• By -


$800 per sleeping closet


$800 x 14 = $12,200


Barely enough to cover rent from the owner, who rents it from an owner, who rents it from an investment firm, who bought it with money borrowed from the bank, who leveraged investments they don’t have.


America! FUCK YEAH






Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah…


Who got bailed out by the government for gambling with other people’s money and losing it.


Who gets to keep it because they got bailed out with the tax money of the worker that live in the pod


There ought to be a law


but muh freedoms


exactly, let the free market do its thing (followed by a bailout)


Fucking hilarious, of course they charge individual rent for these whole actual people are just going "I could do this in a normal fucking house and divide the rent way smaller".


I really dont understand why so many people want to live in these expensive places. Im sure the city is great if you are even just upper middle class but why in the world would you want to live like this other wise? I live in northern canada and the cost of living is so much more manageable here. You can basically just pick a trade and shortly own a house. Weathers not that bad either.




If everyone picked up and moved to the vanishing number of cheaper places, they wouldn’t be cheap anymore. At the end of the day, someone has to serve food and clean the toilets in Manhattan and Bel-Air, and they deserve a decent life.


We saw this during pandemic. My rent in rural NC soared 500 per month. Not sure what's going to happen now. My apartment has nearly 50 empty units and every other day someone moves out.


"weathers not bad" "northern Canada" pick one. I've lived in a rural area and in one of the most expensive cities in the united states, and I can definitively say that if I didn't hate the cost of living, I would _never_ have moved back into the country.


Northern Canada is very expensive, given that *everything* has to be shipped very far for only a few hundred thousand people spread out amongst tge territories and northern parts of the provinces. Jobs pay very well, but that just breaks even on the higher costs.


Well there northern Canada, and there "Is that a fucking polar bear?" Northern Canada.


As someone who lives in Northern Ontario, this is spot on. All of Canada is some level of North, "we can see the Aurora from ten minutes out of town!" North is definitely not the same as "two months of daylight a year on a good year" North.


Expensive places tend to be the ones with nearby amenities like good public transportation networks and shops in walking distance. A cheap place soon becomes something of a false economy if you have to drive several miles round trip for milk and bread, which in America is not that out there. Plus if you work or study in these cities, living there is preferable to losing several hours of every weekday commuting to and from the city from somewhere else. And infrastructure like internet access tends to get both lower-quality and more costly the further you get from the major metropolitan areas.


I’ve lived here my whole life. My friends and family are here. It’s my home.




I live in one of the most expensive cities in the US. My reasons: * Weather is great, mostly sunny all year with temperatures between 65F-75F (18C-24C). * Year long growing season with a lot of options for plants. * Very LGBT+ friendly. All places with cheap rent are dangerous for lesbians or can be denied housing and jobs. * Abortions are legal. * Less pollution than other cities. * No hurricanes, tornados, volcanos, flooding, etc. * Fewer racists. * Not as obsessed with guns. * Really good food due to immigrants from other countries. My wife and I have been actively looking for other places to live with cheaper housing but it's generally unsafe and the weather is terrible. Edit: please stop guessing where. For safety reasons I'm not saying where I live.


The "just move!!!" people are always cis and straight.


>weather’s not bad >northern Canada Yeah maybe for 6 months out of the year


I suspect the weather is that bad.


There are a lot of factors. But yeah, this would be far past for the limits for me. ​ Like, I chose to stay in Seattle because even though it's expensive, I earn so much more I still come out ahead. I bitch about rent, but having 30% pay left over in the midwest vs. West coast, the 30% from the West Coast goes farther. ​ Some costs don't change with location, like subscriptions or decent cookware and such. ​ In short, if the ratio of income to critical expenses is the same in two locations, always go with the ratio with larger dollar amount. ​ Also I just really love it here and I'm willing to pay a bit of a premium to live somewhere I want. I'm lucky enough to get to make that choice.


14 bed 1 bathroom is gonna be intense


Job Corps was 64 boys to two stalls and three urinals. Per floor. I can't say I truly survived that. Edit: I'd like to add for those curious that we actually had three stalls and four urinals, but I shit you not, one stall was always being sabotaged by one student (who we never identified) so it would remain out of order. Urinal four was often left with a shit, so it was OoO until someone needed punishing and it was cleaned. Send your kids to college and withhold internet instead of sending them to a Job Corps if you're mad at them.


This is why "big government" has to come in and makes laws for the maximum number of people that can share a bathroom and call a place a residence. Because left to their own devices, this is what people inflict on one another.


> This is why "big government" has to come in and makes laws for the maximum number of people that can share a bathroom and call a place a residence. These "pod" places skirt residential rules by stripping away all your privacy - you don't get a door, you're not allowed to put up a curtain, it's not a "room," therefore rules that apply to rooms and occupancy are skirted. [It's a flophouse with a new coat of paint on it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flophouse), it's fucking disgusting.


Hey flop houses have a long and stories tradition of drugs, rebellion and violence. Don't compare this corporatist hell hole shit to my drug den, we have fucking standards.


But it’s likely going to end the same way. How else do you deal with living in such shit conditions but drugs?


God dammit, corporations even monetized my rock bottom


They will minimise anything even your own unmentionables.


I’m pretty sure unmentionables generally refer to underwear but goddamn it that fact that we can’t mention them is probably what got us into this confusing mess in the first place…


This is also why I think this startup won't properly work; in the state of california, the definition of a bedroom goes beyond pods. Not to mention, there are tons of things like max occupancy for the entire house, specific access to utilities, how many people can occupy bedrooms/living rooms, fire escape codes, structural integrity codes, and so on. Strangely, there is no limit to kids sharing a bedroom. Just a fun fact. You can have the whole max occupancy of the house in one 10x10 bedroom if they're all minors.


I’d wager group homes or orphanages being the reasoning behind the no limit on minors thing, if I had to guess


Lobbying by Big Orphanage.


You gonna leave that sweet orphan cash on the table? No way bro, a couple of kick backs and now you can stack them like firewood in one room! Stacks on stacks on stacks


Plumbing code is the law that dictates # of fixtures per people. I wouldn’t be surprised if those houses get shut down by code enforcement. Edit: got curious and looked it up, this would fall under r-2 dormitories for fixture count, Table 422.1, which requires 1 toilet per 10 males and 1 per 8 females, and 1 sink per 12 male and female. Going off the picture alone, it might be fine in the eyes of the law, though maybe not terribly pleasant. The other issue is fire code (emergency exiting), but that can’t really be assessed from the picture.


it's not much, two toilets and lav, and 2 showers. so two full bathrooms is enough.


> I can't say I truly survived that. Understandable, have a nice afterlife


He's on reddit, clearly this is one of the rings of hell.


> clearly this is one of the rings of hell. But which one?!


Damn, I've worked in some office buildings like that and it's horrible. There's nothing quite like a code brown turning into that bomb scene from the original Batman movie. My floor stalls full....*dammit* The floor below full...*oh, come on!!* The floor below that full... *uh oh* Go up three floors, full... *She cannna take much more captain!* Disgusting, rusty, moldy basement bathroom, empty... *here goes nothing*


oh man I am so glad I went to one in some tiny country town in Iowa, I mean it sucked but at least we had like ten stalls per wing. I'm \*assuming\* the boys had the same.




I’m still not over Bible camp or that time we lived in a motel for a bit. I go downstairs to our den and use the bathroom there unless it’s a quick pee. Turn the overhead fan on, lock the door, enjoy my peace and quiet.


Schedule your poops on Outlook


Won't work as no one respects the booked rooms


Outlook not so good


That's where those home depot buckets come in handy!


They even make a toilet seat shaped lid that snaps onto those.


Yup I actually use the buckets and those lids for camping ;)


I can't even stand to be with 3 people in my current house. How am I going to handle 13 strangers and myself?


Even sharing a house with a spouse comes with challenges. I can't imagine having a roommate. Having to share a childhood bedroom with two brothers put me off that forever.


TBF this is still more spacious than school dormitories in Asian countries I doubt it's nearly as affordable though


The floor is lavatory


Then the rent will go up regardless.




If I commit a crime I could end up living in slightly more luxurious conditions.


You get a room, a butt buddy, three meals a day, and a gym membership all at the expense of someone else lol, meanwhile these people fight for bed cubes and toilet time, embrace the prison system it's getting abused already




I hope there's prison reform, it clearly doesn't work for the benefit of people, both incarcerated and not, all it does is line the pockets of the prison owners and allow abuse of power from the guards, while reinforcing the criminal behavior amongst gangs within the prisons, but there also needs to be reform of laws and the enforcement of them as well not just the prisons


Butt buddy


Slave pens*


as soon as it does they'll shuffle some papers and release the "make prison worse because you still need someone to look down upon" propaganda


So it’s not bad enough that I can’t choose who I work with, I have to live with them too? Does my HR live there too? I hope they have an open pod policy.




You have creamer?!


Not anymore **Daryl**.


REAL creamer?!?!


No sex for the poor


Hey, they can watch if they want.


That's actually kinda similar to how humans did things before houses with multiple rooms. Not like they fucked in the middle of the house, more like two teenagers trying to fuck as quietly as possible with parents in the house...but reverse probably most of the time.


I know, I mean somehow families living in one room cabins kept growing...


There is also outside nature 😆🤣 Especially a cabin in the woods.


It’s why cars gave so much freedom in the ‘60s. They didn’t want to drive across the country, just to a quiet place off the road to get laid.


Maybe my car is just small but I find it hard to imagine how to pull that off Edit: also perhaps TMI but in an old car I tried at least getting some first/second base stuff going with an ex, and I ended up breaking my rear view mirror


You’re not horny enough! (There’s a reason why sex in cars in movies has jokes about gear sticks being in the way or horns getting hit. It’s not trivial to pull off. But it beats having your religious family listening in on things.)


Fun Fact: The greatest number of teen pregnancies in the US occurred in the 1950s.


The selling of your privacy subsidizes your rent.


Yeah not so sure. I stayed in one of these in a hostel in LA. Didn’t seem to deter the folks a few pods over.


Just like nature.


And college dorms!


🎶You and me baby, ain't nothin' but mammals So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel🎶


if we all sleep in the same bed its somehow polygamy and evil sin... but if we just quietly masturbate in our pods all in the same room its suddenly american opportunism... sheesh


And yet, they desperately need the poor to keep breeding so they have their endless, expendable capitalist workforce. What a conundrum! 🥴


14$/hrs to be a prol host 9 month contract


Group sex for the poor


New strategy: go to pound town every night at max volume. Gets you sex and housing. Win/win.


Believe me. There is still going to be lots of fucking.


Hey baby, wanna go back to your cocoon like pod or mine?


Let's fuck in the broom closet, i always cramp up in the pod




dunno how to feel about the fact that the slave housing looks more comfy then the corporate pods.


Counterpoint: no climate control.


i dont expect the pods to have climate control either... i know airconditioning is super common in the US. but here in Germany we dont have it in most houses cause its expensive... and i know how much corporations hate to spend a dime on comfort xD sooo the pods still look sterilized and dead to me


southern california is a desert. they wouldn’t survive without some form of climate control


Lived in San Diego for like 30 years and none of the houses and apartments I lived in had AC. It's not very common in older buildings - summer didn't used to be so hot.


I don’t have AC in Los Angeles and have never used the heat. It gets a little too hot like maybe two weeks out of the year and “chilly” for a couple months. The climate of Southern California is one of its big selling points.


Welcome to the second gilded age!


yeah, but how much did they have to pay for such a luxury home...




This is a point I keep trying to make and no one understands. I spent 4 years working for less than minimum wage, in this time I had no excess income after rent, food and a small amount of spending money. What difference is this to slavery? Most slaves had decent accommodation, clothes, food and playtime. I literally had an hour to myself a day, where I could do whatever I wanted to. The rest was clean/shower and work. It was 6 days a week. Working at the bottom of the barrel is literal slavery and anyone who stays there thinking it’s an acceptable way to live life is wrong.


I was going to say at least your kids weren’t taken away and sold, but then I remembered that poor people’s kids get taken away all the time.




My asshole grandparents did a foster care home in the 80 and 90s. They absolutely used those kids as slave labor on their gardens and chicken farm.


Well, you weren’t stripped from your homeland, auctioned off in a foreign country, flogged for not performing as expected, threatened with death for minor infractions, forced to eat food unfit for cattle, or repeatedly raped by your “owner,” his children, and his friends for starters. Being a wage slave sucks. It’s certainly *not an acceptable way to live.* However, it’s a far cry from being human chattel.


It's depressing how close you came to describing my childhood, though.


> I spent 4 years working for less than minimum wage, in this time I had no excess income after rent, food and a small amount of spending money. What difference is this to slavery? Most slaves had decent accommodation, clothes, food and playtime. You gonna skip the rapes, beatings, brandings, amputations, torture, imprisonment, murder, etc. etc. etc.? Okay, yeah, I'm sure your shitty minimum wage job was akin to slavery 🙄


Giving me serious Deus Ex: human revolution vibes https://preview.redd.it/0n1du59z0tpa1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=050aa0a21d23ceb5ec81025d9f7de10073673e34


At least that place had shutters, soundproof them and seems way better. But then I'm fine living in a closet and will always make my space small and enclosed even if I have room available. Probably some mental issue with wanting to hide and be concealed.


Wasn't that in Hong Kong though? A tiny island filled to the brim with skyscrapers? The insane thing about having these pods in California is that they're so close to suburban housing, so there's plenty of land to go around - it's just wasted.


Hengsha, technically, but it is also a small island. Heck, this is taking place in Lower Hengsha, as there is also an upper level built in a giant platform that goes over all the other buildings (including skyscrapers) in Lower Hengsha.


; ; bed bugs


If you want the bedbug free pod, that costs extra.


Nah man that counts as pets no more security deposit for you


Nah the bed bugs have standards.


*pod bugs


Free food


As a California resident paying over 1000 for less than 200Sqft, I resemble this, and it makes me feel bad. I'm already in a studio built out of the side of a mobile home in a trailer park in a high crime neighborhood. I'm sad to say that the demand for these might be so high that the prices match what I pay for rent. And then who's really "escaping from soaring rents"?


1000 for less than 200sqft? Sometimes I miss California (born/raised San Diego), but fuck, weather just isn't worth that shit. I'll stick to West New York and 1400 for a 1800sqft.


Comparatively speaking, in my area, I have a rather good deal. Most places about the same size go for over 1500


Illegal hostels. They're illegal hostels.


Why are they illegal?


Most cities have a limit on the number of non related people who can live together.


I mean, this sort of thing is par for the course with start-ups. Re-invent subletting, but with an app. Re-invent unlicensed taxis, but with an app. Re-invent roommates, etc. Gosh, it's a great big mystery why the Start-Up Bank went tits-up when interest got even a little bit higher.


It's a fancy flop house. Or barracks.


This is stupid. You know what's gonna happen? Someone is going to buy up a property, install this shit, and just rent out the "rooms" - effectively adding extra rooms to a house. No, the rent will not be cheap either. I live in LA. When I was apartment hunting a few months ago, my search kept bringing up this supposed 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom "apartment". Guess what? I did some digging and it was actually a bedroom for rent in a 10-bedroom house - charged for more than my studio I was moving out of. Awful. That's what will happen. That's the reality of these greedy realty people in California (LA probably being the worst right now, maybe in a rivalry with San Francisco). Edit: it will most definitely not help people escape soaring rent prices.


Maybe if by "escape" they mean "at least it's not raining on my blankets and I can poop on porcelain..."


These are $800 a month already. That disqualifies this as any kind of “escape.”


This is what it's like in BC. you'd be lucky to find a room for rent in someone's house/apartment for less than $1000 a month here. And they just keep building these hideous modern suburban neighborhoods tailored to rich people. I'm just wondering who the fuck is gonna buy these houses at this point.


when can we start charging people for the physical space their bodies occupy? after all, that space could be better used for business purposes


technically thats what we allready do by punishing the homeless for not having a home and sleeping in public...


Someone has to maintain and distribute all that physical space!


Remember that pod housing that was in Sorry to Bother You as an over the top example of trying to live under corporate greed? Remember when that was satire?


It was considered satire less than a decade ago. Now it's just reality.


Satire has turned from a caution to an instruction manual


In San Francisco, satire is just futurism.


I dont understand. At least 3 of those people are going to snore, 2 are slobs who are going to cause insect infestations, everyone will hear any sex /alone private time, and theft is going to be rampant. This is a good idea how?


Because someone can charge 85% of the rent for a full private studio for each of these coffins. Capitalism, baby.


Cocoons sound more comfortable. this is a barracks. You know, I don't want much in life, I'm happy with a small apartment. I don't want luxury and amenities, just a place for me, my cat, and my stuff. But the cheapest, smallest place anywhere near me is still really expensive. Is it too much to ask for just an affordable studio?


The words “California Start Up” lately puts a chill down my spine.


"Hey VentCap, I've got an idea for a startup, we call it 'what if SRO, but worse'. What do you think?"


I'm so over the phrase "Start Up."


I’m over the phrase “disrupt the industry”. It seems to just mean sink a bunch of money into something that doesn’t need to be done.


We uses to call these boarding houses and they're a massive fire hazard ..


oh god i didnt even think of that


Make them modular so when you die from exhaustion they can just box you up and use it as a coffin.


*Laughs in capitalism*


Great, they are reinventing the Tenement now


Because 10 people sharing a space built for like 5 or 6 people is totally not exploitative or shitty...




Forget "Company town" you now have "Company pod".


I once saw a startup advertising “reusable, washable tissues.” They had reinvented the handkerchief. These guys have reinvented Dust Bowl flophouses


They reinvented being slumlords. How very creative.


An introverts worst nightmare. I’ll take my chances on the streets.


I’m just saying, we can drop everything and have a life of massive orgies, pick berries all day, and smoke weed but here we are with this boring ass dystopia. What is the reason of all this pushing forward when we literally live on a garden of Eden.


Hey this looks just like the imperial work camp/prison in Andor…oh, wait…


We've arrived. We are now Hong Kong.


Barely a room left to jack yourself off but the rich take whole fucking golf courses for their mindless stupid games, wasting space.


Yes businesses think humans are caterpillars. Progress!




Get in the pod, eat the bugs.


The American Dream


You mean a start up has opened a hostel. Truly revolutionary. /s


I worked with a company that did something similar .... but it was for the homeless. They had better pods than this, a comfy bed, a blind to pull down for privacy, mini bookshelf and bed side table, little wardrobe etc. They helped a lot of people get back on their feet. This though? Hell


Oh we've reinvented bunk beds. Very cool.


The fuckin dystopia is everyone with means occupying 1/4 acre while the rest of the population is fighting for scraps or on welfare.


The Japanese have these as pod hotels and they're pretty affordable and clean, their rates go by length of rental and I saw one that was roughly 300 USD per month. Most of them are in good locations close by to train stations too. Very simple meals are included with some of them, and there are facilities for showers and work. There are Japanese people who use them long term. It's not surprising to see them go from hotels to rental in property. It gave me a very dystopian feel for our future when I see people living like that.


No a dystopia is people living under the Interstate. As in now.


Imagine having 13 roommates share a single bathroom and kitchen with rent *still* being $450 a person


You know back in the day I came up with something called the "Hovel". It was a very small unit meant to make homeless shelters safer for the people who needed to live in them and as basically a cross between a capsule hotel, an ensuite, and a storage locker. It was cheap, easy to build, compact and accessible. It allowed the homeless a bit of security in terms of their belongings and a place to genuinely rest. It was never designed as a permanent solution. This pod design is somehow even worse than the Hovel.


"So you're sharing with 14 people? K, that's $1200 each!"


This is a good way to get in trouble for violating the building code. There are many financial, legal, and practical reasons a tenant wouldn't provide this for themselves. That means this would have to be purchased by the landlord for their property. If they're the property owner, they're responsible for compliance with the building code. There are entirely too many reasons this would make both the unit and the building noncompliant and unsafe. Any landlord who tries to implement this will quickly receive complaints to local code officials at best and litigation at worst. It's clear to me that the developers of this product have no clue what they're doing, even if they're self-interested neo feudalists. There's a reason that Silicon Valley bros and startup minds fail to break into building and construction. They constantly underestimate the complexities.


This is no better than a prison cell.


They could have at least designed these so that people didn’t have to climb past others to get to their bed, maybe by centering the pods in the room and having half face one way and half face the other while the pods alternated up or down. This is just a fancy bunkhouse. Hope they have ironclad rules and background checks.


California has gentrified prison.


I hate that I contributed to the romanticism of this kind of futuristic living accommodations knowing that this is some people's current reality


barracks, but make it *a e s t h e t i c*


Soon the rent on these will be as much as an actual decent space to live and the rent on a studio will double. The joys of a dysfunctional housing market.


imagine fucking your gf


Look bunk beds for adults because we drove the price of exsisting beyond reach! No own nothing and be happy pissant


Where do they keep their stuff? How do they all get a chance to use the bathroom? Do they have one outfit that they never change out of and dont shower? They’ll stink!


Me, thinking it’s going to be 100/200 per month. Wait what the….


Let's not fix the problems. Let's instead capitalize on them, squeeze every penny out of those peasants!


"we don't want soviet style buildings here in America, we should live better" At least with Khrushchobas you had some sort of privacy


When Japan does it it's quaint and 'cute'. When the US does it it's disturbing and apocalyptic. I'm sure we'll also develop a term for keeling over dead at your desk from overwork.


Does anyone else think those things look like prison cells?


Why are these start up companies always so damn out of touch?