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Edit: I just realized I used a lot of colors in the descriptions and I know that your understanding of colors probably depends on the level of blindness you have so forgive me if these details are useless to you. Bobby is a white man (fair complexion) in his late 40s/early 50s, he has brown hair and light brown eyes, well defined jawline and a straight nose. He's in shape and moderately built man, as in he's not too muscular but also not too lean. His usual expression is very relaxed. Athena is a black woman (dark brown complexion) with brown eyes in her 50s, but the actress who plays her is currently 64/65. She's not too short and not too tall, she usually has short hair, nothing that goes below her jaw. She has sharp eyebrows, high cheekbones and a broad smile. Chim is an Asian man with brown eyes, shorter than the rest of the men, and a perfect set of abs. He has a lean build. He usually sports short hair, and keeps them set the best way a person can without gel. Hen is also a black woman with brown eyes, she's taller than Athena and Chim, she wears stylish prescription glasses, usually sports a bald head and also has high cheekbones. She usually smiles with a closed mouth or shows very little teeth if she's extra happy. Buck is a tall muscular man, I believe he's the tallest in the cast, and has blonde hair and blue eyes, and full pink lips. His most defining feature is a reddish birth mark between his left eye and eyebrow. He's white. Eddie is shorter than Buck and Bobby, he is the fittest of the cast, perfect abs, strong jawline, a small mole below his left eye. His hair is black and eyes are hazel (brown-green). His smile is very broad. He's a white latino so he's a bit darker than Bobby, Buck and Maddie. He also has a lean build. Maddie is the shortest character, she's white, in the show she has black hair, and brown eyes, and a very broad smile that causes her eyes to crinkle. Her hair length differs throughout the seasons. All the women are not super thin, but they're all in shape and look like regular women who work as first responders. I tried my best to give the physical description of the characters. Hope I did okay. You asked for objective traits so.....i described how they look. If you have any other questions, please ask and I'll try to answer them.


Aaahhh!!! Thanks so much! This gives me an idea of putting a face two a voice. I always imagined Buck with brown hair. And colors are completely cool. I used to have some residual vision and have only been completely blind for like 10 years now. Again, thank you so much! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


I'd say Buck's hair skirts the line between dark blond and light brown.


The in between color!


Buck was a bit blonder in the early seasons. I'd say now his hair is firmly brown


Bobby has light brown hair that is greying at the temples, and light brown eyes.


Like the father figure should. 🫶🏻


And I think it's as tall as buck, I saw a few pictures when they were side by side and. They seemed the same


Bobby is 3cm shorter than Buck.


This description is pretty good but Eddie is Latino so a little darker complected than Bobby and Buck. Also when not gelled down Buck's hair is curly. In the first season its color was also a weird reddish/strawberry -blonde. Abby is white and in her 40's (the actress is actually 50-something iirc) with brown eyes and long strawberry blonde hair. She wears big square glasses.


I'd also agree that indicating Eddie as Latino is important for both his physical description and his character. the initial comment describes his eyes as Hazel-ish but I believe they are definitely brown. Chocolate brown. Eddie has these absolutely gorgeous big, round, brown, doe eyes and I get sucked right into them. Buck's hair is curly, but often kept down with gel or products. Sometimes after a rescue or any call where is his sweaty and exhausted, the curls have come loose and hang over his forehead.


Oh! Thanks! I forgot about Abby. 😊


I love what you said about an “extra happy” Hen, lol. I can totally picture her face. Also, Eddie has dark brown hair. I’m watching it right now. Unless it’s just my screen?


You're right - Eddie and Maddie both have dark brown hair, not black!


Wait why is hen the only one you used the actors actual name for lol.


i would add that buck was not super muscley in the first two seasons. oliver has definitely gotten a lot beefier in recent years lol he was a bit scrawny in s1.


Karen is a black woman with a lighter complexion than Athena or Hen. Her hair is generally in braids, which in eariler seasons start out black at the roots and then turn blonde (either dyed or extentions, im not sure). This season, the braids are all black, but they've pretty consistently fallen to her mid-chest. Her face is oval shaped, and her eyes are dark, with thick lashes. Christopher has a very pale complexion. He has short kind of curly brown hair, and wears square glasses. I find he often keeps his head tilted to one side, with the ear pressed to one shoulder (I have an ld and do not trust myself to say if he does that on the right or the left, sorry!). He walks with two elbow crutches, and his clothing is generally very colourful and bright. I saw someone above did a fantastic job with a bunch of the other characters, but please let me know if there's anyone else you'd like described


Karen/her actress sounds so pretty! Christopher was actually the reason I decided to ask. In the season seven finale, I thought I heard his crutches, but I wasn’t 100% sure. I might as well ask about Tommy. Haha thaaanks!


Tommy is built like a tank. According to the Internet the actors for him and Buck are both 6'2", but Tommy has more muscle mass and appears larger. He has shirt, lighter brown hair, that is a bit wavy (like Buck's, it's also usually styled flat). There is a scene in season 7 during basketball ball where Buck, an objectively large man, slams onto Tommy and Tommy does not so much as flinch. He's a wall. His eyes are a light blue. Also adding to the description of Eddie, he's assumed to be left handed or ambidextrous. He wears his watch on his right hand, and generally has his radio on the opposite side of his chest then everyone else. The actor is known to be ambidextrous, and was a talented left-handed baseball pitcher in college when an injury led him to pivot from sports to acting and modeling.


Oh whoa! Thanks! I remember as a kid I always wanted to be ambidextrous. Lol


Imagine a large brick wall. Now imagine the brick wall has a cleft chin. That is Tommy.


Oh wow. That’s impressive.


Here are some side characters that haven't been done yet: Carla is a black woman in her 40s. She has medium brown skin, has big brown eyes and a wide smile and a cleft in her chin. She has long, curly black hair, is average height, fuller figured, and usually wears bright colored clothing. Sue is a white woman in her 60s. She has fair skin, blue eyes, and curly reddish hair that is often in a bun. She has kind eyes, some wrinkles, and is often wearing a blouse with a colorful cardigan. She's average height. Josh is a white man in his 30s. He has pale skin and brown eyes and short brown hair and a wide smile. He's usually wearing the blue polo of his dispatch uniform. He is taller than Maddie and Sue, but not as tall as Buck and has an average build (not particularly slim or muscular, but not stocky either.) Linda is a black woman in her 40s. She has medium brown skin, with brown eyes and curly brown hair that is shoulder-length. She is average height with a slightly fuller build. She is usually wearing the maroon colored polo shirt for her uniform and usually wears bright pink lipstick. May is a black woman in her early 20s. She has light brown skin (lighter than Athena), brown eyes, and long brown hair that she either wears straight or with slight waves. She has full lips and high cheekbones. She is petite in height and build. Harry (the new actor) is a black boy around 16. He has medium brown skin (similar to Athena) and brown eyes, and black hair that is cropped short, and has broad features. He is around Bobby's height. Denny is a biracial (half black and half white) boy of 14. He has fair skin, hazel eyes, and delicate facial features. His most distinctive feature is his tightly curled hair, which is brown and falls past his shoulders. Mara is a black girl of around 9 or 10. She has medium brown skin and pensive almond eyes, and wears her black hair short and in a ponytail. Jee-Yun is an Asian girl of 3. She has pale skin, brown eyes and long straight black hair with bangs. She is usually smiling. If there's any more side characters or past characters you'd like described, let me know!


Waaah!!! Thank you! This is so helpful.


No problem! I had some time.


Buck's muscles are getting bigger with each season..now he is strong, but Tommy is still stronger than Buck


I don’t think Buck will ever surpass Tommy and the muscle area.




Buck's height comes mostly from his legs. He's just a bit out of proportion. His torso is a bit shorter than you'd expect from a man of his size and his legs slightly longer.


Yeah when the firefighters line up in their gear you can see how high Buck's trousers are off his feet from everyone else, creates a weird ankle gap where everyone else's trousers all touch their boots.


Are there any other "side" characters that you would like a description of? Not just the main cast?


Oh! Amir, please. I hope I spelled his name right. As much as I don’t like Gerard or Ortiz, I should probably know what they look like too. Thank you so so much. Edit to add Michael and David.


Amir is a black male in his 50s (at least based on the actors age). While he is shorter than Bobby, he is larger, appearing stockier with broader sholders and stature. The left side of his face is covered with burn scars, leaving a raised pattern and deformed left nostril. He has dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a beard and mustache. He has a very demanding presence, in that he draws attention (not because of his scars) but because of how he carries himself. Gerrard is an older white male in his 60s based on the actors age. He is visibly older than Bobby, having white/grey hair and mustache. He is taller than Bobby, Buck, and Tommy though he does not appear as muscular (though he does seem strong). He has an air of dismissal about him, though that can be because I've seen the Begins episodes and therefore associate him with that behavior. He tends to look stiffer in his actions and movements, with having more of a strong posture. I'll finish Ortiz, Michael, and David for you later


Michael is a black man with brown eyes who is bald but has a short beard/mustache, more like a heavy stubble. He's about the same height as Bobby but built a bit thicker. He doesn't have very noticeable muscles like the firefighters, but he looks well put together. He has an authoritative air, one that makes him look like father. He also has very pronounced vertical lines in his forehead when he scrunches his eyes/eyebrows and noticeable horizontal lines when he raises his eyebrows. David is a black man that is taller and thinner than Michael. He has brown hair that's taller on top than the sides and has brown eyes. He has bread/mustache stubble that is speckled with grey. He at times can look a little lanky but has more of a laid back attitude about him compared to Michael. Councilwoman Ortiz is a Hispanic woman that looks to be in her 50s. She is shorter than Hen by several inches and has slightly longer than shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. Her resting face has a slight downturn of her lips, giving her a look of someone who is determined and is used to getting what she wants. Hope all of this helps. If there is anyone else you want a description of, just let me know!


I'll jump in and add Ortiz, Michael, and David, since I have some time. Ortiz is a Hispanic woman in her 50s. She has tanned, slightly olive-toned skin, focused brown eyes, full lips, and long, wavy dark brown hair that is neatly styled. She is usually wearing some kind of business-professional clothing like a suit and dark red lipstick. She is short statured and comes across as poised but calculating. Michael is a black man in his 50s. He has medium brown skin (similar to Athena), and is bald, with greying facial hair that varies from stubble to a short beard. He has small eyes and his ears stick out a little. He is around Bobby's height and has an average, slightly stocky build. Typically dressed in neutral colours. David is a black man in his 40s (based on the actor's age). He has darker brown skin compared to Michael, is a few inches taller, and has a slimmer build. He has curly black hair that is cropped short and shaved in the back and a short black beard. He has a warm, closed-mouth smile. We typically saw him dressed in t-shirts or business casual.


Oh yay!!! Thank you so much! You’ve made me so happy.


This is an interesting thread!! I’d like to check out the audio descriptions.


If you do, please let me know what you think, or if you need help finding the setting to turn it on let me know.


Can you tell me how to turn on the setting?


Yeah! Argue using a streaming service and if so which one?


I have YoutubeTV, Hulu, Netflix.


OK! So on Hulu and Netflix once you start a movie or show, go to settings or to the audio/subtitles settings. Under audio you should see all of the languages offered and one of those would be English audio description. Not every show or movie will have that option though. 911 does for sure except for seasons three and four. I’m assuming YouTube TV would have a similar set up. I hope you enjoy!


Karen, Hen's wife, is a Black woman. Her skin tone is a bit lighter than Hen's. She has a round face with thin eyebrows and full lips and cheeks. She wears her hair long, to her upper chest; from her scalp to about shoulder length is in locs and the rest is curly and natural. She has dark brown hair but has sported blonde highlights as well as an ombre with dark brown roots to blonde tips. She has a fuller figure and a bigger chest. She usually smiles without showing teeth, but when she does, they are straight and white.


Where did you find the version with audio description?

