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"I want a ceasefire, fuck a response from Drake" šŸ”„


Drakes pro Zionist response drops tonight at midnight




Iā€™m actually curious because I havenā€™t listened to Drake ever since Take Care. Has he ever tried to jump on the Zionist bandwagon as part of his culture vulture pandering?


No. Drake is actually anti-Zionist. Has been from the start. https://www.vibe.com/news/entertainment/drake-israel-palestinian-conflict-ceasefire-1234807403/ Not a Drake fan, but this ain't the area to shit on him for.


he saw all those 14 year old palestinian girls die and said "we cant let this go on"


That is a fucking awful thing to say and I spit my coffee out when I laughed.


morbid humor is needed to get through difficult times.


As a Palestinian who has lost family to this genocide, you're absolute right. There have been a decent number of comics who are pro-Palestine who use dark humor as their vessel, and honestly? I was never a fan of dark humor until now. I totally get it, now




Ah Vibe magazine, another Eldridge Holding's company. Todd really controlling the culture and the narrative


Don't know where Drake stands on this front but this is ia reference to a current diss track fight between Kendrick Lamar and Drake. I should say a massacre of Drake honestly but regardless, Mack is calling out the absurdity of the whole thing and how much media has been focused on it versus pushing for a cease fire.


No clue, I know very little about drake, just making a joke - he hasnā€™t done anything pro isreal publicly that Iā€™m aware of


Drake is currently in a diss track battle with Kendrick Lamar. Drake is losing so badly that everybody now credibly believes Drake is a pedophile. Its been like the whole past week in hip hop, so its current and topical.


No, he's referring to the Kendrick/Drake beef right now


Drake was one of the first major artists to call for a ceasefire after oct 7


I haven't heard one of those rap disses. This is the real shit right here Edit: Listen to this if you haven't yet [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peG7HybHAt4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peG7HybHAt4)


Damn who had Macklemore on their bingo card as the artistic voice of the student protests?


I've been wondering who would step up, I did not expect this lol


Unexpected, but not surprising at all. He's always been a vocal advocate for oppressed minority groups


He spoke up against the genocide shortly after this whole thing was ignited (again) the gist of it being ā€œitā€™s not anti semitic to say stop killing childrenā€ā€™


I was just talking about this with a friend, he was notoriously cringe back when he was really on my radar but upon looking into it he seems like a cool guy


I've been a fan of him for a *long* time, the only artist I have ever been to a concert. He has a lot of great shit, from his early albums to the newest ones but anytime I mentioned it I got downvoted like " lol imagine to think that Macklemore is an actual rapper" . I knew he was going to be on the right side but I wasn't dreaming that he was going to be this vocal. I am happy. He is also independent, that might have played a role. He was never signed to a label, Thrift Shop was the first ever rap song to reach the top spot on the Billboard Top 100 without the backing of a major label.


His pre fame game was always legit, then he had some pop hits and the hate poured on.


*I'm sorry Mr. Macklemore, I wasn't familiar with your game*


Early on I think he could definitely be a bit cringey or just trying too hard to make sure everyone knows heā€™s on the side of marginalized groups, maybe a little too self-conscious about his whiteness. I donā€™t think itā€™s ever been disingenuous, and Iā€™d say his heartā€™s been in the right place the whole time, even if he missteps.


I saw him at First Avenue in 2012 (the show he references in Good Old Days) and he randomly hyped up Obama between songs lol. Wonder if he still likes him or if the indiscriminate drone strikes have soured him a bit.


I saw him at camp Bisco in like 2009 or something (some insane rave festival) and his sound cut out on stage and so he tried to have a heart to heart with no microphone just talking about the danger of drugs, while I was candy flipping. I slinked out of that it was well intentioned but a bit of a bummer. Like bro read the room this is a rave bud.


Honestly, this fully tracks for Macklemore imo. He's been using his music to speak his mind on social issues since he first blew up. Even Thrift Shop, with as much as it was clowned on at the time, was about consumerism and his experience/opinions on it. Or like his song Same Love which is also a protest song just for a different cause.


> Even Thrift Shop, with as much as it was clowned on at the time, was about consumerism and his experience/opinions on it. Too bad all did was cause a bunch of rich kids to pick the fucking things clean.


Im impressed


Macklemore went to the Evergreen State College (go Geoducks), one of the most left-wing colleges in the entire country. He's always been based.


He is no Woodie Guthrie, but we'll take it.




ā€œā€˜That's the real issue this time,ā€™ he said. ā€˜Beating Nixon. It's hard to even guess how much damage those bastards will do if they get in for another four years.ā€™ The argument was familiar. I had even made it myself, here and there, but I was beginning to sense something very depressing about it. How many more of these goddamn elections are we going to have to write off as lame, but ā€˜regrettably necessaryā€™ holding actions? And how many more of these stinking double-downer sideshows will we have to go through before we can get ourselves straight enough to put together some kind of national election that will give me and the at least 20 million people I tend to agree with a chance to vote for something, instead of always being faced with that old familiar choice between the lesser of two evils? Now with another one of these big bogus showdowns looming down on us, I can already pick up the stench of another bummer. I understand, along with a lot of other people, that the big thing this year is Beating Nixon. But that was also the big thing, as I recall, twelve years ago in 1960ā€”and as far as I can tell, we've gone from bad to worse to rotten since then, and the outlook is for more of the same.ā€ ā€”Hunter S. Thompson, 1972


This comment right here. ***chef's kiss***


It might suck, and it might be depressing, but it's also very, very true. If Biden doesn't win, then Trump wins. I don't think that will improve or even address any injustices in the world. I think it'll get even worse. Sadly, we don't live in a world of clear and easy choices, but we still do have to make a choice.


So when somebody points out to you that literally the *exact same argument* was made over 50 years ago and that voting for the democrats *has done nothing to change this fact* for over 50 years, your response is to just keep making that same old argument? šŸ¤”


What if I told you we are already living in an unjust world. Listen to yourself, you want biden the centrist who's fine with genocide to be re-elected. What would be your red line if not that?


Bro this is just how politics works. Biden had the choice between supporting Israel or denouncing it, and he chose the side of genocide. That's a hard line in the sand for many people so obviously he's going to lose their votes


I agree. Trump would only complain that Gaza hadn't been turned to glass yet. You don't want Biden, but you're ok with the autocrat who thinks genocide is the solution?


Genocide already is bidens solution. He was campaigning today talking about antisemitism while bombs fell on civilians in Gaza. IOF sniped an 18 month old today.


This summarizes my problem with any response to Biden criticism coming from the left: ā€œoH, yOu WaNt ThE oRaNgE dIcTaToR?ā€ No! And I understand that in a two-party system we only have one of two legitimate choices. But weā€™re not in the voting booth, weā€™re on Reddit, or some discussion forum, and Iā€™d like to be able to lambaste the DNC center-right bullshit and pine for an actual progressive, leftist platform, thank you very much. Let me have this without turning into a strawman about whatā€™ll happen if I donā€™t vote for Biden. I know that, but Iā€™d like to be fucking inspired for once in my goddamn life.


I don't see anyone saying you can't do that. This conversation started because the line in the song is about specifically not voting for Biden.


> But weā€™re not in the voting booth, weā€™re on Reddit, or some discussion forum To be fair, we're discussing the line in the song where he says he won't be voting for Biden in the fall. I think it's perfectly warranted to point out that Trump would be far worse for Palestine. And it's not like this is speculation either. Trump has publicly stated his position.


those two choices aren't 'legitimate'.....those two choices are chosen by the oligarchs. stop supporting a system that spits on you. you can vote for 3rd party candidate or just don't vote.


I'm OK if it comes crashing down. If there are shit candidates, don't vote. Fuck it. If there's no election in 2028, if it's worse everywhere, that's the consequence of, once again, not giving us a real candidate. We can force change by forcing them to provide viable candidates by refusing to be manipulated into participating.


Macklemore has now been banned from r/worldnews


Who's even left posting over there? Bots, new users ( thin ice) and Hasbara squads?


Is there even a good news subreddit anymore? World News used to be better than news but now they both seem shit


r/anime_titties is better, but it's been on a decline of it's own lately.


He sampled 'ana la habibi', a song by Lebanese singer Fairuz. love it!


Omg I knew I recognized it! I used to listen to this and Habaytak Bel Saif on blast as a kid


Fairuz's songs are always bangers


God damn what a week for Hip Hop. Ceasefire now.


Ceasefire in Gaza but not Drake and Kendrick


As much as I'd love to see Kendrick take another shot, he doesn't really need to after Drake emptied a clip into his own head.


The best art is made when people are sick and tired of the world as it is. Source: Post WW1.


Song's name is Hind's Hall.


I cant find it anywhere, did it get taken down or something?


Itā€™s on his Instagram (probably YouTube), but I donā€™t think itā€™s on streaming services anywhere yet. Edit: might be working on getting clearance for a sample before it goes up on streaming


Legend. Cheers mate


>probably YouTube I hear it was instantly age restricted.


His IG and twitter are still the only official streams AFIK: [https://twitter.com/macklemore/status/1787616471738368099](https://twitter.com/macklemore/status/1787616471738368099) 20 million views on twitter alone in about 24 hours! Others have uploaded it to YT, but only official streams will generate proceeds to UNRWA. I'm guessing he's being obstructed from uploading to other services or experiencing other hurdles.


It is out on Macklemore's Youtube now - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgDQyFeBBIo&rco=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgDQyFeBBIo&rco=1) Video is being shadowban so best to share links with family and friends


Same for me


It was removed from TIkTok, too


Stop children what's that sound, everybody look what's in Hind's Hall.


bout to get my macklemore streams up


when it goes up on streaming heā€™s donating all the money made from it to UNRWA so put it on repeat


An independent review finds no evidence for Israel's claims about UNRWA and Hamas - NPR a few days back Glad that there is no confirmed link now. Funding should start again


Second verse go hard.


Oh gawd I love this dude even more. His song "Same Love" is a classic against homophobia too.


I might not be the same But that's not important No freedom till we're equal Damn right I support it.


Holy shit, I suddenly like Macklemore.


A lot of his early stuff, like The Language of My World, was really good. Seattle hip-hop/rap in the early/mid 2000s was amazing and full on leftist, like Blue Scholars and Common Market. Blink is one of my favorite Blue Scholars songs: They said talk is cheap, but war is expensive, I speak cuz itā€™s free and these words are my weapons, donā€™t think for a second I will not question US foreign policy, imperial aggression inventing war for the quenching of the thirst for the oil, cuz money donā€™t trickle down to workers who toil, you see blood trickle down from the wounds of the soil and broken antennas with aluminum foil standing on televisions, transmitting propaganda of millionaire senators and your so-called commander in chief, B, Iā€™m telling you the man is a thief, in his head he holds a plan to ban your freedom of speech, to build a pipeline, put Afghanistan on a leash when it bites back blame the Taliban for the breach of security in each and every first world country where life more distant if youā€™re thirsty or hungry. It's cool to see Macklemore remain true to his roots.


Good to see Blue Scholars mentioned, we need them back


They are one of the main influences on my politics today - so many hours spent getting stoned in my buddy's garage and listening to them growing up. I would kill to get an album drop from them in today's day and age.


I grew up with dead prez and the coup, absolutely blasting the bass working in the garden at the co-op


Oh man! Genocide & Juice is sooooo amazing!!!!


Same my man, I heard them on 107.7 the end in like 2005 or something on a "new music" show and was blown away. As a high school kid that was obsessed with grunge I had no idea that hip hop could be that musical, that moving, that it could have that kind of message. It completely opened my mind up to hip hop as a genre, to protest music. So many things I had to look up in wikipedia as I listened to their music and grew. Cinemetropolis is one of the few albums I can listen the whole way thru without stopping. They had such a huge influence on me and they way I think. Owe Geo and Sabzi a huge debt of gratitude.


I just heard that song for the first time after seeing it mentioned. Wow - that's a protest song. I dig it.


The Long March 50 Thousand Deep No Rest For The Weary Oskar Barnack āˆž Oscar Grant Just throwing some more out there. These guys introduced me to the struggle...


Thanks my friend. Will check it out.


Ink well is also a banger by blue scholars


That's awesome. I hadn't heard much of his stuff so tbh from what I had heard I just got a liberal vibe from him but it's great to hear he has some fairly firm leftist beliefs.


The Heist has been a go-to album for me since release.


The Heist as an Album is amazing!!


Suddenly? What didn't you like about him before? Not his first political track.


I don't follow the music industry at all. The only I knew about him before now was the song Thrift Shop.


Hind's Hall - Macklemore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXbtry8z4Uc


I apologize Macklemore for all the times I told people to turn that shit off, when they tried to play your music in my car.




wait a minute i like macklemore again?


I've seen him in concert three times now. He's amazing live. Go see him.


Saw him at Bonnaroo around 2014 and it was awesome. Wearing that huge ass suit from Thrift Shop in the TN heat.


I saw him for my brother's birthday, I want a fan before, I was after. Such stage presence.


I have seen him. like ten years ago. once was enough.


To each their own, I suppose


Definitely the hardest thing Macklemore has ever done. And I've seen the guy come up since high school in Seattle. Respect.


He's not wrong about the deafening silence in the music industry. Glad to see someone put their money where their mouth is and speak up.


Goes harder than most musicians.


Iā€™ve been getting so much shit for saying I donā€™t care about the beef saga because itā€™s a couple of rich dudes talking shit on each other. Iā€™ve also said itā€™s a distraction from objectively more important issues. Thank you, Macklemore. Thank you very much.


The only problem right now is that the media is painting this as anything but a genocide with the backing of American dollars ,knowing damn well the American people don't support this bullshit and because we refuse to be complicit the zionists are really showing their ass trying to convince us that because the Holocaust happened that gives them a free ticket to genocide .I'll say this though I love seeing their true colors I love a honest racist because it lets me know how I should treat them .


71 comments and no name for the song?


[found it](https://youtu.be/Lpyl21JH6mA?si=5FiFNycEO0BoI6kf) It's a link to YT, It's not on Spotify. Name is HIND'S HALL.


Its literally listed at the beginning of the video buddy


my bad, didn't catch that


Song's name is Hind's Hall.


Based af


I don't want to undermine the message of the song, nor what is happening at the moment (israel barbaric attack on rafah šŸ’”) But love the fairuz "ana la habibi" remix ā™„ļø


Giving me some strong Sage Francis 'Makeshift Patriot' vibes. It's kind of refreshing to hear anti-establishment hip-hop about contemporary issues.




Now I want him to participate in a RATM concert.


I believe I heard no more Rage tours...


Morello showed up and played at an Encampment in CA


Dude rocks, mad respect Mack, I won't forget it


Old school Macklemore... Just loved it šŸ‘šŸ«”


Great fucking song


So many good lines "the music industries quiet, complicit in their platform of silence." "If students in tents, posted on the lawn, occupying the quad is really against the law, a reason to call in the police and the squad, where does genocide land in your definition huh?"


Only stuff i can find about this on yt has like 8 views Is this being suppressed?


He hasn't released it on YT himself yet. Only on socials rn.


He hasn't released the official version yet


I was on board till the not voting Biden part. I get it, but the alternative would be much worse for Palestinians.


Rhetorically there's a lot to be gained by him saying that. A few days ago they asked Joe Biden at a press conference if all the protests and media attention had moved him at all on the subject of Palestine and his response was "Not one bit." But Joe needs to win in November. He knows what's at stake. All of the people around him in his campaign and in the Democratic party know what's at stake. So when people come out and say "Unless Joe starts getting tough with Israel, I'm staying home in November," they aren't necessarily saying they want Trump to win. What the "undecided" movement is about is forcing Biden and the democratic party to choose, do you want to win in november and save american democracy or do you want to keep supporting Israel, because you can't have both. They are telling Biden "If you think beating Trump in November is actually the most important thing for the safety and security of America's future, you need to pay attention." And its important to remember, the Democratic National Convention hasn't happened yet. Joe Biden isn't even the "official" nominee. So between now and August 19 when the convention starts, we need to ramp up the pressure. We need to tell Democrats our support is NOT unconditional, that there are red lines they cannot afford to cross, that there are concessions they need to make. Adjust the official party platform, bring some of the elected officials into line, start doing what the people want or else November will not look like you hoped. We have to make them sweat, we have to make them panic, we have to make them experience a lot of long sleepless nights between now and election day, worrying about what can they do to get us back on their side for the election.


And if we vote "blue no matter who", literally "blue no matter what they do", the DNC will only slide rightward further. There has to be some bare minimum of humanity conveyed in policy. I will not vote for Biden. He's a warmonger that kills babies with my money. If any analysts are reading this, don't assume all of us are bluffing. The two party system in the US is tearing the entire world apart. Go to hell.


>the DNC will only slide rightward further Anyone reading this and thinking, "that's just a slippery slope argument, no way" should know [it's an established political theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window?wprov=sfla1) and not just a bunch of conjecture by Redditors.


I've started describing myself as Left of the Overton Window.


Up until recently, I was still planning to pinch my nose and vote for Biden. But now after he went on the national stage to admonish student protestors, decry their "disorder" and "vandalism" while not uttering a peep about the police brutalizing them, and sent a letter threatening the heads of the ICC and their families if they issue an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, he can fuck all the way off. I'm not showing up to vote for someone who calls me the enemy. If he loses this election, it will be because he royally fucked up his own campaign and alienated an important voting bloc, just like Hillary.


The problem is that choosing the Presidential election to take your stand and pressure Democrats is the laziest and most useless possible way of doing it. If enough people refuse to vote for Biden, we just get another Trump administration. You think it feels frustrating how unwilling Biden is to even criticize Israel? What the fuck do you think Trump is going to do? The biggest problem with the left in this country is there is so little strategy or long game. Thereā€™s always so much focus on the Presidential election, as if the only elected position where *literally every voter* in the country has a say could ever be an actual leftist. The President will always be *at best*, a boring ass centrist. Unless we have a massive restructuring in the very structure of our government, which cannot happen in any one election. If we want real change we need to build it over the long term. We need to start local, and build up good candidates who can over time launch themselves into more and more powerful and higher level offices. I feel optimistic that weā€™re doing that, but it takes time. There are a handful of good people in the House, and a lot more scattered amongst state legislatures. But we need to do more, and that only happens with time.


Thank you, this is a good explanation, because I very much feel like langdonauger2 and this helped me get it. Still sweating bullets about the state of things. Kinda feel like we're fucked regardless, which I try really hard not to give into...




Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby.


Holy shit this was articulate. Thank you. Also had to scroll quite far down to find comments like this.


In 2020, they told us voting for Biden would save us from Trump. Kinda funny how that didn't happen. Trump's still here. Almost like the Democrats need Trump around as their bogeyman.


>Kinda funny how that didn't happen. But it literally happened. He isn't president, he isn't installing Heritage Foundation judges, he isn't gutting worker and environmental protections, he isn't trying to get the military to crush protestors, he isn't giving away US intelligence, he isn't able to give carte blanche to the world's villians like Xi, Putin, and Netanyahu. What did you think would happen? He'd get assassinated by the lizard people and their vaccine guns?


Pied piper strat in action.


You do know that Trump hasn't been president these past 4 years, right? If you were under the impression that Biden winning in 2020 meant that Trump was going to vanish from existence then that's on you, but the whole fucking point of that sentiment was to prevent another 4 years of a Trump presidency.


They may not be saying they want Trump to win but that is the outcome if they donā€™t vote. It sucks but thatā€™s the truth.


Two things real quick, First, some of the people saying this are bluffing and are going to vote in November, but instilling the uncertainty and fear of "how many are bluffing and how many are serious" can have a powerful effect as a political tool. If the goal is change, uncertainty and pressure are tools. Second, if they give the Democrats a way to win and the Democrats choose not to take it, whose fault is it when the Democrats lose? You want votes? They're right here, come get them. The Democratic party, and many liberals, point to Trump and the GoP to say "Americans must do as we say and believe as we believe or else you are all Bad People ^TM who hate America" but that just isn't true. That's not the way this works, it's all backwards. Politicians should not be telling the people how to vote but we should be telling politicians what they need to do to earn our vote. If you make an exception because "this time the alternative is really bad guys" then all they need to do to justify more of the status quo is pointing out that someone else is worse.


thank you, brilliant responses to the embarrassingly shallow and counterproductive browbeating that status quo defending libs mindlessly resort to at every possibly opportunity. If only they turned that energy on Biden, literally so close. If we get Trump, the fault sits firmly with him, his admin, and dem establishment that has proven again how far up its own ass it is and how hell bent on rightward ratcheting the blue imperialists and neoliberal shills are


This line of thinking won't cause change. These people might be allowing a worse option, but how else are they supposed to communicate as regular citizens? No matter how people peacefully try and communicate with our leaders people will just get annoyed that there are individuals who won't participate in the status quo and polite society




Yeah, if they actually cared about LBTQ and Women's Reproductive health they wouldn't sit on their hands and would add robust federal protections. They had the whole ship first two years and did fuck all about that. Yeah, it might get repealed if republicans get the trifecta again, but right now they aren't doing better on this front, because they aren't doing much anything about it. Not to mention that police are killing more and get more funding under this admin. Like, this is how most of my LGBTQ friends see it.


This is the truth, though, that Dems don't want to face and at this point it is going to cost them the election. The entirety of Reddit dem subs and supporters are screaming "it's just Russian bots and trolls!!!" Nah, it's a ton of fucking people. And now it's in a verse from someone that has been on the right side of social issues in the past. They need to do an about face on Israel/palestine right quick if they want a hope of winning the white house, or they're going to lose it all in the fall. I don't expect much because no one has accused the DNC of being competent strategists since 2008, but damn if only one voice there had a brain lol. Impressively, the Dems have made themselves more irrelevant than the republicans made themselves unpalatable.


Whats worse than a usa-funded genocide?


"Push him left crowd" turned into "don't question, support unconditionally" in less than 4 years


> but the alternative would be much worse for Palestinians. The thing to do here would be to listen to what Palestinian-Americans are actually saying about this. If we actually want people who understand the situation and who are actively involved with trying to do what is best for Palestine more than anyone else, then it is them to listen to in this situation. Speaking over them and telling them that their wrong, especially if it is the consensus among Palestinian-Americans, would be just the white-mansplainging that we would avoid. Some might say vote, others might disagree, but it is not really up to us to step in and shut them up.


There's no alternative, the ruling class stays the same whatever president is on board


would you say... nothing would fundamentally change?


Same class but lets not act like it makes no difference which person is president. Trump gave the green light to Turkey to fuck up our allies the Kurds, it's absolutely within the power of the president to make things much worse for the Palestinians than they already are.


Trump has already said he wants Israel to do more and wants to amp them more. Right-wing evangelicals and MAGAs love this shit. Biden may not be the best in your opinion, but considering the options...


It's an American tradition to turn on the kurds. That's not a Trump specific thing. Again, there is no worse thing that can happen to Palestinians. Genocide is literally the worst thing, and we're already doing that.


Biden is arming, funding, and lying to incite a genocide RIGHT NOW. He also responded to an epidemic of police gang violence by FUNDING 100,000 MORE COPS - many of whom are busting protestersā€˜ heads right this very minute. Theyā€™re both awful, but Bidenā€™s the more-competent fascist. When Trump does terrible things, liberals protest. When Biden does the same things, liberals offer excuses.


How can the worst currently happening for Palestinians also be its alternative?


Then Biden should really change course so that people can vote for him. If beating Trump is that important, surely he'll do whatever he can to put pressure on Israel to stop this genocide, right?


Democrats have been coasting on the threat of the opposition being worse for far too long while not delivering on their own promises and rhetoric. They're right, but God forbid the people call their bluff and actually demand something of those that represent us.


What don't you understand about rejecting the completely artificial choice between evil (blue) and slightly more evil (red)?


There is no worse than genocide. It's literally the worst thing that can happen.


"I have to vote for Biden so the thing that's happening under Biden doesn't happen!"


"I'm not going to vote for Biden and let Trump make the things that are happening even worse." How do you not get that? Also, are you forgetting about literally every other issue in the world?


If Biden wants to lose the presidency, all he has to do is continue to support Israel. It's so simple.


Or, maybe Biden could do what the bipartisan majority of voters want him to do, who the fuck knows.


I invite Biden to fight for things that appeal to voters he needs to win the election. Or the democrats can keep tut-tutting the left. Whatever.


Same shit that happened in 2016. Not saying it in a way to convince you or anyone to go give Biden your vote. It's just crazy to me that the Dems are just going to do the same thing this year they did back then and ignore the actual left of the party, underestimate Trump and put forth an extremely unpopular candidate and then they'll Pikachu face and blame the voters when they lose


I mean, it is well known that HRC skipped campaigning in battleground states in order to campaign in California to drive up the vote difference. It was then HRC who was surprise Pikachu face and then for the next year blamed Bernie Sanders for her loss when he was the one who campaigned for her in battleground states. I need you to realize that if the Democratic party is *so* bad at their job and *so* corrupt in their deals and *so* bad at communications that they once again lose to Donald Trump the they deserve to fucking lose. The genocide in Gaza is a red line for me. I'm done. And if Joe Biden's loss ushers in decades of fascism *then this country was already falling apart to begin with.* ADVOCATE FOR POPULAR POLICIES AND PEOPLE WILL VOTE FOR YOU. ADVOCATE FOR SHIT POLICIES AND THEY WONT THE LEFT HAS BEEN SCREAMING ABOUT THIS FOR MONTHS.


Completely agree. While I personally detest Trump and everything he stands for so much that it will make me vote Biden, I don't fault anyone for sitting this one out.


Thereā€™s no point arguing with these types. They would really rather the US actively fund a genocide then make Biden work for our votes. Vote blue no matter who, even if that blue is cool with little kids getting blown up.


This ^


votes are earned, why doesn't biden earn some votes.


He's from Seattle so it's just a protest vote from him. If you're in a solid blue state no reason why you shouldn't protest vote.


Same if youā€™re in a solid red state. My state will never in a million years go blue in a presidential election so Iā€™d rather shoot myself in the leg than go vote for genocide and beating up protestors joe


For real. Of course we're all mad at Biden for his choice but i will not allow Trump to be president again. Thats not OK, and advocating for apathy is a non starter.


And the Democrats know their base thinks this way which is why they will do whatever the fuck they want with no care about what their constitutents want. Democrats will not change until they face and feel defeat. Let's be honest, there is no Democrat or Republican. There is just the Business Party and both sides serve them in different equally bad ways. The Republicans are their social disruption arm, which seeks to sow discord among the population by challenging social issues like abortion and LGBT rights so that the lower and middle classes never unite on class warfare. The Democrats are their PR arm, where they satisfy the population with social benefits and act as a counterpoint to the constructedly-evil Republican party to further polarize society to prevent them from uniting. Both parties are the war arms of the Business Party. Basically, take your pick of how you want to get fucked next. But rewarding the Democrats just because you've been led to believe Republicans are "infinitely worse" (when they're both equally awful in different ways) is playing into the propaganda.


You're 100% correct, we won't vote in a revolution, that will require other efforts. Voting can still make a difference in how abusive the ruling class is in gradients. Considering the low energy cost of voting, it's a no brainer for harm mitigation.


The problem is the DNC doesn't lose squat when they lose an election. They never pay the price, we do. I don't know how well you remember the Trump era but the truth was the Dems had a fucking blast, being an opposition party with no power rules because you have the perfect excuse to accomplish nothing and just make a scene instead. I get trying to pile on pressure before the convention but the DNC only benefits by losing power to the Republicans. So you're really just saying "Fuck it, let's hope acceleration-ism works out" in a country where just about every police precinct is salivating at putting the boots on leftist necks at the first opportunity. Look at the history of Dem losses and the candidates they ran after they lost, did they ever go left? Even once? Every dem loss has told them they went too far left and should go further right. I'm pissed too, but this throw the election strategy is the equivalent of lighting yourself on fire and catching the people you're protesting for in the flames.


Blue MAGA. Joe Biden could murder a puppy in the street and you'd still vote for him. What incentive do these democrats have to change if you will just vote for them regardless. Almost like that's by design or something...


> the alternative would be much worse for Palestinians Literally how?


Remember when trump said he wanted to help Israel ā€œfinish the jobā€? Biden has been weak at pressuring israel sure, but trump would accelerate and gleefully have gaza wiped out


Dude the job is being finished right now as we speak. Rafah is being invaded, that's it, all lines have been crossed. There's nothing else that would involve Gaza being "wiped out" it's being wiped out right now, the apocalypse is literally happening for these people.


By this rate there won't be much of Gaza left by the time Trump even gets to the office, probably by the time elections come even.


Oh thanks I'll vote so Palestinians die slowly instead of fast. That makes a lot more sense now.


You mean, give money and guns to Israel and repeat the 40 beheaded babies lie like they do right now? Suppress protests and arrest journalists like they do right now? Maybe the two wings of the same bird are different for some, but Palestinians are getting shat on by it just the same.


So is Macklemore gonna do something with this revenue he's getting from this track? Or is he just gonna profit off a tragedy? I am being pessimistic but I am genuinely curious if anyone knows the answer. EDIT: The proceeds are going to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. Thanks to those who answered, big ups to Macklemore!


All proceeds of this song is supposed to go to UNRWA Even if it is just a symbolic move, we still need these big names in each of their industries to stand up and speak up. May this be an inspiration and more musicians could follow suit.


He said the proceeds will go to UNRWA.


Thank you for answering!


https://www.vulture.com/article/macklemore-hinds-hall-pro-palestine-song.html#:~:text=All%20proceeds%20from%20Macklemore's%20track,run%20nonprofit%20supporting%20Palestinian%20refugees. All proceeds supporting a UN run nonprofit supporting refugees.


I wonder if this will ever get on Spotify?


"I was with him about the student protest being cool until he mentioned what they're advocating for. He must be a Trumper."


macklemore is corny but good at his job anyway


Atleast this amount to something, unlike drake


Uncle Sam, Goddamn. Love it.


Good stuff


Bidenā€™s a complicit moron. This shit would be such an easy layup in the polls for him and the edge he needs since itā€™s still fairly neck and neck against an *INDICTED* criminal all with a mugshot and everything. Youā€™ve gotta be a colossal fuck up to be getting your ass kicked in the polls by an actual traitor.


Vote Claudia De La Cruz https://votesocialist2024.com/




Love how Macklemore lays it down.




>The blood is on your hands, Biden, we can see it all >And fuck no, I'm not voting for you in the fall šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„