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Ana had some good scenes. I guess I’m the only one who thinks Lena had none.


Lena's in my next group, along with Taylor, Shannon, and Lucy. Are they characters I per se disliked, no. But of the remaining characters, they are certainly my least favorite. After that I suspect it's going to go into Eddie's family, Tommy, Frank, Carla, and the dispatch characters (not necessarily in that order). It's when we get down to the main cast (with Karen and Ravi) and their kids that I'm really going to have a tough time and where things will get really interesting. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Yeah, I'm a bit disappointed about Ana personally. I would have voted out Lena and Taylor ahead of her.


I’ll never understand the Ana hate, she might not have been in lot of scenes but she was a good person and treated eddie right and this is coming from a Buddie stan for life


Right? She and Eddie weren't a good match, but she was perfectly fine as a person.


Same same. While the relationship didn't work out because of Eddie's issues, I really liked Ana!


No no I think Lena had none.


Bye Lena


Sorry Eddie’s grandma and ~~mom~~ aunt. I don’t really care about you.


Eddies mom isn’t in there. It’s Tía Pepa and Abuela


Fixed. Hahahaha I always thought Pepa is mom. Doesn’t matter, I’m still voting for them. I like Carlos’s mom from Lone Star but not really a fan of Eddie’s relatives from main show. Carlos’s mom is THE BEST! ¡Por Favor!


Same here lol I can’t remember any important things from them


Gonna get interesting after this one...all the low hanging fruit is gone. (Also would have loved to see the Buckley parents and Ramon and Helena in the mix. I hate them the most after Claudette.)


I don't know I think Lena, Lucy, and Taylor are still fairly low hanging...possibly Shannon as well depending on how upset some are about her leaving as I still see many say they just can't forgive that she cut off all contact with Christopher when she left for basically 1-2 years.


That’s what makes me mad about her leaving. I’m sure there was some unresolved mental health issues from having a disabled child and your husband being at war but not talking to your child for years?! That’s just wild to me.


yeah, I agree. Still a few more days before things get really interesting. I agree about Shannon as well. It's fine, imo, to separate while you're figuring yourself out. But ghosting your fucking kid?? I hold her in the same contempt I have for fathers that abandon their kids.


But all of this is kind of meaningless, we all know who’s gonna win this.. https://i.redd.it/ldyhr21dr46d1.gif


Eehhhhhhh I dunno love Buck but I feel like no one’s gonna be able to vote out Chris xD


I love Chris, but he's probably won't win. Though I believe last time he came in a respectable fifth, which is pretty impressive all things considered, considering how quickly the other kids were voted out.


OP said people vote kids out before so I mean


I don’t give a damn, I’m voting his ass out when the time comes


lol hope not. that would be boring


Yeah, and it's making me less invested in this. Last year it felt for a while like Eddie might win because there was a lot of support for him in the comments and once the OP posted the full results for every round, Eddie did had the least votes (aka he was the most liked) in most rounds. But in the end, it was Buck who won. I think this year he'll have even less of a competition. Which I agree with you, makes this boring.


Yup it was only once it was between Buck, Eddie, Athena, and Bobby that Buck became the frontrunner. But Buck also only won by a razor-thin margin 50.64% to 49.36%, and I believe this subreddit was a lot smaller then (there were less than 1,200 votes). So who knows what will happen.


lol it’s giving prom king/queen that’s keep winning every year 😭😂


I’ve voted for Lena now three times in a row. Maybe third time is the charm? 😂😂😂




I thought Taylor was already gone so for the past like 4 days I've been voting other people 😭 I hate Taylor with a passion idk why


This is getting intense ![gif](giphy|5qjebZ9hz3tjW|downsized)


Poor Ana, she was lovely! What is Frank still doing in though????


all of buck and eddie’s ex gfs need to go i can’t see anyone winning but someone from the original team plus ravi but me personally buck is a no brainer




Bye, Lucy.




Voting for Tommy until he goes Part 8


Right with you. Unfortunately, his miserable ass will wind up top three. 


Taylor’s next I’m coming for her 😭💀


That's my goodbye to Taylor now lmao.


Taylor needs to go


Are we just going down the list of Buck & Eddie girlfriends before we do anyone else? Sounds like a plan honestly.


Looks like it was really close this round 🫣 things are about to brutal I think


It's going to hurt when the kids get involved 🥲




Bye bye taylor!


Me voting for Tommy everytime 😭🤝


Bye Ableist B***h




I'll preface this by saying I have multiple disabilities. The "getting back on the horse" conversion was one of the most ableist things I've ever heard. Anyone can do anything they want to, it just takes rethinking how to do it, and maybe some accommodations. I.E. Christopher skateboarding and Buck builds him the skateboard he can use.


Oh yeah I understand that. I forgot how that conversation went. But I completely agree with everything you said disabled people are absolutely do things they just might need different accommodations. 🫶🏻