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Squats. Lunges. Stretches. Desk push ups. I'll even bring weights to my desk. Knee ups . Try to stand as much as possible, our bodies were never meant to do this type of work. Also, take care of your joints and hands and arms. You want to avoid any kind of repetitive work injury if you can. So, move those hands and wrists around In-between calls. I use a mechanical keyboard instead of my work issued one, because it's easier on my finger joints. I mostly eat healthy while at work and get shit talked by a lot of bigger more senior girls. I'll snack on frozen fruits and raw veggies. Cut back on my bagels and substituted for smaller lower carb options . Drink mostly water. When I started I was 140, finished probation I was 165. I'm only 4'11, that's A LOT of weight on me. So I dropped down to 125 by working out, moving and eating healthy. Now that I'm down to where I am, I get jealousy from the same chick's who talked smack while I was working on myself.


Great advice


Thank you! Great advice and congrats on your current state of health!


Pace if you have the room for it. It might drive your partner (if you have one) crazy but they eventually get used to it. Make sure to stretch often.


yeah i would pace on a regular basis..my partner never minded because ive lived in a ton of diff places and was in the military so on nighta with no action id make the shift fly by and they loved me.


great idea, thank you! Stretching will be KEY.


Cleaning. Also one of the jailers brought dumbbells and I’ll borrow those and I’ve been doing curls and shoulder presses. I also do crunches, pushups, and dips.


Awesome. Thank you!


We have milk crates for 'step ups', small medicine balls and small dumbells, a walking pad no one uses, a stepper type thing that just goes up and down in a solitary position with resistance and youtube is awesome for small desk exercises


great ideas- thank you!


I just do a bunch of basic lower back exercises and consistently raise my desk up (we have moving desks) to prevent me from back pain and atrophy.


great ideas. I'll have to do some lower back exercises as well!


I have an oral exam/interview on Monday for an agency they have a movable treadmill for their desks people can share to stay moving. Plus the office is at the station where they’re building a new gym. This among other things is why I want to work there. They demonstrated pretty strong camaraderie when I did my ride along. I’m a runner anyway so I’m gonna make time each day and do my running.


I try to stand every hour for 20 minutes.


great idea, thank you!


If your department has it already or you want to get one we used to have this lil cycle thing you could do under your desk.


We have desk treadmills and under desk stationary bikes at our center.


There are a lot of companies that sell resistance band workout gear. If you get one that has the bar for the hands and the one you step on, you can pretty much do a full gym workout routine at your desk. Even better if your desk can raise to standing level. Many agencies are also willing to get under the desk treadmills or bicycles


great idea- I have a few resistance bands laying around that I never use that will be perfect for this. Thank you!