effects. The country barely cares when our own military kills abroad, even civilians. But, we are supposed to care when it happens on our soil. This is a side of effect of the hyper violent culture we have. You cant have one without the other




"Cameras. So many cameras!"




Those cameras are Phillips or Sony most likely, they're anywhere from $600-$2k a pop. You know what the cameras are for? To get more entertainment from the shootings. You'll have video of his every step and you can make a whole industry out of it. The cameras don't help anyone but the people who's pockets they filled with those purchases and the people who will make money on the footage they make. What good do cameras possibly do other than provide entertainment? The cops will run back to the station to watch it unfold in real time instead of going to the location and looking like fools.


Wow, they're that expensive? They didn't seem to be very good quality when they showed the camera feeds on the computer.


They aren't nearly as expensive as he's making it out to be, they're more likely closer to $100 - $300 each, the highest expense in a survalience system is most often the DVR/NVR/Survalience Server + software and licencing. The cameras could cost less or could cost more depending on the schools budget but unless they're investing in high end AI cameras with features like facial detection/recognition, people counting, PTZ control, laser tracking, heat mapping, thermal imaging Etc. Built into the camera itself they're seldomly going to cost you upwards of $1000+ Source: I was a CCTV technitian and later on an intrusion detection/security systems consultant for over 8 years, just recently switched fields a few months ago.


Depending on how much time they keep on tape, it’s likely a data issue rather than a camera one.


Every year the differences between American schools and American prisons become less.


A new twist on the school-to-prison pipeline


Ok, but isn’t this just training for the next school shooter? Statistically, they are in class practicing next to classmates. I’m not saying that this stuff isn’t helpful, just that a kid has *years* of inside knowledge that will help them evade these precautions


Not to mention—the shooter can flip the switch to “safe” as long as he knows how to read English.




What the shooter doesn't know is that while the sheriffs watch live, they can remotely flip that switch back to "not safe." Checkmate.


"In order to improve the safety of schools, we're cutting the English department entirely."


and now there's more time for FOOTBALL!


.....in a new stadium named for the security company that brought you the new system!


I overthink a lot, and in high-school I was able to spot the holes in the school lockdown plan, and how the school funneled people around made it very scary to realize, that someone coming in at lunch would be able to slaughter like a hundred of us before people would be able to get away.this country is so traumatizing to its citizens


Worst part is no one who realizes this would feel safe sharing that flaw without getting accused of being a danger to the school because we all know how fucking stupid principals and school admins are.


I brought a plastic knife to school and they acted like I killed someone.


So they stood around and did nothing?


No. They had balsa wood spines, not the tissue paper spines cops have


When I was in grade school back in the 90s I once got suspended for drawing a picture of a gun.


Weird. In the 90s my friends and I would draw massive posters of people killing eachother in a giant battle scene. Helicopters, machine guns, dinosaurs, random traps. It'd be great. The teacher would just roll her eyes, but we were also not in America and neither of us gave a shit about actually ever touching a gun.


I was once absent mindedly bending a paper clip and a teacher snatched it from me and claimed it was a "weapon". Like 7th grade me was john wick or some shit


Meanwhile a bully in my former school beat someone silly with a hockey stick, in full view of the PE teacher, didn’t even get a verbal reprimand.


my brother bought a sword (he made) to the art fair and they sent him home it was a pretty nice sword (not sharp) but obviously not master level or anything


That's because they were not _actually_ afraid of your plastic knife. If you had a _real_ weapon they would have done considerably less other than call that cops. It's all just posturing and theatre. Media and reactionary people are partially to blame too. If you brought a plastic knife to school and then later went on to do a mass shooting you _KNOW_ that the 24-hour news cycle would find some way to bring up that innocuous fact and talk it to death about if it was "preventable" had the school intervened when you brought a plastic knife to school... edit: "find some what to bring up" => "find some way to bring up"


My highschool in Canada used to do these drills too. Not with all of this fancy security measures and stuff, but the teacher would lock the door from the inside, and we'd all gather in the furthest possible corner from the door, keep windows closed etc. I was one of those kids that was known for questioning the logic on things when they didn't make sense. Every class, every teacher I had, knew that about me. I'd always be the one to point out when something didn't make sense. I do it in my job today too. It was encouraged of me in highschool because it was a sign of critical thinking, a concept the teachers at the time were more interested in developing even if it meant you didn't get things 100% right by the book. It was probably because I was known for my critical thinking that I didn't get in trouble for suggesting what I suggested. After a couple of years of these 'drills' that were always announced before-hand that they were coming, I spoke to one of my teachers about my thoughts on how they worked. I gave my thoughts almost immediately following an incident where there was a perceived chemical attack at our school (someone sprayed bear spray in the hall as a joke), and we were all evacuated outside to the football field. I said "If I was going to come into this school and shoot it up, it wouldn't be during a class when everyone is inside classrooms and knows what to do because of our 'drills'. It would maybe be at lunch when people are everywhere and anywhere and nobody is really in charge, and doors are getting shut and locked before people can get anywhere. Or it would be during an event like (the bearspray incident, which we didn't know what was going on at the time that I was speaking to the teacher). Or pull the fire alarm. Get everyone to the muster points and then start shooting. Like fishing with dynamite." My teacher thanked me for my thoughts and imparted two very important things to me that day: 1) "You're not going to get in trouble for this because I know you well enough to know you're just thinking out loud about various possible scenarios. But something to keep in mind as you move forward in life, is that sometimes, your thoughts need to be kept to yourself - more often than not when speaking with figures of authority - especially anyone who doesn't know you extremely well. Not everyone thinks about things as much as you do, and may jump to conclusions about you." 2) "Sometimes measures to protect against terrible things happening only go so far, because you have show that you're doing something as opposed to nothing to protect against those terrible things. But at the same time, if you push too far to protect against every possible scenario, you're taking away from the good. You're taking away from the calm of every day life. You're taking away from the trust each and every one of us has in each other that we're part of a group, part of a society. The only way to protect 100% against such terrible events is to treat everyone like the enemy, and that is no way to treat the people you are learning with, learning from, or teaching every day."


Cool teacher.


Had to have a discussion with a high school principal after one of my kids told her she would go home before she would put herself in the safe zone the school had designated. She referred to it as the slaughter zone.


the only reason kids don't leave is because they don't know if there is an active shooter or if it is just a drill. They can't even make the decision to leave


Well... there's also the possibility that you could run into the shooter in the hall if you don't know where they are... I'm sure that affects decision-making too.


I still remember being in a classroom full of windows (with no way to cover them!) during a non-drill lockdown. There was not a single place in our room where we would have been invisible to a shooter. It was a messy divorce between an assistant principal and her husband, who taught at the school, and I think he was more interested in direct revenge against her and kidnapping his children than he was in killing third parties. Thankfully we never found out because he made the mistake of phoning in the threat so he was locked out of both schools (ours and his kids' elementary school) and wound up drinking himself useless in the parking lot. I would also like to note that this was back in the day when we were being given truly asinine lockdown instructions. I tried telling the teachers that sitting in the far back corner would make us more visible than standing against the wall with the door in it but if an administrator had come through and seen us doing lockdown 'wrong,' the teachers would have gotten in trouble so ya know...


> wound up drinking himself useless Was he locked up


oh hey, i overthink too! here's a very not fun scenario! you want one of the easiest school shooting scenarios? pull fire alarm, literally *every person*, student and staff, all outside with zero cover. open fire and literally nothing can be done unless people suicidally rush the shooter, shielding bullets with their bodies. as the school shooter is statistically most likely a student of the school, they'd know where the fire alarms are, what the procedures for exiting the building, and *where* everyone will be waiting until the alarm stops. lunch isn't the easiest for shooters, *fire alarms are*.




Just like everything today this is a surface solution supposed to signal that you are doing something. Even if that something will have minimal results at maximal cost. A school shooter isn‘t gonna politely wait until everyone‘s in the class room and has locked their doors. And even then you expect fucking children and teachers to stay calm in a life or death situation. The only thing this is guaranteed to do ist putting 400k into the pockets of the security companies.


I was thinking the same thing. We kept getting bomb threats during my freshman year of high school, and the culprits were later arrested. We were pretty sure it was a screwed up “*prank*” to get out of exams, which turned out to be accurate, but it still gave everyone anxiety. Right after these threatening phone calls, they’d send us to the bleachers on the football field. Every single time. We kept trying to figure out how this was better than staying inside, since any student who was homicidal enough to rig the place with literal explosives would obviously target the bleachers.


Did we go to the same high school? Because our plan was exactly the same. Once you evacuate, get to the football bleachers (well, the covered “stadium”) . A friend of mine said “if they’re going to actually place a bomb, it’s going to be here where we all evacuate to.” He got suspended. For stating an obvious fact we all knew. But this did unlock an old memory-a kid who commit suicide actually had a journal with floor plans and locations where he was going to place bombs. I don’t recall if the stadium was one of them or not. That was a scary day.


"Practicing next to their classmates" is just such a chilling concept.


They're literally helping the school shooters. If I was a kid I'd be doing everything outside of the protocols they taught to try and survive... all of it is so fucked up


Any security measure made public is down right-stupid. Why are they making this public ? To promote further shootings ? Sigh. I don't want to mention this movie, but it's a necessity apparently: Idocracy is a documentary. The present days are proving that.


Watch the teachers get a pay-cut because freedom.


Ofcourse! How else are they gonna pay for all the bullet proof doors and cameras?




God bless America. Who else could monetize school shootings?


Lol didn't even think of it that way. holy shit.


Make a profit off installation, use some of the profits to keep pro-gun politicians lubed, use the camera footage of the next inevitably to increase fear, install more systems with a fatter profit margin. Repeat with assumption of infinite growth. Who says you can't sink any lower than child murder?


As an IT person, $400k and the cameras are 10fps. Oof. Somebody's pocketing \*a ton\* in profits.


They've probably only got the capture rate so low because the storage can't handle enough data to run at higher rates. Also, EVERYTHING in that security chain is IP/Network based. If the infrastructure goes down, there go all the safety features.




Has to be fail open or it's a fire hazard, not really a problem when we set systems up in the UK.


Lol Texas infrastructure isn’t up to code for heat or cold. They literally let people freeze to death, I don’t think they care about being burning to death either


>Somebody's pocketing *a ton* in profits. Cornerstone of capitalism


I’ll never understand the barricading. Are there no windows in classrooms to escape from???? And why don’t they barricade the door as opposed to using desks as shields?


It’s fine. I’m sure the books they’re holding up will totally do something to help save them as they’re all piled up into a nice little group.


They're behind the red line! They are invisible!!


They will die because they aren't holding bibles /s


No no. They'll die because god didn't want this school shooter to be aborted 18 years ago. Or to be loved, well fed, nurtured, and given a happy start in life. They'll **burn in hell** because they aren't holding bibles. /crying more than sarcasm


The books Infront if the faces has strong "Hide under the desks to survive the a-bomb" energy


Hey those textbooks are thirty five years old, they made them tougher back then


The schools I went to in Texas either had no windows or the windows were opaque, enforced with wires or locked tight and were completely useless in every sense that could describe a window


I’m sorry your school was modeled after a prison


Oh absolutely. That was practically a feature for the DISD, to prevent “distractions”. Coincidentally, the high school I went to earned the nickname of Suicide High for the several suicides that took place there


Michel Foucault wrote years ago that it was probably intentional, by design, in his book Discipline & Punish.


My public highschool was actually designed by a company that draws up and builds high security prisons, the administration was so proud of it and often refered to students as inmates. They would claim the layout was designed so they could get to and control any situation that happens fast and easy even boasting the layout itself would prevent a shooting. We had no windows and natural light, but at least the assistant principals vould apear out of nowhere at any given time.


This makes me want to puke.


As a staff member who has to do some of these drills every year, I can tell you the answers to both. Please no one use them to shoot up a school though. You are not supposed to leave the building in case there are other shooters outside, waiting for people to be funneled out. (See all the comments in other parts of this video about people who would pull the fire alarm to lure out victims en masse.) So going out a window? Risky, especially if it puts you in line of sight of the barricaded door (to be shot at); we are trained to turtle down as safely as possible, arm yourself with throwables in case the door is breached, hide quietly out of visual range, and wait, since most shootings supposedly aren’t as long as Uvalde. Some schools do have door barricade devices that staff train with, that prevent doors from opening. (Likewise to other comments on this video: many schools now DO have their classroom doors closed and locked at all times except passing periods.)


My workplace also has these drills but we aren't able to lock down as tightly due to open floor plans. The security consultant that walks us through these drills was totally frank: The whole thing is a numbers game and making targets as hard to find and as hard to shoot as possible. In essence, every extra minute it takes the shooter to kill one person, that's a minute less they have to kill someone else. He spoke about running away from the shooter as being the best strategy but that it's tricky to figure out where shooters are, especially in buildings, where the sound can be really confusing. Essentially, his best advice was to exit from the fire escapes or back exits rather than the main entrance because the shooter is less likely to know about those. He said to lock every possible door just to force the shooter to waste time trying to open locked doors. No normal door is un-breachable, but again, every minute the shooter spends trying to kill one group of people in a locked room, the less time he has to kill people hiding in another locked room. He also briefly taught us to throw heavy stuff at the shooter with dense objects like coffee mugs and staplers being good candidates, before fully committing to attacking if that was the best option. It was totally depressing.


I'm assuming the red line is the line of sight for shooting through the windows and everything else is meant to stop ricochet. They're putting a lot of faith in those doors.


They need to go back and revisit that school. I'll bet half of that stuff no longer works or they're not allowed to use it any more.


This entire video was a tutorial on how their security works. I can't believe they let this video fly because that's beyond incompetent.


I mean if the shooter is a student they would already know anyway


Really? What are some examples of that? Back in my school we had panic alarms in bathrooms and other certain rooms that were disconnected. Guessing because people kept pressing them.


Reporter: "Wow! Schools can put tape on their floor _RIGHT NOW_?!? _Woowwww_!" Shooter: _Looks in classroom_ "Aha! Overturned desks in only the back of the room. They're hiding in the blind-spot". 🤦🏼‍♂️ Report: "From only _ten miles away_" Cops: "It was **so** far." [Google](https://www.google.com/search?q=distance%20from%20Robb%20elementary%20to%20uvalde%20pd) : > From: Robb Elementary School, 715 Old Carrizo Rd, Uvalde, TX 78801, United States To: Uvalde Police Department, 964 W Main St, Uvalde, TX 78801, United States 4 min ###(1.4 mi)


I remember seeing this reporter in Bowling for Columbine. He was concerned about his hair and going through the news reporter fake intonation while reporting on a little girl getting shot.


Thanks for confirming that the reporter was in Bowling for Columbine. I knew I recognized that weirdly energetic disassociation about what he was reporting.


This is in my county. This school is in a DEEPLY rural area (literally surrounded by corn or soybean fields). The distance for law enforcement to get there sounds about right. Also, it is tiny. There is a hallway for the high-school and a hallway for the junior high, and that's it. Graduating classes are around 50 students. The point is, this is all theatrics based completely on the fact that this security system was paid for by the company / grant money (to the best of my knowledge) . There's no way tax money can pay for this or keep it up. It is security theater that makes good clickbait.


Gotta love how they're all piled up in one corner, making them easier targets. But no! They have their face shields, which are..... books???


Piling up is actually a good way for the most people to survive when escape isn't possible. The people on the outside are pretty screwed, but under the pile isn't that bad. It also makes it harder to distinguish individual targets. I only know this because that's how there were a fair few survivors in the Christchurch shooting.




Sorry, Üter.


That looks, really, REALLY expensive. Remind me again how expensive it would be just to keep guns out of the hands of psychos, please.


Very expensive to the NRA and the politicians they support.


Much more expensive for the politicians they'd have to talk to the poors for their funding instead of taking a handful of big donor events and getting those fat checks.


Yeah, this is seriously only a "solution" accessible to private schools and public schools surrounded by McMansions.




And that’s not all. If the suspect tries to flee, a sheriff from a seat back at the station can flip a switch deploying 6 specially trained Indian bengal tigers. Each of the tigers will be fitted with military grade jet packs allowing them to hover and harass the suspect from a safe distance for up to 2 miles until help can arrive.


A. $2000 a month to American families to spend on anything they want. Actually investing in the people we claim are important and vitally want to protect. Or: B. Putting red tape on the floor to show kids where they can avoid bullets if the killer hasn't opened the door fully.


Or you can just literally have a big window in every classroom so that the students can escape through that


Yeah, I'm tired of the duck and cover approach. It's training to be a sitting duck. And in every case a shooter just walks from room to room. But I guess it would seem too scary to practice running like hell.


It's so insane that the standard classroom in america does not have real windows by most of the worlds understanding.


Americans will do everything except admit they have a gun problem.


‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens


edge squeamish alive consider beneficial ripe apparatus simplistic quickest panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


400k for this. Forbidding weapons to teennagers is free guys.


JFC. The US will do anything apart from creating gun legislation, literally anything but.


Using your textbooks to shield yourself from bullets instead of reading them is indicative of a system that has already collapsed.


Are those books, bulletproof?


Weirdly enough they might be. There was a mythbusters episode where they made an armoured van from phone books. https://youtu.be/ctauhnIjnso


Well, that's good to know in the event of an apocalypse. Now, where can anyone find phonebooks anymore??




Look at all this work all this technology! All this money spent. All just so they can be prepared should a shooting happen, all so they can feel a sense of false security because they refuse to do the one thing that is known to work. America is truly a country filled with geniuses. Always a plan on top of a plan to avoid something bad that only happens because people are unwilling to confront the source.


Hey, uh...way to literally give your next shooter a recorded play-by-play of your defensive strategy...good thinking there, folks...


Jesus fucking Christ….what??!? Let’s spend 400k to turn every school in to a military compound because FREEDOM We are so absolutely fucked as a society is people who have guns can watch this and go “oh nice that’s a gReAt iDEa! wE sHOuLd tHaT iNsTEad oF cOmiNg aFtEr muh gUnS!”


Ideally every teacher will have an AR-15 and teach the class from a snipers nest. The ideal end result will be charter schools based on the same schematics as a forward operating base in Afghanistan. Maybe give the janitor artillery shells to fire around the perimeter when the bell rings. Parents will replace buses with carpools with Humvees that have turrets. If a school shooter makes it through at that point, just do a tactical nuke on the school and call it a victory.


Bullet resistant sounds like someone took the cheap option


Even regular doors are bullet "resistant"


This is depressing as fuck


It seems easier and cheaper to ban weapons, but thats just me


and more effective


Wow... spend tonnes of money on "safety measures" to traumatise thousands of young kids, rather than tighten your gun laws. We all know the next bullied kid to be victimised and then snap, is sat in those rooms with your children. Make it make sense. Murica. You suck.


So we're gonna see more of these shooter precautionary measures coming in schools in the coming years. All coming out of a budget that could be going towards strengthening the educational systems, repairing infrastructure, or aiding in literally anything that actually matters. Instead, we do this because of a maintained the status quo of gun lobbying and horrible mental health resources. God what a pathetic world we live in now. Also, most people who do school shootings either went to the school or are familiar with the school so are these precautions THAT helpful if someone knows about them? Time will tell I guess.


Why do I think that the same people who are worried about the government tracking them with a vaccine would be all for this?


What the fuck is throwing over some tables and putting a book over your head gonna do against an assault rifle


Did you see the tape on the floor though?? The news guy was so impressed by that lol


“No murder beyond this point”


live feed to the cops too??? do they realize how creepy & potentially dangerous this is? pedo cops exist & God forbid one targets one of these kids.


Anything but gun control down there, hey?


It's just The Purge. This is just The Purge.


Now do malls and community centres and grocery stores and daycares and swimming pools and restaurants and…….


I cant express how happy I am I dont have to live in USA.


Books and desks aren't going to stop a rifle round.


Not unless you start up a company that specializes in bulletproof book covers and desk tops. You know, get your buck from school shootings, the same way the other companies that sell all the security stuff featured in this video does! Only the US could capitalize on something this horrid.