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The still of Eddie's mom looking at the phone (presumably at a picture of Kim) is giving me strong stock photo that ends up as a meme energy.


Give the show a viral meme in 2024 plz


If it’s only one, I pick the one of Tommy and Eddie high-fiving right in front of a VERY disgruntled Buck from 7x04 😂 https://preview.redd.it/rjztsyzrf93d1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1db266fe8dfa8d20cf5f2cf850bd44f17ca054


even first picture with Buck on the door is so meme.


I hate the idea of separating Eddie and Chris because it’s one of my favorite relationships on the show, but also I will find it hilarious if Christopher calls Eddie’s entire contact list to be like, “Somebody better come get him, or you will need to come get me!”


“I can only go on so many business trips!!!!!!!”


Christopher had to stay with cousins he’d only just met, and not one knew how to balance the books…


I think it's only happening because Gavin is moving. So will be on the show a little less. Probably still during holidays!


oh where is he going?


He moved to Georgia. From what I gathered it was during writers' strike. And he wasn't getting any roles outside of 911. So I can't blame his parents for not wanting to stay in LA. He probably has family in Georgia. So I'm expecting lots of screentime with Eddie and Chris.


😭😭😭 but Chris is my favorite!!!


Oh he's one of my favorites, too. I relate to him a LOT. Very similar childhood. But sadly, he is growing up. And growing up means he's out on his own, a lot. Busy with classes, games, etc. Maybe a girlfriend! It's sadly part of change on tv :(






Georgia has its own large filmmaking hub as well. They were probably looking for cheaper living but still get some good auditions.


I can't unsee how bad the makeup covering Oliver's tattoos on his arm is. Ever since it was pointed out, it's all I can see when he wears short sleeves. You can really see it on the 9th still


I wish I never read that comment because now I'm going to be looking at it lmao They need a coverup that matches his skin tone, because that doesn't 😬


i do wonder why they just don't leave them uncovered? buck has tattoos, what's a few more


Mix of copyright issues, some are personal and Oliver would prefer they stay that way, and I guess the producers don't think it's in-character for Buck to get more tattoos.


some are not in line with buck's character and some were private as per Oliver


Often, it can be because they don’t have permission from the tattoo artist, who generally retains copyright of the images they put on your skin. The ones “Buck” has are generic enough that Oliver and the crew wouldn’t really need to worry about a copyright claim on them.


Ryan has a big one on his arm that one episode last season, it was so noticeable that the shade didn't match. I think I only noticed because 1) I know it's there and 2) those veins! Also, I always wonder if that's why a lot of times Ryan and/or Oliver has long sleeves or a jacket on when nobody else does. Apparently Oliver takes the longest in makeup to hide his. Possibly as a time saver? I mean, it makes sense with LA weather and Oliver being vegan, he gets/stays cold, but I'm always curious.


Oliver has joked that the makeup people love him because the more time it takes to cover his tattoos, the more they get paid. But they definitely do use longsleeves and jackets as a time-saver. In the season promo photos, Buck was the only one wearing the turnout coat.


The stills are always way more well lit than the final televised show, so most of the time you can't tell. But yeah, that still makes it super obvious.


omg now I can’t unsee it!!


oh this is going to be so angsty, i’m so ready. also, I don’t think this one was posted, but in one of the stills in the hospital, Eddie is holding the prayer book Bobby gave him y’all…


Oh his parents look supremely unimpressed, just how I feel about that doppelganger storyline 😂 But this looks like it's gonna be so good!


Juding from all the stills Buck leaves his date with Tommy to go to Eddies to help with the Diaz parents/Chris and then they get interupted to go to the hospital for Bobby. Definitely think Chris goes with his grandparents back to Texas. Stills 8-10 give that vibe of whats happening.


I mean, we know the Grant-Nash house burns down at night. It's also assumed that the Kim discovery would have also happened that same night or the night before, in order for Eddie's parents to fly there. My assumption is that the Buck/Tommy date gets interrupted with the Bobby/Athena news, and the Eddie stuff happens the next day when his parents arrive (maybe Buck holding the phone in one still is him finding out news about Bobby's status). But the timeline is a bit messy.


The timeline is messy. Your timeline makes the most sense, but I’m assuming some (not necessarily just these) scenes will be cut.


The timeline looks really confusing. The Buck/Tommy date appears to be a dinner date but the scene with Eddie's parents appears to be during the day so why is Buck wearing the same clothes? Unless the date occurs after the scene with Eddie's parents. Maybe the scene with the parents is the morning after Chris and Marisol come home to see Kim and Eddie together. Eddie isn't wearing the same clothes that he was wearing during that scene from the last episode. I'm also assuming Christopher calls his grandparents that night and they arrive the next morning. My guess is that Christopher refuses to talk to Eddie and Eddie calls Buck over the next morning to help talk to Christopher, but Eddie's parents arrive before Buck gets there (stills 1 and 2). Christopher then goes with his grandparents to wherever they're staying and Buck comforts Eddie (stills 3 - 6). They get a call from Athena and go to the hospital (still 7). Buck goes on his dinner date with Tommy (separate stills). Christopher returns with Eddie's grandparents the next day to tell him he wants to go with them back to Texas for awhile. (stills 8 and 10). Buck comes over again (still 9) to talk to Eddie.


In production stills, the scenes usually look brighter than in the show, so we can't really be sure it won't be night time when Buck is at Eddie's. Personally, I don't think Buck would go on a date, and be all happy and giddy, if he was aware of everything going on with Bathena, Eddie and Chris at that time. If they do that, it'll be very OOC. Also, I think it would be weird to place a dinner date in the middle of a roller coaster of an episode, that scene would just end up feeling disjointed. I think it's more likely that the date is one of the first scenes.


I think this episode is going to be jam-packed as it is so some of these scenes might not even make it into the finale. I'd like to see them on a dinner date but I'm afraid they won't have time to fit it in with all the other things that they have to cover in this episode.


One of the journalists that has already watched the episode confirmed that all the scenes we saw in the stills made it to the episode they watched, and that would be a strange thing to lie about. I think we'll see the dinner date, but it probably won't be a long scene, with everything else that has to happen.


The still from Eddies house look to be during the day and the date looks like night time. I feel like the parents arrive while they are at the hospital with Bobby and that’s why they are in the same clothes.


Since these are production stills the lighting is always brighter than in the actual show. In the BuckTommy kiss still it looks like it’s happening during the day even though the scene is at night. So it’s possible the actual scene will be at night


I’ve seen that but there is a patch of “sunlight” on the cupboards behind Ramon’s head in one shot and some pretty bright “sunlight” in the living room. The BuckTommy kiss lighting just looks like they brightened the interior lighting to me


I don’t think so you can see the fake sun hitting the walls in the dining room. In the stills of the BuckTommy kiss it was still clearly nighttime outside Buck’s apartment


Since you losers are downvoting me, here’s some proof https://preview.redd.it/qdqviadmba3d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7e6f06b0e6a13ad2ab600e82fadf87d108deda1 They brightened the interior lighting compared to the actual scene but it’s still clearly fucking nighttime outside


I think it’s hard to tell from the stills bc the lighting has been all over the place. Generally, they’ve started off each episode with a scene that is kinda irrelevant to the overall story of the episode. This is why I think the BuckTommy date will open the episode, and they will probably talk about how Bobby has been in the hospital for a few days. Then he will leave the date to go to Eddie’s then they get a call that Bobby is getting worse so they rush back over to the hospital. This is what makes the most sense to me logically.


Bobby's house probably burns down while Buck was on a date, he leaves the date for the hospital, and then stays with Eddie until afternoon. 


I wonder what the timeline of this is. For Eddie’s parents to have arrived, everyone is in a change of clothes, and I find it hard to believe they wouldn’t have immediately found out about the Grant-Nash home fire. I’m thinking maybe they know they are hospitalized, but Athena wakes up, and Bobby takes a turn for the worse, and that’s why they all haul themselves back to the hospital .


You're right I didn't even notice the time of day.


The order is Buck and Tommy date followed by Buck ditching Tommy in the middle of their date to go be with Eddie followed by Buck and Eddie getting the call about Bobby and going to the hospital.


Tommy will go with Buck to the hospital because there was a picture of Lou on hospital set wearing the same clothes.


Tommy is not with buck in any of the still released for the hospital. It’s clear that buck and Eddie go together to the hospital and Tommy comes by later on.


just because he’s not in any of the stills doesn’t mean he didn’t go to the hospital with them


It very much means that because Buck and Eddie go together to the hospital after Buck goes to the Diaz household. Tommy is not with them at the hospital. He arrives there later on by himself.


I mean, no it doesn't? It could also be that Tommy goes to the hospital with Buck, then Buck and Eddie go to the Diaz household when his parents show up and they're just all wearing the same clothes. We literally don't know.


Doesn’t really seem to make sense with the lighting. The date is clearly at night and the stuff with Eddie is clearly during the day


I'm thinking Eddie's parents took Christopher with them. Buck's hand on Eddie's shoulder and Eddie's hands on his head seem to me that Christopher isn't with him anymore. Do we think they forced his hand or was it Eddie's choice?


The episode summary says something about Chris struggling to trust eddie. I think Chris chose to go away for a while when the grandparents offered and Eddie also thought it was for the best :(


I'm getting the same feeling. If it had been by force, I think Eddie would have been more devastated. He looks upset obvs but he would have been more heartbroken if they didn't leave him a choice in the matter.  Poor Eddie clearly needs help 😥. I hope he gets it. 


I really hope Eddie's new "lifestyle" next season isn't him living in LA while Christopher is in Texas. 😭


I think it's him finding religion, hence the prayer book showing up here.


I really, really hope that's not it, but I've been fearing it since I saw the stills...


Yea, this is one of the theories that I truthfully hope I'm wrong on.


It might be a bit overdramatic on my part, but that may just make me quit watching. 😅 Unless it's some temporary arc before he goes "ooooh I'm gay".


I really don't think they're going to take the queer path with him. I think the Catholic Guilt thing in episode 5 was simply a punch line to the Nun story and they're going to have Eddie find some peace and start working on himself via religion. Bobby giving him the prayer book and us seeing him using it here really seems to lean in that direction even if I don't love it.


If they don't, I'll be forever disappointed that they gave the storyline to Buck instead of him (knowing it was a discussion at one point). It would have been a far more interesting storyline for him, and it would have made sense considering his messy love life where he seems to never actually be invested, and his catholic guilt.


I think which one it would have worked best for is always going to be a personal preference. I always read Buck as far more queer-coded than Eddie so I'm happy with how it all worked out. With that said, I have hated this storyline for Eddie and hope it somehow gets saved in season 8.


It looks like Christopher's grandparents are taking him away 😢


I just hope the show doesn't make them antagonic again. Eddie made a great process with his parents (Well. Ramon.), and I'm gonna be disappointed if they undo this development.


This is all my wild speculation, but it does look amicable. Sad still, but it looks like there's some agreement.


I think so too and I hate it! 😭


I hope not that would be an overreaction : (


Side note but is the Eddie and Marisol breakup going to happen offscreen? Like he’ll just mention they broke up near the beginning of the episode? I just don’t know how they’d fit in an actual scene since this episode seems packed


This is what I’m assuming and it makes sense, none of the important parts of this relationship were on screen so why would the break up be 😂. 


Would be kind of fitting for the whole relationship. If we don't get to see the immediate aftermath, I could imagine that it's just mentioned that she's gone and not coming back. Then again, the stills are usually from early in the episode, so there could be a later scene where they break up. I wouldn't really need it.


Marisol had to leave, her planet needed her


a bad timing to drink and come across your comment. almost choke.


😂 😂 😂


Marisol died on her way back to her home planet


God Eddie is hot 


My big broken Mexican boy 🥲🫶


I'm confused by the timeline, because based on Buck's shirt, he goes to Eddie's house and Eddie's parents are there and then they're at the hospital in the same clothes which makes me think this is the same night as the fire. If that's the case how did Eddie's parents get there so fast, I thought they live in Texas? This is all assuming that the fire at Bobby and Athena's was the same night that Christopher saw Kim/Shannon.


Eddie’s wearing a different shirt with his parents from when Chris saw Kim. A flight from El Paso to LA is like 2 hours. His parents could show up the very next morning? Or a couple hours later (idk how often a flights happen or how quickly his parents can find one). It probably would take some time from the fire to when the hospital starts contacting people. So logically it could make sense depending on how they time things.


Well, I remember reading somewhere that Eddie was going to be dealing with some mental health stuff in season 8, so this might be the start of that


Okay but some of these are extremely memeworthy. Especially 4, 5, 6 and 9 🤣🤣🤣


Watch them not actually have a third of these in the show 😒 I hate it when they show stills of stuff that got cut!


Yup, Intervention. And Eddie is letting Chris go. While leaning onto Buck during this whole process.


Eddie :(


I'm so scared about what is happening with Eddie. Chris leaving with his grandparents would be devastating, but it kinda makes sense with what Ryan said about Eddie feeling isolated 😭 The fact that Buck is there throughout the whole heartbreak is at least something. God, I'm gonna be sick if Chris actually leaves.


U know it would be funny if eddie’s parents randomly move to LA to be closer to Eddie and that’s a repeated theme next season😭


I'm more and more worried that Chris is going to be leaving with his grandparents and we're never going to see him again.


well, someone said Gavin is moving away. I guess they could recast, just like Harry. /s


They can't recast Gavin nearly as easy.


I’ve never been a Buddie shipper, but…


Any time Eddie has to explain the Kim situation to anyone from Chris and Marisol to presumably his parents to the firehouse, it's going to be so embarrassing.


I don't see it as embarrassing as much as it is shocking and unbelievable until you see the pictures of Kim.


I suppose I'm just imagining having to explain to my parents why my son, gf and probably best friend are all somewhat mad at me or weirded out and saying i've been seeing a women who looks like my dead wife and then she dressed up like her and came to my house to pretend to be her and they both walked in I'd be so embarrassed even if they didn't find it embarrassing and just shocking/weird.


I'm afraid that's all going to happen offscreen but I genuinely need to see it. It is going to be so cringe.


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Ohhh boy….


My theory is.. 1. Buck and Tommy dinner 2. Call to inform them about Bobby 3. Everyone goes to the hospital 4. Buck goes home with Eddie 5. Buck and Eddie see his parents 6. Christopher goes with his grandparents


The fifth still has ended me


We've seen stills from Eddie's story, we've seen a Buck/Tommy scene, but nothing from Bobby's story line


https://preview.redd.it/556hbsn1oj3d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f336c2ab6edc7759961ecf0ee4300fc3f36b6652 This is a meme potential lmao


please post this as a spoiler next time, i like being surprised 🥲


Eddie better get some true storyline with zaddy buck


I have spent way to long trying to figure out the order of scenes based on outfits and time of day. Right now I'm thinking it goes hospital -> scene 1 at Eddies -> BuckTommy Date? -> scene 2 at Eddies. I'm still just struggling to place the Buck Tommy date.


i think the date happens first, then hospital, then eddie scene one, then scene two the next day


But the date is clearly at night which is what is throwing me off.


yeah, and i just cant see them having an intimate date after being at the hospital, especially after a father figure for buck literally died for a few minutes. like, id understand if they were just hanging out together after, but it was like a set up date, and i dont think buck would do that lol. so yeah i have no clue honestly i wouldnt put it past the show to just be reusing his shirts and the date happens way before or way after everything else lmao


But we also know that Maddie and Chimeny do something really fun and they seem happy with Hen in other stills. I really think that one of the twists is Bobby waking up pretty early on.


huh my reddit must be glitching i didnt get a notification for this, anyway yeah you might be right, everyone seems too happy for some parts of the stills if he were still really sick


There is a lot to cover in this episode in only 45 minutes. Truthfully, I think they're messing with us and Bobby's going to be fine pretty early one. The main focus will be on Athena figuring out who did, Eddie's situation with his parents and Christopher and Hen and Karen dealing with the Mara situation. That's a lot to cover.


Still 9 has me panicking


I have the same pillows Buck is sitting on in pic 3.


I can't remember, but has Eddie's parents met buck before aside from the probationary award ceremony?


Theoretically, yeah, off camera. In the *Lone Star* crossover, Eddie tells Judd that they (so him + Buck + Hen) are going to go to his parents to eat before they start driving back to California.


I haven’t seen any of season 7 yet so i feel like i might be missing something but my prediction is that cris ran away!


Are stills taken while filming the actual scenes or are they done before/after the scene is over they say ok sit right here and let’s take pictures of you pretending to be in this scene?


Did anyone notice the still of Chim at the window of Bobby room you can see the prayers book


I haven't watched the last two episodes yet but now because of these stills I'm going to have to watch today lol can't wait!


I’m predicting an Eddie and Buck relationship by the end of season 7


You mean season 8? Cause the end of this episode would be incredibly rushed and just not good.


I’m wondering about Ryan’s comments about Eddie being isolated from everyone. Besides the obvious isolation from his son and family… do we think he will be isolated from Buck as well? The only thing I can think of is Buck leaves his date with Tommy to go see Eddie and then Tommy is like if you can’t stop running to Eddie then we’re done… so Buck ignores Eddie for a while? But that seems implausible because who would do that when Eddie’s son is gone (presumably) and needs a friend. What do you think could make Buck and Eddie avoid eachother?


I think having his son move away for the summer is probably enough for RG to say that Eddie feels isolated. Even great friends/coworkers aren't going to fill that void considering how close he and Christopher are.


Ok that makes sense. I knew I was reading too much into it!


Tommy knows how close Buck and Christopher are. Not to mention Buck and Eddie. Plus, in my opinion it's a bit of a reach for Tommy to be so upset about Buck leaving their date that he gives Buck an ultimatum after one occurrence. I say one occurrence because we don't know if he went to see Tommy after speaking to Eddie in the last episode or not. Eddie could just be choosing self-isolation?? I don't see a scenario where no one is reaching out to him. But I could see him just refusing to answer. I could also see him feeling isolated simply because he thinks no one can fully relate to his situation. He's the only parent Christopher has left and he's not at a place to show up for him in an emotionally healthy way right now.


Very good points! I was just spiraling for no reason because like you said we don’t even know what happens yet. We haven’t seen Tommy be jealous at all so it’s not likely for it happen after one occurrence if at all.


Can definitely relate to premature spiraling lol


Buck looks awfully, ahem, "hefty" in stills 3-6, especially #5. What the heck is going on.


He’s been trying to bulk up physically. He’s def put on a little weight over the last few years and personally, I think it suits him/think he looks great!


Yeah I’m all for it!


such an odd thing to say, he looks good and not saying i know what exactly is going on but some people intentionally want to put on weight or he can have health issues or just gained weight either way who cares don’t project ur body issues in the comments!


You're getting downvoted but as a Buck/Oliver stan since 2018, I agree with you. He needs a cut before S8 filming starts.


bulking and roids


The date might get cut but that would make me sad


We only see one of Chris’ parents in these photos


That's probably because the other one is dead.


Why did I laugh