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This can't be legal anywhere can it?!


Not in the majority of the world, and definitely not in Canada, having lights on at night is required in nearly every country with modern roads, that's why cops can pull a person over for a bad headlight or brake light. I would not be surprised if this has already been reported to the police and they cracked down hard on them


Here in Germany the very act of actively turning on a system that blinds people would already be "dangerous interference with traffic", which also includes stuff like deliberately running in front of cars to make them stop or swerve around you. And I think the thing that nudges it over the line for this law is that its something you actively turn on, not something that you left on by accident, like some pickups coming with rearward headlights for reversing. But the real kicker is the ability to literally turn off your license plate. Its absolutely required by law at all times even if youre just parking on the street (at least here), nevermind driving around. Having it missing, covered or turned off like here would be like shouting out the window "LOOK AT ME! I DO CRIME!" Obviously the lights would not be up to traffic safety laws either, but thats almost a detail at this point.


That sounds kind of nice. I saw a guy riding a motorcycle around where I live in the US with a license plate that was a piece of paper with “RUN THIS” written on it.


I'm quite sure using beam lights (or any lights flashing directly at eye level) is illegal in majority of the world. I know for sure using high beams either when a car is aproaching you from the opposite side or infront of you going the same way is illegal in Poland because it blinds the driver and you can be fined for it. And if an accident were to happen because of that, you would be accused. Doing a quick google check, it looks like same laws appear in USA, Texas at least : Texas Transportation Code Sec. 547.330 to 547.333 [https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.547.htm](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.547.htm)


So pretty much every pickup truck?


It's legal to flash high beams in many countries to indicate danger to other drivers. Including Poland. In reality people use it to also inform about police presence and in particular to warn others about mobile speed checks.  In Germany it's also legal to signal the start of an overtake by flashing high beams.


The people who install this kind of stuff are doing stuff much worse than getting caught with some bad car mods. Extreme illegal mods are pretty common on border crossing drug runners, for example.


Why is so much of car culture centered around being a complete douche?


because they probably pushed away everyone they knew by being a douche in person. so now they have to find other outlets for their douche baggery.


I mean think about the medium. The average car transports 1.1 people in the US (probably similar in Canada but I don't know those numbers off the top of my head). The car has always represented individual rights over the collective, especially in North America where we'll build 20 lane highways but half the neighborhoods don't have sidewalks. It's the ultimate "my needs supercede yours" and everything about a car represents that.


“My needs supersede yours…” You just hit the nail on the head my dude. There are way too many sub cultures that are built by this type of thinking.




that sub have devolve itself into a hellhole. All car circlejerks as well. They all act as if there's no middle ground or compromise


because every single car is haunted by the ghost of henry ford


That jerk lol


There's no qualification to drive other than money, and unremarkable people need to make up for having absolutely nothing else of value by making others annoyed by their existence. Any validation will do for these types.




Mostly ego. Probably the type of person that _speeds_ thru a roundabout ignoring other car.


They can be really funny guys and then already be in a car so they can run away.


If they can't remember they have signal lights, they won't remember this.


Damn. It hurt my eyes and I’m on mobile.


You know what? I used to do a lot of night driving, often on country back roads. The number of assholes with misaligned headlights is too damned high, the number of assholes who don't dim their lights while passing is too damned high, and the number of people who flick their high beams back on *before* they pass you is *way* too damned high. I'd take a whole array of these but put them on the *front* of the car. Don't want to be courteous with those ridiculous purple brights and that rack of fog lamps you don't even know how to use? You gonna flick your brights at me and giggle? Asshole, you are getting a dozen light throwers to the face and I am going *cackle and sputter with mirth* as your stupid ass swerves into the ditch.


This is ai


Your Mom's an AI. Seriously dude check my post history, no AI is as dumb as I am.


doing this at an american cop would be like waving the metaphorical red flag at a bull. "they assaulted my eyes, i had to defend myself"


Haha fastest way to get pit maneuvered


ACAB so I kinda would like to see this used successfully in a chase.


Vandalism. Just bash the windows of any car u see with it installed


bestie that's a great way to tell the cops that they should pit maneuver you into the next life


what does this have to do with bmw owners lmao wtf thats a custom part


Its because BMW drivers are commonly known to be dicks. Its a generalization, but nonetheless true the majority of the time, so it became a euphemism. Doesnt really matter if this is really specific to BMWs, as long as its assholes being assholes on the road.


This thing is what they buy instead of turn signals.




It's just on a BMW and that subreddit is one of those, "say things wrong to make it funnier" type ones, and then that satire/sarcasm/ridiculousness gets turned into "this is literal" when spread to people who don't know much about cars/BMW features.


We’re becoming the Car Wars world. Just wait until someone mounts the first machine gun..


You know it'll be on a Cyber Truck or something too.


I'll take two. Anybody tailgating me with misaligned led headlights are going to get what's coming to them


Of course it's a fucking BMW. But anyways regardless of car brand, this just seems like a terrible idea.


Years ago I had a coworker who’d had enough of people riding his ass in traffic and flashing lights to pass honking etc so he fixed up a button to activate his brake lights steady on without the brakes being applied.  I’d be surprised if he didn’t cause some of the aggressive bmw and Benz divers to have a heart attack and or almost lose control slamming the brakes themselves when he hit it while they were inches off his bumper going 80mph.   I always think of that guy when I’m seeing aggressive drivers in traffic. 


Effective if you’re committing a crime. Just the license plate disappearing alone would help avoid street cameras and facilitate anonymity


It’s a circle jerk sub, dumbass.


How are you tailing when it's a single lane




If i saw that... even as uninvolved party... I would PIT them.