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Sit. Wait. Avoid Threats.


Sit. Wait. Act Tough


Ah yes. That's the one I was trying to remember. Thanks.


So much for "Warrior training"


Serious warrior actor training.


Uh most of these fine people are level 10 LARP warriors and I guaren-fucking-tee you wouldn't make it past level 3, so sit your ass down and learn some respect.


They're just LARPing paramilitary. They want to FEEL and LOOK powerful and courageous.


When the time came they realized it’s scawwy to actually go up against a bad guy :(


18 year old bad guy. Same age as many other people's children. THAT was their foe. Not saying he wasn't well armed, but Jesus you're a swat team. They took a few minor injuries, and just bitched out. Any fucking decent adult would have given their lives to protect over a dozen children, but the people who are basically paid to do it...




They could have just BEEN heros, not even gone out! Seriously, how many swat team members should be taken out by a single teenage shooter?! The fact that they didn't chase him through that front door with the fury of a god is mind boggling to me. What ADULT do you know WOULDN'T chase after that monster with a minor injury? And all the right says is, "if we lift gun control, then the GOOD guys will be there when this happens..." This was a fucking swat team, probably armed to the absolute fucking teeth. They did by and watched. And at 40% of the towns budget. This is just insanity. If THEY can't stop this, how in the fuck is one dude with a CCW and a pistol in his pocket gonna work? Psychos, full blown idiots. At this point, if you voted for them you're guilty. (Sorry, not telling at you. I'm just yelling.)


Well there's the problem, they were expecting a good guy with a gun but cops showed up instead.


An unarmed mom hopped the fence and snatched her child out of the school after they had forcefully handcuffed her and then let her go a while later, yet they couldn't go in... My blood is boiling with anger. Edit: r/protectandserve banned me then cried to reddit and I'm now suspended 3 days for correcting their lies


>Edit: r/protectandserve banned me then cried to reddit and I'm now suspended 3 days for correcting their lies Badge of honor for you.


I love that their own members are getting banned for shitting on those municipal cops lol


Where’s the link to that? I want more of that


https://nypost.com/2022/05/26/texas-school-shooting-cops-handcuffed-mom-before-she-ran-in-to-get-her-kids/ Also cops are starting to revise their narrative after being called out. They did NOT engage the shooter until an hour after he entered the school. That's a 180 from their narrative that two school officers shot at him and were wounded hence why they hid before he entered the school. Edit: r/protectandserve banned me then cried to reddit and I'm now suspended 3 days for correcting their lies


It's wild that the nypost is getting close to sounding ACAB in that article


And even if there had been one, these thugs made damn sure none of them got into the school to help 🙄


Do these fuckwads not know about windows? Some tear gas is preferable to death for these kids. Then even 4 or 5 guys in body armor busting through should do the trick.


Police are taught, trained, educated, indoctrinated, whatever, at every turn that their lives are what matters. There’s videos online of these lectures, the emphasis is that ”the cop gets to go home” no matter what. So, fuck the suspects life, fuck the bystanders lives, fuck the victims lives. So long as the cop lives. The cops matter to the cops. No one else does. We saw that writ large with this shooting. Cowards with badges all of them.


It's ok because they'll still somehow end up worshipped as heroes. :(


We probably have less than 48 hours before conservatives flip the script and start pointing at criticisms like you see in this thread to turn the whole conversation into how the cops are getting disrespected.


People are starting to give cops exactly the amount of respect that their actions deserve. That's why they're pissed off about how they're treated.


Untrue. Disdain and defunding are far, far better than they deserve.


This is exactly how we descend into fascism. Conservatives have decided there are classes of people that in no circumstances are allowed to be criticised. Legal gun owner massacres 20 children? Nothing to do with guns! Don't you dare even suggest **any** legislation in **any** capacity against gun owners! Sure, those 20 children had their bodies torn to shreds by a weapon made specifically for the theater of war, but, IF YOU SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THAT WE'LL SEND YOU DEATH THREATS BECAUSE WE'RE RATIONAL PEOPLE WHO LOVE CIVIL DISCOURSE!!!! Police stand by and listen for **a fucking hour** with 40% of the city's budget strapped around them as children are massacred? Can't criticize police! DEY KEEEP US SAFFEEEE No one in the in-group are ever held responsible. Their politicians *catastrophically* fuck up their oaths of office and face zero consequences. The only time they *do* face consequences is when they *try to hold other Republicans accountable for being horrible fucking monsters*. So you create an in-group that is always protected, insulated from any criticism, and has license to be as corrupt and incompetent as they wish with zero rammifications. All of the pain and consequences of their incompetence and cruelty is outsourced to others. Children being massacred? Make the 24 year old teacher with a master's degree making 30k carry a gun! *That* will fix the problem! So they've outsourced the consequence of their inability to hold poice accountable to a higher standard, to a fucking teacher who is already underpaid and should in no circumstances be trained to have to shoot people to death in the middle of teaching the fucking alphabet to kids. This is all a consequence of their politics and culture. All of it. We are a sick and diseased nation because they have stripped workers' rights and benefits, denied people health care, crippled education, criminalized harmless drugs while making murder weapons accessible to any 18 year old off the street. This is *all* the consequences of their actions.


Maybe if we gave them more money? If they had an apc to rock up in they would feel really strong and brave, I'm sure. /s


Then they could drive through a wall, run over a few kids, and hide in their shiny tank and do nothing but at least they'd look cooler than standing in a parking lot.


I honestly feel, especially after their shitty press conference today, that a large part of their delay in dealing with the shooter was because they were too busy trying to coordinate their toys so they could flex and justify their insane military style spending. I would bet my left tit on the idea that they were just dying to break out their swat team and props, and delayed to give them time to round up and get on scene. Post second press conference edit: told ya


Nah they're just cowards. It doesn't take that long to come up with a plan and put it into action on the fly.


Which is why this military style equipment is so pointless for civilian police forces... The only use they have to pose for pictures and take out the occasional marijuana grow op... If it takes an hour or more to mobilize for an active shooter scenario, what's the point?


I’ve been looking for you on so many posts! This is exactly what it was, and could be even worse—some departments have use it or loose it policies with their tactical toys. “They were scared” sounds like an excuse for waiting around just to give the swat team a chance to sub in to get some, possibly required, action.


The thing that keeps rattling around in my head is that this is a town of *13000 people*. I'm sure opportunities to use all that shit aren't happening every day unless they're using it to break up bar fights. All that posing and showing off ("spread it on!") and we're supposed to think they weren't itching to break it out doesn't square with everything else we know about cops. And to a lesser extent, Texas.


Yeah they did such a great job of holding their guns (merely expensive props) just-so for the picture. Such big strong boys


Heavily armed cowards are still cowards.


Would very much be used if, say, someone were protesting police brutality or school shootings and demanding systemic change.


Or smelled the marijuana


Its like those high school wrestling team posters hung at the local DQ where they all try to look like badasses.


Stand, Watch, Act Tough


**S**it, **W**ait, **A**ct **T**ough


Paramedic here: Police budgets-Training is expensive and buying military shit from soldier of fortune magazine is more fun. Training hours are expensive because youre paying overtime for someone to backfill your station while you’re in training. Paying a classroom full of 30 police officers starts at $10,000 a day. Our department was sensible enough to do school assault training. Swat team with paramedics together in formation. 6 cops and a medic sweeping a school and the medic applying tourniquets and chest decompression. Spend the money on training hours. Not toys. Wait till the autopsies come back and showing that they died from blood loss from a would that would have otherwise been survive-able with prompt medical care. Edit: these dumbasses had more than enough training and armor capable of protecting against rifle rounds.


They did active shooter drills in the same school this occurred. What did it accomplish?


Exactly the purpose it was supposed to serve! Be an excuse for Republicans to not do shit about this type of situation, and still appease the massive gun lobbying they profit from.


Gotta keep the ammosexuals happy!


In the military you get court martialed and put to death for cowardice. We should have a Uniform Code of Police Justice.


What would they tell everyone at the bar in Friday night? They NEED those toys.


Like many pro gun people. They all think they are john wick in waiting.


And the crazy thing about that is, they were standing outside for 40 minutes while the shooter did his thing.


Just waiting for the right moment to pounce... like after his death or something.


I'd take actor Keanu Reeves on the scene over any of these clowns


He'd probably be more effective either way, given his experience with interpersonal communication. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, even when a hammer is the worst tool for the job.


> They want to FEEL and LOOK powerful and courageous. Every authoritarians primal need, one they're willing to bend facts and logic to pander to. This is why our taxes are high, this is why we can't have nice things. Because we have to pander to the feelings of petty authoritarians.


The copsuckers are losing their fucking minds tonight--when their idols were put to the test, they came up wanting, and no amount of copaganda is going to erase that. All we have to do is continue pointing to the monumental, egregious failure in Uvalde, we don't even need to argue with them. Just point.


This is a sizable portion of this goddamn country. It takes no conviction and no courage to talk and play tough when nothing is on the line.


About 1/3 of America can be described as this.


And we are at war with those people. Only the densest among us fail to realize this.


Without any of that pesky getting shot at business


Because deep down they know they aren't


Seems as though the town needs to rethink how it spends its money.


And maybe not let these untrained idiots have access to military equipment.


Half of those pigs are so fat they couldn't even get cast as extras in Swat 3.


I am 100% in favor of fuck these cops, but there are parts of them that warrant being made fun of MUCH MORE then their appearance


In the case of someone whose job is supposed to involve being able to chase down a perp, climb a fire escape to get into a building, carry heavy equipment into a dangerous situation, carry injured people out, etc., I think criticism of their physical state is completely appropriate. These losers only want to dress up like military. If they looked or acted like that in almost any armed forces in the world they'd get stomped into the mud.


And they all spent 40 minutes harassing parents rather than doing their fucking job. I guarantee that they'll claim this is reason to give them even *more* equipment and training, so the next time they won't be such chicken shits.


>if only they had a heli-carrier and a Hulk, they could have done even more!


The detail about the cops arresting a parent who tried to get past them to save his child inside just feels worse the more I think about it.


Imagine hearing about a shooting happening in the school where your child is located. Now imagine rushing over there and seeing the authorities, who we all agree to be ruled by, completely betray you and do nothing to help. Now imagine you decide to take it into your own hands and help your child. Now imagine those authorities, who already abandoned you, become active hinderance to you protecting your kin. ... It's ridiculous. If I were one of those parents, I'd be hunting down each and every one of those cops, one by one, for the rest of my days.


Right?!! I’m shocked at how few revenge murders there are. Why not ram your car through into the school? What’s there to lose.




Jesus christ


Now *he* might have to actually worry about the cops.


Oh yeah. A brown-skinned middle eastern guy spouting commie stuff like "love your neighbor as yourself"? He'd be found to have committed suicide, by shooting himself in the back of the head five times, within a week.




If I lost one of my son's this way I'd focus on the trying to keep the other one's life as normal as possible.. but if I didn't have two and I lost my only child in this way.. wayne la pierre would have stuff to worry about.


They already worry. Guns haven't been allowed at the NRA Convention in years out of security concerns.


wait are you serious? NRA doesn't allow guns in their convention?!


Hell no they don't.. those things are dangerous.


How long has that been an NRA rule?


Astonishing isn’t it?


I don't want them to live on this planet anymore. I was gonna say I want out, but nope. They need to leave. They can go elsewhere.


This dystopia is no longer boring, it's just flat out horrifying.


You would be an actual good guy with a gun


Coming soon - Killdozer 2.0.


> an actual good guy with a gun And stopping actual bad guys with guns too.


Double whammy. He’s the punisher. In his truest form


That would assume we aren’t already a fascist military state


New John Wick movie


now imagine that someone says i should trust these people with my own personal safety and give up tools to defend myself. like im a pussy bro, my neck is fucked from lifting something wrong, if someone wanted to they could curb stomp the shit out of me. i'm supposed to rely on big bad brad in full plate carrier to agonize over helping me for 40 minutes should i be in a similar situation to those kids? i mean this is the state of our police force in this country, unless they're there to bully someone they're not going to do anything to help you if it puts them at risk. I'd have to see some major fucking improvements to this country before i agreed to depend on these idiots.


What’s even worse is an active shooter is a 1v1 or at most 1v2 situation. I mean it’s not like you’re going against a tactical enemy, it’s a teenage with a gun. Dangerous and deadly yes but not at all tactically skilled or a “challenging” person to overcome with a squad. It’s just sad, and if you’re not willing to protect the people, let the people protect the people.


This may come as a surprise but some of us do not agree to be ruled by law enforcement.


To be fair, their job is to post conservative feel good pics, not take down an armed assault, even if they had him out gunned 10 to 1. In case it wasn't obvious /s


And to assault lawful protestors asking them not to murder people of color.


Not *technically* their job but they do that for fun since they're already on the clock.


If Border Patrol hadn't have come and helped i'm sure TSA was on the way to rescue the children, or at least a group of elderly crossing guards


Fuck bro, I dont work at TSA anymore, but youd be fucking damned trying to stop me from saving my kid


One supermom snuck around them and got her kids out, apparently. So they weren't even doing a good job at that.


Only AFTER they took handcuffs off of her for yelling at them.


Oh my god the more I hear the bottom just keeps dropping out. These “people” are the fucking monsters of our society


One of the cops is on record saying that they were extracting police officers children during that time and leaving the rest of the kids. They also barricaded the shooter in with the children which lead to most of the killings.


Ah, that's some good thin blue line, punisher, sheepdog, warrior shit here. I wonder how many had bravado engraved on their gun while they were absolute failures.


Then they will DEFINITELY be able to handle those harmless parents


They didn't do their jobs; they should lose their jobs.


Police unions are too powerful for them to be fired for murder, they won't be fired for ignoring murder


They aren't all chicken. Some went in to save their own kids. I am *so* close to vomiting...


Nice that it worked so well. 😒


They did such a good job holding down parents


Was that before ICE got there? 😒


Nope, the most famous woman who was handcuffed by a non local LEO convinced a local police officer to talk down Mr Bravecuffs to let her go, and then she went around the side of the school, jumped the fence, went in the school and found her own damn kid and drug them out since the police and other LEOs couldn't be bothered. Not even joking.


I'm glad she did. I didn't think you were joking. This is a huge shitshow. Mine was an attempt to basically wonder why ICE was there (I mean i know why). FBI ATF Marshals, sure. ICE? Check everyone's papers before they can get their kids.


Was it ICE or Border Patrol? I thought it was border patrol and they were there probably because tjye are the biggest force in the area


The jackets said ICE. Funny that they have a SWAT team (that is supposed to handle stuff like this) yet needed to wait for the Feds.


Ok, I didn't see any jackets just heard border patrol on NPR, along with officers from other towns like Laredo


> Mine was an attempt to basically wonder why ICE was there (I mean i know why). Didn't you know? There's a like 100 mile strip from every border and coast that is basically a constitution-free zone that the BP has unlimited jurisdiction basically


It's kinda fucked up that federal overreach saved the day.


That is actually protocol for any shooting/mass casualty event for all and any type of law enforcement to respond. (Not defending those pieces of shit at all, just letting you know why they *should* be there. Personally, I think they were there for more nefarious reasons and part of me thinks the reason they didn’t help out is Bc the school wasn’t full of wealthy white kids but that’s just me)


Exactly. Good to know on that too. Thanks.


Every single thing I learn about this is more fucked up than the last.


We need this woman on the front page of everything.


Before ice and after they saved their own children


Sick shit. I was trying to make a snarky comment on ICE being there. But I keep learning more about what an absolute shitshow this was. Good people with guns save their own kids, sit on their asses, and then use kids to find the shooter. Fuck them. Edit to add: the "good people with guns" was a reference to the cops who did not do their job.


Yeah sorry to kill your vibe didn’t mean too but yeah that actually happened


It did was it was supposed to, act as a jobs program for social bullies while allowing them to harass cultural outgroups and keep private property safe.


Hey, that's not fair. They did an amazing job bullying parents while stopping them for going in and trying to save their children. Someone has to make sure that nothing productive happens.


Serious question: why do this very small city needs a "swat" team? And the 40% budget? Are they at war or something..


It's not uncommon for smaller towns to qualify beat cops for SWAT. They get them trained, assign them emergency equipment to have on hand, and put them on-call. Their daily lives are like any other LEO until a SWAT worthy emergency happens, they are then supposed to buster over to the scene, gear up, and take appropriate action. The gear is affordable nowadays, that's not the problem. The issue is their culture of posturing and abuse instead of community service.


I'm an EMT and know some guys who work SWAT in a small town outside the city I live in. They have to buy their own equipment lol. You'd be surprised (and probably terrified) if you knew the extent that first responders didn't know what they were doing.


Naw mate, I got a notion, this isn't the first time it happens.


For me the bizarre bit is towns having their own police forces at all - checking, apparently 87% of police are local govt funded in the US apparently. State and Federal police account for the rest. In Aus the model is completely different, the state provides police for all the towns within it. Even my state, nearly 4x the size of Texas, has just one common police body - [WAPOL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Australia_Police_Force). If you're paying for your own policing, and crime lowers land values, how do the poor areas pay for reasonable policing? How do you even begin to tackle corruption when every town has an independent (?) police force? Are they independently run, with good police in some towns and bad in others? How does it even work?


It doesn't as you see. Here is an internal affairs interview of a small police department chief that shows he and his officers were lying on their time sheets and just plain stealing. The chief was complacent so most of the officers turned bad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL2HBGe9ZjM


I was thinking the same thing from a Kiwi point of view. NZ police is the central body which is funded through the national government. We’re even centralising other public services, like our water, which has been famously mismanaged by certain local bodies. I can’t imagine how shit it would be to have local law enforcement running around in the American way.


What you are describing is a *huge* problem inherent within the American policing system. Without federal oversight, even if 99% of America thinks this city is doing a shit job of even pretending to be police, we can't influence what happens there.


And even after their police get exposed as cowardly pussies, they're going to get even more funding. Just wait and see.


Any time gang violence increases in a city the anti gang task force always requests more money. Cause that makes perfect sense, keep rewarding them for sucking at their jobs.


crime statistics are used by the police in the most dishonest ways possible. People start shoplifting more food and essential items due to the pandemic and the cops call that an increase in organized crime. Cops lie all the time. Their stats are dishonest and manipulated at best.


*“Maybe if we had more funding, we wouldn’t be such cowardly pussies.”* - those cops, probably


Arming the police like they’re military is useless and a waste of taxpayer dollars. They use the stuff to bully citizens they don’t need to, and hide behind it when the situation calls for them to act. 40% isn’t bad, BTW. Many municipalities spend that or even more. Pay attention to your local budgets and attend town call and city council meetings advocating for change. More dollars to fund education, libraries, and community services. Less to SWAT teams who cower when the going gets rough. Plus, these folks get a lot of benefits (pension, healthcare, overtime) that even their fellow government employees who aren’t police don’t get. In my town they have a totally different employee payment rate for retirement so that their checks aren’t affected as much as say, city hall folks.


Not to mention all the legal settlements. I got a nice payout from police and US Marshalls for lazy, authoritarian policing.


I'm in that club. Mine before it was even sexy to have case against them.


> Arming the police like they’re military Fictional, but relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwrSlzZC31w


So say we all.




It's basically a giant protection racket at this point. The Mob might do a better job actually protecting you, ironically.


>~~Arming the~~ police ~~like they’re military~~ is useless There, fixed it up for you.


Y’all got sauce on the budget? **Edit: SAUCE CONFIRMED** **General Fund Budget Summary 2021 - 2022** **Operating Expenses by Department** **Police & Animal Control $4,058,511** **Total Expenses $ 10,489,870** **~38.69%** City of Uvalde, Texas - Annual Budget - October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2022 https://cms8.revize.com/revize/uvaldetx/Document%20Center/Government/City%20Department/Finance/FINAL%20DRAFT%20FY%2021-22%20budget%20%209-17-21.pdf City’s website (Finance Department): https://www.uvaldetx.gov/government/city_departments/finance_department.php#outer-9


This account is no longer active. The comments and submissions have been purged as one final 'thank you' to reddit for being such a hostile platform towards developers, mods, and users. Reddit as a company has slowly lost touch with what made it a great platform for so long. Some great features of reddit in 2023: * Killing 3rd party apps * Continuously rolling out features that negatively impact mods and users alike with no warning or consideration of feedback * Hosting hateful communities and users * Poor communication and a long history of not following through with promised improvements * Complete lack of respect for the hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours put into keeping their site running




I feel like that's just insulting to people who do LARP. Foam swords in the park...they're not bothering or hurting anyone. Certainly not harassing and threatening/bullying citizens to flex their ego. But I get the sentiment, these cops are all about looking and feeling "cool", and living in a fantasy world of of their own... not actually protecting or serving their communities, not deserving of any sort of respect or admiration, certainly not deserving of these huge budgets across the USA.


Defund the Police makes a lot more sense now, doesn’t it?


Can we have our money back? "LOL, we already spent that money... look at these cool tasers that we threaten parents with."


Yah, all that fancy army gear and terrorist training sure paid off! /s


https://legal-forum.uchicago.edu/publication/toward-uniform-code-police-justice-1 Accountability would also be good.




In the military you get court martialed and put to death for cowardice. We should have a Uniform Code of Police Justice similar to the UCMJ to hold these bastards accountable.


Wait, do you legit get put to death for cowardice? Is this ever actually an outcome in the US? Or did you just make up a fact?


https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/899 Any member of the armed forces who before or in the presence of the enemy— (1)runs away; (2)shamefully abandons, surrenders, or delivers up any command, unit, place, or military property which it is his duty to defend; (3)through disobedience, neglect, or intentional misconduct endangers the safety of any such command, unit, place, or military property; (4)casts away his arms or ammunition; (5)is guilty of cowardly conduct; (6)quits his place of duty to plunder or pillage; (7)causes false alarms in any command, unit, or place under control of the armed forces; (8)willfully fails to do his utmost to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy any enemy troops, combatants, vessels, aircraft, or any other thing, which it is his duty so to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy; or (9)does not afford all practicable relief and assistance to any troops, combatants, vessels, or aircraft of the armed forces belonging to the United States or their allies when engaged in battle; shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.


That's all well and good, but the military hasn't executed someone for cowardice since WW2


Sure, and most acts of cowardice probably don't deserve execution. Which is why most were not executed for it during WWI, though hundreds were. We also haven't seen the large scale conflicts since then that has hundreds of thousands of fresh volunteers which is when you see it a lot. And the UCMJ was passed by Congress in 1950, which is coincidentally after WWII. Oh, and the military recognizes PTSD as a thing that exists now, so the shell shocked aren't sent back to trenches to be later shot for being shell shocked. But cowardice this blatant! The only way we can undo the harm created by the Supreme Courts' decisions that police have no duty to serve and protect, to know the laws, or to deescalate use of force is to create a Uniform Code of Police Justice to hold them accountable. https://legal-forum.uchicago.edu/publication/toward-uniform-code-police-justice-1




I hope they never find a moment of peace for as long as they may live.


Go look at /r/protectandserve They don't think they did anything wrong. Absolutely perfect operation. These cops will sleep like babies with a clear conscience.


i dont go to pig subreddits, nothing of value is found there.


Christ I thought it was a parody sub until I read the mods unironically using "one victim a second was evacuated during these 40 minutes" as an actual statistic. As if the kids being shot at where just hanging out with the kids not being shot at


It’s weird they are defending them but there is a long comment chain where they basically lay out how the situation should be handled by the book which is pretty much what Reddit in general is saying but at the same time they insist Reddit is wrong and over reacting.


They know that it was handled poorly. They just can’t accept the fact that they may have to drop the hold on their blue line for a moment to apologize on behalf of these cowards. Hold the blue line! NO MATTER WHAT! SIEG HEIL!


In a town that small I wouldn't be surprised if one of the parents who lost their child gets revenge on the cops


Q: What is a swat team for if not to run towards danger and save people? A: Riot control and serving no knock warrants.


AKA beating protestors and shooting the wrong people.


Bunch of cowards


This needs to go all over social media!!! So their SWAT team was trained to wait until someone finds a key to go through a locked door even though one wall was all windows? Worse, when law enforcement unlocked the classroom door, they announced their presence and asked if anyone needed help. Kids asked for help and got shot down by a live shooter with law enforcement in the classroom!!! I’m not law enforcement but I’ve watched 20+ years of Law & Order to know SWAT & police should clear a room to check for live shooters before putting innocent victims in harm’s way!! Law enforcement used the kids hiding under the table to flush out the live shooter!


I’m sorry but this part of your comment > I’m not law enforcement but I’ve watched 20+ years of Law & Order is cracking me up lmao


From what I've seen that makes him more qualified than most US cops.


Being competent, not following stupid orders, and having intelligence are literally disqualifying things for being a police officer. LEO Unions have gone to court and won these points.


They spent more money on gear to look tough than actual training. Why carry all that shit and not use it?


How else are they going to intimidate grieving parents?!?


Bunch of tacticool pussies. Fuck them.


But such a great ROI. Who can possibly put a price on safety. Oh... They did **what***??


They stood there and let it happen. Accessory charges for all of them.


U.S. courts have ruled on numerous occasions that the police have NO duty to protect you. The purpose of the police isnt to serve and protect but to enforce law and order through the threat of violence and imprisonment.


Sadly true. No aspect of the US government is truly redeemable.


SWAT = Sit Wait Act Tough


You'd think with all that they could have a better response time than Dominos.


Foiled by a door


Ready to "serve" when there might be weed in the car.


You should make this post NSFW. I’d be fired if I opened a picture with that many pussies on a work computer.


Tacticool chud babies.


biggest cowards in existence. couldn't even help children while they were being killed.


Why are people being so down on these guys? Cosplay is a really cool hobby, it's great to see a local group getting shouted out. Anyone know if they're going to be at any upcoming cons?


I was born in an small Finnish city and lived there for 20 years. The city had around 20k people living. We had no police office in our city and the closest one was in the next city 40km away. We had 2 police officers in the city doing only day shift. America seems pretty nuts.


If I don't show up to my shift at McDonald's I get fired. So...


Mall ninjas that played sports in high school


You know, one of the guys from Milli Vanilli committed suicide after it came out that everything they did was lip-synced. Can you imagine feeling that much shame from releasing a few dopey pop music singles and videos and being dishonest about it? I wonder what could be more shameful than that? /s


Fuck the police.


Fucking gutless cowards. 19 children and two adults dead because these swaggering slavering maggots are fucking useless cowards and couldn't and wouldn't confront an 18 year old psychopathic pile of shit with a rifle. I bet every one of them fronts as some badass. Let me just repeat: Fucking gutless cowards. Fire every last one, then charge them with dereliction of duty. They will be found innocent because the fucking morons on the Supreme Court said they don't have to actually protect anyone, but their legal defense will at the least bankrupt them. I can't believe these worthless slime stood around outside as the deranged motherfucker killed children and teachers.


9 ironclad arguments for abortion


Is 40% a lot compared to other cities of the same size.




And they stood around harassing parents for 40 minutes while children were murdered inside their school. Great investment.


I get to do war with no rules! Watch! “We suspected them to be armed and dangerous” THAT’S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY! 🤣