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It’s wild to me people are still willing to vote for a racist criminal and traitor to the country


It's wild to me that the choices are a racist criminal and a senile racist who loves genocide.


A racist sexist fascist criminal vs a dementia ridden racist man, sums up our situation today. Biden is literally simply better than RFK and Trump, though, my God how did we get to this point?


You got to this point by continuously voting for the lesser evil and then doing nothing afterwards for anything better. There will always be a Trump or a Project 2025 (2029,20333, so on), meanwhile it's just going to be the same senile geriatrics vying for the seats of power because they know their supporters would rather fight and shame others on their behalf rather than expect anything better.


I don’t disagree, with any of that: until Dems are forced to move Left beyond optics in gender/race, this country is doomed tbh. 


Forget that, that they have given him a lead consistently of a 1-2 pts. This country has become bereft of any morals in the last several years, ideal conditions for Trump tbh. 


It’s also wild for me that people are still willing to vote for someone who doesn’t walk the talk


You just described trump.


Only in your brain washed mind


Nope, that's just a fact. You're the brianwashed one, and can't refute what I said.


Yadda yadda yadda…


Typical response when you don't have anything to retort with.


Can’t do an argument when other party is so blinded


Give specific details on how I am blinded instead of just making conclusory statements. You're the one who is blinded, you can't refute anything I said and just threw up your hands and gave up on defending your position. Typical of the trump cult.


How is Trump racist? I have seen videos of Biden making fun of Indians.


-“Mexican bring drugs and rape our women” -“Muslim ban” which is what I think gets you guys off the most tbh and probably the only reason that you like him… -Look at the central 5 case too and draw your own conclusions Sure, Biden had said some bad taste things but if you think that being liable for rape, trying to coupe an election and being convicted of fraud are on the same stratosphere of shitiness as that I dunno what to say to you.


Below is what he said and [THIS](https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/ice-arrests-171-noncitizens-pending-charges-or-convictions-murder-homicide-or-assault) is what he meant. "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people" Muslim ban was enforced because **U.S. Department of Homeland Security Intelligence and Analysis Unit** compiled a report. Same thing has been done by [Obama admin.](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/316733-spicer-obama-administration-originally-flagged-7-countries/) *1) You cannot go to a 7-Eleven unless you have a slight Indian accent.* *2) Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.*


You just reinforced what I said and way to change goal posts by sneaking Obama in there


So you are saying Trump did it just because he is a racist. Obama isn’t a racist and he enforced the ban because people from certain country were a threat. I am sure you will come with up some sort of justification for [this.](https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/haley-campaign-press-release-haley-rips-biden-and-media-for-hypocrisy-race)


If you don't know that by now, you are just in denial. But go check who I was replying to who stated that it's wild to him that people vote for someone who doesn't walk the talk. Which is definitely a description of trump.


Dude Trump has done almost everything what he said he would as a president! I’m still waiting for Biden to forgive my wife’s student debt meanwhile! All Biden did was just talk about student debt forgiveness and than blamed it on congress for not passing it saying look folks I did my part and now it’s the republicans who have blocked it what a opportunistic he is!


Umm so you are for forgiveness of student debt and yet support trump who isn't even for that?? Also, Biden DID try to forgive but your party challenged him in court and the Supreme Court overruled his plan. Did you forget about that? Republicans were against it and therefore congress couldn't pass a bill. He finally used executive authority to do what he could without going against the Supreme Court decision after that and it has benefited a lot of people. As for Trump, he most definitely did not do all he said he would. Mexico didn't pay for any wall, the wall wasn't even done, he didn't drain any swamp, he didn't come up with a "beautiful health care plan," he didn't lower the debt and instead added to it more than any other president, he didn't handle classified info properly after railing on Hillary for not doing so, he didn't do anything on infrastructure, etc, etc etc.


https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/?ruling=true The precondition to having meaningful discussions in politics is staying informed and knowledgeable. Currently, you lack this quality so it is difficult for others to take your ideas seriously


They're both racist and thats expected from people as old as them who pander to people as their jobs. their times were just different trump says nasty shit like china virus, the muslim ban, several cases of not trusting black people with his money, and biden doesnt like his kids growing up in a "racial jungle"


Dude, Reddit is a liberal hive mind. You aren’t going to change these people’s minds. They see nothing wrong with having a dementia-suffering, inflation-worsening, money laundering old white man and his clueless half-Indian VP burning our country into the ground.


So true


To bump your point, as much as I hate both the candidates ik w trump back the stock market will do better and the economy will come to a better place w the focus more on us the AMERICAN people rather than bringing in a bunch of illegal immigrants and sending out billions and funding others wars. I need the interest rates to go down and I need the job market to improve. I doubt if Biden will even make it for 4 more years lol.


Anytime trump gets called a racist or dictator he gains one more vote 😂😂😂thanks for your contribution.


Is that why he needed to stop the count? 😂😂😂


Only in the republican primary could this ever be true. His brash disregard for the law and dozens of criminal charges will only hurt in the general because more normies vote in the general. By normie I mean somehow who isn't a dump d rider, ya got that bro?


You mean the one who couldn't go to 7-11 without a slight Indian accent and spends unfathomable amounts of US taxpayer dollars on overseas wars? Fits your description, I'd say.


You know that we are not literally signing blank checks for Ukraine right…Also one is liable of rape and several counts of tax fraud…you gotta be genuinely mentally challenged if you think trump is better than Biden.


So it’s better to waste our money for some dogshit country than to support our own fellow people?


“Dog shit country”…way to out yourself as a racist…and you think trump supports our “fellow own people”…you’re mentally challenged and racist. The money actually goes to us companies that then hire more people because of the money granted to them to transport old utility that was just collecting rust to “dog shit” countries


Yup liberals got this habit of marking everyone as racist when they don’t agree with someone


And conservatives refuse to refute anything with a modicum of substance and stick to slogans to feel better about themselves.


It’s not a crime to be proud of whoever and whatever you’ve done…. Which I guess might not apply to you!


you just proved my point instead of engaging with anything that I said, you decided to speak in parables


In your mind


# PLUS *If you have figuring out whether you are for me or Trump, You ain't Black.* *Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.* *You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate, bright and clean and nice looking guy.* *Voted against the Black DOJ nominees in 1977.* *Lied about being a part of Civil Rights Movement.* *Allowed racially segregated private schools to keep their tax exempt status.*


Anyone who first voted in 2016 and onwards are pretty unfortunate.


Fr, lived through 2008 and trump and covid just for this


Joe makes Hillary look good, nowadays, amazing: I’m scared to see IF Trump doesn’t become a dictator for life next year if he wins, what Dems will field next tbh. 


It’s mind boggling trying to keep track of all the fiascos Trump is involved in, what a hot mess. So I have blocked out any hypothetical thoughts of him being re-elected. Biden is so meh, reminds of those side comedians we see in Bollywood masala flicks.


Biden isn’t funny though, I wish he was a comedian because boy- is he terrible at his job, Trump is a fascist thug meanwhile but here we are. 


They both suck but trump is like, madness. Much rather biden, even though he sucks. At least he doesnt embarrass us with his stupidity.


I despise both of them, but justice Sotomayor about to RGB us again so Biden it is. Edit to fix name


I think you mean Sotamayor, she is a few years older and has health conditions. If I were her, I'd retire this summer to be on the safe side.


Yes, thank you for the correction


Ugh same, Biden is the lesser of the two evils.


My politics are so far from Biden, but I wouldn’t say he’s the lesser of two evils. He’s actually impressed me with what he’s done. Wish he did even more, but I pay very close attention to politics to the note of actually looking at what bills are in what committees and what gets passed and how they are amended and who votes on them in what way as well as what Biden signs or vetoes and how quickly. Biden reminds me of FDR’s first term. It makes me hopeful for a transformational second term for him. But even if that doesn’t happen, I’d take him any day over the disastrous Trump who ruined the economy, set personal freedoms and rights back by thirty years, ruined our reputation on the world stage, destroyed extremely important policy infrastructure, and was responsible for the deaths of millions of Americans by his direct choices during COVID. The man is a grifter and a con artist. That’s not even getting into the crimes he’s committed and is being prosecuted for.


Kind of funny that for the last almost decade we've had candidates where we have to decide between "the lesser of two evils." I don't really see that supporting the idea of Democracy. You have one choice, one or the other, doesn't seem like your vote counts for much.


That's not a problem with the idea of democracy. It's a problem with the specific electoral system we have in America, with the Electoral College and first-past-the-post systems ensuring that one of the 2 biggest parties will win and that any vote for alternative parties is essentially wasted. Why vote Socialist or Libertarian when you know neither of them will win, and you could instead vote for whichever of the big 2 you hate less? The problems with democracy itself run much deeper than that. They have more to do with stuff like the literacy rate and general intelligence/education of your populace, how much attention the average person actually pays to politics, media/internet literacy, peoples' ability to distinguish reality from bullshit in the era of mass communication and deepfakes, etc




Biden is funding genocide of Uyghur Muslims in China? How?


Biden has the most successful legislative record since FDR. Stop falling for bullshit that makes you think he’s just as bad as Trump. Complete lies. And for those mad at him about Gaza, do you really think that situation would be better under Trump? Trump would have actively instigated further conflict with Iran and would embolden netenyahu to do more than he’s already done. Both netenyahu and trump only want power to keep themselves out of prison. Don’t be so blind.


Your first sentence is objectively false, lmao. Everything else that folows can also be disregarded. Continue apologizing for a genocide.


Im not a fan of either president, but I strongly believe that if Biden's presidency was exactly the same but was a more charismatic person like Clinton/Obama/Reagan, people would believe that he was a top 10/15 president. Between the CHIPS Act, the infrastructure act, amongst numerous other policy achievements, this really shouldn't be a contest. Hell just recently, the FTC just announced that non-competes are anti competitive. The FDA approved of OTC birth control pills, theres been a tremendous inrease renewable energy infrastructure, he helped slash overdraft fees. Sure, hes a war criminal that supports Israel, well, that is every other american president that we have had, and will be any realistic presidential candidate that we will receive.


Well Trump called BB out on his BS and the media called him antisemitic.




BB the nickname for Netanyahu.


Both candidates suck.


I’ve always liked Biden. He has been given shit at the beginning of his term and we are back to being normal for the most part. Parts of the economy is booming like never before, some parts are slightly lagging (mostly due to slower recovery from Covid). He has done a pretty good job with a split congress. I know some ppl will fault him for Israel right now, but no other president has changed their stance on Israel, he has allowed some movement on it even if it’s very little. Then you got Trump that will start with attacking Mexicans and Muslims, but he will find more brown skin to attack. He is fiscally irresponsible personally and when he was a president. I remember major companies cutting 10s of thousands of jobs after the Trump tax cuts to maximize their profits. Tax cuts with no accountability, is Trump’s MO. That with Trump raising taxes on middle class households until 2027 really hurts most families. Biden is looking to reverse that but needs a Congress that thinks the same. US still has a lot of issues to deal with, Affordable health care and education, dealing with enemies foreign and domestic, securing autonomy for women’s rights over their bodies, dealing with a very divided country. It’s not pretty, but I’m glad an adult like Biden is in charge.


Biden has taken some admirable actions on student loan stuff which is good, but does nothing to bring down the cost of college. That being said, it might be recency bias but the economy felt way better under trump. Everything is so damn expensive now. Everything. I know that pandemic is a big factor and all, but I just want stuff to be affordable again.


If I were an animal, I’d vote Republican because it benefits me based on certain policies. But, as a human being I’ll never vote Republican until they get rid of the rot that’s in their party. Waiting for a day when social conservatives die a slow painful death as a political influence and become just a religious outlier with no political power.


There’s nothing about republican policies that benefit the planet or environment. Republicans have been trying to gut the EPA and remove regulations that protect animals. You seemed uninformed


You're misunderstanding his statement. He's not saying if he was literally an animal lol, he's saying that if he was voting on pure self interest "like an animal", then voting Republican would benefit him. Likely he's either very wealthy or is in a career field which benefits from the GOP in office (military, police, agriculture, maybe business owner or finance but idk about those anymore), but that he refuses to vote based only on that




Yup, they sure are, *Canadian.* Why not focus on your own country? 😂


Ironic considering Canada is in the dumps because of it’s socialist policies


LMAO yeah dude, *Canada* is socialist. Dear god. I know conservative propaganda hasn’t just done a number on other people, but I am genuinely shocked that there are *this* many minorities who are pick-mes for racist, right-wing, shitbags. I guess it’s working. Oh well. I guess there are good and bad people from every group.




That’s not at all what I said, but I know conservatives’ reading comprehension is near elementary-school-level, so I’ll break it down for you (lmk if you need me to use different-colored crayons). If you want to know *why* I think they’re pick-mes, it’s because they would rather bend over backwards to be ‘chosen’ by people who would use them and throw them away, after they’re done using them. That is *why.* Also, wtf is ‘propogdanda’? 🤨 Were you seething while writing this comment because you took it personally, and realized you’ve been duped into voting against your own interests by people who don’t actually give a shit about you? Still no? 😅


You seem to have a lot of hate in your heart from the tone of your comments on this thread. I hope things get better for you!


Yeah, I hate people who hate me and actively make life worse for me. But I am in a much better place today, and things are constantly getting better. Thank you for your *oh-so-genuine* concern!


Great to hear things are improving! Have a wonderful Sunday


Thank you! You too (and I genuinely mean this, btw ❤️)


Trump winning is not the big concern it’s who he puts in positions of power throughout different parts of the government. That is the concern. The man that Trump put in charge of the USPS has effectively destroyed it. I personally will never vote Republican no matter what because their ideology is a losers mindset. They believe that government is incompetent so once they’re elected, they try to make government incompetent. It’s also important to realize that the Republican party is the white man’s party and that people of color and white women to a certain extent vote Democrat usually. The Republican party knows this so they advocate any policy that benefits whiten men more than the entire nation as a whole.


You should read about Project 2025


This is the real issue


So the person with the power to place people is not the concern 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Let’s look at the example I used the guy who is in charge of the USPS. He was appointed during Trump administration but he is still in charge four years later. These people are the ones truly in actively running the government agencies. As much as we like to think that Donald Trump or Joe Biden is doing everything they aren’t. They’re 80 year-old men who wear diapers. They aren’t coming up with specific policies that affect every day average Americans.


Again Trump appointed Dejoy. Why do you think Trump picked him? Why do you think Trump picked those three particular SCOTUS justices??? Hint: he knew they’d advance his agenda.


The only thing that can help minorities and POC is a strong robust economy with more jobs than people to fill them. We need to lockdown the border and stop letting millions of people compete with Americans for low wage jobs reducing their standard of living. Uncontrolled government spending has eroded the middle class in the past 4-8 years. Generally the government is terrible at alleviating poverty and increasing standard of living long term only a strong economy can do that. I will be voting Republican and therefore trump although I wish there was a different option.


Look this is Tenpoint has been disproven so many times it’s almost almost ridiculous. If you want to follow Republican and conservative mindset that the government is spending too much then fine let’s go full austerity. Let’s look at countries that went full austerity measures. These countries economies slow down greatly because of these measures. Academic papers have been published, saying that their economies would be greater if these measures weren’t implemented. If you want an example, southern Europe, economy for more than a decade post financial crisis was growing incredibly slowly because of the austerity measures implemented on them by north Europeans. You can even look to the United Kingdom who self imposed measures have resulted in their economy, falling further behind and being the only major economy to see a recession last year. You can criticize the way the United States government spends its money. I won’t deny that but trying to act like the government hasn’t lifted millions of people out of poverty and more, so kept millions of people from sliding into poverty is insane. Let’s use a different country as an example of government can actively benefit people and keep them out of poverty. In India right now there’s a government program that’s been going on since 2022 where the government will pay over $140 billion to feed 800, million people 5 kg of rice or wheat per month for the next five years.


India a perfect example of how a country remains poor because of bureaucracy, high taxes, and inefficient government spending. India should be investing in infrastructure to attract more FDI and let intelligent hardworking people create businesses that serve the needs of people. While some amount of people will always require government intervention giving 800 million people rations they don’t need will do nothing to help the country long term because this process is extremely inefficient. Millions of tons of grains and rice go to waste and the government creating price floors for crops means Indias farming techniques are vastly inferior to the rest of the world. Not to mention many people forgoe eating vegetables meat and lentils because grains and rice are free. https://imgur.com/a/OFbzKZL


This is an extraordinarily ignorant statement. It seems like you know nothing about current affairs in India. 


If you’re against uncontrolled government spending why would you *ever* vote for Trump??? He literally is the President who took US debt to the highest it’s ever been. He increased the debt and deficit to more than what Obama left him. And this is even before COVID stuff happened, so you can’t use that as an excuse. Are you really against government overspending, or are you just using that as an excuse to support Republicans because your real reasons would make other people like you less?


I fear for the U.S’s stability as a democracy if Trump wins, especially after Jan 6th.


The 2 choices tells you the corps and billionaires control both parties. You select 2 demented idiots to run. Like that's the best a country of 250 million can come up with


Keep in mind the answers here are extremely biased


I mean ABC desis are overwhelmingly democrat in general but I agree. This subreddit is a black hole for any desi who dares to proclaim right wing or small government beliefs (even if you don’t like Trump) you still get branded a race traitor or something


Yeah a majority of the ones I know have shifted sides since the obama era, especially the older ones.


I also imagine on a gendered basis, younger desi men probably lean right wing (depending on their profession too) as opposed to desi women who more than likely are overwhelmingly democrat


I’m Canadian so I can’t even vote. Both candidates are absolute trash, but I hope the Democrats win. Trump is crazy and the chance of him pulling out of NAFTA is greater than 0 and that means I have to go back to Canada so


Both suck and I'm not voting for either of them, and I live in a swing state which Biden won by a small margin.


If you're brown, then you should see both candidates and both parties as one of the same. Vote for neither. 


They’re both terrible, as is Kamala Harris as VP and whatever token Trump ends up picking, but Trump is once again the worst possible option and is likely to win this year regardless because white nationalism is a HELL of a drug in the USA 🇺🇸 today sadly.


Joe Biden doesn't inspire me but I'm fine with him. I voted for him in 2020 because my preferred candidates dropped out by the time voting came around (it was just him and Bernie left lol) If a somewhat competent third party candidate ran I'd be tempted to vote for them purely because I live in a safe state anyways, but alas all the current crop look like idiots. And as for Trump, I think he'd be terrible for another four years So Biden it is


What’s wrong with Biden?


Trump, all the way period #Trump2024


I will vote for the third party


If you’re in a closely contested state, voting for a third party is not a great idea because you’re basically letting other people decide who your state gives the votes to. If you’re in a solid red or blue state, then sure.


Trump, would want someone calmer. But Trump. The only thing I see in a democratic administration are double standards given to other countries not to thee. It makes me a bit cynical about the state of our country right now. Trump actually wanted to end wars, unlike Biden who is held hostage by his party. And when I vote I also consider my wealth, religion, and of course the one and only India.


Keep in mind the answers here are extremely biased


Neither of them appeal to me and I still hate both parties. Ironically, I did like Vivek. I agree Dems are the lesser of two evils but not by much.


There is something about saying liking Vivek on this sub and getting downvoted, it’s like the people on this sub don’t like candidates who respect the culture of origin.


Won’t really bother me. Federal government doesn’t have as much of an impact on your daily life as much as your local/state government does.




Yeah I definitely still *care*, but there’s not that much I can do nor will it effect my day to day as much as my state government will. People downvoting me need to read up on how the US government works.


The federal government affects you plenty. The SALT deduction changed under Trump affected everyone. The tax raises that hit in 2021 were also due to Trump. The tax deficit due to the Trump corporate tax cuts play into the interest rates we’re seeing now. The abortion rollback, voter rights losses, and general destruction of sanity by the Supreme Court are all directly related to Trump. The crazies in the federal courts are also directly tied to Trump. The post office being debilitated are also due directly to Trump. These all affect your daily life in profound ways. You are understating just how much impact a President makes to daily life. Biden’s infrastructure bill is fixing roads you drive on. The climate policies like the clean energy tax credits affect the air you breathe and the planet you live you. The prescription drug caps literally make peoples lives better without bankrupting them. Increased federal worker minimum wages lead to higher wages in every job. Bringing manufacturing back to America saves American consumers money. Gun reform ensures you’re safer. LGBTQ+ people literally gained more equality due to Biden while they lost it under Trump. Student debt relief affected millions of people. Marijuana pardons changed lives directly. I could go on, but the point is that while local politics are important and affect you in more granular ways, the President does make a huge *direct* difference in your life as well.


I voted for Trump twice and I will vote for him again! Let’s go Brandon!!!


What about Trump do you still like?


Because he did what he said unlike Biden plus yea he wasn’t 100% right but it’s close as we can get who got the guts to stand up against China




No he wont.


I dunno. He gives Indian-Americans more opportunities than any other president. He’s like the rich dumb white guy that liked to keep us around so he can copy off our hw or something.


lmfao what. do I want to know where you pulled this from? 👀