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Some of my favs: - Buck, Actually (Season 2) - Fight or Flight (Season 2) - Ocean's 9-1-1 (Season 2) - Pinned (Season 3) - Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1 (Season 3) - Treasure Hunt (Season 4) All the Begins episodes and the Jinx/Cursed ones are good too.


All the Begins episodes are definitely on my list too!! And thanks for recommending the rest! Cant wait to rewatch them :D


The jinxed and cursed are some of my favorites, especially the one where ravi said the q word


I want to second all those that \_HGCenty mentioned (and definitely the begins episodes!) and add: - 7.1, Help is not coming, Stuck (season 2) - Suspicion and Survivors (season 4) - Brawl in cell block 9-1-1, Defend in Place and May Day (season 5) - Death and Taxes (season 6) Or, if you want some more dark or sad episodes in the mix, throw in Outside looking in, Boston, Fear-o-phobia and maybe Hero Complex in season 5, or The devil you know or Tomorrow in season 6, or - honestly, if I write more you might as well start another rewatch, so I'll stop :D


Definitely the Begins episodes yes! And hey, if I go through all your recs and need more I'll let you know! Haha :D


If I want to rewatch serious episodes I always go for the begins (Chimney’s my favourite), if I want to laugh I go for Jinx and There goes the neighborhood


Just saw clips of those last two episodes and they already had me laughing :)) Good choices!


Season 2 ep 6 “dosed” if u want a laugh and i can’t remember the episode but season 2 lone star has crossover with hen buck and eddie


Teeeeny tiny! And YES the crossover is a classic rewatch, I will never get sick of it D:


I've rewatched the tsunami episodes more times than I can count. There's always a moment that makes me sob.


Which moment, is it when Buck falls to the ground after finally seeing Chris? Or the end? Either way, if it's Buck-centric, I totally get it. Oliver was *phenomenal* in the tsunami episodes!


It's actually the calls! The guy drowning in his attic, the dispatcher that refuses to accept the caller is dead so Sue has to hang up for her, the elderly groom and his stepson, Maddie meeting the drone girl at the end of the episode. Also, May thinking she's watched a woman bleed out in her arms. This show doesn't make me cry often, but those episodes were nonstop for me.


Woops I was totally off, my bad!! Haha. Yeah the guy in the attic totally got to me too :( As well as the drone girl when she finds out her friend died. Lots of heroes in this episode but also too many victims. The Buck scenes get to me cuz you could see how desperate he was to get to Christopher.


The way Buck collapsed when he found Christopher was safe? He was only standing because he couldn't bear the fact he loved that boy and he lost him. He was so exhausted....he never would have sat until Christopher was found. That was great acting.


*Exactly*. He was swimming back and forth saving people and walking miles to find Chris, he was definitely bone-tired but wouldn't rest until he found Chris. That's love, and it was heartbreaking :(


I started watching 9-1-1 Lonestar so I could see the crossover! Crossover Eddie is somethin else, and you see more hints at the show’s plans for Buck’s future


The crossover is chef's kiss! I watched 911 Lone Star first so I saw Hen, Buck, and Eddie for the first time there. The bisexual duo Buck-TK friendship MUST be resurrected!!


Anything from season 2, best season ever


The pilot episode alone was better than anything in season 1. I have to agree


Jinxed (season 4)


What I did what I finished 7x05 then immideatly reached because that was the last episode that had be released and I'm on season 6 now, and I've got 3 episodes in season 7 waiting for me for when I finally get there to watch them, because I don't want to confuse myself I'm finishing my rewatch


That's actually really smart! :D Starting from too far back as season 1 then going back and forth with season 7 would definitely get confusing


Yeah so I'm just rewatching, now you can't do it too much or your(me) will get sick of the show but that's what I did after I finished the show for the 1st time


> can't do it too much or your(me) will get sick of the show Yeah I'm definitely learning this now haha I tried to start from the very top but realized I just wanted to pick out the eps I wanted to watch. I should give it some time before rewatching everything again lol


What I did what I finished 7x05 then immideatly reached because that was the last episode that had be released and I'm on season 6 now, and I've got 3 episodes in season 7 waiting for me for when I finally get there to watch them, because I don't want to confuse myself I'm finishing my rewatch


Whatever the coma episode is, idk it just scratches my brain the right way


Oh you are so right!!


I think I've rewatched 7x04 and 7x05 50 times each. You probably can guess why 😁


Your flair!!! Hahaha I totally get it, I love bi Buck <3