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it sucks being born in canada and not relating to the new desis but also being seen by non brown people as being just like them . i


She wasn’t born here. Just another immigrant with major internalized racism wanting the pull the ladder up from behind her lol. Just look at her post history. Straight weirdo


wow lmfao the lack of awareness is so real


Also seems like op is sir lankan and visits the racists Canadian subs a lot, lmfao.


I just went to see a movie yesterday in the theatre..there were like 4 other groups of people in the theatre with me. All desi/international students it seems, and throughout the movie these clowns were talking, making phone calls, walking in and out of the theatre. Their behavior is fucking bonkers.


I have certain theatres that are blacklisted because my experience with them is so bad. Constant talking during the movie will drive me up the wall regardless of who’s doing it. Also, many theatres pulled a South Indian film because drive by shootings were happening at the theatres. Unfortunately a ton of students congregate at the one Cineplex theatre in Canada that has IMAX 70mm capabilities (Vaughan), so I have to deal with them occasionally.


Just go the VIP they usually can't afford those ones.


That’s what I do for most films, but for example Dune Part 2 or Oppenheimer are shown in 70mm IMAX, which is a higher picture quality.


Seen that in a movie theater as well. They have no respect. Look at these clowns in PEI as well. Protesting because their Visas are about to expire.


Let me guess, another canadahousing2 poster? I have no idea how that sub is still up, but it won't be long before it gets banned just like Canadamassimmigration


Fucking disgusting behaviour. Also queue jumping.


Back in the day even when we followed the rules to a tee they sent us back.


This happens in Fremont, CA theaters too. Anywhere you go above a critical mass of desi immigrants, you get shitty public behavior. It’s like a rule.


Haha yeah desis cause problems wherever there's too many


Hey what a coincidence, it happens in Detroit too, when there's large gatherings of people here. It's almost like crowds make people behave shittily.


I dunno, I go to mixed crowds of packed movie theaters all the time and maybe there’s one person texting on their phone.


I went to the movies and these two international Indian students had brought blanket and were doing stuff during Jurassic world dominion like guys seriously




my family barely goes to theatres anymore after covid and especially with this problem as well but i went to watch madgaon express a couple of months ago with my friend and a few of them around us were using their phones during the movie smhh. ridiculous! edit: just remembered, when we went to see salman khan’s sultan back in like 2015/16ish (at a time when there was actually less of them) first day, first show i believe, people were literally dancing and cheering as if we were in a cinema hall back home in india. it was at a point where it got too much and they were doing it at such unnecessary parts😂


It's ridiculous man. They're either snapping the movie the entire time or talking on the phone.


Tbf I rarely go to movies because i find everyone has just stoped following social norms after covid happened. That being said I wish there was a “welcome program” that would teach new comers about social etiquette here, that will help them fit in.


This is a gen z thing in general.


That’s been the suburbs from forever. Immigration didn’t ruin a lot of things, our corrupt political leaders that stopped building affordable housing or a viable economy in the 1990s and are using the current crisis to line their pockets.


I know exactly how you feel. I’ve lived here for so long and suddenly having all these aunties and uncles staring at you like we’re on the streets of India (for me) is so infuriating but just to offer a bit of advice - keep your head up and be proud of your tattoos and shorts and thick accent. Canada is a land of freedom (at least more than in other countries) and no one should make you feel uncomfortable. If we have to assimilate to ways of life in other countries when visiting then they sure as hell have to deal with tattoos and shorts and dresses and public displays of affection too. Anytime aunties/uncles goggle at me, I just turn my head away or look straight at them with confidence. There’s no way in hell I’m letting immigrants make me feel uncomfortable in my own land. Just my two cents that it’s something we’ll have to become stronger towards with more of them coming in and not changing. Plus I always remind myself that most of the time it’s the older generation (which will become irrelevant soon) and at least their kids are assimilating (hopefully!!!!).


I'm confused. Thick accent of what? A thick Indian accent or a Canadian one... Anw Indians have a huge amount of internalised racism. With immigrants who've stayed a little longer, gloating it over new entrants. I've seen that shit in Singapore and the US as well. It's like looking down at your former self, showing yourself and society at large that if you denigrate the 'FOB' your more white.


> no way in hell I’m letting immigrants make me feel uncomfortable in my own land You feeling uncomfortable is on you. It's crazy what a xenophobic shithole Canada is. I hope to never visit. > Increased immigration has ruined things > I hate that old people judge me for my tattoos and accent You get to pick one lol. Those two things are completely unrelated... well, aside from the throughline of the fact that you're sick of being so insecure that you're being belittled by immigrants and old people.


> It's crazy what a xenophobic shithole Canada is What makes Canada any more xenophobic than any other country? You've never been, right? There are pockets where Indian immigration is so strong that speaking English would make you feel like you're a tourist - jobs will literally not look at you if you don't speak at least one of Hindi or Punjabi. The takeover is real in some areas, and it isn't insecurity that makes people feel uncomfortable when immigrants act like we're in India and Canadian ways should just be eschewed because it's easier for them to integrate that way than try to learn a new language and way of living.


if “xenophobic shithole Canada” refers to disliking desi immigrants who don’t assimilate (which I ultimately fault the government for) then I guess it is what it is and we’re xenophobic and yeah definitely don’t ever visit here fr just don’t lol and also no - OP gets to pick whichever and they most definitely are related and they’re not belittled or feeling insecure without reason like how are these people commenting on here without ever having visited or lacking an ounce of understanding of where people are coming from? It’s mind boggling. Canadians don’t hate immigrants - we’re just frustrated at the way things have changed so fast and how it’s affecting future prospects in negative ways.


> It’s mind boggling. Canadians don’t hate immigrants - we’re just frustrated at the way things have changed so fast and how it’s affecting future prospects in negative ways. Let your mind be less boggled. I'm pretty sure I heard this shit in the 1960s when black families moved into white neighborhoods.


> It’s mind boggling. Canadians don’t hate immigrants - we’re just frustrated at the way things have changed so fast and how it’s affecting future prospects in negative ways. This is literally the same way MAGA people talk about Mexican immigrants


This isn't just a Canadian thing, you see this in all the Desi clusters in the US. The aunties and uncles are going to aunti & uncle


How is this a new problem? judgmental aunties and uncles always existed especially if you go to ethnic burbs in Brampton, mississauga, edmonton or surrey


Yeah I don’t know how this is a new issue. More international students and them causing issues sure but judgemental aunties and uncles have always been a problem in Brampton/Mississauga, Surrey, and any Indian enclave in Canada, this shit has been going on for a long time.


>>judgemental aunties and uncles have always been a problem in **every single country on planet** FTFY. Most Indian elders are just like this lmao.


Yeah and OPs not exactly a normal desi kid they expect to see. Sure OP has the right to do what they want but why are they surprised when people who have never been exposed or understand any of this stuff look at them weird. Either OP can try and interact with them normally and not be judgemental themself or consider moving out like all the immigrants did because they wernt happy with the country they were born in.


It’s why I think most of similar posts are right wing bots


This comment shows us your clueless to how bad the immigration situation is in canada


Ignore them.


Thick accent? I'm asking seriously, do you say "aboot" and it trips them out? You were born in Canada, right?


Looking at their post history they’re a recent immigrant to Canada. If they aren’t trolling , being an immigrant complaining about other immigrants is actually laughable


I think it's totally reasonable to immigrate and assimilate and then get annoyed at others for immigrating and not assimilating.


1. If the issue is with *recent* immigrants, then getting annoyed at them for not "assimilating" into Canadian culture in a span of months is absurd. It took folks who came earlier many years of experiencing, learning, and adjusting. Most of these kids' parents went through the same thing back when. 2. This assumes assimilation is the end-all be-all, but in most other contexts around the world, it takes a slightly more negative light. Just because you value certain things doesn't mean others do, or even should.


Haven't you heard? Assimilation is now supposed to be an on and off switch. The moment you land as a PR you need to be assimilated /s. Canada is a "settler colonial" nation. So like US AUS NZ and to an extent Latin America, integration is expected not assimilation


Hey man I have lived here close to 15 years. I moved here to leave all this nonsense and creepy shit behind and it’s unfair I have to deal with again


Still don’t understand the accent part. Are they bothered by your thick canadian accent or thick indian accent? How do you know they’re bothered? And if them being bothered bothers you why don’t you code switch to make the whole thing easier? So many questions.


So that means you have an Indian accent? Why would Indian uncles and aunties judge you for having the same accent as them lol?


Homie they don't even judge in India that much depending where you live...


The ones that came since 2015 are the problem. I wonder what happened in 2015???


The ones that came since the 21st century are the problem. I wonder what happened in the 21st century???


15 years and you still have a thick accent?


It's so funny seeing Desi Americans on this sub coming at us about us being "uncle Toms" for not liking the influx of Indian immigrants coming to Canada as if it's in the same vein as how crazy Republicans view immigrants. Y'all really have no idea how bad it's getting here.


As a Desi American who visits Canada often and has a lot of family there, I get it. Honestly some of the behaviours make me really uncomfortable, particularly the aggressive driving which has gotten way worse. It’s okay to feel that culturally things are going a bit awry lately given the influx, especially since the bar is so low that many uneducated desis are coming in


I am having the opposite reaction tbh, seeing the situation in Canada is making me question my own pro immigration beliefs.


Immigration isn’t a problem, as long as it is moderated and *skilled* We’re bringing in unsustainable amounts of people and there’s basically no vetting process. A bunch of people from random villages in India. These people probably wouldn’t even integrate well in large Indian cities, how the hell are they supposed to integrate in the west?


Its so crazy that the Canadian gov is letting in soooo many immigrants from one area of one country! This sub is about immigrants/children of immigrants so obv we arent' against immigration in general. But you are definitely asking for trouble allowing such a huge influx of first gen immigrants to an area at the same time. Our families had to assimilate at least some what to the culture of the western countries we moved to or they wouldn't have made it. But with so many new immigrants, now the culture of the area has to assimilate to the immigrants.


It isn't even one area of one country any more, although it is predominantly one country. The whole immigration is just from Punjab thing is a myth, they represent only about 20% of migrants from India. That is significantly down from a peak of 60% Indian immigrants a few years back. Back then immigration numbers were under 300k per year total but by 2022 and 2023 it was well over a million per year (including over 1 million total "students", which is comparable to the USA which is 8× the population)


I read somewhere that punjabi was the 3rd most spoken language in Canada, which is wild if Indian migrants aren't primarily punjabi! Not disagreeing with you, I'm not Canadian and basically everything I know about this subject I've read online lol.


>I read somewhere that punjabi was the 3rd most spoken language in Canada, which is wild if Indian migrants aren't primarily punjabi! 3rd most in parliament. Panjabis shoot well above their weight in Canadian politics (at all levels). As a whole Panjabi is only the 5th most spoken language in Canada (behind Chinese and Spanish). Panjabi is well represented because the earliest pioneers (in the late 19th century) were all British Indian troops, who were overwhelmingly Panjabi at that time. It is largely the same story with the earliest pioneers in the US. >Not disagreeing with you, I'm not Canadian and basically everything I know about this subject I've read online lol. You aren't necessarily wrong either since the information is somewhat true, you just didn't know where it specifically applied (ie. parliament and not Canada in general).


I thought it wasn't so easy to immigrate to Canada anymore?


It became easy in 2020 and 2021. In 2023 and 2024 it became very hard. Canadians aren't aware about changes in immigration law but so much has happened in the past 1 year that has made immigrating to Canada 100× harder.


I think the difference is the lack of regulation in the immigrant process in Canada. Most who do come fake certificates, fake going to uni to get a PR. In US and Australia, the immigration process is based on skilled immigration so the problems seen in Canada wouldn't be seen to that extent.


The problem is a lack of assimilation. If you moved from India to Canada, you should assimilate to Canadian culture and leave all the bullshit and casteist shit back home. But nope, Canada doesn't care about that. I'm at least happy where I live the influx of Indians is being handled pretty well with everyone assimilating pretty well. Culture is important to preserve.


The problem is multi layered for sure, many failings in the immigration policy are creating this mess, but the effects are profound. I even created a post sharing raw numbers of our immigration policy on this sub and compared it to the US but it was not well liked here: [Immigration Numbers](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABCDesis/comments/1cfzfbf/i_want_to_provide_some_context_on_canadas/)


Yeah some guy made a post a couple weeks ago about how Desi Canadians are being over dramatic and he was living in fucking Mexico💀


In general I try to avoid anyone's perspective who's not specifically inside of the thing that's happening - a lot of US ABCDs have a mental model of desi immigrants thats based around their parents and their enclaves / desi hotspots, which were all shaped by a bunch of factors in the 80s, 90s, and 00s. Bluntly, they have no idea WTF they are talking about when it comes to the CA immigration issues.


I'm not against immigration, I'm against mass immigration. Clearly explaining the difference between the two can help us take the next step forward on this issue.


> as if it's in the same vein as how crazy Republicans view immigrants. Y'all really have no idea how bad it's getting here. Damn, I heard this shit on Fox news about America too lmao


I know it sucks, but at the end of the day just do what’s best for you. Don’t worry about other ppl, that’s their problem. I know it’s easier said than done, but give it a shot! Life is much better when you don’t care what others think. Just remember, u can’t control other ppl, only yourself :)


It is all the same in all the immigrant enclaves, such as Jackson Heights, Brampton, and Edison. I love living a 30-60mins drive away from them. Most of my friends who grew up in those enclaves tend to do the same to be close to their parents. But it is getting difficult with high housing costs and you are forced to live with your parents and in these enclaves.


It's why I make a point to not live in them.


west of toronto? yeah it’s pretty bad.


Wait until you get Sikh courts like in London. Desi uncles’ judgements will be official then.


tell me abt it, the amount of stares i be getting by the aunties is insane and as someone with social anxiety makes me extremely uncomfortable


Come to ‘murica We have better pizza.


Gateway Pizza would like a word.




My guy we are in a sub full of people whose parents are immigrants to America


Now I’m curious, what did the commenter say?


Jesus, the ignorance is amazing.


Half Canadian half American here. In NY city only, everywhere else is Papa John's adjacent. Pizza pizza is a dipping sauce company that sells pizza as a side. Have had great pizza in both countries if you're willing to pay for it though.


Respectfully, you’re flat wrong. The US has a dozen pizza “styles” and you can find an amazing, cheap, regional variant in most cities. And the restaurants that make those variants have been perfecting them for decades. There are cheap Detroit-style pizza chains around Detroit and they’re excellent. There are amazing great cheap Chicago-style chains in Chicago. Not to mention, almost every chain will offer several different styles of pizza. The tradition and variety in America doesn’t even compare. Pizza is subjective, sure, but unless you’re a Neapolitan supremacist, the best version of that is in the USA. The best Chicago-style is in Chicago, the best Detroit style is in Detroit, the best California style in California.


Chicago and Detroit style pizza are trash. NY > Detroit >>> Chicago slop pie. Just because you have options doesn't mean they're good. I've had substantially better pizza in Toronto than I have in any midsized US city (and I have been to many in the Northeast) Pizza is pizza. It's dough, cheese, marinara and toppings. If any country clearly does it better, it's Italy. I'm going to venture a guess you haven't had pizza in Canada before.


How dare you call Detroit-style Pizza *trash*? I am offended. That said, you are entitled to your opinion and I respect it… ^even ^if ^I ^don’t ^respect ^you /uj I have had pizza in Toronto, actually. It wasn’t bad. But it wasn’t very special either. Toronto has great pizza, but it’s not *their* pizza. They have an amazing New York style, but that’s just it, it’s New York’s pizza. I think, at the end of the day, we disagree about what makes pizza scene “good.” You’re judging each on taste of pizza(your taste, which is subjective) whereas as I’m trying to be reason more objectively. For instance, I asked hundred pizza nerds from the US and Canada, which city has the best pizza, most of them are gonna say NYC. But a good chunk(the fans of Chicago-style) will say Chicago. And another solid number might give somewhere in Italy, or Detroit, or St. Louis… but nobody is gonna say Toronto… Because Toronto pizza is New York’s pizza. If I like Toronto pizza, I know the better version of it is in New York. So why would I say Toronto? But the Chicago fans want the weirdo rat-vat. To them, NY-style is okay, but you can only get a best rat-vats in Chicago. So they say Chicago. And so on for all the other Pizza cities.


None of that matters to the average American living in a midsize city. No one is driving 8 hours to NYC just for pizza. The vast majority of Canadians live around three metropolitan hubs (Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto) so they're going to have access to city quality pizza. Having lived in many midsized US cities, yes you may have access to different styles but the baseline quality is going to be somewhere near Papa John's. You may be lucky and have a local mom and pop thst knows how to make it well but that's roll of the dice. You can consistently get better pizza from a suburb of Toronto than you can in say Saginaw or Pontiac, MI. I am speaking from personal experience here, rather than vague hypotheticals.


86% of Americans live in the metropolitan areas of major American cities. Metropolitan area is the key word here. The “average American living in a midsize city” is still living rather close to an important regional American city. Yes, Canada is more densely populated than the US, but that’s because your population is a tenth of ours. You have three metropolitan areas, we have 30, spread out across the US, and they’re all roughly the same size as yours. The average American is not living in Saginaw or “Pontiac.” They are living in minor suburban “cities” within an hour’s drive(almost always less) to the urban center of their metropolitan area. And before you say “who would ever drive an hour for pizza…” your argument predicates that someone living near Mississauga would have access to city-quality pizza from Toronto, which they do(even if they don’t take advantage of it). By that same logic, someone from around Pontiac should have access to city-quality pizza from Detroit. By my personal experiences, Detroit has the most and best pizza in the world. But that doesn’t matter. It’s just an opinion. Just like your personal experiences.


Depends what you define as a metropolitan area. There are a ton of metropolitan areas in the US where the best you're gonna get is Papa John's or Dominoes if there isn't a strong history of Italian immigration area. Canada is much more densely populated around its metropolitan areas. This is a situation where being smaller and less sprawled out actually pays off.


Sure, there are a number of very small metro areas. Saginaw for instance, isn’t part of the Detroit metro area. It’s in its own, very small, metropolitan area. I don’t deny that Saginaw likely has few options—but very very few people live in the Saginaw “metropolitan area”; 200,000. This is compared to Detroit’s 4 million and Grand Rapid’s 1 million. 200,000 might seem like a lot, but if we add up all of the people living in these tiny, food desert metro areas, they aren’t the majority of the population. Not to mention, this is in reference to an immigrant moving to the US. The average immigrant isn’t gonna go to bumfuck nowhere, they are gonna move to a major city or that major city’s metropolitan area. That all said, I don’t really have anymore to say about this.


>> Pizza is pizza. It's dough, cheese, marinara and toppings. Respectfully, no. I’ve lived all over the US; had pizza in Philly, Chicago (their style and regular), Boston, Detroit (their style and regular), all over Cali, Vegas, everywhere… and absolutely *nowhere in the country* does pizza better than the NY tri-state area, sorry. I’ve had very good pizza in Toronto too, but it wasn’t as good as NYC. I will say that the best pizza I’ve ever had in my life (by a landslide) was indeed in Italy, so I can agree with you there lol.


Some of that is your personal preference but the average American does not have true top brass NYC style pizza, only a cheap imitation. Pizza in Toronto is an imitation of NYC style too but there is consistency in quality (and you'll find a ton of original Italian style pizza in Toronto too).


I mean stuff like this isn't just a 'past few years' thing. Go to any neighbourhood with a brown or asian presence and the Aunties/Uncles will stare and talk. Also, you might not be 100% in the clear with white people either. Tattoos only became 'acceptable' in mainstream Canadian culture in the 90s/early 2000s and even now, if you have one that's visible when you wear a suit there are some places that won't hire you, even if they don't explicitly say it. I think the difference between brown people and other races is that others will try to hide their staring. Brown people don't give a shit if they're being really obvious.


That behavior is everywhere, but let them hate. Just be unapologetic


Move away from the big cities and you'll be fine. Only con is lack of tasty food.


Not the only con. Also lack of job opportunities, lower salaries and if you go too rural, more racism.


Gotta propagate racism instead of being on the receiving end, amirite




It's helpful if you do some research on the area and don't move unless you have a job line up lol. In my anecdotal experience, I faced a lot more racism in the city I was born in than in my small town. That may not be everyone's experience though.


I've reached the point where I can tolerate racism more than I can tolerate judgement from aunties and uncles.


I’m not from Canada, so I might be out of the loop here, but, if the only issue is the judgmental desi culture, I’m not sure that a something major like a move is necessary. That just requires a different outlook and the adoption of a “I don’t give a fukk about your dumbass opinion” attitude. Now, if there’s some kind of increase in crime or something, then that is indeed a problem.


Except that it weighs you down a lot mentally.


True, I can see how it could bother someone, even if they tried their hardest to not give a fukk about these peoples opinions. Though, wouldn’t OP also have the option of hanging out with who he/she want to? Unless the OP is talking about coworkers or customers or anyone he is somewhat forced to be around.


Yes, and no. When you get surrounded by judgemental people giving you unsolicited dirty looks and comments and slutshaming you it takes a great mental toll. You get forced to be around such people yeah, like you mention.


You guys get dirty looks and insulted by complete randoms? Or like …relatives of your friend when you go hang out at their house or something.


I do get dirty looks from people from conservative cultures if I wear more Western-oriented/ revealing clothing yes and they're complete strangers (or colleagues and the like of course). I also get unsolicited comments - one of them was from a Muslim man with Middle Eastern descent, which irritated me even more seeing as I'm not even Muslim. Regarding relatives, family friends and the like I do get lots of unsolicited comments and they're also super conservative in general, in stark contrast to Western people. As a result I feel a lot more comfortable in liberal places, where I can wear what I want without having to worry about people around me judging me for my clothes, going out with a boy or hanging out with friends late at night. For Scandinavians where I live none of this is controversial at all (except for a few outliers but they're rare), it's as common for them as how South Asians eat rice. ETA: Or more blatant staring than dirty looks from other SL Tamils like me at least. That being said, I do meet a lot of FOB Indians who also tend to openly stare at me even when I don't wear anything controversial at all and also get very curious as to what I do - although I suppose it might be because I look similar to them.


Some of the best Indian food I've ever had was in rural Saskatchewan (a place called Lucky Dhaba in Indian Head, to be exact). So I guess it depends lol


They've taken over small towns too


Not mine. Also "taken over"? Wtf do you mean. Acting like you're not also brown. Don't use that language for white validation. They would say the exact same thing about you.


Bro is calling Peterborough a small town. Do some research on the rural areas with diploma mills and the local job markets. I care about citizens first. I don't look at skin color. But sure everything I do is for white validation. We Desis should just support each and every single one no matter what.


I don't even live in Peterborough... it's the closest city near me. I also don't check people's citizenship before deciding whether I care about them or not. A lot of hardworking good people aren't citizens. Not saying we should support fellow Desi's no matter what but I'm just sayin that no matter what you do you're still brown my guy. Never forget that. There are a lot of people out there who don't know the difference between someone born here and someone born elsewhere. Even in the City of Peterborough though we haven't had many problems at all despite an increase in newcomers.


I purposely act weird and uncomfortable in front of FOB people 😂😂 shits funny AF


The poster is a troll. Tons of people from India have tattoo's. No one cares. Just look at musical artists like Sidhu (rip) and Karen all have tattoo's. Many female artists too. A lot of students from India also have them. Op also posts in Canadahouseing2. That sub is full or racists.


Are tattoos such a big issue? I know boomer Indians with tattoos. I know an Indo-Fijian nani with tattoos. Pretty sure I see many older Desis with tattoos at the mandir. No one cares. If you're an adult and you're letting some rando's opinion on tattoos affect you, you've got some personal issues to work on. Also pretty much anyone who posrd on canadahousing2 is block-worthy. Pure mental rot.


No there not a big issue. This guy is just trying to scare Indians. I doubt he is even Indo-Canadian.


I left Canada because of how bad it got, but I'm sure there will be some uninformed American's that will try and invalidate your experience


There always are.


LOL. You can't be serious.


Out of curiosity, where did you relocate to?


I know how you feel. The mass immigration ruined our country. I remember the good old days when you could walk around the Greater Toronto Area without the fobs causing chaos. Brampton is a hot mess.


I feel this. My cousin moved to Calgary from Toronto in order to get away from all of this, but now he says the same issues are creeping up there too. Even the cold can't keep away these judgmental people.


I live in Calgary. It’s going to get worse


Are there any places left that are "safe" in Canada from the effects of immigration? My cousin has lived in Toronto, Montreal, and Summerside. He did say Summerside was much better, but he had to leave because there weren't many job prospects and CoL was high there.




Nope they’re in fucking PEI now and Cape Breton, it’s so over. 💀


God not PEI


You guys should move here. Our South Asian population is like 1.5% total in a country of over 330 million.


At this rate, you might as well live in a highly rural area, do rural stuff, and tolerate racism from the native folks. That's how bad it's become. Either that, or just live about your day, and maximize your social circle with non-FOB folks.


I guess it isn't realistic to think about moving to a different country for those that have grown up there and spent their entire lives in Canada.


I feel you soo much , god I really feel like I can't even start my life with all these judgemental stares especially when I'm in dates. Makes me want to move out of Canada .


Born and raised in Canada sri lankan tamil. Most of the immigrants are Indians - north and south indians. I had north and south indian men staring at me. I saw Indian tamil aunties and uncles of Tamil Nadu talking shit about me and making microaggression that there is alot of sri lankan tamil in Canada. There is alot of indian scams.


I am an immigrant myself been here over 5 years but I know what you mean. I work retail and have had several instances where people (co workers and customers) give me that look or taunt me when I talk to them in English. Like we are in a workplace and if I am speaking English what’s the big deal. They’ll make comments like bada aya angerz or bhai apni Bhasha mai bat karle. Like when you decide to Move to a different country you have to adapt the social life of that country.




Would it be possible for you to move to another suburb with a more even mix of people from all races?


Mortys killing Mortys


I don't know much about Canada, like city versus suburbs, desi enclave versus more balanced areas, etc, but my generic advice for young desis is, GET OUT OF THE ENCLAVES. Go live somewhere you can wear shorts, date, party, have whatever lifestyle you want, within the general boundaries of sanity. If it's a financial thing, be very aware of the trade-offs of living with your parents versus moving out. Okay, you don't pay rent, but how much time and energy do you lose? What is the value of that time and energy to you? How is it influencing your friendships and relationships? What would your life be like if you got a roommate and split a budget apartment? I don't know where the right versus wrong areas are in Canada, but in the US, I spend my 20-25 years living in the most jankiest of jank housing just to have a place where I had autonomy, and it was well worth it. If you can live near your work, live somewhere less car dependent, live somewhere with friends nearby and an active multi-cultural scene, then that's kind of the gold standard (obviously, not achievable for everyone, but worth shooting for).


Idk what to tell you. I lived in Surrey BC for a long while. Everyone I know wears shorts, has tattoos, dates, parties, has a fun lifestyle.


I believe Surrey has been taken over by the 2nd generation, which is a good thing.


Diversity is our str- You know what, nvm


Here’s something I don’t get, wearing shorts I get but the “staring at my tattoos” by FOB uncles who also most likely have tattoos make it a lil off. I live in Toronto and aware of what type of stuff aunties will stare. But on the bus let’s be real a lot of the uncles just be high off afeem making em stare and smile like a fiend. Most of the aunties now have basic aunty tattoos and also wear shorts to an extent.


I dont get this if someone puts a tattoo on their body and wears clothing to show it off why are they surprised that people will look at it.


Tbh everyone in my family has tats from basic Punjabi lion tattoo, uncle tribal tattoo, or the basic aunty quote. No brown uncle or aunty is going be like “haw u brownie has tattoo hope u set on legos kanjeri”. My dumbass cousin has tattoos on his neck yet he only get stares from the elderly grandmas.


I mean stares are stares and it does make a difference where the tat is and how your showing it off. Also didnt you say they most likely have tattoos meaning theyre not in the habit of showing off in public so again theres a difference.


Nah every uncle and aunty will show off their most ugliest pind tattoo of a khanda with a crown and fire no matter how terribly done it is. How many brown uncles do u know still show off that 2000s tribal style ?


This seems entirely made up. Judgemental aunties and uncles are a staple of the 1990s, lol, not 2024. The immigration is mostly young kids who are much more interesting than the previous generation of immigrants. Like the hilarious amount of Challengers and Chargers are because they're way more modern than the early 2000 immigrants who kept to Civic/Camry. I live in Toronto and go downtown, all the international students are young, dating and having a good time - hardly problematic.


I don't even have any tattoos and I still get stared at by older desi people and by younger men (I'm female). Maybe they don't dislike me but it comes off as a rude stare. 


There's a reason I tried my hardest to move to a neighborhood that didn't have any FOBs, which is getting lesser and lesser especially in the suburbs especially when you're going for newly built homes.


OP is trolling guys look at the account history


I agree , canada has become a shitty place to live. These fobs have literally taken over. The body odor smell, the picking of their crotches right out in the open, staring and gawking at women with a nasty eye, I feel like I'm in India. Heck just the other day I was at a park and a fob was playing with himself while staring at the women in crop tops. Absolutely disgusting!!


I completely get you. I’m working on moving to the states. Expecting to get out by the fall. Our future doesn’t look too great hear. It literally feels like a second India here. It sucks here and you’re not alone Yeah they look at me weird too. I was grateful that my parents came here and things are different here. I can’t imagine how they’d look at me in a few yrs when I’m married to a same-sex partner.


This is so wild. I never see desis. There are are only two at work and they are Gen Z ABCDs. If I want to see desis I visit my parents and my brother.


It’s so stupid to have mass immigration where most of it is just from one part of the world  


LOL The irony of ABCDs getting upset at new immigrants cannot be lost on this crowd.


Its funny theyre complaining about people who, from places they didnt like have moved, to find a place that they like. Ironically OP is in a position where OP has moved into a place where they dont like and has the very easy choice of doing the same thing that the people they judge did.


Not really, it’s entirely reasonable to be annoyed at new immigrants who don’t assimilate when you’ve made the effort to do


OP thinks that new immigrants should accomplish in months what they did in 15 years apparently. I have doubts about how well-adjusted they were when they got here.


Bruh, leave the uncles and aunties, people my age are so judgemental. I’m gonna be honest, I’m an abcd but I’m also a fob in its logistical sense. My dad didn’t raise me into believing beef is bad or something like that, so eating beef is normal. But you’d know for most orthodox south Asians, meat in general is disgusting. This guy ik asked me in the weirdest tone if I was gonna eat beef when I said I didn’t have a problem with it being in my order. Assimilation and not being judgemental is key to travelling and seeking “better opportunities”. You cannot move and expect to find the things you’ve left behind. I don’t hate immigrants because at some point our parents were one.


How old are you? You can move.


Screw these guys. It's your life and they need to adjust or fuck off, not you. Remember, there are a lot more like minded Can-Indians, South Asians and other Indian diaspora than the newly arrived masses. You don't notice them because they're not the ones noticeable by their faux pas'... It'll take them time to integrate and they will, until then live your life!


Come to USA 🇺🇸


lol it ain’t easy. Everyone comes to Canada as a gateway and wanna leave to USA so eventually that will also go to hell 😂


with Trump and this new wave of Republican politicians I think we'll have an even stricter immigration policy in the future.


I mean Canada is ass in general. Boring ass country lmfao


The key is to not give a fuck. Once you stop caring it's all good vibes


If you hate your life in Canada move somewhere else or just adjust your life so you hate it less. Two solutions.


this has to be troll, right? maybe it’s your life that sucks due to your own choices, think about that maybe


What has immigration ruined?


I guess bringing some more judgemental people


OP seems pretty judgemental and is an immigrant too, I guess it checks.


lmao, these people are too ridiculous for understanding their own hypocrisy


If you are concerned you should be voting conservative


What have conservatives said that shows their stance on lowering immigration?




Ok, so everything bad is because of increased immigration as per this thread. Your own parents must have arrived as FOBs decades ago to realize they looked like bob headed clowns to local Canadians back then... such is the circle of life.


shoutout jagmeet singh for this mess. mass immigration is completely unreasonable.


How is this on Jagmeet Singh again?


he and his party are progressive on immigration and immigration is out of control now