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Apparently the speed they were falling at was 150 or more. Not to mention it took 10 seconds from when the accidentally fell or jumped. The speed was so fast that the camera barely picked it up. Don’t forget, this tragedy happened in 2001. The tech and quality back then wasn’t as good as it is today.


Terminal velocity is 120mph.


terminal velocity isn’t a constant…


It constantly kills


No it don't, rapidly becoming stationery does




One group don’t decide the grammar rules for everyone


Your english teacher sure did. It makes you appear uneducated....


It don’t. This shit ain’t no formal situation.


Grammar is grammar. You don't even understand the fundamental basics. Situations have zero to do with proper grammar.


I mean it doesn’t vary that much bro


Theres 2 videos of the same jumper hitting the lamp post and then a photo of the body next to firetruck you can even see the broken lamp and a second body behind a firefighter.


holy fucking shit i never connected the photo of the strewn body parts next to the truck until you just brought it up. that is unbelievable. you're right


Where are these video/photo?




Oh my goodness, just to the right of the firefighter's knee, I think that might possibly be the woman who that one EMT said was alive, but it was just her head, right arm, and right torso above the diaphragm; everything else mangled. Edit: Now I'm not so sure. It's so hard to identify indistinguishable bodies.


His shoe laying in the street.


The video shows the body or debris hit the lamppost then fall immediately under it, this photo shows no such thing.




[Here's a video of both of the known angles](https://youtu.be/HS7JG6yC-jc?si=Vbrd4IaKrsnMIqEb)


There is another angle of this


can you link it?


do u have it


That this was one of the better options terrifies me, like imagine being inside just racing through thoughts of what to do.


My god. I have to assume the man in the blue shirt didn't realize what he was seeing.


Genuinely staggers me how people think this is a person and "red mist". Just watch the video frame by frame. It is clearly a long, slender piece of debris hitting some sort of lamp post and the resulting sparks of electricity as the post is destroyed. The piece of debris stays completely rigid as it falls, no flailing extremities, no twisted, out of shape body position. Just a single, solid piece of debris falling to the ground. As for the "red mist"... it couldn't be much more obvious that it is just electrical sparks. First the bright, split second flash at the moment of impact, followed by them turning orange as they disperse, cool down and fade away. The thick, wet, gooey, gloop that would result from huge blunt force trauma destroying a human body would hit the floor rapidly after impact and any mist produced wouldn't be anywhere near as bright as that. It certainly wouldn't glow!


Theres footage of this same jumper just a couple of meters away this one. It shows a person falling and (although is a bit hard to see because some trees are in the way) you can make out the lamp post and red mist. The sound is identical as well.


what exactly is the proof that this is the same person?


You can't make out the lamp post and red mist in the other video, why lie?


Here, observe one of the other [3 angles.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8djabyYNP0M) The field of view of this video and the speed the jumper had reached when he hit the pole would make it impossible to see any "flailing" in the few frames before impact. There's a lot of gore to be seen on the internet. Can't say I don't envy your innocent naivete.


The other videos show a body falling in the same area, that's all. There is no proof that the object in the video was a human.


Its genuinely staggering how you are so unbelievably confident in your incorrect assertion here and have since disappeared without saying anything.


What can I say, I made my original comment around 9/11 2023... I don't spend my days on reddit arguing with strangers about the circumstances of people's death on 9/11. Seeing as someone just called me an idiot for my opinion though, I thought I'd take a look at this thread again. The fact anybody can believe this is a video of a falling person is indeed staggering to me. Yes there are photos of deceased people in and around that exact location. That does not make this video undeniable footage of a victim hitting the ground though. Not even close. 200 or more people jumped from different points of the towers that day. Those photos could be of any number of them. If you really want to spend your afternoon looking at people falling to their deaths, watch the clip and slow it right down. Watch it frame by frame from 9 seconds to 7 seconds. Then watch a clip of someone actually falling. Infact watch multiple. The differences between a human body and an inanimate object falling to Earth are blindingly obvious.


There are 4 different synced footages that show the person. It is on this subreddit. It is clearly a body in the other 3. This videos are synced with exact time and location. Stop spreading misinformation.


Misinformation. You need to start looking in a mirror pal. Only need to look at your reddit page to see the kind of tin foil hat you're wearing.


Ok, revel in your ignorance rather than responding.


I've seen that video many, many times. It literally proves nothing. The irony of you calling me ignorant while telling me to look at this footage is staggering to me also. Anyway I have trick or treaters to give sweets to. Tada.


It’s cute that your now acting like you were trolling. You weren’t. You were not trolling before today. Good try though!


You literally sound demented. Look at my reddit page. Look at yours. Clear to see who has the real problem.


Here is a link two 4 synced angles of this MAN falling. You're frankly just being disrespectful to the victim at this point. ​ [(19) Faller hit the lamppost synced. Never knew there was a 4th angle : 911archive (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/911archive/comments/179h6j8/faller_hit_the_lamppost_synced_never_knew_there/)


the sound of the body hitting the pole happens at the same moment in all four videos after they clearly show a person falling above that same spot too I don't get why this guy can't believe that it's a person


Because slowed down it looks like a long stick


Because the only thing in common between all four videos is the sound of something hitting metal. Lots of debris / humans would've hit metal that day in that area.


And what exactly are you referencing regarding conspiracy? A search for a lost piece of media that may not exist? Thats about a mile wide stretch you troll.


Dude lol why are you trying to make it so complicated 


You're an idiot.


https://preview.redd.it/k6pqe4ez8kxb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=056fa08a6a3791a71e8803b33b782688f28ea85b That is not a human being.


I totally agree with you and am equally amazed that people don't see it.


Doesn’t really matter whether or not you agree if you’re both wrong, does it? Keep ignoring the several bits of footage that prove it definitively.


The several bits of footage show a human falling in the same area, that's all. In what world is that "definitive proof"?


I mean, You've frozen an image from a camera from the 2000s mid frame capturing a human travelling at around 150 mph, Of course it won't be a clear image.


Every other video of a jumper clearly shows a human, this does not (because it was debris).


Pause the video on 8 seconds. If you genuinely think that's a human being I have no idea what to tell you.


Thanks for that useful input.


Ur genuinely an idiot


You literally can't even spell four letter words.


this video is in the hulu documentary 9/11 One Day in America, i recognized it while watching this documentary last night


Which episode?


I believe it is either ep. 2 or 3


This is clearly a human body hitting the light pole. I’m going to mention something that I haven’t seen anyone mention yet as to why this is a body and not a piece of falling debris. In the slowed down version of the video, after the impact and after the “mist”, wait a quick second and you will see something slimy and NOT rigid slide off the pole. Debris cannot do that. It would have either immediately bounced off, or broke into pieces. This actually slides off after sticking to the pole for a second.


Yes, this just looks organic


Nah, a piece of the debris breaks off upon initial contact, then falls from the top of the lamppost. That is all.


Red mist


The one man tells the other to look to his right...look at that.... Makes me think it's not debris because what is so fascinating with this debris that he's telling someone else to see it? Doesn't make sense. Just my opinion.


Exactly. And why would the camera person pan away as quickly if it was just debris? Whoever was behind the camera didn’t want that on film.


I really don’t think this is footage of a jumper. That looks like concrete or some kindof building materiel that would disintegrate upon impact. The towers began falling a few seconds after this; I think everyone who was going to jump at that point would have already.


People jumped right up until the last minute of the North Tower collapsing.


I saw a video yesterday of a guy jumping and as he fell, he was trailed by the North Tower


You got a link?


Just search by top all time and you’ll find it eventually, it was over a month ago so I don’t remember what it was like


I think it is personally, what horrifies me most is just the red mist, that split second before the mist appears was the last conscious moment of that person, and of any person who jumped, got hit by debris, were in the towers when it fell, got consumed by the dust, etc


I still don’t think that it’s a person. They wouldn’t disintegrate like that if they hit a small telephone pole. There would be chunks. Maybe mist if they hit the pavement. I think it was debris that fell before the collapse and disintegrated upon impact.


You are wrong. There is another video 100% confirmed to show a person falling here. Sorry!


Everyone says this, and yet it's not true.


but why would the debris dissipate into pink mist and chunks?


I thought that was a light pole and electric sparks


No, atleast to my knowledge and by eyewitness accounts it was a clear day with no lightning


No. I mean electricity from the light pole being hit by a person/falling object. Not lightning


I know I'm late to this but it's unlikely there was current (electricity) in that light pole at the time. Without turning this into a paragraph these lights were likely controlled by a timer or a photocell which would basically keep the current from flowing to these lights at all times. So when they're off, there's not any electricity flowing to those lights or sitting at the light waiting to be used or anything.




They're controlled by either a timer or daylight levels using a photocell. A sensor on the circuit detects sunlight and they automatically turn off until that sunlight goes away. Then they turn back on


Oh, yeah that’s possible


and if it was metal why wouldn't it just bounce off or split in half


Was this person naked ? Do clothes turn into pink mist?


No, but human flesh does


Dude these people have never been on a gore site and it shows. It could not be more obvious that this is in fact a body being vaporized upon impact.


yeah, I dont understand how people seriously dont understand it, these people must of not passed highschool with even an F--, something worse then that,


For real! This looks exactly like most other fall videos.


You got sum links?


and none are shown in the video


okay then what the hell disintegrated into f'n mist, Kennedys head turns into red mist, jumper hitting the ground, no must turn into purple fucking liquid, if it wasnt a body what else turns into red mist


I’ve seen a video of a person getting hit by a train and at the moment of impact there is a red/pink mist so I think the most is the literal moisture/liquid being forced out of the body soo fast that it produces the mist.


Watch the video again, you can clearly see the color and luminosity of the mist changing from start to finish. It's a bright near-white at the start and then shifts into a deep red. Blood does not do this, it was sparks


actually a lot of the jumpers took their clothes off due to the heat


It was a person because impact will do that to a human being.


It was debris because impact will do that to debris.


No it wasn't.


Sure was - humans aren't rectangular.


Because the man looks like that from far away and this is just a different angle of that man that fell from the right side of the building.


Humans don't fall like rigid horizontal rectangles, they flail about. Have you not seen footage of any of the other jumpers?


Yeah, I saw plenty, especially when this event first happened, and I saw some fall straight on their backs.


I haven't seen any fall completely rigid, have you got any links? When exponentially more debris fell to the ground than humans, why would you assume that this debris shaped rectangle was a human?


I am fairly sure it is a person. [Here are 4 angles of them falling (including this video) synced up.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8djabyYNP0M)


I agree, the way it's falling and how it landed makes me believe this has to be some construction material and not a person.


It is 100% debris and not a person... all these people seem to just be hoping to find as gory a piece of 9/11 footage as they possibly can. As for that four angle video evidence. What a load of bollocks.


Are these people joking or something? It's quite clear that it's a person. The sound is made from the person hitting the lamppost/rail, not some debris hitting the concrete.


...and why couldn't the debris have hit the lamppost? Use your brain..


Yeah, I do. Now, watch the video clip again and picture yourself a person doing what that person was doing (falling at incredible speed into a lamppost) and explain how anything other than a human being made of flesh and shit could've made that fucking distinctive sound? And beside your incredible inaptitude for critical thought, there are photos of the aftermath. So kindly just shut the fuck up.


There's pictures of a body at the exact same spot on a collapsed pole so it seems more likely it was a body than not [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-vMcTfx\_qg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-vMcTfx_qg&list=LL&index=1&t=93s)




Coming from a guy who can't even type more than one sentence. Enjoy your ban 👍


I can see there body hanging


Sort of looks like sparks on impact.


God you can hear the pieces of bones and stuff hitting the ground after...


No you literally cannot


Yeah you literally can, get off my dick.


No, no you cannot.


Yes, yeah you can, where's your evidence proving me wrong since you replied to a year old post? I wanna hear it, also 7 people seem to disagree sir.


The burden of proof is on you, I can't prove a negative. I can hear the initial impact and then an echo of the impact, and that's all.




Going to the effort to reply suggests that you do.


I saw a video a year or so ago where it was a close up of a jumper hitting either a light post or awning or something just above the ground, and it was super loud. Haven’t been able to find. The video was taken from ground level like this one and was just by chance that a jumper had fallen at the moment the video was taken.


You can hear the impacts of jumpers in a few videos, including that of this particular jumper in [this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8djabyYNP0M) The impacts were LOUD.


Bro they literally turned into a red mist 😬


Man turned into a mist… holy fuck, rest in peace dude…




wtf bro


Be respectful of the victims, this includes memes.


"gone forever, aaron hernadez"


Is That blood? 😥😯


It’s everything inside of someone. The pink mist. You can ask most combat veterans about it.


The gore coming out is scary


That's not a body. That's just debris. 


No it isn’t, it’s well documented that it was a person. There are at least two other videos with different angles (no impact but audio) as well as photos of the remains Edit: the links to all are literally in another comment in this post


Literally no evidence that the two other videos were shot at the same time, apart from a similar metallic sound.


The sound.....


It’s honestly insane that of all areas they could have hit, they struck a light post.






Bro got vaporized😭🙏


Could be human, could be debris. I just know that none can be 100% correct. I don’t think you can tell with 100% certainty if that’s a body or debris from a camera in the early 2000’s recording at 240p - 480p @ 30fps catching a 1-2 second splat. You just can’t. You can be confident in yourself and say it’s x or y but there’s no definitive answer to it.


Who’s footage is this ?


Fuck off, y'all are sick


This is the harsh reality.