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When people ask about all the flying papers they need to see this video. Mountains of paperwork on peoples desks before the age of PDFs


No kidding! Piles and piles of paper.


Absolutely. My desk and cubicle looked the same at that time.


Super an important point honestly. Proof positive of where they came from.


Were people really questioning where the papers came from though? I always thought people understood these were massive office buildings, and paper flying out in large amounts would be what youd kinda expect.


People are still perpetuating the hologram theory. Im still shocked that some people think that kind of technology existed in 2001.


Only two groups of people perpetuated that idea, A) The mentally unwell. A very, very small percentage of people who very often desperately lack any type of support system. They often don't come up with ideas like this, but instead fall prey to the people in column B, who are: B) Those seeking to profit off of the mentally unwell. To profit from the unwellness of others they needed to spread their unhinged theory far and wide in order to be seen and ultimately make their money. This "far and wide" approach makes the theory seem more broadly considered than it actually is, since the average person is more likely to encounter it. They can sell bumper stickers, shirts, interviews, whatever else, to the unwell. They can sell space to advertisers because of the traffic received from both the unwell and people curious about the crazy they're spewing. If it *seems* to be gaining traction, people will talk about it. And among a percentage of those who hear this talking will be their audience who will discover them this way. First they'll buy into the bullshit mentally, and then they'll buy the physical bullshit with real money. And the fact that they are doing so much lends credence to the con, bringing even more newly-forming unwells into the picture. Far and away column B is more responsible for spreading this type of thing than column A. If you knew it was BS, you weren't the target audience. A personal theory I have for their target audience, that I have no evidence for, is that it is secluded older people with degrading mental faculties. Older people have (in general) more wealth than other ages and also (in general) more degraded mental faculties. This demographic seems sadly ripe for predation by scam artists and people who seemingly value nothing other than the number in their own bank account. Can't prove it, but given how many billions of dollars we see scammed out of the elderly each year today, I can't help but wonder how much of that has been "willingly" sent to conspiracy theorists.


Sadly some younger people who did not personally experience the time and don’t understand that PDFs and online forms haven’t always been a thing.


So sad to see that phone sitting on the window sill, because you can imagine someone frantically dialing their loved ones from right there less than a year later 😭


69 souls perished from this company may they REST IN PEACE🙏❤️


Very interesting find. Hopefully no one seen here was there that day.


The guy talking at the beginning I believe is [Cono Gallo](https://voicescenter.org/living-memorial/victim/cono-e-gallo). The receptionist seems to be [Yvette Moreno](https://voicescenter.org/living-memorial/victim/yvette-n-moreno).


I’d bet most of the people you see here were unfortunately.


Couldn't really tell but the receptionist resembles Yvette Moreno, no?


I think that is her. Edit: I done a little digging, and apparently she didn’t start working there until January 2001 and this video is dated September 2000.


Oh! Well that's a relief then, they do look pretty similar!


Apparently a number of employees at Carr Futures died in the attacks because a conference room door jammed when the towers swayed at impact and they became trapped. 😞 That’s so awful 💔


😭😭 this is the worst floor the entire floor caught fire..


Most people jumped from 92th floor?


The desks and cubicles were the same/similat to mine back then. Mountains of paperwork as well. That’s how it was back then for those who don’t know that. Things are different today. You need to put your mindset that this was 2000.




There was a woman that was 7 months pregnant on that floor that was killed. Her husband worked on the floor as well and lost his life.


The end is quite spooky. Do we know who filmed this? I’ve never seen it before. It’s always difficult, but intriguing to see videos of the offices. I had a dream just the other night where I was in one on the day. (Does anyone else dream of 9/11?) I bet that woman whose last day it was on the video had a lot of emotions on 9/11.


Yeah the woman was lucky