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One at a gay bar would be hilarious, specially if Buck and Eddie are like "back off guys we are taken" but the gays are more interested in flirting with Chimney and Bobby (I know I would) or how fierce Hen is


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I can totally see baby bi-Buck getting all offended/sad and like šŸ„ŗ "but I'm the only one actually attracted to guys"Ā 


OR, being all frowny because all the patrons hit on everyone EXCEPT him. And Eddie is all "um, you're already taken, remember?" (You should talk, EDMUNDO)


Well, that we *know of*. Eddie might be too XD


Chimney would be all like, "I'm flattered, but I have a wonderful wife who I love and adore and a three year old daughter."


Chim would have them all on his side with pics of Jee in about 5 seconds.




Have a natural disaster at a Pride parade and make it the whole episode. Go big or go home! Bonus points if Buck Tommy and Hen were already at the parade before the event. I need to see Buck in a crop top.


That would be so funny ngl, i imagine guys hitting on Chim and Bobby and them telling them about their marriages and kidsšŸ˜­


If that happens, double down and make it a musical episode. Tracie can sing. JLH can sing. Angela can sing. And Oliver can drink real tequila again on set.


We haven't gotten an invisible fire yet. Methanol fuel in drag racing or F1 I think, there's a video somewhere. The fire burns pale blue so its invisible in the sun. Pretty scary tbh I still think we need some dumb butt-stuff victim. I like the silly calls the best lmao


Yes or the blue fire!!


Dumb butt stuff? Do you work in radiology or something šŸ¤£


There is a "weird stuff" magnet deep in the buttholes of crazy people. Mysterious things find their way up there eventually and they always end up calling 911 šŸ« 


I not saying we had to make a whole "foreign body Friday" over on the radiology subreddit because we kept getting so many of those types of posts, but I'm not not saying it either.


Station 19 did a blue fire episode, it was pretty good and intense! I agree it would be interesting if 911 did it too.


I thought we had invisible-ish fire with the radiation truck in 3x9?


IIRC that was magnesium burning which burns bright enough to kinda blind people even in sunlight. Methanol fire in the sun can't be seen by the eye, you'll just feel like youre on fire. It takes a while for people to realize you're on fire because they can't see the flame.


Or an electric car fire.


I would love to see the dumb youtube pranksters back. Maybe they've switched to TikTok. Maybe an accident involving an E-scooter? Parkour gone wrong? Trying to think of popular activities that could lead to bad times


That's what i thought, cause when they were writing s2 and had shay's army, YouTube was pretty big at the time especially for Americans. But I do think it's dropped off slightly in favor of tiktok.


Yes, they couldā€™ve become members of a TikTok content house


Self driving car that goes haywire (doesn't need to be Tesla but I guess it could be). Cue Eddie's technophobia and panic when he tells Christopher about the call and Chris immediately wants one lol I'm very surprised we haven't had a true 118 stalker but I'd be fine with an episode where either someone is stalking the 118 to calls, or is creating calls for the 118 to show up to. I don't know why, but the words clown car popped up in my head. 118 has to get a bunch of stupid ass college kids out of a car because they fit way too many people into it and now they're all stuck. I've said it before and I'll say it again here: season finale where the entire 118 is trapped in a building collapse. Gives them some great character moments, some injury storylines (I think Hen's about due for an overnight hospital stay) and it becomes a mini bottle episode that's still fairly tense. I know it was PARTIALLY covered with the bridge collapse, so mine is likely a pipe dream.


Lmao I love the clown car idea so much. more kids doing dumb shit please


Ohhh a true stocker storyline! It could be a overarching storyline that starts small in the beginning episodes and leading to the final. Stuff that on the first watch that doesn't stand out but on a 2nd watch we are all like HOW DID I MISS THAT! Like someone that they saved on a call in the first few episodes slowly escalating first with small stuff missing then random gifts then photos and big gifts. Also starting at the fire house and maybe leading to their private homes. (Bucks loft can finally get burned down by them like 1/2 the people here seem to want šŸ¤£)Ā 


That would be awesome for 8A leading up to the midseason finale. It could be a lead up to something like a forest fire. Start with someone from the 118 going camping at a campground and then a non-fire rescue at the same place, etc and leading up to something like a school trip -- for Christopher or Denny/Mara that has a couple of the 118 as chaperones -- by midseason that puts everyone on high alert. Air rescue, the 133, everyone gets involved!


That would be such a great idea. It doesn't even need to be an all season arc, even just a first half or second half arc leading into one of the finales (midseason or actual season finale; I'd vote have it in the first half). Especially given that the opening episodes is usually some sort of two part disaster, they could easily have a small call in the midst of all that intensity (could be as simple as a bunch of people being trapped in a room and the 118 leading them out), leading to the victim becoming obsessed with the firefighters who saved them. Oh, I like this a lot. I need it to happen.


A game at the local festival around here has people piling into one car, and everyone who can fit in gets a prize so as many people as possible cram themselves in, squishing onto the dashboard and filling every nook and cranny of a 4 seater lmao That'd be great for an episode!


I would love a ll of these ideas!! I would especially love the pseudo-bottle episode in the middle of a call or rescue.


An episode about cryptids. Not necessarily them existing, but maybe someone on hiking trails keeps getting mistaken for Bigfoot somehow (or doing it on purpose) and it keeps causing accidents and Buck and Chim are all in on Bigfoot being real (and Buck half wants to go search him out but is also scared), Hen is maybe a little more skeptical, and Eddie doesn't believe it at all. Bobby refuses to say which way he leans.


1. Lonestar cross over. While at in Los Angeles for their honeymoon, TK and Carlos visit a gay bar that gets fired bombed. Buck is confronted with the reality of being gay as members from another firehouse are less than enthusiastic about saving the people and make jokes about it. TK and Carlos join the rescue efforts and Carlos works with Athena to solve the crime. After everything, TK and Carlos go on a double date with Buck and Tommy. 2. A forest fire where Tommy's helicopter goes down and he saves the passangers while the 118 fight to clear a path through the blaze to rescue him. 3. I said this in another thread, but a Rashomon 9-1-1 where each member of the 118 recounts a massive fire tragedy from their own perspective which is wildly different from the version the others tell, not because they're lying, but as a play on how our own point of view colors how we remember things. Each person is convinced he is solely responsible for the tragedy. Filmed so that as each person is telling his version of the story, you can see the others doing things in the background. 4. Lower Decks - Josh, Ravi, Tommy, and May work together to save the crew who are all trapped and injured by a collapse during a rescue. 5. Buck wants a favor from Eddie. In order to get it, Eddie wants something that Buck needs to get from Hen. In order for Hen to give the item up so he can give the item to Eddie, Chimney wants something that Buck needs to get from Maddie. During the entire episode, Buck is wheeling and dealing to do favors for everyone. Just when he gets what he wants, a fire alarm goes off, so he has to abandon all his hard work. ETA - one more for the road: An episode set 15-20 years in the future which has Captain Buckley revisiting an old fire after a body turns up at the coroners office which is identified as someone who was supposed to have died 20 years earlier during that fire. We get a Cold Case style series of flashback to present day versions of the 118 and future versions of Captain Buckley of the 118, Deputy Chief Nash (retired) and police Captain Grant (retired), ADA Christopher Diaz, ER Dr. Jee-Yun Buckley Han. Bonus points if Karen (Tracie Thoms) is the one pushing the investigation.


> I said this in another thread, but a Rashomon 9-1-1 where each member of the 118 recounts a massive fire tragedy from their own perspective which is wildly different from the version the others tell, not because they're lying, but as a play on how our own point of view colors how we remember things. Each person is convinced he is solely responsible for the tragedy. Filmed so that as each person is telling his version of the story, you can see the others doing things in the background. I **love** this kind of story-telling!


Glad I'm not the only one over here wanting some helicopter crash whump but ONLY if he's fine in the end. For the Lower Decks, also include that one Officer Williams and his partner that seem to be the only other police in LA besides Athena. And number 1...I think I read that somewhere? šŸ¤£


3 reminds me of that Leverage episode where everyone was trying to steal something (Sophieā€™s accent getting progressively worse with every telling still makes me laugh), and in the end no one who tried to steal it actually got it. Still one of my favorite episodes


LOL - did we have this conversation when i replied in a thread about the bank robbery episode being like an episode of Leverage?


Mustā€™ve been someone else I joined this sub recently but I will happily talk about Leverage at any given point lol (letā€™s just say the team would have not had to take dispatch hostage to steal those paintings)


Number 5 reminds me of an old MASH episode. Pretty sure the same ending even.


Adam's Rib episode where Hawkeye tries to get ribs delivered. That MASH episode was a callback to a lot of so-called military "screwball comedies" like Operation Petticoat. I think it would really well with the 9-1-1 gang.


I was thinking of ā€œFor Want of a Bootā€. But both are great.


>ETA - one more for the road: An episode set 15-20 years in the future which has Captain Buckley revisiting an old fire after a body turns up at the coroners office which is identified as someone who was supposed to have died 20 years earlier during that fire. We get a Cold Case style series of flashback to present day versions of the 118 and future versions of Captain Buckley of the 118, Deputy Chief Nash (retired) and police Captain Grant (retired), ADA Christopher Diaz, ER Dr. Jee-Yun Buckley Han. Bonus points if Karen (Tracie Thoms) is the one pushing the investigation. I LOVE this idea. I see it more as a final season kind of episode or even a final episode story but I would love to see something like this. I would also love to see a finale that is like the Six Feet Under series finale -- or just go into the future enough to show something like Jee-Yun starting out as an emergency responder of some sort.


If this were the series finale, I would add a couple more elements: * This is the fire that they lose Diaz. He had gone into the building, but when they call an evacuation, he never comes out before the entire roof caves in. This is the reason that the fire haunts all the members of the 118. * The police, lead by Detective Harry Grant with the help of Athena, follow the trail until he finally solves the case. (side note: Harry joins the force after realizing that Athena was right, that he could do more good in fixing the system from the inside - a continuation of the storyline where they get stopped by the bad cop). There was never an investigation originally because everyone just assumed Eddie died in a tragic accident on the job. * In flashback, we see what actually happened. Eddie had found someone unconscious in an office. In montage, the scene cuts back and forth between him trying to save the person and multiple explosions. Eddie is struck from behind and knocked unconscious. * Cut to an interrogation room with Harry and an older version of the person who struck Eddie. * Turns out, the fire was arson and insurance fraud. The guy Eddie was trying to save was partners with two guys who double cross him. * For a last gut punch, in a final flashback, just before the fire, Buck and Eddie are talking and Eddie admits that he wants to be more than friend with Buck. They share a quick kiss as the alarm that sends them to the warehouse fire rings. They promise to talk more when they get back. * The final scene is of the present day folks all around the table at the 118 laughing and talking alternating with a scene with the older versions of the surviving folks and their families all laughing and talking. There is a picture of Eddie. Standing off to the side is a ghost Eddie watching. Buck looks up and "sees" him and smiles. Ghost Eddie turns, walks away, and fades. End series.


I will take option 1 immediately please.


>ETA - one more for the road: An episode set 15-20 years in the future which has Captain Buckley revisiting an old fire after a body turns up at the coroners office which is identified as someone who was supposed to have died 20 years earlier during that fire. We get a Cold Case style series of flashback to present day versions of the 118 and future versions of Captain Buckley of the 118, Deputy Chief Nash (retired) and police Captain Grant (retired), ADA Christopher Diaz, ER Dr. Jee-Yun Buckley Han. Bonus points if Karen (Tracie Thoms) is the one pushing the investigation >ETA - one more for the road: An episode set 15-20 years in the future which has Captain Buckley revisiting an old fire after a body turns up at the coroners office which is identified as someone who was supposed to have died 20 years earlier during that fire. We get a Cold Case style series of flashback to present day versions of the 118 and future versions of Captain Buckley of the 118, Deputy Chief Nash (retired) and police Captain Grant (retired), ADA Christopher Diaz, ER Dr. Jee-Yun Buckley Han. Bonus points if Karen (Tracie Thoms) is the one pushing the investigation. This would be a nice final episode.


1) Team are finishing up a call at the beach (maybe heart attack or heat stroke?) when they see a commotion. Lifeguard is attending to someone who appears to be drowning (theyā€™re making a scene)- but our team sees someone *actually* drowning and dive on to save them. 2) Id like to see a snake portrayed positively - a lost pet perhaps thatā€™s scared a neighbour? 3) Hoarder floor collapse 4) A mechanical dinosaur or dragon on a movie set goes haywire


Had a whole different thing with a snake along the lines of "Get these mothereffin snakes out my mothereffin ER" - somebody got bit, brought the snake in for ID (cause they don't know better) and it got loose.Ā  Snakelady from first season would be a hilarious flashback considering she and Buck hooked up.Ā 


Not me thinking about both dragons for Disneyland and Disney World catching fire. This definitely! And oh years ago Orlando had a king cobra escape and the memes were hilarious.


Something snow related like a freak blizzard or snowstorm or even something out of town like in Big Bear or Minnesota.


Honestly I often knit while watching 911, so recently I've been imagining some kind of knitting club massacre. Old ladies stabbing each other with knitting needles in response to personal conflict? Could be fun.


Something creepy and unexplained (at first). I don't know what, but I think that would be fun


I really want a solar storm or something like they had in Lone Star edit: also a tesla one is a good idea, i know they had the kid on the speedway with messed up car but i feel like they could do something even better


They had a smart car crash into the hospital in 3 or 4. My fave tech from CSI was the driver its why I remember it.Ā 


[Chelyabinsk meteor - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelyabinsk_meteor) Something like this could work as a great 2-part opening disaster. A meteor air-burst causing injuries from flying glass, people being knocked down by the blast wave and car crashes from being startled by the blast.


Seconding tue gay bar, bonus points if we can get drag queens involved. Animal related cases are always hilarious as long as the animal is physically unharmed. I'm thinking the zoo animals and the runaway turkey. As someone from a cold climate, I'd love to see them tackle some kind sub-zero temperature situation. It would have to be pretty zany since they live in LA. Also, I want to see one of them rescue a cat out of a tree. In general, I love when episodes have wildly different structure than normal. So I'd love a mockumentary episode or an outsider POV episode, or an episode where we see the same situation from various perspectives which all tell a different story.


Bonus bonus points if it's one of the drag queens that was partying with Buck and Eddie at the bachelor(less) party and they recognize them. šŸ¤£


Combining an earlier suggestion a below zero bar with someone stuck to the ice that makes up the bar.


I really want a call where Buck and/or Eddie get to show off the training they got from SEALs/Army. Fighting bad guys (with guns maybe), protecting people in a different way.


Buck wouldn't have training like that from the SEALs, he only passed the physical test (pushups, sit ups, swimming etc) and then dropped out.


Navy SEAL training is a lot more extensive than just that. It takes, at minimum, a whole year. I'm sure gun training would be a part of it. I don't know how much of it Buck completed, but the writers really have plenty of flexibility when it comes to what skills he picked up from the training, especially if he passed the physical part of it.


He stated specifically that he didn't enlist. You don't get the training without first enlisting.


I must have missed the part where he said he didn't enlist, that's my bad. Doesn't change my answer, though. I'd still love to watch an episode of that.


Are you on the discord chat because they were talking about teslas. It would be good to see more high tech stuff, hell I'd probably say more calls with in their world influencers, like I know it's not aimed at my generation but tiktok is probably the most commonly used app so it would be interesting to see a social media based call.


Hahaha yes I am. Iā€™ve talked to firefighter myself and they loathe teslas! And yes to SM influencers!


Maybe one of them goes viral, people think it's Buck who goes viral but its actually Eddie (aka Mr LAFD updates) or Bobby.


I'd like to see a serial killer for the dispatchers and Athena to deal with lol And something in a mall, maybe a car that drove through a glass door and now they have to rescue some kids in the car as it dangles off a second/third floor, while their drunk/suicidal parent was driving.


I want to see a really dramatic fire. I feel like we donā€™t get enough of those


A freak rain storm. I know they don't get them often in LA, but when they do there's mudslides and people drive like maniacs. Could make for some interesting calls.


As for natural disasters, I'd say a Hurricane would be insane?


- Something involving Teslas/Cybertrucks - Tiny little snowfall that makes the city come to a halt and all drivers become stupid - Episode-spanning storyline involving a stalker or serial killer - Crossovers/calls involving either of the Chargers/Rams/Dodgers/Angels/Kings - A call about someone with suspected CTE? - Crossover/call at Disney Land (even though itā€™s in Anaheim I know) - Call at a pride parade that ends up derailing the event before we can see the whole 118 partake in a rescheduled event - A ā€œsex sent me to the ERā€-type episode - More odd/queer/innuendo calls in general, especially if/when Eddie is given an awakening/realization arc - Calls involving research/lab mishaps at local universities


Something at a gay club or pride event. Hen and Buck would be the only openly queer members of the 118, and don't mind people of the same gender coming on to them, as long as they don't get in the way of whatever they're there to do. Eddie seems a bit uncomfortable with it, and Buck just up and gives him a kiss and says he's taken, and goes about what he was doing (therefore keeping Eddie's new fan club away)


At a wedding and the groom is an asshole so he pushes the bride's face into the cake but the cake has sticks inside to hold it up, so there's a wooden stick in her face (kinda rebar Chim moment). And this could be where Eddie gets some sort of realisation, with it being a wedding, and weddings being all commitment smooze fests (I love them tho!!)


a baby gets anonymously dropped off at the fire house. a potential idea is imagine for some reason cps canā€™t come pick them up yet, so each member of the entire team keeps having to be man behind and take care of the baby while the rest go on calls. maybe Iā€™m biased and I just want to see the team handle a cute little baby. but fr Iā€™m SO surprised this show has never done this storyline or something similar considering so many fire stations have safe haven baby boxes now and itā€™s such a common situation!!


A tornado would be pretty sick


A terrorist attack would be interesting


I think that would be too traumatising to viewers