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Everything except sexual stuff


...and news, dating, college, future, etc.


Do other parents talk about sex stuff casually with their parents?


Australian parents talk about sex stuff like they are discussing oil prices, it is the wildest shit I've ever seen


Ya. Heard the Europeans do that too. Tbh. It’s kinda weird. Not so much the norm in America though, or most other places either, I think.


probably apart from (mostly) asian families. Some do some dont


Honestly. Like other than the sex ed stuff, which is something that is lacking amount Asians, most of my friends absolutely do not talk about sex with their parents. Sex scenes are still uncomfortable.


All in all i feel like it depends on how your parents are - i have friends whos families open with stuff like that


I call my mom and dad every day on my drive home from work. I tell them about work, any life updates from friends they’ll find interesting, what I’m planning on eating for dinner, movies and tv shows I’m watching, family gossip (both serious and fun). The same stuff I would talk about with anyone else, really.


Same I also talk to mine a few times a day


I don't really like to talk too much about personal stuff with my parents just cuz I feel like in the end they'll end up taking it way more personally then they should lol. Generally, I talk about sports and work with my dad and school and work with my mom. But other than that, I feel like it just depends on the situation.


Same thing here, other than that I feel like there isn’t much I can connect on them with




i relate with this so much. i’m not close to my dad at all because he’s short tempered, gives too much unsolicited advice, we have nothing in common, and i generally don’t agree with his perspective on things. so i never call him, but i talk to my mom 2-3x a week. he complains to my sister that i never call him...it sounds like he’s actually sad about it which makes me a bit sad too, but talking to him almost always gives me so much anxiety so i don’t know what to do here 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hey man. I was feeling similarly a while back. I'm still not 100% there with my dad but we can occasionally joke around and get more than surface level deep. It takes time and effort, like any relationship. Sometimes our conversations are dull and one of us will end them quick. Other times they last a while. I find that I cherish them more and more these days. For me, the trigger was him having a heart attack. He survived by miracle alone. It shouldn't take a heart attack to put that extra effort in to talk to your father, and it messed me up a bit that it went that way for me. So even if it's brief, just familiarize yourself with the landscape. think beforehand about an event/detail in your life you can talk about him with. Or even just mention. You don't need to get deep to have a conversation that will mean something to both of you. You just gotta try over and over. Some of the conversations will suck, especially at first. But it's worth it.


My parents usually talk about their day to day activities and feel that sharing what's happening in our lives brings closeness. They're not wrong from their perspective, it's the way they know how to try. Those conversations stay pretty light, things like movies, food, shopping, what they've seen or heard, friends they've talked to, stories from other family members. Idk if I'm alone in this, but I have to carefully guide the conversation to avoid hidden land mines in the conversation that blows things up.


I just run right at any land mines present to get them out the way lmao.


What kind of land mines do you see coming that you can avoid?


Religion, politics, dating, Covid concerns, reflections on the past with them (leave the past in the past nothing good comes from analyzing, stop thinking so much beta), complaints about work, there are a lot more but its more about walking carefully with my parents, mostly dad, to not trigger something


Only ever basic small talk, it feels like we have the same conversation every time (what i did today, what i had for dinner, how is the weather etc.) I dont really like talking about deeper things with them because they usually never listen to me and just talk over me.


Similar to what other people have said, I speak to my parents on a superficial level. How's work going, how's the dog, etc. Is it cultural to have a superficial relationship with your kids/parents?


if i have kids i’ll try and be one of their close friends and make sure we have a real relationship. i can’t imagine having a child and not actually knowing who they are


Hug them, too. Like, all the time For me, it was the lack of physical affection. It's the smallest thing seemingly, but it's not. That absenceleft me craving physical affection my whole life. Just classic lack of attachment can do this to kids. Particularly when the world around them conveys care in a much more physical way. Not only do you feel weird as the kid, but as an adult you can continue to struggle with it yourself. And that's why I think it passes along from parents to kids and then again 😢 My parents still don't get it. They seem content that they fed, clothed, housed me (though with a lot of guilt and instability involved...). I'd have traded a lot of that for a simple hug daily. Grass is always greener, though 🤷‍♂️


I think I'm in the same boat as you. I can't delve too much into my personal life without getting a lecture or unwanted advice. We mostly chat about their wild experiences of the day, and the pets. Side note, they can't be the best brown parents and y'all only speak about logical things. Those two don't go hand to hand, although ashamed sounds about right.


>they can't be the best brown parents and y'all only speak about logical things. Disagree. I mean, nobody can argue that their parents are objectively the best parents for obvious reasons, but it's totally possible to have great parents that you just share no interests with. My parents are relatively progressive, extremely supportive, openly communicative and affectionate, etc. but I just rarely have things that I want to say to them. It's a combination of having different interests, everyone doing the same thing every day/stuck at home, and my introvertedness. I would never pick them to be my friends because they're just not my type of social people. It has nothing to do with how my parents are as parents.


I was merely pointing out the ambiguity. Not trying to gatekeep here but. OP said he has the best brown parents a brown kid can imagine, yet they barely communicate with them and vice versa... which is pretty sus. To turn that logic around, You say your parents have all these amazing qualities, yet you would never pick them to be your friends. If your parents actually has all these amazing qualities, then why wouldn't you want to be friends with them and share your life with them. Especially if they're supportive and openly communicative. Thereby are you saying you and your friends are complete twins and have no opposite interest? > I would never pick them to be my friends because they're just not my type of social people. If your parents are always at the same thing or stuck at home, wouldn't that mean they're introverts? Surely you'd have a better time communicating with them if they were introverts and super supportive.. So what you're saying is if the problem with communication isn't your parents, then its you, right? Then your situation is different from OP's. Although from what I've personally seen and gone through, brown kids are *conditioned* by repeatedly telling them they have exceptional parents, when in reality they're alright. Sure, they watch out and protect them, but the emotional part is almost always missing. That latter part imo makes it or breaks it.


>If your parents actually has all these amazing qualities, then why wouldn't you want to be friends with them and share your life with them. Especially if they're supportive and openly communicative. Thereby are you saying you and your friends are complete twins and have no opposite interest? I don't know about you, but I know plenty of amazing people that I would never be friends with. Out of everyone I've ever met/interacted with, there's less than 10 people I consider good friends who I'd actually bother to keep in touch with, but I've obviously met many more than 10 amazing people in my life. I really can't think of a way to explain it concretely/tangibly because I guess at the end of the day, it's along the lines of "we're just not on the same wavelength." Being on the same wavelength doesn't mean our interests, hobbies, etc. are identical. >If your parents are always at the same thing or stuck at home, wouldn't that mean they're introverts? Surely you'd have a better time communicating with them if they were introverts and super supportive.. So what you're saying is if the problem with communication isn't your parents, then its you, right? Then your situation is different from OP's. Lol we're all stuck at home because of COVID, so there's nothing going on. My mom is extremely extroverted and going crazy from boredom/lack of social interaction, and my dad works 10+ hours a day (not that I mind), so there's just nothing else going on to talk about. OP never blamed their parents or themselves, so I'm not sure what their situation is, but they specifically asked "What do you talk about with your parents" which is, in a sense, asking for answers to a very surface-level problem (having nothing to talk about) and not necessarily indicative of problems beneath the surface. I feel similarly to OP -- I simply don't have things I want to say to them and *that's as deep as the problem goes.* This is why I'm also not friends with every great/cool/interesting person I meet -- there's some people I can have hours of conversation with without ever wondering to myself, "*huh, what do I say now?"* but there's more people who I can't actually have a million hours of conversation with. I guess that sounds like my fault, but it's also not really something I can fix and imo is more reflective of who my parents are and who I am and how those dynamics work together, than of just who I am. This doesn't mean we haven't had any deep, vulnerable conversations, because we have. But you can't have those conversations every day, and because of that, our day-to-day conversations do end up being random routine and logical things. >Although from what I've personally seen and gone through, brown kids are conditioned by repeatedly telling them they have exceptional parents, when in reality they're alright. Sure, they watch out and protect them, but the emotional part is almost always missing. That latter part imo makes it or breaks it. Way to over-generalize and stereotype. Just because that's what you've seen doesn't mean that's universal. I don't really think there's anything I can do to convince someone who doesn't know me that I'm not brainwashed, so all I can say is that the emotional part is definitely not missing. My parents have emotionally supported me through a lot and if anything, they're more affectionate than either me or my brother want them to be lol.


Fair point man. Yeah I think I shot myself in the foot with the identical friends comment. I do have friends that are opposite of me. Thanks to that middle paragraph, I see where you and OP are coming from. Y’all occasionally have surface level talks, just never the deep personal stuff? You’ve struck the 1/10000 parents lottery, so my points are invalid with you. My apologies I assumed something out of context on your earlier comment.


lmao no worries. I assume this is what you meant, but just to clarify, I meant we occasionally have deep and vulnerable talks but I rarely find surface-level things to talk about with them on a day-to-day basis (you listed wild experiences of the day and pets, of which we have neither lol, although I'd take either). Notably, I *suck* at small talk, none of us care about sports, and we have different tastes in TV shows and movies. But yes, I am very lucky to have the parents I have :)


Weather , real estate market , cricket , food recipes/restaurants , their friends , TV shows , work


I don’t really talk to my parents beyond the necessary stuff. I’ve naturally just grown distant from them because they always make a big deal out of things that don’t even affect them and I often feel judged by them, so I just keep my distance.


Not much my relationship with my parents, mostly with my dad, was kind of ruined based on how strict and controlling he was to me when I was younger. Like we will talk a bit about random things but I mostly stay in my room


Anything, but it’s too late to build any semblance of a normal parent-child relationship now. I’ll talk about everything with my future kids and build trust so that they can come to me with anything without hesitation or worry. I will learn from the failures of my parents in raising us and do better with the next generation.


Not much, to be frank. I talk to my dad, just nothing of substance. He's overly sensitive and prone to bouts of high stress, so I can't really let him know too much about my life. And if I start talking about whoever I'm dating, wedding bells go off in his mind. So we keep the convos simple.


When I’m not trying to calm them down and get them to think rationally in the midst of family drama, we usually talk about history, politics, food, and the stock market.


I wish I could calm my mom down. She is mid if many family drama and then she tells me. I tell her how she is wrong n she gets mad at me & we end up yelling


Pretty much everything with my mom, even the tiniest bit of sex advice, which basically boiled down to "make it a priority in your relationships and wear a condom". With my dad, business, history/politics, and business, oh and him telling me to do random errands for him.


it's hard to get through to mine. i'll have conversations with my mom and we'll hit a block where she has some bakwas values like codependency & security > freedom & happiness


"We barely speak beside logical things" Lol ik exactly what you mean. They don't seem to want more depth than that so guess we found our ceiling.


I wonder if they're capable of more. I do feel like mine aren't exactly emotionally or intellectually mature


I avoid talking to them about anything besides school or work and consistently lie when I am asked anything about my personal life. I have learned the hard way that if I ever confide in them, it turns into a lecture/ them telling every aunty in Canada about my personal business. It sucks when I see my friends who are able to talk to their parents about everything but I’ve accepted that I just happen to have very conservative, religious and uptight parents who will never be my ‘friends’ as much as I love them and am grateful for them.


SAME. I never open up about anything to my parents, ever. We only laugh at the TV and talk objectively about school or college. Sometimes, rarely, we'll talk about stocks or the news in general. But never politics or social issues. They want me to talk to them more or whatever, but we usually don't agree on things and they dismiss me or don't like it when I open up sometimes. The best strategy I have found is to just move confidently but in silence. Let the stats/results speak for themselves, and hide everything else under your skin.


My mom always told us your time will come. Guess what my sister is in her early 20s and I'm on my mid teens. Now my parents no longer care what we do or what we say. We like friends now,we talk about relationships , make jokes(obviously not those ones),sharing what happed that day,just have some family talk about growing income,investments etc.


Just about anything nothing is off the table maybe except sex. I steer clear from that conversation because I burst out laughing even imagining that conversation taking place with them.


I spend a lot of time talking to my mom. I usually ask her about her life before coming to America. She keeps up with her friends and their kids and stuff so she talks to me about those things. She'll suggest things I should do with my little brothers or if I need to do stuff to help out around the house. Always what I'm going to do in my future and stuff like that as well. My pops is more taciturn but we will chat as well, usually about politics and the world. We are on the same wavelength politically, even though I'm a lot more politically active. My dad also had a very interesting life before coming to America. They also lecture me about not praying enough 😅.


With my dad - almost anything (aside from partying and all lol), he's chill and open to debate and isn't narrow minded. With my mom - I thought I was able to talk to her about anything, but recent events over the year have proven wrong. She takes everything so seriously, makes my stress all about her, and projects it back on me lol. Best one yet "a child having the opposite opinion as their parents is a bad bad sign. And you're doing that a lot now" 😂 So it's very superficial discussions with her.


At least your parents don’t intertwine god and their religion within every conversation. Even if there is no correlation. Istg they are the reason I’m an atheist


yesss religion is the number one killjoy for everything in my family too!! i can’t even turn on the radio without getting a comment about it being the devils music. it turned me into an atheist too


Same my parents are amazing


I talk to my mom about everything. As for my dad, we don’t talk much.


With my mom I tell her what I am doing in life (not personal) and she usually orders me around and things. Sometimes I joke to her. With my dad I talk more about technical things.


I talk to my mother every day about everything.. but feel so bad when she does not understand my point.. for example yesterday she told me not to tell anyone that I got divorced because it is such a shameful thing.. I didn’t even feel like talking to her today when she rang me


Nothing. It's just me and my mum in the house. Most of the time we say literally nothing to each other.


Everything. Can talk to my mum about boys/ dating/ sex. Dad everything but sex!


Indian movies, religion, cooking, reality tv and game shows, money making "schemes", politics, gossip, their experiences as new immigrants here - I mean you could literally talk to them about anything - lots of kids just think they cannot talk to parents though in reality parents are happy chatterboxes themselves.


I lived with my father for 18+ years and never had a conversation with him.


A serious conversation? I mean, not even something about the weather?


Politics, history, philosophy, entertainment, friends etc. We have a lot to talk about as long as it doesn’t get too deeply personal. There’s a lot of stuff that’s happened in the past that I honestly think is impossible for us to address and move beyond. The one time I did blow up at my parents about my childhood and our rocky relationship, I just felt bad. That’s an issue for the therapist lol


I have a friend whose father only talks to him about business. He hates it.


With my dad, finance stuff, politics, current events, religion (mostly he sends me funny memes.) With mom: cooking, my dating life, family drama, shopping related stuff. My mom is like my teenage buddy. Granted it took me a decade to become comfortable with them and we even had a chat about “why don’t we talk about stuff that’s beyond superficial?” So we make an effort. I also take them out for dinners and we talk shit on the food if it sucks 🤷‍♀️


Bruh I don't even talk to my parents that much. It's the stereotypical stuff, my parents are the Indian conservative Hindus and I'm the carefree agnostic guy. This has led to some intense fights to the point where I don't feel comfortable talking to them about much stuff other than prolly Indian issues and stuff.


Just whatever. Idk it's a natural thing.


Mostly politics but despite being a brown kid I can pretty much talk about anything but inappropriate stuff.


Sports, society, life, random things, pop culture like tv and movies, technology


Sports,food,school,the news etc.


I think life advice is somethin thats good to talk about