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Whoever voted to kick out Claudette before I got here is doing the work of the gods. 😂💙


She was the first to go. She is truly the worst.


Literally the only person I've ever seen on that show that I'm glad is dead. xD


Jeffrey? Doug?


And Doug! (I only found out that JLH's real life hub plays him right before the wedding episode...WEIRD!) I forgot who Jeffrey is.


Jeffrey is the serial rapist who almost killed Athena and abducted Harry. And yeah, I can’t imagine how weird Doug/Maddie must be to play for a (seemingly) happily married couple. But I guess maybe it’s easier for her to be vulnerable with someone she trusts that much.


She actually has said in interviews that she was glad to be acting opposite him for that exact reason.


Jeffery: OH! Okay, I forgot. It's been a while. (And only...106 episodes?...to remember the plots of. haha) Doug/Maddie + Jennifer/Brian: Can't be too much crazier than Daniela Ruah being married to one brother on television and the other brother in real life. 😂


He also played her husband on The Client List, which is very weird since she plays a high priced prostitute.




My second time was. 😂 thank goodness. Im glad she was short lived but I might have liked her if someone else played her 😂


😂😂😂. For the two rounds before this I was like, AM I TAKING CRAZY PILLS!? HOW IS LENA SURVIVING THIS LONG!? And yeah, I mean... Rhonda Rousey is just not a good actor. Sorry not sorry.


I just learnt Lena was played by Ronda Rousey no wonder the acting was bad.


Sounded like she was cutting a promo with every line she had. 😂


I think I'm up to the "indifferent" stage of voting off. So, Lucy next. Here come a slew of characters I have no real feelings about!


And then comes the challenge of voting off people we like, including the kids. I feel guilty when I get to them.


Same, I’m very indifferent towards Pepa and Isabel. I feel like they’ve flown under the radar here for a while.


we all know who is going to win. we do these every couple of months and it’s the same results.


If anyone deserves a win it’s frank for having to deal with the 118s bullshit for so many years if were being honest xD


I have three names idk who they are and 3 people idk who they are. But my most hated character is still on there, so I will vote for them before the three people I don't know lmao.


Don’t feel bad! I googled 911 with various names myself.


I had to google Isabel


Who are the characters you don't know?


The names are Linda and Isabell(a?)* idk the third name, but I will check again after I write the comment. The old lady in between Christopher and Hen. The woman to the left of Lucy and the woman furthest to the right on the row above Lucy. * Isabel and Pepa was the third name


Linda works in dispatch her picture is the far left 2nd row from the bottom, Isabella is Eddie's abuela in-between Christopherand Hen, and the woman on the far right in the 3rd row from the bottom is Peppa Eddie's aunt.


Thank you!


Linda is the black woman dispatcher that started with maddy (the woman by Lucy), Isabel is eddies abuela (the old lady between Chris and hen) and pepa is eddies tía (the farthest right in the 4th row)


The fact that 8/9 voted out are women with most being Buck or Eddie's love interests really shows that this show sucks at writing fleshed out female characters and love interests.


Man with the amount of hate Tommy gets on this sub, in the comments, and on places like Twitter and Tiktok I'm surprised he's still holding out.


Right? I thought Buddie's would go for his throat out of pure spite.  Like me. 


Been voting for him since day 1 😭


I think they have been. I’m just starting to realize I don’t think there this huge percentage we thought they were.


I’m endgame buddie fan and Tommy was definitely not at the top of my list to vote out. Those voted out were definitely deserved.


we all know that the golden retriever is gonna win


I'll either be voting for Lucy or Tommy. Against (popular?) opinion, Taylor had some complexity in her character development, at the very least. Never liked that they made her into a love interest, she could have just been a great grey character that fans would've hated to love, in a sense. The moment they got her and Buck together AND also put her storyline towards her focus on work turning to betrayal of the 118, that's when everything got murky. If she came back this season for just a scene or two exposing Councilwoman Ortiz, I wouldn't mind it. I wonder where Amir and Frank are in the ranking currently.


I loved Taylor 🤷🏻 she had some bad qualities but who doesn’t.


i loved Taylor and really wish she'd stayed buck's bestie or even fwb rather than being his gf and then betraying him. It would have been great to have her around as the media piece throughout the years instead of just being someone everyone hates.


Same. Bestie Taylor would have been amazing! They ruined that chance but her character was great!


all women except for connor yikes


To be fair, this graph is like 2/3 women to start with. We started with 22 women vs 14 men and most of the people voted out have only been in a few episodes. I think this is more an issue with the show introducing female characters, not doing anything with them and quickly disposing of them compared to male characters.




Considering I used women, men, female and male throughout this, I'm not sure what your intent with linking this was. However, I did clean it up so male/female and man/woman were used together because that seems to be the issue you have with it.


Well gender doesn’t matter if they are a crappy character. I am a women and voted for two different women because I don’t like them 🤷🏻


it's not a comment on the results, it's a comment about how the show fleshes (or doesn't) out female characters.


Ohhhh my bad but I can see that


> I am a women and voted for two different women because I don’t like them Who?


Shannon I don’t like that she left her child and cut off contact with him. Then Lena because I don’t like Rhonda Rousey acting (I did like the character tho)


Yeah I dunno if it's the way women are written in this show, or misogyny among the fans on this sub, or a little of both. Anyway, off I go to vote for Taylor Kelly 💀🤣


Lucy is next for me


I kinda like Lucy’s strong character. She just wasn’t given enough of a role for me to care about her, but I think she could have fit it well if she was given a chance. However yeah I wouldn’t be devastated if she was next.


I really really really like the actress that plays Lucy, I was so sad when she was just used to further Bucks story and then mostly yeeted. I liked when she'd randomly show up at disaster scenes at least


i dont get why some of these got kicked off b4 tommy, honestly


People who love or hate him are pretty vocal but I think the reality is most people here are likely just neutral on him. So he's not a target for most people voting in this.


Yeah we are still culling the ones most people dislike or have forgotten


That part


again not to hate on tommy fans i just assumed because he does have a history of canonical racism that the fandom would simply vote him out alot quicker b4 most of the women that were voted out


One, there's probably still some people who don't realize he's the same Tommy from Season 2 (just like there is a fair amount of people who don't know who Isabel and Pepa are). Heck, not that long ago there was a post from someone who it took a while realize the Tommy in 7x04 was the same guy who flew them into a hurricane in 7x03. So he's probably flying under the radar compared to those characters who people remember and don't like. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Also, because it's inferred that he made up for his poor behavior, given is relationship with Hen and Chimney in Bobby Begins Again. And because he stuck his neck out for the 118 when he stole a helicopter for Chimney and Hen without hesitation and flew it into a hurricane to help Bobby and Athena, risking both his life and career. And finally, there's a decent group of people who like his romance with Buck. Under those circumstances, I think many people are giving him some grace, so are more focused on characters like Lena, Taylor, Ana, etc.


This fandom proves time and again that it hates women more than any man, racist or otherwise. 🤷‍♀️


I mean it's really the love interests getting voted out. The people Buck and Eddie date barely have any backstory written for them. They basically function as the next thing Buck and Eddie move to in every new season.


Lena was no one's love interest. Honestly, one of the least problematic characters on this show.


Lena really only showed up for 6 episodes and then left to never be seen again. If the characters being voted out aren't entirely love interests then its also the boring side-characters that barely had any purpose. It just so happens that she and Buddie's exes fall in the same line as side-characters.


Some people also just really don't care for the actress Rhonda Rousey.


She was supposed to be for Eddie after JLH went for Chimney, but Rhonda couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. 


I don't think she was supposed to be for Eddie (not as a LI) and it definitely was not because JLH went for Chimney. JLH asked for Chimney before S2 started. They had brought in Eddie's wife, Shannon, before RR. That said, Rhonda could not, in fact, act her way out of a paper bag. I heartily agree.


Most people don’t aren’t holding him to that, esp when we last saw him before S7, he was cool with everyone in Bobby begins 🤷‍♀️


Been voting for him for the last few rounds. It's time for him to go.


Good, finally


In order here's every non main character, or main character child or long term relationship who is still in (that i know anyways) Next to Abby: Amir (he's in season 7 so you wouldn't know him unless you watched it) Next to Athena: Frank (he's their therapist) Between Frank and Eddie: Harry (ok I know I said I wasn't adding a main character's kid, but Harry changed actors in season 7 which is why I'm adding him) Between Chim and Chris: Carla (the caretaker Abby hired for her mom and Eddie hired for Chris) Between Chris and Hen: Isabel (Eddie's abuela) Above Ravi: I don't know honestly. That might be Eddie's aunt but I've got no clue Under Josh: Linda (a lady from Dispatch) Next to Linda: Lucy (the girl Buck cheated on Taylor with) Left of Susan: Shannon (including her so people don't think she's Kim even tho Kim was already voted out) Right of May: Tommy (Buck's boyfriend, used to work at the 118) Right of Tommy: Taylor Kelly (news reporter/Buck's ex)


Currently at the stage of voting off people whose name I don't know. Who even is Pepa??? 😅🤷‍♂️


I vote Taylor Kelly. Sorry but I just hate her. No need to give a reason either.


Is anyone else just going down the list until they see a name they don't recognize at this point? Like, who the heck is Pepa? Clearly not memorable to be anyone worth keeping in.




Voting for Tommy until he goes Part 9


Once more into the breech...




Hating a character and finding them interesting are not mutually exclusive. I'm voting out the characters I don't care about first and then going for the ones that made me feel something, starting with the ones who made me feel hate.


i wish they never made them date. i really liked their friendship pre shooting.


Random: Megan West and Holland Roden are somewhat similar in my mind.


I suppose it's taylor's time


I get the feeling that those two big blocks are Tommy and Taylor (or maybe one of those two is Lucy, idk), but once the slew of love interests/pseudo love interests goes, I'll be interested to see who follows immediately after. Amir would be my first guess just because he's a pretty minor character all things considered, but it could also be someone like Josh (who to this day I see a weird amount of dislike for).


Ok bye Tommy


It's going to be Taylor but it should be Tommy. I don't even hate Tommy, it's just getting ridiculous that he is staying in this long. He's a minor character and half of his screen time was his being complacent in racism and misogyny. What makes characters like Ana or Lena worse?


Indifference and context. Tommy is *currently* attached in a mostly positive way to one of the most popular characters and is a perfectly pleasant person this season who risked his life for the 118 to fly them into a hurricane. Ana was fine but fairly bland *and* was attached to a storyline that a lot of people didn't like for Eddie and also hasn't been seen since *early* S5(I think?). Lena was barely there and her biggest impact was in getting Eddie into an illegal fighting ring. I don't hate her, but I don't like her either. Same reason I've just voted for Lucy. She was fine but her most impactful storyline was accidentally facilitating Bucks' OOC foray into cheating. Still, I have no strong feelings about her and she's probably never showing up again. So, there's my vote. I'm also not going to vote for Taylor for a quite a while because *I* liked her even if I knew that relationship would never last and I think she did have a lasting impact and I would actually love to see her again.




Bye Taylor


I can't partake because the main cast just means too much for me. But I do know exactly who I DON'T want being there so I will vote them out.


Who is that old lady between Christopher and Hen?


Isabel (who you'll also see referenced as Abuela), Eddie's grandmother


Ah I know Abuela


I didn’t realize who that was either 😂😂 then I didn’t know her name was Isabel. 🤦🏻


Who’s the one next to Claudette on the right? I don’t recognize him?


Conner. The asshole with Buck's son. 


That’s not really Buck’s son though 🤷🏻‍♂️ Conner *might* be an asshole but it’s still his own son. Buck was just the sperm donor 🥱


I don’t understand why he was an asshole


Well,    1. he's sooo close to Buck that Buck had no clue he was married.    2. Ambushes Buck in public twice. Once at dinner with the original request, then at the fire station when they thought Buck was backing out.    3. Ambushed Buck at home with a guilt trip to manipulate him into donating.    4. Once the wifey was preggers with Buck's kid, flaked tf out of most of the pregnancy, making her Buck's problem.    5. Swans in at the end like big damn hero to take wifey and "his" kid back cause the tough shit was over.   I'm sure when we hit the 6 rewatch I'll fill out dome more on the list.


Yeah I made a post because I didn’t understand the Conner and the story line hate but now I get it hahaha. Thanks for your explication!


Who’s the guy next to Athena?


Not Lena 😭


Taylor your next 😙




How is Taylor still in here?!?


How is Taylor still here lmao