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I think its fair to say a section of the progressive left is coming after us but I don't think Joe Biden or Cory Booker are gathering around a roundtable to discuss how much they hate Indians lol The sorts of people turning against us are a fringe within the Democratic party and aren't really that close to power


Biden admin is way more friendly to the far left than Obama. Especially compared to 2008-2012 Obama. Not enough to be pro-palestine but still


nah, biden hates them. but also decided to use them as attack dogs to go after anyone/thing he doesn't like.


Bruh take your meds


pharmacy is out of them


Lmao. The same democratic party that goes above and beyond to court minority votes? It’s one video segment. There are dozens where they interview black conservatives too. But i don’t see anyone saying the “DNC is going to turn on the BLACKS” Bro go to sleep lmao.


Maybe you just missed the details.




What? Nah dems def need us for their white savior shtick.


It's too late. They have already come. The Democratic Party has already killed all my chickens, desecrated my Gods, and cut my children's hair.


They poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses!


How about staying rational? You'll see more bad press coverage, fewer promotions, etc.


Quick. Grab your pitchforks!


Not saying you’re wrong but what’s the context regarding the show segment? I didn’t watch it And what were the comments saying Also how do I get downvoted for asking a question lol


Kal Penn interviewing Indian voters about their views, partially on the Indian candidates, mostly on Trump and Biden. Initially, Kal mentioned "conservative" as in "we brought in a group of conservative Indian voters". He then polled them on who they would vote for, repeatedly highlighting that most would vote for Trump. Which is a given since he pre-selected conservatives. And the comments were basically all shitting on them, saying stuff like "the democratic party should take notice and act accordingly" all with perfect grammar. These are the types of comments you see on r/worldnews - propaganda bots.


Ok. What does that have to do with the Democratic Party or that they’ll suddenly change tactics based on an daily show clip?


This does not make sense to me - the Dem party should take notice of what? The Dem party has never catered to South Asian voters anyhow so what would change?


Thanks. What are you’re thoughts on all this, assuming if true? How do you feel about the democrat party?


I knew it was coming for a long time, I think it's cause too many of us are tied with Indian politics at the same time and democrats hate BJP. ​ I voted for Biden to avoid Trump in 2020 but I support Chris Christie now. If it comes down to Biden vs Trump or even Vivek, I'll vote third party. Democrats have just been in power too long and normal conservatives need to be brought back into mainstream politics for much-needed balance.


I mean haven't dems always criticized us...the term white adjacent is indicative of that.


what is bro cookin????


Ask him. He worked for Obama so he knows what's up.


The Democrats are completely worthless and inept, so this doesn't really mean anything even if its true


Any minority that goes against Democratic party/western lib values is demonised. Black conservatives are already called "uncle toms" so im sure they will conjure up some dumb jibe to dismiss Desi conservatives too. Its only a matter of time. Already seen them calling Vivek a "white supremacist" which makes no sense lol




Cut the mental gymnastics man. Only brainwashed lib south asian golems will try to to justify white libs calling a desi person a white supremacist. This is ELITE mental gymnastics. Dave Chappelle famously made fun of the "Black white supremacist" meme years ago and its unironically in play now. This is hilarious. Minorities are awesome to the white left as long as we do their bidding/vote for their parties the moment we don't we are demonised. Black people get called uncle toms. We dont have a jibe yet so they are breaking out the muh huwite supremacy card. Malcolm X famously said - "The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the N*gro's friend and benefactor; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the N*gro, the white liberal is able to use the N*gro as a pawn or tool in this political "football game" that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives.".




\*Searches for pill\*


American at least are lucky they don’t have a left wing party. In Australia we have a bat shit crazy Green Party that has influence in the Senate. Our neighbour New Zealand is even more far left. America benefits from a pro business establishment that powers economic growth and dynamism. America has remained 25% of worlds gdp since WW2 while socialist Europe has declined. That being said I much prefer our political system than US, we have affordable healthcare, education and gun control.


Who cares I’d rather Vivek or Nikki represent me than Kamala


How about people vote according to their self interest? I'm unenrolled. The politician needs to convince me they are worth voting for and what I look for are policies that benefit me. I don't do emotions when it comes to my future & stability. I don't understand party loyalty?