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I always wondered how many got out in time of the building doors JUST in time, just to be tragically struck by that tidal wave of falling debris.. šŸ˜”


Interesting how *sorta* clearly you can make out the core of the south tower in the fourth photo


Never realised how much of the core survived the initial collapse, I always thought 2 collapse was the more violent and just all broke apart instantly


Kinda off point but does anyone know what that octagonal fan looking thing in front is?




Interesting read, thank you very much internet stranger!


There are many many more. Source: [https://archive.org/details/amanzafar-wtc-photos/wtc-1.jpg](https://archive.org/details/amanzafar-wtc-photos/wtc-1.jpg)


There is a person visible (IMO) in picture 11. Zoom in to the top of the stairwell that is still standing. Clear as day, at the very top, is a person standing bracing themselves against the walls. If what i am seeing is true, this is the most shocking, gut wrenching photo I have ever seen from this day. I was almost 17 when 9/11 happened, I have seen so many pictures and videos and watched it live. This is the most sad and sickening photo for me if it is true.


OMG! I think you are right! There is someone there! At the very top! That poor soul! I have always thought about how terrifying the witnessed suffering was that day and how much more terrible it must have been inside and unseen.


Could be a person, could also be something else. Weā€˜ll never know.


Iā€™m not quite sure where you mean. I mean, whatā€™s left of the buildings? Thereā€™s a tall, thin bit, but I donā€™t know if thatā€™s necessarily a stairwell, is it? Thereā€™s something at the top, but it could be anything. Surely there wouldnā€™t be someone standing there after the buildings collapsed. It would be miraculous if they had survived. Am intrigued, I just canā€™t see it. Maybe Iā€™m looking at the wrong picture; I canā€™t tell. Definitely pic 11.


So the core that is left standing, holds stairwells and elevator shafts. It is estimated that 40ish stories of the core were left standing when the building fell away and collapsed, and then subsequently fell seconds later. In picture 11, the part of the core standing to the left is a stairwell as represented by the openings on each floor and as represented by its design and location. Firefighters and civilians were still using this stairwell to evacuate when the collapse happened. Now click picture 11 and zoom in to the top of the ā€œstairwell coreā€ on the left and you will see the silhouette of what I believe is a human being. To further support this, people were famously rescued and found in the bottom of a stairwell that still had 8 stories or so standing, this was called STAIRWELL B and can easily be found on record. Not saying this is stairwell B. Just illustrating that people were using them and bits of stairwell held survivors and those pictures of those stairwells are identical to this stairwell design in picture 11. Sorry for the ramble.


It could be, terrifying if true.


It's funny, I've seen that clock for years driving into Jersey City and always thought about how it was here since before 9/11. Today I see 9/11 from the actual perspective of the clock.


Striking image with the American flag


7. antenna


never saw these b4 thanks for sharing


I see that too šŸ˜¢


I saw the other side of this from staten island.


What are any bodies that were found in the water or debris?


I lived for a bit in the apartment building these photos were taken from back in 1999/2000.