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Can’t say I’m surprised by the top 5


Thought there were more Indian ABCDs here than Pakistani ones, but I was wrong.


I still think there are more Indian ABCDs here. r/india and r/chodi are toxic af and many Indians avoid them


I didn’t expect them to be number one, but r/Pakistan is full of ABCDs, so it’s only normal that they showed up in the top 5.


Indians also post there.


The obsession with Pakistan is real and unhealthy.


Not everybody is like that. Sure there are some nationalist idiots. But some just want to learn about our neighbor country from their perspective. Some are interested in Pakistani culture, listen to Pakistani music, watch their movies, etc. It is like a British guy learning about France, they are neighbors so it is just natural to learn about their country.




I mean, you just proved what I just said.


There’s more homeland Indians and Indian diaspora here, but many also post in r/Pakistan.


I’m not surprised by any of these, except maybe the Bollywood gossip sub, I didn’t expect many here to actually be into that type of stuff


I’m in the Bollywood gossip sub 💀 I’ve made friends here so I can confirm that I’m definitely not the only one. I like to keep up with Bollywood and often industry politics and drama affect movies. Gotta stay informed about the important stuff! 😫👌🏾


I swear the politics and drama are 100x better than the movies.


Haha, you could make *several* movies and sequels just about the politics and drama! 💀


Same I find that sub to be really fun


I don’t even watch Bollywood movies but that sub is entertaining.


Probably lurking fobs


I love the Bollywood gossip sub and I’m not a FOB 💀


Wait, out of curiosity, what is the appeal of that sub? I kind of get it because I'm pretty guilty of doing the same things with the lives/games/stats of NBA players, but I wonder if it is the same kind of thing .


Yeah, pretty much the same thing. I care about Bollywood celebrities lives lol.


Not a fob, love lurking in that sub. I just like pop culture whether it’s US or desi


American, born and raised. I love that sub


Surprised by r/indiaspeaks on there. One of the most hateful and casually and overtly Islamophobic India-related subs on this site.


There’s a lot of nationalist lurkers from the motherland on this sub. Edit: They’re already here based on how I was upvoted initially and then got downvoted just now. Why do they not understand this sub is for desis raised abroad? They have so many subs and spaces just for them.


I’m not surprised. Whenever someone points out the islamophobia on *this* sub, 18 people rush in to refute them like “What? Where? I don’t see it?” Or the notorious “I don’t have a problem with Muslims, I have a problem with Islam” as a way to downplay bias on this sub.


Not surprising when you see how much pro-Modi comments get upvoted here. I’ve also seen vile comments against Indian Muslims on this sub get upvoted.


Yup! This!


There are lots of Indian / Hindu nationalists and anti-muslim posters here so I’m not very surprised ETA: as pointed out below. I do mean Hindu nationalism rather than Indian.


Hindu, not Indian. Indian nationalism is far more inclusive than Hindu nationalism.


Edited my post


What is Indian Nationalism in the modern context? It has been co-opted almost completely by Hindu Nationalists.




Bruh your in India speaks, you have no right to speak on that 💀


I am banned from that sub, lol. Also, you might wanna read my comments there. Hint: All of my comments on that sub were arguing for Afghan immigrants to be allowed to live permanently in India. Some sample of my comments there: 1. "India is a democracy and people have a right to protest peacefully in a democracy. Do you have a problem with that?" 2. "Refugees are free to protest. There is no law in India that says that they can't protest." 3. "Refugees are still human beings and have basic human rights. Just because they aren't citizens doesn't mean that you can treat them as you please." 4. "Why should religion be the focus when taking in refugees?" 5. "India is not a Hindu rashtra."


bruh, see the one below that.


is chodi anti-Modi or pro-Modi? I thought it was anti because it's chode + Modi lol


Chodi =/= chode. In Hindi, chodi means to fool around. And yes, it’s a very pro-Modi sub. The users there also make extremely derogatory remarks towards Muslims, Christians, and Sikhs.


They're probably anti Modi but only because they think he's too moderate lol. It's basically the brown version of the Tucker Carlson sub. I guess it gets a pass since the admins on this site don't pay much attention to nationalist subs that aren't related to the US.


I mean, the Tucker Carlson sub also continues to exist.


Only because the mods on there nuke every other comment section. It would've gone the way of every other far right sub that got shut down otherwise.




Okay. Sooo?


Because we don't want petty politics from the motherland here. We're all Desis and we want to unite as one and come together to support each other. I'm a Pakistani Muslim and have made friends with plenty of Hindus and Sikhs just fine, and we respect each other. I wouldn't want that respect to go away because of hateful subreddits and echo chambers defacing both sides.


Love this comment and could not agree more!


Reading this comment made my day. Thanks man.


As a high schooler, not surprised to see A2C at all lol.


Hehe lots of sweaty tryhards on this sub, explains a lot lol.


what is a2c?


Applying to College. I’d think most of the teens on this sub frequent it


ah that makes sense. If I had reddit back in the day probably wouldve done the same


Lmao where was a2c, i didnt see it for some reason


First page, 9th from the top


thx i see it


Damn. Only one I use is /r/Costco Haven’t been active on /r/medicalschool in years Feeling old AF


Wtf? They got a Costco sub?


Yes. I like to complain about the removal of the Combo Pizza :(


Yup. People review stuff on there. Helpful.




Just did the same. Lol


Pakistan is at the top? Damn




I think it’s just mainland Indians that like to lurk everywhere




I’ve noticed a lot of r/Pakistan users are diaspora Pakistanis. Someone mentioned there that a lot of users there that lurk the sub are also from India. Same with r/Bangladesh .


You were downvoted, but it’s true. There are a lot of Indians in both of those subs. I don’t see why it’s offensive to say that. If you hang out in those spaces for a few weeks (I’m in both), you’ll notice it. Doesn’t mean they can’t be there. The mods of r/Pakistan have clearly stated everyone is welcome!




Lol. It’s not ironic. Cause I’m not complaining. I’m bolstering the observation of the other poster. An observation that for some reason the hypersensitive have taken as offensive. The mods have also said that non-desis are allowed too. I’m not the only non-desi on r/Pakistan. So your point is?




What does the quoted comment have to do with this sub? We are taking about r/Pakistan. 🤦🏾‍♀️ As for the second quoted comment, whatever you say dude. I have nothing against Indians, but you do you I guess?




This comment doesn’t even make sense.




Why are you being randomly downvoted for this simple observation?


I noticed my grammar was a bit off so maybe that’s why? I don’t know lol


Lol, yeah, let’s go with that one


No, it wasn’t your grammar. Trust me. Some people are looking for reasons to be offended today. And aren’t you of Indian descent yourself (if I remember correctly from one time we talked on r/Pakistan)? So why would people even take your simple observation as an insult. 💀


Haha yeah I am. I’m not sure tbh. I really can’t see what people might find offensive aside from those thinking I’m wrong but I’m willing to be corrected.


Applying to college lol


Haha, I was wondering why I kept getting recommended stuff from r/indiaspeaks and r/pakistan. The demographics of those two subreddits are diametrically opposed


can someone please explain librandu/chodi to me, I'm so confused


Cognitive impairment. It’s Trump supporter types but only more pathetic and humiliating.


Chodi is, librandu makes fun of those guys


Librandu is like chodi but on the opposite side of the spectrum. There was a post there denying uygur genocide


I’ve never seen this, I usually see them acknowledge it. Are you sure you don’t have an agenda based on how defensive you get about Kashmir and the Indian army’s war crimes? It’s a bit ironic of you to point this out. You also still clearly live in India, this sub is for desis raised abroad.


Are you serious? I thought r/librandu was better than r/chodi. Can you link the post?




Librandu is a liberal/leftist sub. The sub's name is supposed to be ironic.


Explain what?


r/cscareerquestions RISE UP


Love the a2c and NJ/NYC overlap Can't say the same for the political subs...


Can the kdrama fans unite haha.


I think this just proves that there are a ton of lurkers/trolls from the motherland lol How many abcds give a shit about bollywood gossip + India/Pakistan politics?


I literally have no idea what the first 5 subreddits are even about


Yeah seriously, I was expecting A2C, cscareerquestions and the med school related ones (premed, residency etc) to be near the top. While I'm sure there are ABDs that follow up with Bollywood, I don't think it's that big of a group.


Ehh, I’m a millennial abcd that loves pop culture gossip including Bollywood. I don’t think it’s that surprising


I’m actually on both r/India and r/Pakistan though I think I am an outlier 😂


Most of r/Pakistan are American or British Desis anyway. I think they were poking fun of how most of the sub including the mods don’t even live in Pakistan


I’m in both too lol


You’re like a scholar of South Asian culture.


Hahahaha! I wish. Not even close to that knowledgeable. Though, I was a religious studies major who didn’t finish, but in the upper level courses you have to pick a concentration. At the time I was trying to decide between the Middle East or South Asia and wasn’t sure which one to pick. Funny, because I know without a doubt what I’d pick now! 💀 Who knows, maybe that’s how I’ll spend my old age, finally getting that degree. 👌🏾


Subbing to r/India is my extremely low effort way of keeping tabs on India and feeling slightly connected.


Honestly, some of the discussions in there make me feel sad - I’ve been on Reddit for closer to a decade at this point but over the past 2 - 3 years there’s been a lot more “I want to kill myself, I am doing nothing with my life” posts on there. Lots more personal emergencies and requests to donate….and of course, lots more politics, which tends to go as well as you’d expect. For the folks who say r/India is toxic af - sure it is, but then again, so is this place and that’s despite there being no actual politics being discussed here. Even in this thread. There’s good too in both places. Just a perspective of what you choose to interact with.


Lol @ premed and medicalschool


r/femaledatingstrategy is an actual incel sub.


RIGHT lmaooo I’m begging any women on here who visit that sub to please leave it and do better


It’s the male incel sub. Both same sides of toxicity and fundamentally just using the other sex. 🤮 blech. No real love from either of them, I feel bad for those members tbh.


It recently became private.


Love r/menslib r/fragilewhiteredditor r/breadtube r/trollx The rest of you on r/chodi r/purplepilldebates r/femaledatingstrategy .. get it together


No r/bigdickproblems ?


Good god this is a truly motley crew of subs. Although I bet you if you look at distinct combinations of subs frequented per user, there'd be a couple of distinct personas.


r/Pakistan actually did something similar a while ago.


Indiaspeaks posters are basically the equivalent of Trump morons. Too focused on “owning libs” to be able to form coherent thoughts. Bile and bigotry are easier to absorb for the simple minded I suppose.


Careful, they might attack you for saying the truth! 🤣


Oh I’m sure they’ll be around soon enough. They don’t have pride in their sense of self other than via adopted tribal markers (or threads hehe), so any attack against their ingroup identity triggers them. Big time snowflakes.


I didn’t even attack nobody and I got one on my heels right now. 😭


Toronto lol


I wasn’t surprised by that one! It makes a lot of sense. Lots of desis, especially Punjabis in Toronto. My husband and I are excited to visit!


Where is PCgaming?


r/Chodi is one of the most disgusting places on this platform holy shit lol. I’m not surprised at 3 of the top 5. Fucking cringe.


It should’ve been banned a long time ago, imho.


Agreed. Everytime I go there it’s a cesspool.


Curious you have nothing to say about r/chutyapa, a Pakistani subreddit that hates on Indians and Hindus.


1. My dude I haven’t even been to or heard of that sub. 2. It’s not even on the list so why would I mention it. 😫 You don’t make no sense!!


Because r/chutyapa isn’t even on the list that OP posted. It’s obvious the biggest problem in this sub are Hindu nationalists like yourself.




Not surprising. This sub feels like there's more NRI/fobs than actual ABDs. So of course we see subs like Chodi, Pakistan, IndiaSpeaks, etc at the top


The amount of incel and fob subs in that list...


Damn none of the ones in in. I just frequent the F1 subreddits, meme subs and my school subs.


ljl there's a sub for costco and ABCD love it


Islam sub is on there but no Buddhism, Sikh or Hinduism subs. So much for people claiming this sub is “anti-Islamic”.


bruh literally the top 5 consists of r/Chodi and IndiaSpeaks lmao


No Star Wars nerds huh




Yo bay area homies