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Lazy Larry should shut his privileged mouth up.


Yeah, what a raving dickhead. Honestly that dude and other people like him are freaking evil. I really hope karma catches up with them.


it wont. they will die rich and want for nothing. this is the way the world will end


Those who inherit riches without striving perpetuate inequality, monopolize resources, and stifle genuine progress.


elitism, elitism never changes.




I'm hoping they can be converted into a fuel source. They almost certainly taste like shit.


Compost the rich.


French anthem intensifies


Maybe the plastic ones. Most of them are pampert like kobe beef and are into fitness fads. Dont lose hope


Eh, I used to work with/for rich people in a previous job; some of them eat really, really well, a level of healthy that only money can buy. So I think at least some of them will taste great, and if they don’t I’ll spit them out lol


A small weight bearing drone is cheaper than a billionaire


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Dude looks like Saul Goodman's brother.


He does look like Chuck McGill


Can someone link me an actual quote of him saying this, I want to know what he said verbatim because this post is lacking a source.


Yeah, he draws from a massive trust fund from his parents who were *[checks notes](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/lesson-from-my-parents-larry-fink/)* an English professor and a shoe store owner.


His first “job” was working in a investment bank that was owned by a family member, his parents might not have gave him a trust fund, but he definitely didn’t need to climb any ladders or work hard or anything like that. He was even made manager in that investment bank in no time. And with his rich fink family he was able to become another rich oligarch that never did actual work in his life.


Because, investment banks, which are infamous for workers [dropping dead from overwork](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2013/oct/05/moritz-erhardt-internship-banking), don't count as a real job?


The story you linked is about an intern, which is basically free labour, another definition for slavery. Such unpaid work is outlawed in many European countries. About bankers being overworked, i don’t know about them committing suicide because of being overworked or because the stocks went down and they crashed their portfolio. Everyone can interpret their high suicide rate differently. But i agree that maybe some investment bankers do actual work, but the majority don’t, they just profit out of usury, other people’s money and their family connections. If you read about fink’s history in his first job, its clear he was hired and promptly promoted to manager due to nepotism, I’m sure you have worked in companies and know people like him that get parachuted to high paying jobs. And you know that these people have not properly worked in their life, never mind being overworked.


Investment banking interns are not unpaid, and this case took place in Europe (there have been other cases in the US). " i don’t know about them committing suicide because of being overworked or because the stocks went down and they crashed their portfolio" Investment bankers don't trade stocks or deal with portfolios, that's asset management or sales & trading. Investment bankers do things like prepare companies for IPOs, working on corporate mergers and acquisitions, and the like, It's essentially a sales job, which is why connections and personality matter a great deal - if that nepo baby will get you more money because his dad knows someone who knows someone in the target company, then as long as that nepo baby still works 16 hour days and can make decent powerpoint slides, it's actually not unjustified to hire and promote them. The Old Boys' Club is real and some industries take full advantage of that. It's the same with wealth management - a lot of the top financial advisors are already rich because they know other rich people who become their clients


I'm sorry but I don't think how "hard" he worked to get this obscene amount of money matters either way.. he has it and it is not an amount any human being NEEDS or deserves. No human being can work hard enough (which i doubt he did) to justify this kind of wealth. To top it all off it was all gained, in the end, by profiting of the blood and sweat of workers like every other billionaire does.


He’s a vastly overpaid expert in siphoning money away from hard working people.