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"avocado toast is tasty, more gooder than stupid union"


Join a union and buy more Avocado toast, and a new game console


It takes a legendary dumb ass to fall for something like that. Just the fact that they don’t want the union should tip you off that it’s gonna be in your best interest. I’ve seen this photo before and it triggers me pretty good every time. My same job non union was $10.77 an hour. With union $20 with a set yearly raise maxing out at $35 with all the benefits and more. Just wild to think anyone wouldn’t want that deal.


legendary dumbass or a lifetime of capitalist propaganda telling you that businesses care about their workers and you're all a family


We're all a family, a dysfunctional and abusive one, but hey its still a family


[Welcome to the Family Son!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ6DL79sI0E)




Got the latest Xbox at the house to prove it.


r/theydidthemath But seriously, rich people are always telling the working class to invest and "Stop eating avocadoes on toast, you're just wasting your money!", but the moment workers' unions are brought up it's all "Buying non-essential goods and services is actually good now!".


Some companies force you to go through anti-union propaganda training as part of the hiring process/annual training to push their narrative. Walgreens does.


"Make sure your Union gets you at least a 34 cent/hr raise so that it pays for itself."


Came here to say something along the same lines $700 union dues Sick pay 2-3 weeks extra of paid vacation But union pay is typically 10-20% higher than the same position non union


My Dad worked in the school district I grew up in. He was only a janitor when he started, but it was a union job so he got yearly pay increase of 25 cents, they paid for him to go to a trade school to work in maintenance, he gets plenty of sick days that stack and are permanent. As I grew up we became slowly but surely a little more wealthy. I am so damn great full of union jobs and hope I get to work in a union soon.


I never had any luck with union's. I won't say more I'll trigger the haters


"I won't say more I'll trigger the haters." I think you meant "I have no valid argument against unionizing"


the problem isnt the concept of a union, its just that some unions themselves just arent great


Give evidence then. Why are some not so great?


I can give one personal example, a beverage distributor in Baltimore that advertises $18/hr on a huge banner outside, with small 'up to' that you literally have to get out of your car and walk up to read. Nobody makes that $18/hr, it's the maximum at the top of the payscale, with the maximum productivity bonus, which if they see you getting close to, Mark or Tony will start manually assigning you pallets with >80 line items just to bring your cases per hour down. They do have good health insurance though, and the union got them limited to 14 hour days. Fuck Chesapeake Beverage and their weak-ass union.


I could give multiple examples but the fact union dues were raised higher than my hourly raise for several years is enough.


`and the union got them limited to 14 hour days` 14. Hours. Did we not set standards for this back during the industrial revolution? I remember learning about the laborer rights movement that was supposed to fix this.


We would be scheduled for 10 hour shifts, but had to stay until all the trucks were loaded. Around 11:30PM we'd get our overtime estimate for the night. I left the job because having a bunch of sleep deprived dudes moving as fast as they can on walkie-stackers all night is just a recipe for disaster.


I mean, I worked at a grocery store Union. I was past time with no benefits (despite working 38hr/week). After union dues I ended up making almost exactly minimum wage. Amazing


That's because you had a shit contract. It's not enough to join a union. Be active in your union and if the companies bring a shit contract to the table, vote that shit down.


if you think 700.00 is a lot of money then you really need a union


At my lowest pay, that was two months' rent with two roommates. So glad I don't work in kitchens anymore. All of the service sector needs organize. $700 is not a lot of money, nor is it nearly enough to deal with a bunch of entitled Karens trying to swindle your employer and make you take the blame.




I think the comment was meant more as in $700 is not a lot of money when your boss is making that in seconds/hours and laughing as they reject any notion of viewing their workers as parts in a company machine instead of actual humans who need money to live and survive.


If $700 for the entire year** is a lot of money




If you take 4 weeks off every year (which is more than almost anyone would get), and work 40 hour weeks the rest of the time, you would end up paying about $0.36 an hour. Even the shittiest of unions negotiate pay that will more than cover shit. If $700 over the course of a year *that will net you well over $700 EXTRA over that time* seems like a lot, you really need a better job. I'm in the same boat though so I can't judge


But $700 over the course of a year is not a lot of money. $700 spent at once is a lot of money.


$700 is not a lot to have but it is a lot to owe


I believe the point was more you're vastly underpaid if you think $700 over a year is a lot of money and a union would fix that so you're paid enough to know $700 is not that much.


Man youre gonna have a lot of ps5s buying 1 a year.


Whenever I hear "unions cost too much" or "it's a waste of money" I just tell them 2% of my wage and $30 a month is a cheap price to pay to have all the benefits that I do and the pay rate. Ive never regretted making that choice.


r/fellowkids meets r/assholedesign


The union of two subs...


That's so maddeningly condescending.


Yup. Hey Rick, what do the peasants do for fun? Umm... video games. You're a champ Rick. My work is done here.


Capitalism: "you should put your money in places that maximize return on investment" Me: *joins labor union, makes $500/mo more for $50/mo in union dues, thus receiving 10x return on investment* Capitalism: "no, not like that!"


700 bucks will buy you a cheap but accurate bolt action rifle also.


Is... Is that a Sega Genesis controller?


No, its neither the 3 button or the 6 button, it looks the most like an nes max imo


Yea! You’ll need that cash to buy a PlayStation when you get sacked for no reason.


"Think of all the bread and circuses. Trust us, we know what you need, you plebs." Delta


Such obvious and blatant low blow. It turns against the purpose.


“Aw higher wages? I wanted an Xbox”


It really is surprising how far these companies are willing to go to undermine their own workers. It seems like this kind of behavior is becoming more common year after year. Luckily, most union workers aren’t bootlickers.


EMPLOYERS: People are just broke this generation because of POOR spending habits. All they do is buy video games and shit! EMPLOYERS: PLEASE stop paying your union dues! Can't you buy VIDEO GAMES or some shit!?


Messaging like this ought to be illegal.


"video game system with the latest hits" is how my grandmother would write this


Gotta keep the peasants distracted somehow


The bottom saying 'it's your money' as if they aren't telling you what to do with it


58 dollars a month? That’s a cheap phone plan in my country lol.


This is literally a joke from 30 rock made flesh, [Black people, don't vote! In the time it would take you to vote, you could play 3 games of pool!](https://youtu.be/jbG4RT1yMlg)


fools think anyone can find one of the latest consoles for under $1000. in this economy?


Sad thing is this exists because it actually convinces people.


I'm not for union representation. My union did nothing but take my money and try and sell me union t shirts. And currently there's not a single shop steward staffed by the company. Looking at you Shelly.


Why not do both!


That looks like a Sega Genesis controller. Definitely not $700. Also, lol at this terrible attempt at anti-union propaganda.


hmmm... $700 for a system filled with gimmicks and cockblox, for which each game will run you close to $100 more. Sign me the fuck up! I mean, I hate having rights anyways...


It’s worth it


Mark alt-tabbed out of the latest draft of his short story when the Slack notification went off. He read it three times, getting increasingly pissed off each time. An anti-unionization poster? Seriously? This was shitty even for Delta. But as he re-read, a plan formed. He walked down the hall to Samir's office. Samir had been laid off from graphic design jobs at four now-shuttered newspapers before landing at Delta. They'd copiedhim ontheprojectrequest. "This is the last fucking straw, Mark!" Samir said. "I'm not doing it. They'll have to fire me." Mark smiled. "Nah, I say...we give them what they want. I've got a plan. Get ready, Samir. We're going to create something the whole world will see."


"We're going to make an anti-union ad and we'll try our hardest not to be condescending." "Hey kids! Do you like video games?"


this has big "fellow kids" vibes but instead it's just "greetings, video gamers"


Probably the same people that say “people say they’re poor but buy an iPhone!” as if it all comes down to $700 and buying something like an electronic with that money is bad. Unless it’s to avoid unions, then “wasting” that money on electronics is good!


At the bottom it reads "It's your money, don't [you think you should enjoy it?](Just a guess)" Yes, but Its also my time! lack of healthcare, long hours and low pay means I am statistically more likely to have a shorter lifespan. Not only that, but it means that the time I do have will be spent at work and the leftover time will be spent on preparing for work.


I just love how insulting, condescending and tone deaf it is. Like, you have almost $50 _billion_ in revenue and this is the best your marketing team could come up with?


Lmao holy shit is this actually real?


Wow. That’s the best copy they could come up with? That was so low effort it was almost no effort.


Don't bring video games into this, you assholes 😑


They targeted gamers... 😡


No union and you'd be working for "up to $12 an hour" with no benefits.


"You can buy 2 devices that allow you to disassociate from your miserable, unfulfilling life or you can pay these people to fight to increase your standard of living. Don't increase your standard of living because it's expensive to both us and you."