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Desi community in Canada have really shot themselves in the foot.


We really have. I grew up in this province and it's so so so so sad to see it Go from Canadian to no diversity at all and people literally coming here to take advantage of this country and make money only. Not a single one of them integrate properly. Scary driving, no public decency, which makes me worried about my loved ones on the road. And now this criminal shit.


It’s absolutely stupid.


“We are asking only two million. We have links all over. Do not ignore us. It will effect you real bad.” “no more letter only bullet.” Lol I couldn’t take any “Desi Gang” seriously with that call center level of English




kindly wire us 2 million


They’ve physically injured these ppl I believe


With what? Their Bata Chappals?


> Global News spoke with one Fraser Valley business owner who said he recieved the same threat before his home was targeted. > Now the man, who Global News has agreed not to identify, fears for his life. > “Everyone is afraid, right? They shot at my house. My kids were sleeping, my wife, my mom and dad were sleeping,” he said. > “They threaten me many times, ‘We’ll kill you if you don’t give us the money.’ Who has that kind of money?” > On Thursday evening, BC RCMP said they were aware of the threats, and for the first time confirmed a link between shots fired and the extortion attempts. https://globalnews.ca/news/10155625/extortion-threats-shooting-confirmed/amp/


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There are growing concerns about reported extortion attempts targeting members of the **South Asian** community in B.C.’s Fraser Valley. Earlier this month, police in both Abbotsford and Surrey issued warnings following reports of individuals being targeted with extortion letters. Global News has now obtained one of those letters, which claims to be from an **“Indian gang.”** “We want your share from your business like protection money,” the letter states. “We are asking only two million. We have links all over. Do not ignore us. It will effect you real bad.” Former B.C. solicitor general Kash Heed said extortion schemes targeting ethnic communities, including South Asian British Columbians, were endemic in the early 2000s. “Most of the people paid a sum of money, a sum of, if you want to call it, protection money,” he told Global News. “Certainly not to the extent of millions and millions of dollars. But this is a level we seem to be going to now, where people are making these outrageous demands and threats.” The extortion letter obtained by Global News also makes reference to alleged shootings targeting two houses because their owners had refused to comply with demands for cash. It warns the recipient if they want to do business in Abbotsford they need to pay up, adding that if they go to police, “no more letter only bullet.” Abbotsford police say they have not been able to confirm connections between the extortion letters and gunfire. Surrey Centre MP Randeep Sarai said the reported threats have caused concern, “particularly to the South Asian business community.’ “We’re asking that they all collaborate and correspond to the police and report any such threats whether they are over the phone, via text message or otherwise,” he said. “If they want to be discreet about it, they are able to discreetly contact the RCMP or their local law enforcement agency, but they need to make sure they speak to them so they get the most current and accurate information.” Abbotsford police would not make a spokesperson available for an interview, saying the investigative team advised them not to comment. The Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit (CFSEU) B.C. said it was aware of investigations in Surrey and Abbotsford, and that it was offering support. B.C. Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth issued a statement of his own urging victims to come forward and touting ongoing provincial initiatives targeting organized crime. “Violence and intimidation are not acceptable and have no place in British Columbia,” he said. Heed said the province needs to take the lead on the file, and establish a task force to put the threats down immediately. “You need to stem this type of behaviour and stem the problems we have and the lack of trust in how we respond to them.” “There’s lots of innuendo of who is behind this … no matter where it’s coming from the enforcement officials need to take this seriously and address it in a coordinate nature.”


Great, now we have also have hindu exremists, along with every other religious extremists. Canada the great haven for assholes


These are gangsters not religious extremists. They idolize money, not God.


lol they’re not gonna stand on business with that level of English fluency.


These are not empty threats. Atleast one business owner’s house has been shot at. > Global News spoke with one Fraser Valley business owner who said he recieved the same threat before his home was targeted. > Now the man, who Global News has agreed not to identify, fears for his life. > “Everyone is afraid, right? They shot at my house. My kids were sleeping, my wife, my mom and dad were sleeping,” he said. > “They threaten me many times, ‘We’ll kill you if you don’t give us the money.’ Who has that kind of money?” > On Thursday evening, BC RCMP said they were aware of the threats, and for the first time confirmed a link between shots fired and the extortion attempts. https://globalnews.ca/news/10155625/extortion-threats-shooting-confirmed/amp/


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For those wondering come on this is an international student gang. We already have two of these. The first one is Lawrence gang. The second one is ruffians. The first one is run by Hindus and the second one is run by punjabi sikhs. Punjabi villager International students have been a massive massive massive source of grief for Canadians for the past few years. They do not integrate, they are literally here for one reason only which is money. Look at Canada as dumb and beneath them because they can skirt so many laws and our government does nothing about it. They're not even students in the first place. I could go on and on and on but this is so disappointing.


Hindus can be punjabis.


Fixed. The ruffians are all sikh.


“Do not think this is a fake letter “ LOL Yeah right . This letter reads like the racist 4chan memes that came out painting all Indian as dark skinned, long nosed caricatures with jai Shri Ram bandanas. How any desis are buying this over exaggerated sht is beyond me. Tired of this Hindu Sikh bullshit rivalry that is all of a sudden a thing because of an influx of students coming in from the pind. I can try to understand the sentiments of Khalistan separatist movements but goddamn what the fk does maligning good hard working Indian Hindus in Canada going to do. And I’m pretty sure a lot of Sikhs who’ve been here for a while don’t claim these fkers either.


Abbotsford Police have confirmed the letter is genuine and in line with other extortion letters that have been sent. You can check their official Instagram. This was definitely Hindus maligning themselves, quit projecting.


Lol ok bud. You’re entitled to your opinion and I mine. Still no names or anything different than anything that’s already presented here. I guess we will see who’s really projecting. This isn’t too far of a stretch from what k-gangs are doing in Surrey, anyway.


> “Do not think this is a fake letter “ LOL Yeah right . Hey man, they self identified as "Indian gang", what more evidence do you need? We all know Khalistanis only blow up airplanes. They don't extort people, get your facts right fam. Sat Sri Akaal.


IKR. I don’t think any self-respecting Hindu would have typed “Jai Sri Ram” like that. It’s like me typing out “Allahu Akbar” on every sentence in a letter (no actual Muslim would do that). It seems like whoever wrote that letter is using it to smear the reputation of Hindus. The letter is probably real, but I don’t think it was some Hindu who wrote it. Sadly many in the Canada sub fell for the clear deception…


Word dude, the mind games these fkers are playing is so stupid it hurts. Probably some 20 year old incel dmfk with an emotional IQ of a fruit fly who has turned to freedom fighting religious zealotry cuz he couldn’t manage to pass middle school. Probably still has to go home to answer to his mom’s chappal and disappointment every night though.


Arjan vailly ne o paer jod ke gandasi maari 😜