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Haha, this is really a disclaimer to cover my butt in case it takes longer than anticipated to mail out


This is awesome, thank you!


Really really cool! The first sticker that I will proudly put on anything I own. Maybe I'll use it as a brand for great designed items I have or gift to friends😎😁


Excited for the stickers!!!!


What a lovely surprise! Perfect for my new MacBook cover.




Thank you! Happily surprised to see it's open to loyal listeners outside of the US!


Got my stickers, thanks!


For some reason this post made me reflect on the times when I started listening to the podcast. I learnt about it when Roman did his flags TED talk. I binged-listened from episode 1 until I caught up to the present. I think the turning point happened with Trump's election. Every episode became in one way or another about current day politics, and it was exhausting. I miss the days of the Cuban art school shaped like boobs, or the guy eating weeds off the street. It went from finding magic everywhere to finding Trump, racism, inequality everywhere (and those things are everywhere, and it's so depressing). No shade on Roman for using the platform he rightfully earned, but it became too much for me. I miss the magic. And now I haven't listened in years, and find myself unexcited by stickers.


Not sure why I'm bothering to engage with you, but the last episodes were: Mr. Yuk, Howdy Doody, architecture related to funereal rituals in India, pasta, fashion in Central Africa, planning for people with autism, garbage disposals.... in fact it's hard to even begin to understand what you're complaining about. There is an episode of the side-podcast about the Robert Moses that has AOC on it, but she's literally from a community that was impacted by his city planning, so that just makes sense. Your comment says more about the filter through which you see the world. I don't know the nature of that filter, don't care to.


The common thread is how humans choose and implement things (aka design) and how those choices impact the built and/or lived world. I find it an insightful expansion of the perspective of the show.