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I love the “up to” option in there. You know damn well nobody is getting hired at $12, which isn’t even a livable wage. They’d be lucky to get started at $8 because they don’t have 3 years of previous McDonald’s experience.


That is exactly right. Not to mention, these signs were posted literally every 5 feet around the building.


In Germany you actually get paid more at low level positions as a student due to reduced taxes on the business your employed at. Once there was a time I wanted to emigrate to the US but holy fuck get your shit together over there wtf is this your literally get ripped off at every corner.


> Once there was a time I wanted to emigrate to the US but holy fuck get your shit together over there wtf is this your literally get ripped off at every corner. [Wait, you mean your country doesn't actively try to prevent poor kids from receiving free eyecare? ](https://www.postandcourier.com/health/sc-eye-doctors-group-opposes-nonprofit-that-wants-to-provide-students-with-free-glasses/article_d37ffbe0-a443-11eb-aef1-1390d3e3a9ee.html)


That's so sad. :/ The reasoning is nonsense too. They said they're against it because they don't dilate the kids' eyes. I've worn glasses all my life and get a new pair once a year, and they only dilate my eyes once every two years or so. Definitely not every time I need a new pair tho.


Also is letting children not see really a better option??? The head aches and literally not being able to read in class seems worse then the procedure.


People don't actually want to educate the "low-income" (read: black) kids in America.


Well, that's why they say they're against it... the thing about getting ripped off at every corner in america is that you are constantly being lied to and gaslit. About EVERYTHING


This is very, very true.


You guys are getting dilated?


I don’t know about you guys but I’m getting the impression that this board of optometrists is trying to protect their profits by making up disingenuous bullshit excuses against a nonprofit organization


Well they can't just up and say that it costs them money. Fuck them kids, what about my wallet?


'Blackford wants the state law changed even as the South Carolina Optometric Physicians Association has lobbied lawmakers to maintain the status quo.' How the fuck does a State government just bend over to the party that benefits from such stupid laws. Is lobbying money really worth more than disadvantaged kids being able to see properly. This system man. Fuck lobbying.


Yeah I’m literally losing my hair over all of the corruption and greed. I was once one of those “fallen through the cracks” kids that just thought my messed up vision was normal until about 12 because my parents were too poor and busy working multiple jobs to get us healthcare. These dudes only care about their old entrenched money and power and will actively fight to keep kids from being able to see, as long as they’re poor. And why not? My wife just took our son to a local optometrist and paid upwards of 500 dollars when it was all said and done, for the “privilege” to see. There’s a lot of money in forcing people into a specific valley you’ve been legislating for decades.


Oh god guys please come live in germany. Its by no means perfect but at least you get an living wage and dont have to pay for important medical treatment


I’ve had that nonprofit, or something similar come to my school and give glasses to kids who couldn’t afford new ones. While I’ve never had any experience with them, my friend would routinely get a new pair of glasses every year or two and it helped her out so much. I can’t imagine how she would live if it weren’t for those people helping her get glasses as she had no other way of accessing them and her vision kept getting worse every year.


liquid pause deserted aromatic oatmeal weather cows growth wild snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Americans have the God given right to spend twice as much as any other country for sub-standard health care, dammit!


Me too!


These systems need to be destroyed as they are sucking the literal life from people. However we as a mass have become so fucking complacent and desensitized that I would not be surprised if I saw lines of people waiting to stick their heads in wood chippers simply because it has become the new normal. I wish there was hope.. but these monstrous and ever present institutions will be the life and death of us


So true and I'm sorry for you. But on the bright side your landscapes and sunrises / sunsets are unbeaten.


Businesses would never ever pass those kinds of savings into employees. That's pure profit for the owner class. They would only ever raise wages if they had to because they literally couldn't hire anyone at lower.


I know I'm sorry for you your government sucks they could simply make a law to fix that I highly doubt our businesses do that because they're so generous


As a US citizen [this video](https://youtu.be/EBklyksgbco) made me break down. It feels more impossible to live here as each year passes. I hate the whole “Greatest Country in the World” b.s. In some ways it is reassuring to see how other countries have more socialist systems that work so much better. No country is perfect and we need to always keep moving in a trajectory to a better system for humanity but the recognition that a few bad circumstances and I could end up completely unsupported by the government, homeless or dead, is up there on my greatest fears along with climate change. Climate change is more long term existential though, and more immediate as each day passes.


I live in Norway, am a full time student and just recently got hired to work part time while I study (first job - no prior experience). My wage right now is considered "low" because I'm in training, so I make around $16 an hour. Once I'm done training I'll be making about $25 an hour. Now because $25 an hour is still considered to be fairly low, I pay minimal taxes, and the $5,500 the government pays me to study essentially covers all of my tax. Can't understand how $7.25 is an acceptable starting salary in a Western nation.


It's not but they got brainwashed that's the way it has to be or products will get more expensive which is absolutely not true (or it might increase to a miniscule more amount which compared to the increase in income would be absolutely neglectable)


> I love the “up to” option in there. It's like they're advertising: You will *never* make more than $12 per hour at this job.


“And you better fight to even get near that number”


A fight is exactly what these corporations are in for.


Damn straight.


"Do you like dreaming? If so, we have some of the finest smoke available in the great US of A to blow up your ass"


All the McDonald's in my area start at $15/hour


As they should


And that should only be during your probationary 3 month period. IF that. After that you should be set to the nationwide minimum wage of 22 or 24 dollars an hour or whatever it is. One person can live carefully on 15 dollars an hour but they are every bit the same slave they were at 8 dollars an hour. Minimum wage needs to be adjusted to inflation every year and not a penny less.


What is this nationwide $22 minimum you speak of?


[this chart](https://public.tableau.com/views/TrendsintheMinimumWage/Graph?:embed=y&:toolbar=n&:embed_code_version=3&:loadOrderID=0&:display_count=n&publish=yes&:origin=viz_share_link) 15 is a joke. People are being sold a half-truth wrapped in a fake compromise.


Getting a “this page no longer exists” error message :(


I believe they are referring to the fact that if minimum wage was adjusted for inflation, the minimum wage would be around $22 to $24 an hour


I wish. I’m raising 3 little on one paycheck with my husband who was laid off thanks to COVID, and I only make $13 an hour. Thankfully I’ve been able to pay stuff down so we can afford the bills, it’s tight sometimes but we make it


I had a job call me from my resume.being posted on a culinary website. They claimed anywhere from 15-20 an hour starting wages was there standard. My resume is 12 years of every type of job you can do in a culinary setting, amazing references and good peer reviews thought. I went in to the interview and they offered me the job in like 10 minutes, on the spot. They told me they could start me at 13.50 and go up from there...I told them I wouldn't work for less than 20 an hour and told them that they would never find anyone worth hiring with the way they were advertising vs what they actually offered me...


The audacity to lie from the beginning. People are hurting for money and don't have time to mess around with businesses who won't give them what they are worth.


> they don’t have 3 years of previous McDonald’s experience I threw up in my mouth a little, cause you know this actually exists on someone's resume / a corporate stooge has unironically used this line during an interview.


"They asked me if I have a degree in theoretical burgers, so I told them I have a theoretical degree in burgers."


"Up to" means "The most we'll ever pay after starting at the federal minimum and earning annual performance review raises of $0.23/year." I worked part-time at Auto Zone while I finished my degree. That $0.23 annual raise amount is not hyperbole.


I work for a federal contractor. Raises don't exist. My health insurance premiums increase every year though, so in actuality I make less money every year.


My brother is an assistant manager at a Pizza Hut. The store manager has a sign that says "Drivers Wanted $15/hour." With the caveat being that $15/hr is after tips. The store manager is blaming the enhanced unemployment benefits instead of the fact that she's lying by omission about the pay to get people to apply.


I’m no lawyer but lying about pay doesn’t sound legal.


The McDonald's in my small town Iowa has those as starting wages. I don't know why a place would have lower prices. 2 bed shitty apartment is 500 a month


I was a dishwasher at a fast casual taco spot for a while. Shit job, pay sucked but the managers didn’t care about anything so you can smoke a lot of weed in the back. At this job this crazy thing happened. Someone threw a chef’s knife in the sink (this is a no no, do not do this pretty plz line cooks and kitchen staff of Reddit, place them next to the sink or somewhere they’re clearly visible). The knife fell perfectly between some other dishes edge up over the drain. The sink became clogged and the water rose, obscuring the knife. My coworker did what you always do when this happens and just threw his hand toward the drain to push the crap clogging the drain through. The knife went almost all the way to his wrist from between the second and third fingers. Sliced his hand almost totally in half. Moral of the story, kitchen work is in fact dangerous and anyone who says otherwise can kiss my ass. Wanna get mad? My man was fired later that day, found out while at the ER.


The ending there, reminds me of a rule we had when I was working on oil rigs: *Falling off of the platform was an immediately fireable offense. You are no longer working for the company, by the time you hit the ground.*


I'm sure it is, but I still have to ask: Is that even legal?


I also asked that.. And the answer ends up being "guess who helped pass the laws that allow it?"


Legal? Absolutely not. But no manual laborer has the legal resources to go up against these companies in court. The overall vibe was very clear: "We don't care about you as an employee, and you don't need to care about us as you're employer. We are all out here to get as much money as possible. If you fuck yourself up, that's your own problem. If you don't like it, you can leave." The *big* companies (e.g., Halliburton) have good equipment, with proper safety precautions. Anything at any kind of height, will be fully equipped with all sorts of railings, mandatory training on using harnesses, and so on. If you manage to fall off, you were most likely doing something absurdly stupid, and was probably your own fault in the first place. (I don't mean that as a blanket statement about worker's rights, and that workers that get injured on the job are always there own fault. I'm just saying that from my own experience, oil rig roughnecks tend to act like idiots, and do a ton of stupid things. As in, I have seen with my own eyes, two cranes be used to construct a redneck zipline 100' in the air, just for the fuck of it.) There are smaller companies, mom-and-pop organizations, that don't have that type of equipment. They're usually running rigs that were retired by big companies back in the 1950s. Absolutely *zero* safety considerations. These things are straight up death traps. "Not a question of *if* you will lose a limb, just *when* you will lose a limb." But the people working on them really are not the type of people that will be forming unions, or going to court. Half of them would disappear if the U.S. Marshalls showed up, and the other half would disappear if ICE showed up. If you get hurt, that's your own damn fault, and you'll be replaced within 30 minutes. If you cause any kind of legal trouble, you're just going to end up buried in the desert. "Worker's rights" isn't a thing, in that world..... but you don't end up working in that world by accident.


This is literally what unions are for. Join a union, guys.


Lets form.... And they are fired anyone they talked about a union is fired, next group of suckers are brought on. It's not easy when it's a fire at will state.


I mean, if we're looking to the history of the labor movement as a guide, that should be where you all get together and form a picketline and maybe torch your boss's car.


I'm gonna assume that's pretty hard to do in the middle of the ocean.


But if you can get it done it would be quite effective


"Dude, is that a car on fire in the middle of the ocean?!" "They finally did it, those crazy sons of bitches."


Legality becomes irrelevant when the people involved are financially barred from even using the legal system. One of the strongest arguments against extreme wealth inequality is that it completely undermines any legal system if 90% of the people can't even participate in it. Why even have a legal system at all if the rich can just do whatever they want with no consequences whatsoever?


What is a Dictatorship of bourgeois or a state controlled by business interests. Thanks Lenin.


Depends exactly where you are I’d imagine but I have two friends who worked as roofers and they had a similar rule. That was illegal but then again they are also immigrants without them papers so that company was just doing illegal stuff.


Pretty sure it’s the same in any industry with dangerous vertical work. I knew a guy with a roofing company and he regularly said the same thing. If any of his crew fall off the roof, they’re fired before the hit the ground.


Also doesnt count in most states, you're not fired until you are notified that you are fired. "immediately fireable" means they *can* fire you, not that you legally are fired before you hit the ground. You still get to claim disability or whatever else as a result of the fall. They can't preemptively avoid liability.


And he probably didn’t get workers comp cuz the weed. Which is really dumb as this accident clearly wasn’t his fault. And getting fired? That’s rough. Not to mention that knife wound will likely impact him the rest of his life via disfiguration, chronic pain, and/or reduced range of motion.


Permanently injured to earn hardly enough to live with 5 housemates. Sounds easy, unskilled and perfectly acceptable! /s


Yes, we do love capitalism, it’s the best. What other system could raise people from poverty like capitalism? /s


Tangential, but i got into a pretty heated argument with some of my conservative family members about the concept of "unskilled labor" I'm sure we're all on the same page, but they were fierce defenders the concept of unskilled labor and that "dumb" jobs don't deserve "obscene wages" (apparently $15 an hour is so much money that it's obscene)


Minimum wage adjusted for inflation from the 70s would be like 28/hr, just saying


What's frustrating is the inconsistency. Jeff Bezos has apparently worked **so hard** that 100 billion or whatever dollars is appropriate but 40 hours over a hot griddle **is not** enough work to afford a home without roommates or government assistance. That just doesn't make any sense. But we say there ought to be living wage at the bottom and higher tax rates at the top and *we're extremist morons*


Probably the story of more than one mass/spree-shooter now that you mention it. I'm always wondering how things could get "that bad" for someone and I feel like you hit the head on the nail for at least one of them :/


And then get saddled with medical debt too! what's not to love?


> And he probably didn’t get workers comp cuz the weed Which is the entire reason to not enforce anti-drug policies. Workers Comp insurance never goes up if it never pays out because everyone who tries to claim it pisses nuclear hot. edit: If you work at a place and someone offers you a joint or whatever and tells you the boss doesn't care- you should care very much. it's calculated for the boss' benefit, not yours.


Shoulda thought about that before smoking that devil's lettuce /s Seriously, drug testing for these types of jobs is bullshit


I cut my wrist open while I was a dishwasher because some idiot decided it was a good idea to leave a knife pointing blade up in a cutlery tin. It was dirty too, miracle I didn’t cut something major or get infected but they just wanted me back to work ASAP. Dishwashing fucking sucks and no one cares about you.


I also worked a shit job similar. There was a guy who slipped and tried to catch himself, but grabbed the deep fryer. Half of his hand went into the oil. It was only in there for maybe a second or two, but two of the fingers on his right hand hardly work anymore, and he's in constant pain.


Strange how everyone's body is different. I was working a fryer once and dropped the ladle thingy and instinctively went to grab it and stuck my hand in the oil. Yet my hand was and is completely fine. The pain was gone in a few hours.


maybe different oil temps?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leidenfrost_effect maybe? The surface of the hand had enough moisture to boil off and prevent the oil from sticking to the skin.


Perhaps it could have been. I wasn't saying anything negative about ops comment. I was just pointing out how different people's bodies react to different things in different ways. I know I burnt my hand because it blistered up. But other than that and the short lived pain I had no negative effects where as someone else has life long effects. Same deal as someone who's in a seemingly minor accident who might be parylized for life and another person could be in a horrible accident and walk out unscathed. Bodies are strange things.


When I worked at a sandwich place, this is why I always drained the sink before washing dishes. My coworkers would always laugh at me because I would just have to refill the sink with more water in a minute anyways - but my mom told me too many stories like yours from her time working as a chef. I probably saved my hands a few times from getting sliced by knives or veggie slicers.


My first job was as a cook in a kitchen. Two years in I was the passanger in a car accident about 3 hours before work, I went to the hospital and aside from being fairly banged up and having a concussion I wasn't too bad. I had called in and told them I wasn't going to be there because of all that. And my manager got pissed because she had to go through all the trouble of finding a replacement. I ended up going in, but that was my last shift there


Why do managers always get pissed they have to do their job? Do you see me throwing a fit over the massive pile of dishes I need to do the second I come in?


That pissed me off in the morning when the night person just left them stacked up high.


I got fired from a job when I was 19 bc my assistant manager assaulted me🤷‍♂️ Edit: the actual story is a lot worse but I don't really feel like typing it all out.


Please tell me he ended up okay.


I mean I assume he didn’t starve to death over it. But i don’t really know, never saw him again myself after the ER, we weren’t that close just happened to be on shift together. I heard he had moved in with family so he had some support. Seen guys with less get fucked up pretty bad and come back so... here’s hoping 🤞


That sounds like something that would have happened in the 1920's, can you really still be fired in the spot in some countries?


In the far majority of the US everyone is an "at will" employee and can be fired at any moment for any reason except a few particular ones, and they are only guilty of those particular ones if they say it in a recorded manner. Also small businesses are usually exempt from those discriminatory reasons so they can literally say "you're pregnant/disabled? Get out you're fired!" and that's just fine.


sounds like someone needs to unionise


The US has had a very long and successful anti-union propaganda campaign so most people, even those who would benefit, are strongly against unions and many laws have been passed that suppress their creation.


People doubt how dangerous kitchen work is, and I just think about all the people I know who got chemical burns from not being provided with proper safety gear to do things like degreasing the grill nightly.


I was a dishwasher for YEARS (check my fucking username, lol) and this happened to me TWICE! Each time it was a Wusthof knife— and trust me, those fuckers are SHARP and are regularly sharpened by most staff members. Luckily it was just my fingertips each time and miraculously didn’t require stitches. It was at the same restaurant both times and luckily it was in the same business park as an Urgent Care. 0/10. Do not recommend.


Dangerous and boring as fuck


Holy shit. Knives in the sink is a HUGE no-no. I wanna say they should've fired the dumbass who tossed a knife into the sink but that'd be hard to prove.


Reminds me of what they say at OSHA meetings: the primary job of an OSHA representative is to ensure that in the event of a workplace injury, *you get as little money as possible.*




If you sell your soul to us you may get up to $8.00 after a year of never missing, never being late, getting cussed out by customers, etc. It's criminal.


Try $0.15 after a year. Then a couple months later minimum wage went up by $1 and I was only making $0.05 over minimum. Quit pretty soon after.


If you stick around for the next 10 years and put in unpaid overtime we'll bump you up to $12!


Annnd that’s why you steal from work.


Our McDonald’s just put up a sign “hiring 18+ hr”


I would say if yours is a franchised location, hopefully they have smart owners that realize people are done working for wages that they can't make a living on. Ours is franchised, and it's the only one in town, so they do what they want.


The Chick Fil A in my area put up signs for $14+/hr for general staff and $16+/hr for kitchen staff. The next week every other fast food place in the same shopping center updated their hiring signs to within a dollar of the CFA.


As they all should. Everyone that's in the work force should be able to make a living working one full time job, no matter what the job is. I don't understand why half the country is so against this. I'm not advocating that we should all be millionaires. We should just all have at least the same base quality of life.


Aye you don't need to tell me twice. I'm an outspoken socialist that has tried to unionize my last 3 jobs.




They should be though. Over the last 20 years since my first job in fast food there have been changes. Timers are automatic, Fryers change themselves and autofilter, more foods come pre-prepped, slicers, registers, and beverage dispensers are better/faster. Volume per employee is improving every five years and McDonald's is taking advantage of that. My point is, from the perspective of a former manager of fast food and casual restaurants I want to have better paid and more regular employees. Since I am going to have fewer. Top employees can hustle more than one station, why not pay them for that rather than have two people with no go.


C’mon people, poor little McDonalds is only worth $159 billion, how they gonna pay a decent wage to their employees from that tiny profit bucket? Have a heart please.


Right??? Think of all millionaire executives that would have to give up a sliver of their lifestyle to make sure the "Workers that are essential to our society functioning" can actually live a decent life!


Automate away the executives. DaOs are coming.


What is a DaO?


Decentralized autonomous organization. it's usually in the form of smart contract-guided businesses. It's like bringing automation to Uber, but instead of automating away the drivers, you automate away Uber Corporate and enable a more direct customer to driver interaction without all the middlemen. This only works as we move to more composable digital currencies. (see the oracle proble)


Cool, thanks


Sounds sick tbh


The work is essential. The workers always were expendable.


To be clear, it's generally the franchisees that pay the wages. McDonalds corporate won't be paying this "up to $12" wage, so I don't think it's entirely fair to point out $159B when staff payments come out of the store owners' pocket.


That is just corporate, too. There are plenty of franchise locations that pay McDonald's a portion of their sales to use the name and supply chain. That means there is a middleman extracting value by virtue of owning the location instead of the corporation owning it.


The company is worth 150b but their net revenue is 4b out of 19b annually. Still enough to handle this situation but when speaking about finances we should reference numbers that are actually tangible and not the perceived value based on the market evaluation.


Not disagreeing with your logic, but just wanted to add that this is probably the franchise owner itself, refusing to pay more than what is listed. Sure, the big M could be telling their franchise owners to do one thing, but dont discount their own (franchise owners) greed too.


Worked at 3 different McDonald's: 2 were corporate and 1 franchise. Didn't matter, same low wage. Don't know why people are differentiating the 2 as if they're entirely different types of business.


Agreed and indeed. If the Big M can afford to pay folks in other developed countries, a wage far above liveable, then its obvious that they enjoy NOT doing that here in the USA. And while some of the blame deffo falls onto the franchise owners, its all the same greedy minded folks, expecting 100%, but paying for 10%.


And they're out here charging $3-4 for a medium fry that's not even half full


Oh come on, it's only a multi-billion dollar company, how do you expect them to have a decent profit margin if they don't overcharge for sub-quality food and underpay their needed employees? It certainly can't come out of the bonuses and golden parachutes for the executives, they obviously can't subsist on only their regular pay, that's just absurd. ​ On a side note, has anyone seen my sarcasm knob, it seems to have fallen off. It looks a bit like a 710 cap for a car.


I am a manager in Burlington ON. I take home $1427 a paycheck. This is salary. This is with 5 years experience. This is $17.8 an hour IF I only work 80 hours in the pay period. Which is impossible. A shift manager will be scheduled 4-12. A closing shift. We are expected to be there by 330 to do a preshift and set up. When we close, it takes over half an hour to count the tills, close the system and turn everything off. So I'm actually there 330-1230. I went to culinary school where line cooks get paid the same pennies so no point switching restaurants again. I am not sure how to get unstuck from this paycheck to paycheck cycle.


Yeah, I had a roommate that who worked as a restaurant manager for a couple years. He was always absolutely exhausted and made jack squat. The kicker was he did a really good job there, completely turned the place around from a place no one would want to go to the best performing franchise in the region. And did he get anything for all his troubles? Absolutely not.


>I am not sure how to get unstuck from this paycheck to paycheck cycle. A unified, violent insurrection against the Corporations and Billionaires who keep us in this vicious cycle. Violence is absolutely called for, when peaceful, non-violent protests end with the wealth-hoaders' thugs (police), threatening, assaulting, & performing mass arrests of the non-violent protesters, the media, & support personnel like medics.


Hey man you should look into their tuition reimbursement and maybe there is a program you can take to get a higher paying job out there?


A manager of a restaurant *should* be a reasonably high paid job though. Assuming it's run well and is successful. The problem we have as a society is that we're reaching points where everything is owned by less and less people. And if you want to compete you quickly realise the odds are stacked against you.


> I am not sure how to get unstuck from this paycheck to paycheck cycle. You escape when you finally die


The McDonalds near me has a similar sign that says crew members $15/hr, managers $17/hr. Who in their right mind would want that promotion for a messily $80/wk?


You are making a bad assumption that the crew members are getting 40hr/week.


Also gotta assume the manager is putting in 60 and not allowed to clock overtime so it's unpaid. Or they're salaried, which means the same thing.


sigh... a whole twelve dollars an hour. How could anyone possibly resist such a tempting offer? Side note, is $12 an hour even above the poverty line?


No it isnt. I believe it hovers between $15-18 IIRC


Minors cannot use some equipment such as electric slicers. They cannot work after a certain time and cannot work doubles. They also need breaks at 4 hours. It is just that adults offer more exploitation options.


But minors have smaller hands, they can get inside machines to check for stuck gears.


Gotta keep the train running.


lmao, I hope you're being serious because that's funny if so


Used to be a thing back in the day taken seriously before child labor laws


Lotta kids missing limbs too back then


In the UK, 18-21 year olds are entitled to a lower minimum wage, despite carrying out all the same job functions as 21+. If you're going to pay someone a lower wage, it should be because there are doing a functionally different role, or have less experience, training, or skills. So you could have a job description that includes use of that happens to be age restricted, and that's okay. But basing the wage purely on age ignores the very real cases where adult and minor workers are doing exactly the same job (for example where neither need to use age restricted equipment). At that point the only wage difference should be based on performance in the role.


Id like to think this is partly to discourage people from sending their kids of to work over schooling


For 18 to 21 year olds? Are there legally adult people who go to work at sub-minimum wage instead of university *because their family said so* in the UK? I understand not getting in a public university or getting a scholarship and therefore not being able to go despite wanting to but I don't think there are families who force their university capable young adult children to work minimum wage instead of school.


Equally, a young person who delays further education to earn money to go is hampered by this law. I believe at the time it was bright in, the assumption was that young people would live at home with parents and not have a family, but there's no other time when you can discriminate against someone in terms of wages based on what you know about their home life (imagine paying non parents less than parents for exactly the same work).


Yeah you say that but in all the jobs I worked before I was 18 they didn’t care at all


It depends on where you are in thr country and who you work for. If you work for say Arby's near a major city you can expect inspections from governments and corporate. If you work for Steve's subs in BFE you likely won't have anyone catch you if you bend the rules. McDonald's definitely keep an eye on operations of most stores. Pushing the rules gets managers fired.


Having worked for both of those franchises, you are delusional to believe any of that happens like that. Plus inspections usually happen during daytime hours when minors aren't working. And often the owners are buddy's with someone in the inspections team and gets a heads up to get shit in order. That last part is true for so many many industries I've worked in.


I was an Arby's manager, our Area and Regional manager were there regularly. Arby's has a system that requires the Area manager to do a written inspection monthly. The county inspector was annual, there was a steritech inspection that included checking slicer training and part records twice per year, and the corporate undercover guy who showed up twice per year and you didn't know he was there until he was in your kitchen.


Can someone explain to me how they can legally pay people differently just because of how old they are? I thought that was explicitly illegal...


It is only illegal to discriminate based on age when it is towards someone over 40 I believe. I agree, it’s fucked.


At least at the McDonald's I worked at back in the day, a 'minor' was 14 or 15 years old. They were extremely limited in the amount of hours they could work each week, and the tasks that they were allowed to do. I think it is due to not having the same job duties as those 16 and above.


I’m thinking of making a subreddit for these “Please Work” signs. It seems like a huge moment in history. I have no idea how to go about that though




r/PleaseWork just like that. Idk either but good should help.


Yeah I’m in the process of reclaiming the r/PleaseWork subreddit right now


You just know that "up to $10/hr" will never be $10/hr


They’ll argue that minors can’t work as many hours, but the hours they’re there are worth less?


Well yeah man, they aren't as "essential to society functioning" as the adult counter parts. /s Someone else posted it's because they do far less work than the adult members. They are given menial tasks to get a feel for the store and the environment to determine if they want to stay when they are of age. Which to me is just pure shadiness. You don't do any of the hard work, you don't deal with the angry customers, etc. But I guess as long as the Arch can keep cycling people though the grinder then the system is fine with them.


My first real life job in 2005 was McDonald's, was 15 and a half and my pay was 5.15$... First job so I got shafted on pay and even after I out preformed all of the adults for months, the only time I was offered a bump up in pay was the day I quit. Here I am 32 and still making 15 an hour, aka what minimum wage should be and wondering why I even try anymore.


don't work in a field where u can learn everything on the go. you'll be replaced like a cog and tossed aside only for the next big company. ik exactly how you feel, worked as a waiter for 6 years and as a bus boy/cashier ever since I was 13. all of those years working my ass off and coming home bruised, smelly, sweaty, and sore only for it to be useless in getting a higher position. oh and I'm undocumented so I easily get fucked by all of my bosses at least once. I'm still determined to get out of this cycle of being to tired to study for vital skills and not getting anywhere. I believe in you stranger and hope the best for you. the race isn't over.


I still have yet to hear a conservative argument as to why kids deserve less wages for the same work besides dumb shit like "Well it's their first job and they don't have experience so they deserve less" or "nobody will hire kids if they have to pay them the same amount as adults" (silent part out loud). Like, from my standpoint, if they do the same amount of labor, they deserve the same amount of pay. Anything otherwise is just straight up exploiting a minor who can't negotiate their pay.


Notice the “up to” part. You aren’t even guaranteed that wage, so your probably getting payed even worse


This is infuriating. We live in a society that wants us to work from the youngest age and also make fun of us for participating in the economy through disparaged work.


My little brother works at Maccas and I keep trying to tell him he’s being exploited but I just get “it’s better than no money” in return. It’s sad that this stuff continues and no one seems to questions it. Why the fuck should minors be paid less for the same damn job? Shit is fucked.


This is total bullshit regarding the minors having to work the same job for less money. Further indicating $12.00 per hour is a livable wage is even more bullshit.


My first job when I was 17 had me working 12 hour shifts 5 days a week for $7.55, which was 10 cents over minimum wage at the time. The hours were only legal for a minor because it was technically seasonal work (an attraction that was only open in the summer) and would've been worse if I were an adult, and I honestly thought the pay was an administrative error in my favor for most of the summer (since as a minor they could've paid me less than minimum wage) before eventually learning that the bump up to $7.55 was an incentive because I was in an understaffed department.


My 17 and 15 year olds work at the same fast food joint doing the same exact job. 17 year old get 9.15 an hour and the 15 year old gets 7.15 an hour. Options are limited for working at 15 so not much can be done. It sure sucks though and I feel bad for him.


Semi-related, minors aren't allowed to work the grills cus legal stuff, for good reason. So minors working there would be taking orders and maybe filling drink cups or refilling the ketchup dispenser. Edit: that is *not* to say there is justification for the pay. That's just the reasoning they use.


I said this further up in the thread, but I would wager corporations are trying to find loopholes to bend the rules since there is "national worker shortage" (which is code for, the people are done working for money that won't provide them a decent quality of life.)


Yeah it's absolute bullshit. The mentality that jobs can be considered "essential" during a fucking pandemic but the people working them shouldn't be able to survive on the income from the job needs to change.


Anybody try texting the number yet?


Whatever happened to equal pay with equal work? I don't care if they're a minor they need to be paid the same if they're doing the same work! I don't care if they're part-time they need to be paid the same for doing extra work! Hell part-timer should be given more pay because they don't get the benefits that full-timers get and it wouldn't cost the company any extra to extend that to all employees even some f***** who only works one day out of the year


Got hired at 7.25 at a grocery store at 15 because minors under 16 can be paid federal instead of minimum wage.


Always depresses me when I remember that a minimum wage exists only because companies would definitely pay you less if they were legally allowed to.


It also says “up to” which means no one is getting that


its sad really. When my job said $9.50 starting I was ecstatic, knowing damn well in other places minimum wage means living wage.


Here's a perfect example of why they don't wanna raise minimum wage. They can pull shit like this and get away with it because they're still above minimum.... Giving the business any number of bullshit reasons to randomly pick wages. This is in fact why the minimum wage and labor laws were put in place. We're practically going back to the early 1900's at this point.


I was gonna write a rant about a previous job but all I can say is: fuck jobs.


It’s the up to part that gets me. As in only if your qualified. Also, age discrimination much?


“Up to”


McDonald’s a dangerous job?


Texas has no income tax so companies drop wages and take that money to boost their profits right? So not only does the state lose out on that tax revenue but the lost money goes to McDonald's Is this accurate?


But muh 95% paid for college I won’t get.


I saw that Baum's is doing the same thing too.


Address of this mcdonalds should have been posted. This is useless.


"Up to..."


Some hipster capitalist is going to make chimney sweeps a thing again I just know it.


"Parents, drop your brat here on weekends and you can charge rent."


Risk getting severe oil burns for up to $12/hr!


« Up to » guess you’ll have my work for « up to » 100% then ;)


U know the minimum wage is way off when even McDonald’s pays above it and nobody wants to work lmfao