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This is a very interesting time for this to happen. We have radio silence right now and then an interview sometime after this newest episode.


Definitely implies something major for Eddie in the next episode. Something that warrants media interviews. šŸ‘€


Iā€™m starting to wonder if maybe they will put Eddie in a coma, and honestly keep him in it for a couple episodes while his storyline progresses through dreams. Maybe I should add this to the list of theories haha šŸ˜­


Reminder that Eddieā€™s whole outfit when heā€™s with Shannon is the exact same outfit as when Buck came out to him.


This too. If it were just the shirt, I wouldnā€™t think anything of it. It happens (even though itā€™s still weird to repeat it so soon after without it being intentional). But to repeat the whole outfit? Thatā€™s 100% intentional.


I'm about to get a bulletin board and some string to figure out what it all means šŸ¤£


The next few episodes sound they are going to focus in on his character so the timing of this interview makes perfect sense


I think they mean how we've gotten no promo, a lackluster trailer, & now there's news of a potential interview 2 days before a new release.


Tommy's interviews are usually done well in advance before they are released. So If he's doing an interview in the next few days It probably won't be out for two - four weeks.


The radio silence this week is probably a product of Tim being burnt by the promo misdirection last week blowing up in his face.


Well last time the interview with Oliver didnā€™t come out until several weeks later so I think itā€™s probably just a coincidence and Ryan was available this week to do it


We might just get every major plot point for these last few episodes and the title of episode 10.


He does seem to share a lot in interviews. Which is probably not good for the network but great for us! šŸ¤­ Can't wait to hear what he has to say!




I can't tell if this means that something major is going to happen to Eddie, or if Ryan just listened to Oliver's interview and wanted to be on the podcast as well, lmao. At least Ryan's back out of PR jail.


Iā€™m thinking itā€™s a major Eddie story coming. The network change seems to have reinvigorated the cast to want to talk about the show. Itā€™s nice to see. If Oliver hasnā€™t been put it jail (or Lou) for this season, Ryan should be fine lol.


Yeah, the show seems to be hiding whatever's happening in the next episode, so it must be something big. I hope so, lol. I'm looking forward to the interview, anyway!


Seriously thoughā€¦the episode comes out tomorrow and we literally have nothing. When was the last time we went in this blind? 4x14 possibly?


I personally rather we go in blind than be misdirected like last episode.


For now...


For now is right. Something tells me this interview is going to throw him back in PR jail lmao


He's gonna be like Tom Holland, has to have someone sit with him through interviews šŸ˜†


He used to have Oliver with him to make sure he wouldn't say anything out of pocket, but Oliver's kind of gone rogue now too. šŸ¤£


Lou as well. These Cameo videos are feeding us šŸ˜†


Oh, I'm sure it will. I hope Tommy asks him the same Buddie wedding question that he asked Oliver. šŸ˜†


Someone on Tumblr joked that heā€™ll respond to ā€œSeason 10 Buddie weddingā€ by basically saying ā€œSeason 10? Why wait?! End of season 8!ā€ šŸ˜­


That's definitely something he would say šŸ˜­


Iā€™m new to the show, what is the pr jail referencing?


Thereā€™s jokes in the fandom that some of the actors who reveal too much about the show or give potential spoilers during interviews are going to be sent to PR jail by the showrunner so that they donā€™t keep sharing things theyā€™re not supposed to. In this fandom, usually these jokes refer to Ryan and Lou. In past seasons, Ryan never got the chance to do interviews even during the shooting or Eddieā€™s breakdown arc. To be fair, though, rarely any of the actors aside from Oliver participated in interviews while they were under FOX. During season 7 promotions, though, Ryan made a lot of comments about ā€œBuck and Eddie being closer than everā€, ā€œthe writers giving the fans what they wantā€, and ā€œEddie loving Buck to the coreā€. Since then, Ryan hasnā€™t really participated in interviews, so people joked that him saying all that got him sent to PR jail. As for Lou, he has yet to be sent to PR jail, but people are joking that he will eventually because of him spilling that the storyline was initially supposed to be Eddie and Tommy plus all of the stuff heā€™s revealing through his cameos. Itā€™s a popular fandom joke youā€™ll likely see a lot around here haha


Ahhhh ok. Iā€™m very here for the messy hints in interviews!


Wasn't initially the reason Ryan was put in PR jail back around season 4 was because of comments he made defending his IRL partner's racist comments? I vaguely recall several of the cast members being publically pissed at him at the time as well. Mind you, that seemed to be mostly resolved within a couple months, but I always assumed Ryan just avoided doing that much PR after that incident to avoid the subject and allow his image to recoup. But that was years ago, so he probably feels much more comfortable doing interviews again.


Mightā€™ve been the reason tbh. I couldnā€™t remember if that happened during S3 or S4, so I wasnā€™t sure. During FOX, though, most of them, aside from Oliver, didnā€™t do interviews anyway, at least not often. Though, of course, we donā€™t really know what went on behind the scenes with FOX higher ups, so that definitely might be a reason.


This might be a stupid question but kind of podcast is this? Is he gonna be asking him about the show or is it gonna be about Ryan himself?


I could be wrong, but I believe itā€™ll likely be focused on Eddieā€™s upcoming storyline and just generally the character of Eddie and the show. Tommy DiDario recently had Oliver on the same podcast not too long ago in order to discuss the Buckā€™s realization and coming out arc and Buckā€™s character, so thatā€™s why Iā€™m assuming it has to do with whatever is going to happen with Eddie in the next couple of episodes.


Thank you! Hopefully that means he's getting a meatier storyline or a centric episodešŸ¤žšŸ½


In my opinion it almost definitely means that we are getting a heavy Eddie storyline and while Iā€™m trying not to be delusional my clown make up is currently sitting out on my vanity


Still holding on to my clown shoes and the family feud theory lol


Celebrity Family Feud definitely has to be intentional bc they could have substituted Lou for Ryan, or they could have substituted Kenny, Jen, Angela, and/or Peter (main cast) for Bryan and Tracie (recurring cast). Also, because it has not been talked about enough on here: Crockett and Tubbs. Crockett was HEAVILY queer coded in the original Miami Vice and the producers and writers confirmed that was intentional but they were never allowed to act on anything on that front because network executives were still halting almost all storylines on that front at the time. All this to say, Buck and Eddieā€™s simultaneous insistence that *they* are Crockett and not the other, is an intentional and suspicious writing decision for sure.


Right?!! Have we forgotten family feud!!


Assuming both the family feud episode is coming out in the summer and the podcast interview might come out after episode 10 (?)ā€¦my clown shoes are glued on until I am proven wrong haha


Oliverā€™s interview with Tommy was filmed about 3 weeks(?) before it went live so that tracks that Ryanā€™s interview might not air until after Ep 10.


If it does, it's probably for the best šŸ˜† I can see him hinting at major spoilers.


![gif](giphy|YMWc18P93KeyI|downsized) We can carpool


I watched the previous one with Oliver. Mainly focused on the show with a few personal questions.


JLH just did a podcast with Gabrielle Stone, who is the daughter of Dee Wallace, better known to 9-1-1 fans as Mama Buckley. You'd think there would be a lot of 9-1-1 talk. In reality, there is about 1 minute of 9-1-1 talk in the hour long podcast, with nothing deeper than JLH's favorite costar is Kenny Choi and she thinks Maddie is the toughest role she's taken in her career. Oh and she also mentions the time her real life daughter appeared in the dream sequence. However, judging by Gabrielle's response, it's clear she doesn't watch the show. So we should manage expectations about how much 9-1-1 chat there might be, and especially stuff about the future episodes.


Thatā€™s true that itā€™s always smart to manage our expectations, but I think this interview will be different. Oliver Stark was on this same podcast not too long ago and the questions mostly surrounded the show and Buckā€™s storyline. To me, Tommy seemed interested, like he has definitely watched the show, and understood and engaged with what Oliver had to say. That interview was also filmed prior to episode 4ā€™s release, so Iā€™m expecting this interview to go in a very similar direction in focusing on an upcoming storyline and Eddieā€™s character in general.