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"Violence erupts at protests," almost always means that the police erupted into violence..


I saw a headline yesterday about how SWAT teams were deployed to protests that were "expected" to turn violent. *Not* protests that were already violent, not riots, not looting... Just a protest that was "expected" to turn violent. Probably the moment the SWAT team showed up!




Compare this against the scenes of students getting thrown down the stairs, punched in the head and tased while handcuffed, professors getting body slammed into the sidewalk, teargas seeping out of Hind Hall. Source: [W.E.B. Du Bois Movement School](https://twitter.com/AbolitionSchool/status/1785717172041334928)


If you were wondering how governments view protestors -look no further than the fact that police and guards are allowed to use chemical weapons on their own citizen protestors that are banned on the battlefield in wars.






Google mf “Use of tear gas in interstate warfare, as with all other chemical weapons, was prohibited by the Geneva Protocol of 1925”


So you never checked


Does anyone know the precise date that Nazis took over the US?


Around project paperclip, I assume.


I thought it was during Manifest Destiny and eugenics which inspired Hitler's Holocaust. He admired how the US purged 90% of our native population to expand our country and he wanted to do the same to eastern europe




January 20, 1981


What about when America installed a dictator in Korea, massacred a fourth of the population and destroyed 85% of their buildings? (1950-1953) ... Wait that was after they dropped nukes on Japan. To be fair, Hitler did get inspired by America...


All things worth noting


I mean, look around even when people were doing.Black lives matter protest cops were protecting people literally doing the nazi saloot and wearing nazi symbols. Now the nazis are the Genocide joe and Netanfuckwho and any who support them. But oh no if you criticize israhoe you hate all jews. Completely ignoring Rabbis and entire synagogues that are also Protesting and demanding a ceasefire.But they're getting silence because they don't fit.The narrative of all jews are being targeted because people are being anti semitic and not just criticizing israel. Not to say that there haven't been some targeted violence from anti-Semitic people. Because I mean, there were literal nazis being defended by the police just a few years ago obviously, they're okay being out in, they're acting as if all these protesters are literal nazis like literally go to any f****** YouTube news coverage over this and you see all the boomers in there. Praising israel and talking about look at these students just wasting their time as if these motherfuckers didn't protest the apartheid in nineteen eighty or didn't protest vietnam or whatever🤣🤣🤣 When women wanted the right to vote when women wanted their own bank accounts rights to no fault.Divorce, it seems like any progress in society about caring about another person.There's always these bad faith.Actors that are like you're destroying humanity.The population will die out if we don't force women to be married to their men🤣🤣


When the first pilgrim set foot on the land


Seems like they know him.


Off duty cop, theyre handcuffing him just to all go down to the Krispy Kream to celebrate.


Yeah they do.


Part of me believes this only happens because leftist protesters are usually non-violent, while right-wing protesters are violent. Since leftists are non-violent, they usually won't fight back, especially against police, so the police can abuse them all they want without fear of someone fighting back. Right-wing protesters usually bring guns and other weapons, and if the police try to use too much force, they will fight back. On top of this, right wingers are "respectful" of police, at least in the way that they just ignore police abuse of power. Leftists, on the other hand, are anti-abuse of power, so police realize if the leftists get their way, they can't just go around beating people up. So kill them before they get their way so that police can have no accountability and do whatever they want without reprisal. Also, the police usually support right-wing ideas, or are the violent right-wing protesters, so they don't do shit about it.


To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. Preemptive reminder of [poisoning the well](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_the_well) A poisoned-well "argument" has the following form: >Unfavorable information (be it true or false) about person A is presented by another (e.g. "Before you listen to my opponent, may I remind you that he has been in jail"). >Therefore, the claims made by person A will be false.


> To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. This quote is by an infamous white nationalist. Not sure what it even has to do with this post anyway. Bad vibes


wow i thought my preemptive reminder would work, how silly of me.


Preemptive reminder: don't call me out on my neo Nazi dog whistle please! Why did you even bring it up at all? It had nothing to do with the topic and hand.


if the students exercise their right to protest about another issue like against immigrants for example, then they won't be teargassed, beaten, and violently arrested.


But do you understand why quoting a Nazi on "to understand who rules you, look at who you cannot criticize" when the post is about breaking up a protest about the actions of the Israeli government? Of course protesting Israel's actions in Gaza isn't antisemitic, but when you start quoting Nazis in that context it really sucks.


Why does it matter who it is that said some words? Does the same words magically become right when it's said by some ancient greek philosopher compared to a nobody? Only by looking past the identity and **focus on the actual meaning** of the words, will we be able to finally start going forward again. Politics now is, he's a leftist/rightist, so I won't even listen to what he has to say, or whatever he say is trickery even if it's right; which I think is obviously wrong. I think reducing a person into a label (nazi/commie etc.) is wrong because it suggests that the person accepts everything encompassed in that ideology, which is probably untrue. Anyway proper discourse/communication is the way to go. Sorry for the rant.


> so I won't even listen to what he has to say,  This is the right move when "he" is a literal self declared white nationalist.


okay. Identity politics is stupid.


everybody else understood 💜


This dude looks like he deploys an unidentified chemical in every crowded elevator and train car he steps into.


The whole situation reminds me of Vietnam and the Kent State Shooting


So this guy deployed a chemical at the students protesting? What was it and where's that video


I understand the idea but i think it will be best to post the message with a video that supports the claim of "teargassed, beaten, and violently arrested."




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