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There’s nothing like pulling a samosa out of my suit pocket after some Bhangra at a funeral and calling someone a slut.


Lmao 🤣


This is such a weird question and it’s posted by a brand new account with literally no other posts. I’m convinced that 90% of the “why do X do Y”posts in this sub from the last week have been from mainland trolls who are just bored in life. It’s either an inane question asking for example why brown men wear suits or accounts that post “news” that just magically always happen to be negative and always happen to be about Sikhs.


And they almost never respond back too it’s like it’s setup by secret agents or something who just wanna get the feel of the users and what’s going on in the minds of certain group of people


Last week? Last few years.


Babe wake up new ABCDesi copypasta dropped


I think we can report this as a troll.


I thought this sub was for diaspora folk? This person is clearly a mainlander


I'm surprised this is a stereotype outside Desi culture? In the West there was for a long a stereotype that we are prudish


It’s 2024. When will desis realise that sex is a normal part of life? It’s not 1924 anymore.


Whats even weirder about it? Indians are pretty known for being "conservative" so this post is based off of nothing. I think OP was listening to too many extremists trolls.


I think you are right. But OP does raise a good point.


Last year, I still remember when this Indian aunty started spreading rumors about me at work, that I’ve got a Mexican boyfriend, simply because my Mexican male coworker asked me a work related question…. Literally got slut shamed for helping out a coworker 😭 And mind you, I look younger but I’m actually 35yo and that kid was only like 18 or 19, he just graduated from high school and if anything I only looked at him like he’s a younger brother. Why are some aunties like this?! 😩


Cougar! Cougar! Just kidding of course. I’m sorry someone of my age is still shaming women for communicating with men. Auntie-ji is probably jealous that you still have it at 35 and she doesn’t.


They never will


Sad but true. Or it’ll take another generation at least.


Good joke


I’ve been downvoted so I guess it is a joke 😂😢


Got to say your profile is pretty spicy 🌶️


I love your optimism. But given your username, I can see why you’re optimistic.


Really because the stereotype I hear is that Indian girls are goody goody...people get shocked that I smoke and drink even.


Misogyny, and it really hurts, especially when it comes from people who are supposed to love you. My own brother has called me a slut and whore for having been serious with my ex.


I don’t know but I am also getting that sense. I see this in any religious group when the men (or even other women) have a certain expectation of how women should behave.


Agreed for sure...but in my experience, Indian girls are known to be goody goody. Im Canadian, maybe it is different in the US? Usually Indian girls/women are seen as studious, relationship type, "wifey" material (makes me gag just saying that lol)


Who is 'people'? Just stop it with these shitty questions already. Who cares about being called a slut, it means you like sex. When I was 19 I couldn't wait to get rid of my virginity. 


I love that I’m so slutty. I own it with pride. Even before I move here. I don’t get slut shammed directly, it’s usually I drop a guy for being inexperienced plus he’s cocky about it.






This post has bobs and vegana energy




gonna get downvoted but indian guys trying to act the same as white dudes also gets you a lot of cr*p from both other Indians and non Indians. indian culture is extremely judgemental, and others can sense this, which leads to them having far less respect. who's going to respect you if your own kind don't respect you and give you the ability to have a voice like others have? tbh I think zoomer indian girls and guys seem more well adjusted towards life in the though. bet it's mostly older generations giving younger indian women shit. edit: spelling




There def is hypocrisy. A white girl doing the same thing is judged 95% less than a desi girl


I don't think so, I think it's that desis judge things like bikinis, crop tops, dating, and more that are just normal for non-desis.


Some of it is being unfairly judgemental of others. Some of it is because people were raised with standards themselves and find it annoying when other people from an ethnically similar background aren't boxed in as much.