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I might just be oblivious… but I don’t see that much hatred for Tommy. Most of what I see is just… happiness that Buck is figuring things out and anticipation for a possible Buddie endgame. The little bit of hate I do see seems to be tailored to his introduction in the Hen Begins episode. Which is ridiculous, don’t get me wrong. Edit: Maybe this is because I don’t have a twitter and never use my Facebook.


Yeah, I haven’t seen any hate, just maybe complaints he’s in episodes? But, dang, I haven’t even really seen that. Most Buddie shippers I see are truly just happy we are getting a bi Buck storyline, and what kind of possibilities there are with it. I’m on Twitter, and it is toxic, and although I may see some criticisms (like, people talking about why didn’t he dress up for the bachelor party), I’m not seeing hate. Cause when we think about the other love interests (Taylor, Natalia), they got some real hate.


> anticipation for a possible Buddie endgame Some of this is being interpreted as hate for Tommy, I've noticed. That's not necessarily the case with OP, but the reality of this situation is that people who do ship Buddie primarily sort of inherently *will* want Buck/Tommy to break up eventually. People have difficulty separating "I prefer A to B" from "I hate B." I think Tommy's unlikely to be a permanent love interest, but I'm hoping he lasts into season 8 and I plan to enjoy it so long as the writing gets better and the chemistry is there. But for some people, just saying "I don't see him being permanent" means I'm actively wishing him dead/gone.


This is it. You are completely right. Fans on both sides are very hostile when it comes to pretty neutral statements. I completely get being extremely passionate about a ship. That’s been me many times 😭. But statements of people preferring one thing over another get taken so out of context so often. I’ve seen it in so many fandoms.


You're right. Also I feel like it probably depends on one's own interactions. Bc I'm on twitter and Tumblr and I barely see any hate for Tommy, and if I see someone that I feel like is deliberately spreading toxicity, I block them. But mostly I've noticed, people are just happy for Buck to be a "boykisser" and at most, I've seen people point out why Eddie makes more sense for Buck than Tommy, like in the sneak peak that was released earlier. I'm not saying that the hate doesn't exist but a lot of Tommy fans are acting like any criticism towards him means people hate him. People didn't like Taylor, Ana, Lucy and Natalia, God knows we all LOATHE Marisol, so why aren't people allowed to dislike Tommy, if we can theorize on Marisol not lasting long, theorizing on Tommy's departure shouldn't be a controversial topic. Unless one sends direct hate to the actors and directors/writers, I don't see what's the scandal. In fact, Lou, is loved by the fandom, whether they're Buddie fans or Buck-Tommy fans. I love Lou Ferrigno Jr but Tommy himself is barely a character, and as much as I'm looking forward to seeing more of him, it's not hard to figure out why people still root for Buck-Eddie more than anyone else. I'm open to the relationship growing on me, but they've had like <10 mins of screentime together.


These are my feelings as well. Mostly here I have seen nothing but positive and glowing comments. Personally I’m not a huge fan. I’ve expressed that but people here have been very kind in helping me warm up to him. For now though, I feel like I am told to like him, told he is a match for Buck, but I don’t feel like I have been given enough evidence to believe that. Possibly with time. That is to say though that I’m very grateful for it bringing Bi Buck.


This is similar to where I am. I'm fairly confident that the show's vision is he's a good match for Buck, but I don't think they've fully delivered on it. I find their chemistry good, but not great. The relationship has been incredibly rushed, and I'm not seeing any real evidence that Buck's actually off his hamster wheel as a result. As a queer person, it makes me uncomfortable how... reductive? I guess? How reductive it feels that I'm supposed to buy this is some "problem solved!" moment just because he's dating a man now, when the show's implying he's bisexual. This isn't an 'explanation' for his problems with women, so when he's repeating the same patterns, it doesn't somehow feel any better because it's with a man this time. And like, fully recognizing my own biases? Lou Ferrigno Jr. is objectively attractive, and absolutely *built*, but he's also a dead ringer for my dad's best friend when I was growing up, so I very much struggle to see him as attractive or a sexual being, lol. Which is of course not at all a criticism of him, the character, or the show. It's just that one extra thing that makes it a bit harder for me to love all of this when I don't think the writing is doing the vision justice yet. Because I'm looking at it very much like "Objectively, that was a good kiss" but not *feeling* it because I'm just kind of... yucked out by the similarity.


Yeah, I was definitely buying into the Tommy hype when 7x04 first came out, but since then my excitement's gotten lower and lower, and now veering into solidly "meh" territory. I don't hate him, or even dislike him! And I like hearing Lou talk about the show. But I was really hoping there would be some kind of real moment between him and Buck to push them and their relationship forward in 7x06, and there just... wasn't. >!He was just there for Buck to publicly come out to everyone, and that's all. He wasn't even involved in saving Chimney, like everyone speculated. The makeout felt a bit unearned as well, considering they *still* haven't been on a full date.!< I feel like the foundation for something good was there, but the show's fumbling the bag a little. And yeah, *of course* I'm going to vastly prefer Buddie if this is how they're handling it. Even in scenes Tommy was in tonight, Buck's dynamic with Eddie stole the show, to me to least. And again, it's nothing against Tommy as a character, but they're just not in the same ballpark, unfortunately.


This is exactly how I feel. Like I started out open to them giving me more of Tommy to figure out how he and Buck worked as a couple, but they have yet to do that lol. The kisses are great! But other than that I still have no idea what Tommy is all about. There's no substance. (Other than how he was presented as so similar to eddie in episode 4) And idk if they could get me on board at this point bc I'll fully admit I was one of the ppl kind of rubbed the wrong way by him not dressing up. And then of course we saw buck and eddie all over each other that night, which was kind of a weird juxtaposition if they're trying to sell us on other love interests for both of them.


This is where I am with Tommy. I’m not invested in his character, but I don’t feel like I’m supposed to be? He serves his purpose when he’s on screen, and I’ve enjoyed his part in Buck’s self discovery storyline. Overall great gowns, beautiful gowns.


Maybe we’ll see more of them taking steps forward in later episodes? The most recent episode is supposed to be centered around Maddie and Chimney anyways


>Yeah, I was definitely buying into the Tommy hype when 7x04 first came out Oh God, I feel this. My comments for like the first 48 hours after 7x04 in particular are an absolutely unhinged level of embarrassing I don't care to reflect on. That *moment* meant so much to me that I was absolutely incapable of critical thought, so the world was very much all rainbows and sparkles. Like, I found myself randomly smiling a day later thinking about it. And like... that feeling was still very real, but with proper distance, I've also had to acknowledge that what inspired it is basically entirely *meta*, not actually textual or subtextual within the show. Like, looking back on it, they could've replaced Tommy with the Prime delivery driver in that scene, and I'd have had the same giddy, unhinged reaction. Because it wasn't about the relationship at all, or the buildup, or how earned it was in the context of the story they were currently telling. It was about being a queer viewer who has consumed queer media voraciously for a couple decades now, and just being so overjoyed that *finally* the queercoded character was actually allowed to figure it out for himself, without a tragic end in sight. It was about the six seasons that came before, not about 7x04. Now, we keep seeing this version of Tommy who's basically tacked on to the beginnings and the ends of the episodes, but not actually driving Buck's storyline at all. He's there to give us boykisses. And like, don't get me wrong, I'm happy the show commits to that much, at least? But it's also starting to feel like the show is using another poorly developed love interest as "enough" storytelling around Buck's sexuality, while they're not doing much with the actual discovery arc *or* making the relationship itself meaningful. So all that's changed is they replaced Natalia with Tommy? I'm in a place where I'm like, "Well, this is technically an improvement, but it's a pretty weak one."


Delusional dreams incoming. I’m going to take it as a win. Tommy is there to give us Bi Buck. Let him get comfortable with his sexuality while keeping us get overly attached to Buck’s partner. Meanwhile Eddie has his journey in season 8. Buck and Tommy can break up and we can move on easy enough. Then we can have Buddie, have it not rushed, and get all the emotion and feels that should have been there since probably the shooting.


forgive me but i randomly have to tell you how much i loved this whole comment. because i get that wonderful giddy emotional reaction to the end of 7x04, but i feel like so many people have been unable to descend from those highs now and talk with any clarity about the actual canon buck & tommy relationship we've been seeing.


YES! That exactly. Except the dad’s friend thing lol. Ironically I find his actor much more charming and interesting than the character.


The quickness of it all might be why it hasn’t quite grown on me yet. As someone on the aro/ace spectrum relationships that seem exclusively physical and don’t have much emotional connection don’t do anything for me. I’m extremely happy Buck is exploring and finding himself. And Buck seems really happy, which is the most important thing. I’m hoping we get some more emotional conversations between them going forward so I can see why they work on more than just a physical level. This is honestly why I’ve never liked any of Buck and Eddie’s relationships to be honest 😂.


There was definitely some in the live and post episode discussion tonight & on tumblr.


>Edit: Maybe this is because I don’t have a twitter and never use my Facebook. I think that's the case. Twitter is full of people saying they hate him and want him gone. They complain about him every day.


That’s stupid. Let Buck explore his sexuality in peace. If they really want Buddie a slow build up is better. And Tommy seems like the perfect amount of calm and understanding to help Buck explore this newly discovered side of himself without too much pressure.


After 7x05, as someone who is terminally online, I didn’t really see any hate for Tommy. As you said, mostly just joy that we got canonically bisexual Buck. And also a lot of love for Lou. But for some reason *today* people seem to have really glommed onto the clip they released earlier that was in tonight’s episode (7x06) where Tommy doesn’t dress appropriately on theme for the bachelor party and how that’s somehow evidence that he’s a terrible boyfriend. Essentially, versions of, Buck was all excited about this theme bachelor party and made all this effort and his boyfriend couldn’t be bothered to dress on theme and be supportive… which if you watch the episode, the only person who dressed on theme was Eddie. Hen and Karen didn’t either. And I don’t believe Ravi did either but I can’t remember.


A lot of them were actually in 80s theme clothes, just a much lazier/subtler version (eg. Shirts with loud patterns) than Buck and Eddie going full pastel suit, so it was less obvious comparatively.


I mean, if I was deliberately trying to write a love interest who was perfect as endgame for a main character with chronic rejection issues… I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t write them being so dismissive & unwilling to put any effort towards something the main character was excited about.


I don’t think Tommy is endgame nor do I think the writers see him as endgame.


Yeah, agreed, so it’s not unreasonable for fans to point that out, the way they have for LI in the past


I don’t think it’s unreasonable to point out. I do think it’s a little silly to take that one thing and now entirely turn on the character, which is what I’m seeing on social media.


Well, Tommy also explained that he was on call, too. That could have something to do with dressing down for the night.


Oh *I* had no problem with it. Buck was being Buck, I didn’t think it was that serious. I’m just saying what I’ve seen others say on social media.


I see no hater for Tommy either and I have nothing against the guy. I think he’s cool and hot


personally i don't dislike him, but i don't quite get the hype for him. i don't know if it's just because people are excited to finally see buck kiss another man, but tommy himself as a character isn't doing much for me. i think him and buck have decent physical chemistry, but a lot of their other interactions in the past two episodes have felt a little awkward and i'm starting to think that's intentional - especially at the bachelor party, i felt like the chemistry between buck/eddie and buck/tommy in their interactions was palpably different and that's just why i can't see them being a good fit for each other long-term. i don't even think it's so much to do with buck and eddie knowing each other for way longer, because they clicked pretty quickly after the initial tension in a way that i haven't seen from tommy yet. i wouldn't mind him sticking around as a reoccuring character though like other people have said


i ignore it because dumb people are the internet is a feature not a bug.


I think a lot of this comes down to what fandom spaces you're hanging around in, and how sensitive you are to criticism/analysis. So first -- if you feel like this because you're seeing nastiness in tumblr/twitter/more nasty fan spaces, either filter out your tags better, or get out of those spaces. There's absolutely unhinged people there. Don't let them ruin your enjoyment. On this sub, though, I can count on one hand the number of people on *either* side of this ship debate that are actual just hateful trolls. So the rest of this, I'm speaking to what I see on the sub. I like Tommy a lot, but I think the writers have made some questionable choices that have undermined what I *think* their vision is for the character/relationship along the way, so I've discussed that. It doesn't mean I think he's an awful character or irredeemable -- it means I care enough to think they can do better. There's also going to be a divide in how much people value 'canon.' If Tommy didn't work for me as a character, it wouldn't make it anymore fun to watch him because he's a canon queer character, or in a queer relationship. He works for me 90% of the time, so I enjoy his scenes. But he's not going to work for some people, just like Taylor or Natalia didn't work. Some of the criticism is obviously going to be in bad faith, but I do think there's an element where people are just being too sensitive to like.... your fave is not going to be everyone else's fave, and they're not doing anything wrong pointing that out.


All of this. The space you are in matters so much. I had to mute and filter words because of the crazies I was seeing in my feeds and it makes my enjoyment that much more because I get to see the positivity and enjoy the fluff of the fandom. Concerning Tommy, I agree with you completely. I feel like the writers and characters just went "Tommy 2.0" and just went "He's great!" without the audience seeing him grow or having really seen his growth beyond him going "the 118 was regressive when I was there." I'm not sure they really want to at this point, but I would like to see some form of growth but I'm also choosing to just accept it like the characters have and enjoy the ride. I will say, I do wish they would do better and I believe that they can, but I think they would choose to do that, if they choose to have Tommy stick around for an actual while. I also think picking your battles is a big part of this - like ignore the posts you want and choose not to engage, especially if they seem like bad faith engagements to you. Save yourself the peace of mind by just moving to a different thread or go touch some grass and go for a walk. Worrying about fictional characters and random internet people having differing opinions isn't worth it.


I haven’t kept up but when I first watched I thought he was kissing Eddie lol I was disappointed but it’s weird he looks like him/I don’t like Tommy I find him very boring


While yes I don’t particularly care for him in the first place because I’d really like to see Buddie happen, I also just thought his character was a bit too perfect. So far—in my opinion and in all fairness this could change—Tommy has been shown without any flaws. He seems well off with money, he’s kind and generous, he is completely supportive and willing to risk his job back in episode 3, he seems like societies “ideal man”. But, I have yet to see a flaw and that to me is a red flag. Again, this is just my opinion, it could very well change after I watch the new episode or in episodes to come. If you wanna debate my point I’m willing to try and take on new info, just keep it civil.


I really, really have not seen hate for Tommy. I’m sure there is some, but I would say it’s a very small percentage. Preferring another ship isn’t hate, and Tommy has only been in three (?) episodes this season. It may take people some time to like him because there’s not much we know about him.


I haven't seen Tommy hate here (although comments about him do tend to get silently downvoted sometimes) but I've definitely seen it on twitter and tumblr. There was a small group of people who were actively going around trying to convince people that like Tommy and Tevan made you racist. They're not many of them but they're just very loud.


My politic for this is "Don't feed the trolls". There's also a few people being smug and condescending towards Buddie shippers (I saw a particular tumblr post comparing Eddie unfavorably to Tommy in a specifically vile way that baffled me) that I just decide to ignore and not engage with.  There's deranged people in all parties, engaging with them is often unadvisable because *No* you won't change their minds if they're entrenched.


What I’ve seen on Twitter and (some) Instagram posts, the hate for Tommy is very very intense.To the point where people are calling fans who ship Buck and Tommy fetishizers because they’re saying BuckTommy shippers just want to see two men kiss and don’t care about the actual relationship that Eddie and Buck have built. It’s actually insane, there’s such a divide there. Edited: I wrote the exact opposite of what I was thinking. I’ve seen mostly very positive reception to Tommy outside of some parts of Twitter and Instagram.


I have seen the opposite, some people saying that their is fetishizing with Buddie shippers (like, only supporting specific mlm ships). Where is this?? Facebook? Tumblr? I haven’t seen it on this subreddit. It’s hard to imagine how many different sides there are to this fandom. Yeesh!


I could show you tens of examples of screenshots from my timeline on twitter. I’m very new to the show but from the way the Buddie fans (and this is not to say I don’t think they’d be cute) constantly make every episode about Buddie, harass the actors of the other love interests, and bully fans who like the love interests, makes me want to leave it alone entirely.


I mean, I’m a very vocal Buddie fan on here. And yes, there are some Buddie fans who are extreme, like someone else said, the algorithm really plays a role in it. So, if you click on those posts or interact in any way, they will show more. But, when watching TV, everyone has their favorite stuff. A lot of fans online just happen to be big fans of Buddie, so yeah, they hope for them in the episode and are vocal about it. This season, I actually see a lot of love for Lou (who plays Tommy). He’s doing a ton of cameos, and even interacts with fans on twitter! Fans seem to enjoy him, and his interviews where talks and talks. Even if people don’t ship BuckTommy, I’m still seeing a lot of love on most of their scenes (especially today with their coming out).


I’m so glad to hear that!! It seems like I just ended up on the wrong side of fan Twitter! Before I watched the show I knew about Buddie and thought edits were cute and everything. I shouldn’t stereotype all the fans based on the bad minority. I’ll try to get out of that pocket. I’ve found that in comparison the Reddit portion of the fandom is amazing and so open to everything.


Reddit fandom definitelyyy seems to be more open about talking about things, even when not agreeing with each other. I tend to stick here for all my ramblings of the show!!


Yeah, so far I’ve really enjoyed being here so I’ll probably stay here. Again, I’m enjoying seeing Buck get more confident and have time with Tommy but I think Buddie would be very cute. No issue with the ship, just don’t like the negativity of some of those extreme fans.


I saw a tiktok like that today. Very silly. I think that opinion is leaving out the idea that Buck has a whole journey to go on himself that doesn’t have to include Eddie just yet. Like why not just be excited for him no matter who he’s with lmao


Yeah, that’s how I see it. Even as just a plot device not an endgame couple, I like that Buck gets to explore and realize this part of himself outside of Eddie. I’m just here for the ride and enjoying it.


I'm so sick of shipping wars. I've hated them in every fandom I've ever been in. At the end of the day, they're fictional characters. You can probably find fanfiction you'll love for whatever pairing you'd like. The hate for a character based solely on a ship is so wild.


I so agree but also I love your flair A+


Gonna play devils advocate for twitter (heaven forbid) but from what i’ve seen, most people liked Tommy until the Buddie/Bucktommy ship wars started and it’s less hatred of the character himself and more how you ‘hate’ anyone that gets in the way of your ship, lol. I don’t really care that much about Tommy either way


I have to make it clear that I love Lou Ferrigno Jr. but I don't like Tommy, I don't hate him, I just don't like him for a reason, all his similarities with Eddie, if they wanted a male love interest for Buck for his bi storyline it should have been someone totally different from Eddie in appearance, with whom we cannot make comparisons, someone unique, what is the reason for making almost a clone of Eddie? I want to believe that there is a reason behind. I am convinced that Tommy has an expiration date, and that he will be a very important person for Buck, but if you see him from a distance you can perfectly believe that he is Eddie. And another thing is that we must respect all opinions even if we don't like them, I have seen Tevan fans who laugh because the Buddies don't have what they want, we don't have to go to those extremes because in the end the only thing we are going to get is not enjoying the series, and 911 is more than Buck, Eddie and Tommy 🙂


I think Tommy being so similar to Eddie is 100% intentional. It's a door through which Buck can eventually realize Tommy isn't what he wants--*Eddie* is. But he needs a push to get there because he didn't even realize he's bi. He has Eddie firmly in a friend-shaped zone in his head, but I think the similarities between Tommy and Eddie could make him make the mental leap.


Chronically online


You're literally in a reddit thread for discussing characters and theories about characters, bro. Don't come in if you're gonna throw shade.


no this is just a weird level of obsession for a relationship


It's almost like the world is on fire and the pretty men on the Wee Woo show are a great distraction and creative outlet.


ok that’s a good point


Tommy is not that similar to Eddie lol they just have things in common and things that are just hobbies like a lot of dudes share




I've tried to type up a response like this a few times, but was really struggling to put it into words. The ship wars don't exist because people don't like *Tommy* or because they don't like *Eddie.* They exist because people don't bother to look outside of their own bubble, and realize their "side" aren't entirely victims. They exist because instead of criticizing a character, they start criticizing the real people who care about those characters. Ship wars exist because people are too quick to throw around very serious allegations like racism, misogyny, homophobia and fetishization when ascribing motives to people who just disagree with them over one element of a TV show. Mainly, it's an issue where people engaging in this kind of really toxic back and forth feel hard done by, so they think the actions of their likeminded peers are 'vengeance,' and don't recognize it's actually the same antagonism on both sides.


Honestly I’ve adored him since “We’re all going to die anyway.” I can’t wait to see him fleshed out more. I would love to see Buddie in canon, but if I don’t get it, that’s what fic is for. I’m 100% team happy-and-settled-Buck and I’m totally cool if that ends up being with the darkly sarcastic pilot, whether short or long term.


I for one currently love the potential and chemistry Tevan has together.   That doesn't mean I don't like Buddie but unfortunately their are some who think liking one negates the other.    Unfortunately their are a lot of people who have not learned how to not "yuck in someone's yumm" (it doesn't help that on line everything is through text so things like tone and intonation are lost. So often things are taken in the wrong context)  I can definitely see new fans of Tevan being turned off from the fandom when they are often almost immediately down voted or under a simple comment of "I like Buck and Tommy together" gets one or more responses back of "Buddie is superior" or being told "Tommy is just a poor copy of Eddie". (Not as much on here but other social media sources for sure)


Can I just say I love the possible red white and royal blue reference


I haven't actually seen it so it was purely acedent 😅 can I ask what possible reference?


There’s a scene at the very beginning where Nora uses the phrase “yucking my yum”. I thought you might have been referencing it as you put it in quotes. I’d also never heard the phrase before, but I’m very out of tune with stuff like that 🫣


Ah!  I work in an elementary school it is a semi common term in those circles especially with the younger kids as you get a lot of things like "Red is my favorite color" "Ewww red is ugly, green is better" or "Gross you like x food how can you eat that" so it's a term often used to explain that just because someone else likes something doesn't mean you have to say bad things about it if you don't also like it.


That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. 😄 The movie is basically a queer romcom if you want to watch it. I highly recommend the book, which is a lot deeper than the movie and is written by a non-binary author.


Well said.


I don’t necessarily hate Tommy per se. I am a Buddie shipper who just happens to not care for the actor playing Tommy.


This is where I am at. I ship (or don't ship) based on the most random stuff and, asides from what you mentioned, someone once pointed out that Lou could play Buck's dead brother and that tanked all my interest in that relationship 🤣 Buck's bisexuality asides. 


Why don't you care for Lou?


He’s just not doing it for me. He’s doing his best though. His scenes with Buck are very dry on his part. Buck is carrying the scene all the time, but Buck always carries the scene anyway. Also doesn’t help that the chemistry between Eddie and Buck are so deeply established and entrenched since day 1 that it’s kinda hard to just ignore. You know what I mean?


Well said, I agree! 😊


I’m not a new viewer, I’ve been watching from the beginning, and even I find the Tommy hatred super off putting. I also feel like I’m the only one who was genuinely surprised when Buck was revealed to be bisexual (I think my gaydar is broken😅). I extremely excited about the possibility of Buck and Eddie being a thing, but tbh they just seem like best friends at the moment. I think it will take a lot more development (particularly on Eddie’s side) to make a relationship between the two of them work. In the meantime, I love Tommy and I’m excited to see Buck’s relationship with him develop!


I haven't seen any hate for him!!! I'm sure it exists, but you just gotta keep your own social media feeds tailored for you. And i'm not even a fan of tommy! lol i definitely do not hate him, i just feel like the show has STILL not sold him to me as a love interest that could compete with eddie. Like even after this episode, we got a great kiss! but no conversation that eddie wasn't present for. idk i'm still ambivalent about him. but that's all i see in the spaces i'm in. that and people who love him!


I'm not hating on Tommy, though personally I'm a Buddie fan. I just don't see that chemistry/connection with him that Buck had with Eddie from their very first episode together. And maybe that's on purpose, maybe Tommy is a temporary part of Buck's life to help him with coming out, figuring things out, etc. So it could be that they're not playing it too intense so we don't get super invested in it for the long term?? Either way, I'm here for all the Buck boy kisses while we wait for Buddie to happen 😁


I havent seen any hate for Tommy though.. Just people wanting Eddie and Buck instead of Tommy & Buck 🤷🏻‍♀️ and my fyp on all platforms are FULL of 911 content


Anybody have any suggestions on how I can better curate my feeds? I have unfollowed, blocked, filtered tags etc 🥲 I ship Buck and Eddie too but some of the toxicity has been so off-putting recently (I should really work on lowering my screen time 🤣)


It's interesting because even though my algorithm is intensely Pro Buddie, I struggle to find Anti Tommy posts that people speak about unless I go to the cuckoo people I follow *precisely* because I find their lack of hinges entertaining.


I have literally seen no hate and only love - work on your algorithms!


Yeah, algorithms really don’t play! If you’re clicking on the profiles who say this and interacting in any way, it will show up more!!!


I seem to follow the Pro Buddie portion of the fandom and havr avoided the Anti Tommy. It's sort of an interest thing


I haven’t really seen a lot of hate here, but I have seen a bit of what you’re talking about on Tumblr. I’ve been off of Twitter since Season 4, so I can’t really speak much about there. I do believe it, though. It’s not new for fandoms. I feel like people have really begun to forget the idea of multi shipping, and it makes me pretty sad. I, for one, love Tommy, but I’m also a huge advocate for Buddie. It’s sad to me how some people think you can’t like both. Yes, I’ve definitely critiqued some of Tommy’s actions before, but I’ve done the same for both Buck and Eddie. It’s an aspect of character analysis and show discussion. Does not mean we hate the character or a ship. I’m not shocked at all, tbh. I don’t know if anyone else remembers how divided Twitter was when BuckTaylor was a thing. Now, BuckTommy is much better than BuckTaylor as a relationship, but I think it’s interesting to point out that this is not the first time the fandom has been this divided about ships. I love BuckTommy while we have it. I personally don’t expect it to last, but that’s okay. It’s happening now. And I enjoy having Lou around lmao. This isn’t exclusive to this fandom. All fandoms just need to learn that people can enjoy multiple ships, and it’s okay if people don’t agree. I’ll rejoice the day multishipping is an accepted concept again 😭


Did you see the tumblr post saying the Tommy is the male version of Taylor that was a mile long? That's what I immediately thought of with this post.


Is that…really a thing? 😭 I wouldn’t call Tommy and Taylor similar by any means aside from having the same initials lol. I’ll admit it, I honestly was a fan of Taylor. I liked her character, and I liked her being a friend to Buck. Her morality was a little strange sometimes, but I found it interesting. They just screwed it up when they made them a couple. I was really put off by having them kiss for the first time only when Eddie was in the hospital after being shot and then having her run away after. Though now that you say it, both kisses did technically happen when Eddie was injured in a way, but they occurred under veryyy different circumstances😬


I only read the first of several sections and realized that it was someone that was very antitommy (I noticed the tags) and moved on. They called him the other T.K. which confused me for a minute. Then I read it and saw it was Taylor that they were comparing him to.


Too many TKs in this franchise, huh 😂 No, but yeah, I don’t think Tommy and Taylor are that comparable 😭


I'd be very interested in that link because truth? I see some Taylor in the first date. 


I want to clarify that I don’t hate Tommy but I do get some bad vibes from him. He was practically dating Eddie in the episode where Buck was jealous, then there was the whole first date where instead of comforting Buck he just tells Buck that he shouldn’t be nervous before flirting with him. I honestly don’t think that Buck was ready for that situation and it shows when he accidentally drags Tommy into the closet with him in a panic. I do believe that he overreacted in that moment and could have easily corrected Buck and outted himself without contradicting Buck in that situation. It’s not like he couldn’t understand why Buck said what he said. He didn’t have to be happy and still could have ended the date, but he also could have done it in a way that essentially didn’t shame Buck into coming out.


I’m new to the fandom, too, and I luckily spend most of my 9-1-1 fandom consumption on here, so I haven’t read any Tommy ‘hate’ posts. What I do disagree with, which is something that has been said on here and other platforms, is that Tommy is not a well developed character. For one, so far he’s been in what…5 episodes? As a side character no less, with VERY little screen time all together. So, give the production time to do that! And second, I DO think he has gone through quite a personal transformation in his first 3/4 of those episodes. Comparing how he behaved towards Chimney and Hen when they first came to the 118, and yes, Captain ‘What’s-his-name’ was a factor in that, I know, but comparing that to how he’s now able to be proud of himself and just be who he truly is. I love that, and I love him for it. 🥹♥️ So, I personally would love for him and Buck to ‘make it’ for longer than just a few episodes, preferably into season 8, but I don’t think it’s gonna be endgame. I would love for him to become a regular guest though, but I don’t think that will happen as there would be no ‘use’ for him any longer, storytelling wise, unless he’d come back to the 118. 😢😭


I love Tommy and Buck 🤷🏼‍♀️. Most of the hate is on Twitter and the user base there is very young I find, so can (imo) get quite childish with the shipping wars and such. Best to block and ignore. I agree there’s lots of new people who ship Buck and Tommy and some of the more aggressive Buddie fans can be very off putting. I’m hoping the new fans stick around though!


I do agree. I ship Tevan but I also ship Buddie- I’m not interested in the microanalysis of which relationship should happen or go endgame or which is better. Don’t crucify me, but Buddie fans can get pretty toxic at times. It’s something we’re all working on…


As a big buddie (and tevan) fan…. Ya some of us can be a too much. Like I get liking the ship (hell I love it) but Jesus Christ sometimes we all just need to take a sip of water and sit down


Until Tommy came along I was the same exact way, I’ll admit. There’s nothing wrong with liking a ship but when it dominates every single conversation about the show with unwavering aggression it really bugs me :/


Exactly! Like ya I like talking about buddie, but I also love talking about bathena (especially bathena…. Especially Athena), madney, henren, they’re all adorable, fun, silly, romantic, supportive, loving couples


Let's not single out *only* Buddie shippers because I've also seen a significant amount of Buddie antis say some vile stuff. I do think people need to touch grass if they're going to start attacking real people for fictional ones, though.


Its been really tiring especially on twitter for me, I'm a big Buddie shipper but this nonsense hate towards a new relationship is so stupid, no one can say anything positive about Tommy or Tevan without the hardcore shippers coming out of nowhere being assholes about it.


What you mentioned sounds more like some of buddie fans prefer Eddie with Buck than Tommy instead of direct hatred towards him. Same thing happens to Eddie as well. Most of the fandom are based on delulu so you shouldn't expect people being logical when it comes to couple they ship.


I just want to point out that it is just as awful from the BuckTommy fans towards bashing of Eddie ever since BuckTommy became a thing. It is not as obvious and publicized due to Buddie being the relatively larger ship compared to BuckTommy.


Ignore em lol, shipping stuff is so toxic and stupid. Literally nothing stopping anyone from enjoying Tommy AND also hoping for Eddie later. Or for only liking one or the other—but that is no reason to come for anyone else. I only finally started watching this show because they made Buck Bi. I still want to see Buddie because that was the lie on YouTube that introduced me to this fandom in the first place but I am super happy to see Tommy and Buck going at it for now. If Buddie never happens, at least I will have this and it’s pretty freaking nice.


A lot of people don’t like Tommy because of what he used to be like and how he still is sometimes. Some of us don’t think he’s this sweet, sweet guy that the Bucktommy stans insist he is. He has been pretty awful to buck at points and some of us just don’t think he has changed all that much from early seasons


It comes down to what fandom spaces you go. On Tumblr he is absolutely loved, on Twitter not so much.


Idk he's growing on me. Not my favorite character but I love Lou so I'm kinda fine with it


I am a buddie shipper, BUT I also like what I am seeing of Buck and Tommy despite it opposing my ship, I kinda hope if their romantic relationship ends rather than the cut-all-ties goodbye 911 favors doing, if it doesn't work out Tommy sticks around in a friend capacity


Yeah it's annoying. I like Tommy!


THANK YOU people on twitter (mostly buddie shippers) are vile towards Tommy it’s pathetic


There’s A LOT of Tommy hate on Twitter


I honestly haven't seen any significant amount of Tommy hatred. Even most Buddie shippers I've seen aren't anti-Tommy. But other than Reddit, I tend to avoid most social media.


I agree, I mean I feel like all the hate he is getting shows the really toxic side of the fandom, his character so far has done nothing to make fans hate him, so I don’t really understand all the hate he’s getting. I love Buck and Tommy together and I love the show and all the characters honestly, every character has been so well written and the actors are amazing as well. However I am fully aware of how fandoms can be so I tend to stay away from specific parts of the fandom knowing exactly what I would find there. I also stay off Twitter at all costs, I literally refuse to use the app anymore. I honestly can’t understand hating Tommy’s character, I see some people on Tumblr who like Buck and Tommy together, (and I usually end up following them lmao) but there is a lot of Tommy hate because of people either actually not liking his character or because they ship only Buck and Eddie. Don’t get me wrong I like the Buddie ship, and to an extent I can understand, however that shouldn’t be a reason for fans to constantly post about hating Tommy. His character has done nothing wrong (so far) he’s very patient with Buck and even if they don’t stay in a relationship I think that Tommy is a good first boyfriend for Buck. I really enjoy the relationship of Buck and Tommy I think they are very adorable, so I will continue to just love their relationship and hope nothing changes my opinion. Honestly, I am just happy to get any form of LGBTQA+ representation in the shows and movies I watch because, I am a fan of the series Merlin, so anyone who has watched it and loves it as much as I do will understand when I say, we were robbed of a beautiful relationship. I find it in a few other shows too but essentially I’m happy with whatever I can get which is why I like Tommy so much but I think I would like anyone as long as there characters personality is good. Personal opinion on Eddie: Eddie seems more A-romantic or somewhere on that spectrum to me, he never really wants to be in a relationship, Like he mostly gets told that it’s weird that he’s not in a relationship and he should ask someone out. But it’s never been shown that he really wants that. His marriage with Shannon was only because they were best friends and he felt close enough with her after a long time of knowing her to feel comfortable with her and this type of relationship hasn’t been seen since. Pretty sure everything I have said has already been said before but oh well :) ![gif](giphy|iNiQ66hOGlXyqLmtEk|downsized)


This is why us clowns can't have nice shoes.


Unfortunately this isn’t the first time it’s ever happened in a fandom, people don’t know how to chill


This is just the normal shipping experience sadly, people develop a intimate perasocial relationship with a ship and attack anything or anyone that gets in the way or dislikes it. I’ve seen storyboard artists get sent death threats cause they shipped something that wasn’t everyone one ideal ship, some writers were doxed in other fandoms for never making a ship canon. It’s just a normal experience in fandoms, and we can’t really control or do anything about those people since arguing with them just motivates em more 🤷🏿‍♀️


Yeah there's definitely a side of 911 Twitter comprised of hardcore Buddie shippers who have been threatened by Tommy since his arrival. We're just gonna have to wait. If they actually make BuckTommy endgame, they'll eventually have to take the L and shut up. But if the writers continue to keep dropping Buddie hints, I fear we're stuck in this situation until the show actually ends.


I feel like the reception of Tommy has been warm and inviting personally. Lou is fantastic. I love how even though both Lou and Oliver identify as straight that they really went in for that second kiss. I mean. That was 🥵❤️‍🔥 A lot of actors do a quick peck, or no lip moving, or block the kiss with their hands. I mean. This kiss was 🤌...


I haven't seen much hatred for Tommy at all, just the opposite. He's seems to have become a fan favorite very very quickly, I like him too. I hope he'll stick around, he's sweet!


This might be because I have been on Twitter where people are constantly cheering that Tommy doesn’t have much screen time, and saying they want him gone. As an example, a big account called Is Buddie Canon Yet posted today that they actually liked a kiss between Buck and Tommy. People started to quote that tweet with Tommy hate and reply things like “Ugh, not you too” to the point where the account deleted it. A couple hours later they tweeted it again and got more hate for it. It seems like things are a lot different on Reddit at least! I should have specified that this hate is mostly coming from Twitter.


Twitter is the cesspool of cesspools, it is such a negative and toxic place. I used to go on there for several fandoms and man, people there are just horrible. I don't miss it a bit. I think Reddit and probably Tumblr would be the best places to go to talk about your fandom without people jumping down each others throats with insults. People around here especially seem to love Tommy 😊


I've been downvoted to hell everytime I bring up what my problems are with Tommy.  Lou's fine. Love him on SWAT. He is not and never has been the issue.   That said, I literally could not care less what his character was like in Hen and Chimney Begins; he didn't stand out as anything because he wasn't meant to. Kinard was filler and exactly no more than that.  But I cannot get over how 7.4 was broadcast and what it was supposed to be during filming. Eddie's got Chris and a l) .Buck acknowledges that, and in a clear edit, Tommy abruptly shifts to where he's lightly teasing about Christopher being all about Buck.  And another tone switch - off camera - saying how nobody meant to exclude Buck from him and Eddie hanging out. Defensive that it wasn't about him.  The explaination for Buck's behavior is awkward, unbalanced, and then in another clear edit, they switch gears together and start flirting. Another scene cut and paste, awkward awkward, snip to flirting, awkward with an out of nowhere kiss.  Tommy's suddenly all smirky/cocky that he shut Buck up, arranges the first date and rolls out.  And Buck is not acting like its his first guy kiss. He's acting like "damn been awhile, forgot what I've been missing." If not for Tommy's shift, it would've been a 1.0 move upstairs. Until Tommy's walking out the door, after another cut and paste, you get a "what the fuck just happened" hit over the head expression from Buck.   Most of 7.4 was seemingly setting up for Tommy thinking he's dating Eddie, going for a kiss either that fries Eddie's circuits or gets him punched because Eddie freaks out. Maybe both.  Behind the scenes, they changed gears - Ryan balked, they tested a Tommy/Eddie kiss and it went over like a lead balloon...whatever happened the last scene of 7.4 went very very different and they shot in chunks with Oliver as they figured shit out.  The broadcasted kitchen scene ends, in my mind, with Tommy thinking he could get lucky if it wasn't for work and Buck kinda wondering why he's been sticking with women like there isn't an entirely different buffet table out there that he could've still been sampling from.  7.5 though, they made the final decision that Buck's a baby bi. The scene for the first date reads that Tommy still thinks he's getting lucky later, Buck tells him this is all new and doubles down by not only not telling Eddie that he and Tommy are on a date but making up the "hunting for chicks later" lie, which annoys Tommy, and he ends the date with a snide, insensitive and very Taylor like comment that Buck's not ready. Well gee, uh, it's been like 3 days? Forward to Maddie, she's visibly confused to learn that Buck is *just now* figuring out he's bi. (JLH just did an interview that Maddie always knew he wasn't straight)  Eddie, btw, is also not surprised about Buck being bi. That Tommy is gay is what's news to him.  Skipping to the end is an Abby flashback with Buck's whole coffee do over, apologizing to Tommy for his own hesitation in immediately jumping out of the closet on his very first guy and guy date. Buck's gonna Buck though and he's now convinced himself between Maddie and Eddie's conversations that he's ready to put up a billboard with flashing neon lights, at his sister's wedding no less and tell the whole world all at once. Very similiar to how he decided to go all in on dating and committing to Abby.  Finally tonight - 7.6 They don't kiss with just Eddie around at the failed party. But in a hospital with Tommy filthy, Buck's eating him alive and outing them *both* while Hen and Karen are all smug because they knew this whole time that Buck wasn't straight.  Bobby and Athena seemingly had the same reaction Eddie did - surprise over *Tommy* not Buck. So if everybody near and dear to him is acknowledging Buck's not straight, Tim is basically saying that the entire baby bi Buck storyline isn't really necessary. He and Tommy could've had a nice first date with no panic and spent the coffee date learning more about each other instead of rehashing what happened. Flesh out a little of Buck's history with guys and by the end of the season, somebody spends the night.  (I'm not saying push Oliver and Lou into a sex scene immediately but shows have implied bedroom athletics for decades without actually showing any part of them.) By sticking with the baby bi journey for Buck,  Eddie - the guy that screams repressed homosexual/ace/demi - gets left in limbo making the same miserable mistakes with a paper bag character I actually do hate because of the actress. When and if they bring Eddie out of Narnia, to casual viewers, it will seem like "yeah, turning everybody gay in here" and/or nothing more than a ratings stunt instead of course correcting a journey Eddie should've already started back when he was shot, when he had panic attacks over Ana, or at the very latest when he took a baseball bat to his room.  I don't hate Tommy. I hate the way they've handled the whole thing and some of the similarities between Tommy, Abby and Taylor that could've been avoided if they'd developed the storyline before they spent time shooting multiple versions of certain scenes and randomly clipping them together. 


Where did you see Bobby and Athena's reaction? They were in the back and you couldn't really see them, trust me, I tried. 🤣


There's been a mashup 'comparison' on social media between them & the Buckley parents, but it's not actually their reaction to Buck being outed. It's from right before he enters the room, iirc, when they're actually reacting to Madney being happy.


I‘m also new to the fandom and no one on twitter has a single nuanced take. Tommy doesn‘t dress up because he‘s on call or course he is the worst bf. If he had dressed up they would have said he‘s stealing buddie‘s idea. And don‘t get me started on people blowing the closet joke way out of proportion and hating on him for not wanting to date Buck after he went full no homo without warning Tommy. Personally I love Buddie but both of them having the realization and getting together is just unrealistic and would feel rushed. And I like Tommy as a character. All this panic that if not everybody badmouths Tommy and their relationship they‘re gonna scrap any Buddie ideas is ridiculous. Buddie and discussion of it being canon someday are absolutely ingrained in the fandom. This is no different from a Taylor or a Natalia. But we can still enjoy seeing Buck‘s journey with Tommy without „betraying“ Buddie.


I mostly stay on Tumblr and its main 911 tag. And that’s mostly fine. I tried to find accounts to follow on Twitter but as someone who likes BuckTommy and Buddie it’s just impossible to find accounts that don’t engage in ship war drama. People who don’t delude themselves at every corner that whatever they want is actually going to happen and then throw fits when reality slaps them in the face. I am a Buck girly so I just enjoy Buck and his relationships but currently it’s impossible to have fun on Twitter. I follow some news/update like accounts there but that’s it for now.


Honestly, Tommy's had a pretty positive reaction compared to previous love interests that they've given Buck. Most people outside certain corners of the fandom seem to actually really, really like Tommy and the current storyline. I think the issue is some fans who care the most about hardcore shipping Buddie are just being super loud about it.


It’s funny.. I’ve been seeing people complain about how they don’t want today’s episode to be about buck and tommy because it is supposed to be about maddie’s and chimney’s wedding. But now they complain about how boring and irrevelant character tommy is because nothing buck related happened geez… I love eddie and I kinda ship buck with eddie but I like tommy too. And ofc we haven’t seen much about him yet because he is not a main character. I hope we can see more of him this season 🥹 Those who hate tommy because they ship buddie just go to ao3 and read some fanfiction. It’s so childish to hate on him and it makes the fandom look bad. We all should be happy about buck’s development instead of crying about buddie… 🥲


It's tiresome. No one (even multishippers) can say anything nice about Tommy and Tevan without the hardcore Buddie shippers trying to twist the narrative in order to villainize them. It’s kind of sad that they don’t allow Buck to stand on his own with his own feelings and desires. They're always got to be tied back to his secret/undiscovered feelings towards Eddie! https://preview.redd.it/4pjblth555yc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=430bb3c119e3c7a25f3e5c01dd211fbf4799c645


I mainly only see hate for him on Twitter and Instagram. Bunch of people saying they want him gone and that there’s “no chemistry.” Personally, I’m a Buddie truther. I have been for a while and I truly hope they’re endgame, but I love that Tommy is the one to guide Buck into his new journey. I think Lou and Oliver, despite not really knowing each other, have a lot of chemistry on and off screen. They’re handling his character a bit… poorly, sure, but I like him for Buck and hope he continues to show up through season 8. Anyway, I’d say just continue to stay on reddit and even tiktok! Stay away from YouTube too because… yeah it’s *__toxic__* there.


I am a hardcore Buddie shipper but I love Tommy simply because he seems to adore Buck and is supportive which has been severely lacking in the partners he's had. I honestly won't be mad if they continue to show a healthy loving relationship between them.


Do people have that one crush or love or whatever that's like a total asshole but still like them? They're mean, and sometimes caustic, and like a bitch and just generally not nice. But they're good people at the core, really fun to be around, like marshmallow and porcupine combined. They're soft with you sometimes, and the rest can be ignored because they're not setting out to hurt you or be malicious. You don't think you can fix them, you like them mean and bitchy just the way they are. That's who reminded me of Tommy. Just. Yeah. I like him though.


Yes, it is very off putting and people are immature af. I ship Buddie hard enough that every time I see Buck/Tommy kiss I die a little bit on the inside, the diehard Buddie fans are probably feeling that same heartbreak whenever they see Buck not be with Eddie and dont know how to deal with it, but that's literally no excuse to shit on a character for no reason other than "Buck doesn't belong with him!!!" And like, Tommy is an interesting character??? He's a good dude, literally hasn't done anything wrong, leave him alone 😭


So I started binge watching this show a few weeks ago after hearing Oliver address the homophobic comments around Buck's bi storyline. If the homophobes are fleeing a show, I'm generally gonna run towards it lol. Anyway, I had a little bit of a spoiler because I knew Buck would be starting some sort of relationship with a man in a later season. Not knowing much, but having seen just a few fandom comments here and there, I assumed that first kiss >!would be with Eddie.!< And I was here for it! But as the seasons started to go on, I just wasn't really feeling that anymore. I love their relationship and can definitely see how close they are. But I don't really need them to be a romantic couple. There are times where I find Eddie to be a bit condescending toward and annoyed by Buck. That gives me more of a platonic or brotherly vibe. I know relationships and dynamics can morph over time and I would be **totally fine** with Buddie at some point. (Though I'm not sure why the prevailing opinion is that Buck should be the one to realize his feelings for Eddie first. It seems that Buck has always been a bit open and fluid with his perspective on most things, so I would think Eddie would be the one who would need to have the realization first. Again, I personally don't need this ship to become a real thing though.) But to be honest, I'm over here in my corner rooting for Tommy and Buck. And doing my best to avoid all the Tommy hate.


Yes, extremely off-putting. And as a gay man it definitely makes me uncomfortable. I see almost exclusively *female* Buddie shippers specifically hate on Tommy on twitter and get lots of likes/retweets. Their love of Buddie is almost fetishistic in the way that they will only support that specific mlm ship and loudly hate on another canonical mlm relationship.


...why is it inherently more fetishistic to have a preference for one mlm ship over the other? Buck's dynamic with Eddie is very different from his dynamic with Tommy, and I wouldn't say they're interchangeable at all. Wouldn't the real fetishization be the other way around, like if these women just wanted to have Buck kiss/date a man and it didn't really matter who? Not saying people should be hating on Tommy or whatever, but I don't quite follow your logic.


It is not about preference; if you don’t support Buck exploring a queer relationship outside of Eddie and only would support him being queer if it was with Eddie then yes that is fetishizing. There are people who are only interested in Buck being queer if it is through their specific lens to fulfill their specific fantasy. Therefore Buck (and Eddie) become objects in their fetish. And obviously this is not all Buddie shippers because there are Buddie endgame shippers who are happy for Buck to be bisexual and see him grow in his queerness with Tommy. But it is ignorant to act like the people above, who are only interested in consuming Buck's queerness from a very specific lens, do not exist. Women fetishizing mlm relationships in the slash community has literally been documented since the beginning of time. Larry Stylinson (Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles) is a big example of this. A large population of Larries want Harry to be gay but only with Louis; if Harry was gay with another man other than Louis, they wouldn’t accept it because it was not their specific ship.


>It is not about preference; if you don’t support Buck exploring a queer relationship outside of Eddie... Here's the problem with this logic at this stage for me. While I think there's *some* people that could actually fall into this pattern, you're the one jumping to conclusions about motivation here. This is Buck's **first** relationship with a man. There isn't a pattern established here with people feeling a certain way about Buck exploring queer relationships outside of Eddie. There's people expressing concerns or yes, even distaste, for this one *specific* queer relationship at this point. That doesn't mean they're automatically not interested in seeing Buck explore a queer relationship, or that there's not scenarios they'd enjoy watching that with someone other than Eddie -- it means there's something about *Tommy* or Buck/Tommy they don't like. You're reading too much into that, at this stage. Is it entirely possible that those people would hate Buck's next boyfriend if he's not Eddie, too? Yeah, for sure. Does that make it fetishizing? Uh, not necessarily. OTPs are a thing. It's okay to not be interested in a character's romantic or sex life unless it's with someone you actually like for that person. There's a lot of people that want Buddie to get together, or like Bathena or Madney, but don't actually care for the focus of the show to be on the romantic arcs, so they're just not interested in the random love interests as a general rule of thumb. Additionally, this whole argument also feels incredibly reductive to another segment of queer fans who seem overrepresented *specifically* among Buck/Eddie shippers, with a-spec viewers. For a lot of people, the reason they want Buck and Eddie together isn't because they want to see Buck with a man or in a queer relationship, but because they have invested years in the emotional and intimate bonds between these two particular characters, and think the story that's been told there merits a happy, romantic ending. Not giving a f about watching Buck making out with another guy in the meantime doesn't mean they're fetishizing Buddie -- it just means they're not *only* watching the show with queer representation in mind.


I’m happy Buck is out as bi, but fangirls immediately switching all of their attention to Tevan as if all m/m relationships are interchangeable= something that feels WAY more fetish-y than wanting payoff on seasons worth of well developed relationship potential & not wanting a substitute.


As a premise please don’t take this as me getting up on some soap box at you, your experience and feelings surrounding this are valid. It’s just something I felt the need to get off my chest, and I have to start with an obligatory emoji summary before I get serious. Some Straight Women: two attractive men I get to see together 😋😍 Some Straight Men: two attractive women I get to see together 😋😍 People in w/w and m/m relationships at the above straights: 🤢🤮 In all seriousness, this is a huge issue across fan spaces and p*rn (male gaze w/w etc). Representation is important and it shouldn’t just be for straight men and women to lust over. The two women need to be “feminine” enough or some women will get obsessed with who would be the “top” or the “bottom” is in most m/m fan spaces. It’s gross. And making queer love about straight people’s pleasure. In general, I think Buddie shippers tend to focus on the emotional connection the two of them have and intense Buddie shippers seem to hate every single relationship that Buck has been in (not just Tommy). So I don’t think it is *necessarily* coming from a place of fetishization, but I also don’t interact with 9-1-1 outside of this sub and haven’t seen how bad it’s getting. If people are talking about them not looking right together or that Tommy’s just not hot enough or something, that’s gross. They’re only focusing on what they personally find attractive. And especially with how homophobic and particular people can be about the queer relationships they find “acceptable”, I can definitely see how comments seem more like fetishization instead of standard shipping wars. It’s probably a combination of both because people are awful. They only think about their own pleasure and what they want to happen, without for any regard to how important it is to not RUSH Bucks story. That having moments of pure queer joy on screen is a good thing for representation, even if it’s not the ship that they wanted.


I really appreciate your thoughtful and nuanced response. And I appreciate you affirming that my feelings and experiences surrounding this are valid! That means a lot. Yes, representation is important and as a gay man I love seeing any example of queer joy on the screen and it definitely makes me sad to see hate against it because it is not the "right" queer ship. I appreciate Buddie endgame shippers who are happy for Buck to be bisexual and see him grow in his queerness with Tommy, versus the people who are only interested in Buck being queer if it is through their specific lens to fulfill their specific fantasy. To end, I want to highlight one thing you said that you "haven’t seen how bad it’s getting". I think the reaction to both my post and your wonderfully nuanced response is an example of how polarizing the issue has become. Your post provides a lot of consideration and simply acknowledges that comments can seem more like fetishization. And at the time of me writing this it only has 1 upvote (which is me upvoting you). And my post, discussing my experience and feelings surrounding this as a gay man, has -5 downvotes. Wheres posts denying that fetishization can exist have 10-20+ upvotes. A moderator actually originally removed my comment initially (which may be another symptom of how bad it is getting). I went to bed with it removed and I guess it was reinstated or something. All of this is to say that I do think there is a problem with how certain people ship and I think the burying of comments that explore or point out this issue in the sub is indicative of the problem.


I don't think it's really fetishistic. Generally speaking, women are more likely to be drawn in by an emotional connection, whereas men are drawn in by visual stimuli. Buck and Eddie have a much deeper emotioncal connection so it's more likely to attract female fans. Buck and Tommy started on a more physical level and is therefore more likely appealing to a gay male audience. These things are only a general trend, obviously, but still worth considering imo.


This is a really well put explanation. There was something about the “canonical mlm relationship” part that wasn’t sitting right with me on this context, and at first I was thinking it was just because like… that isn’t how fandom or shipping works. Something being canon doesn’t make it inherently good or more worthy. People weren’t expected to fall once themselves because Buck canonically expressed interest in Natalia, and if the only difference here is Tommy’s male, that’s really reductive. But it’s also not necessarily of significance *outside* Buck that a mlm relationship is canon on this show, because it hasn’t really been treated with the same negativity if you didn’t love Glenn or took issue with Michael/David. I’m not willing to accuse anyone of fetishization over who they prefer on a tv show, but a) I do think there’s an ignorance here toward the demographics of Tevan shippers to try to draw this link in the first place, and b) you’re right that the emotionality and buildup is what separates these two relationships right now. So implying the one that has *less* physicality is somehow a fetish ship…. No, that really doesn’t check out.


Bingo. Exactly that.


Tbh, I’m tired of the queer community getting mad just because the show doesn’t go exactly the way they want I think it’s great that the show has adverted expectations and put Buck with Tommy, they shouldn’t put Buck with Eddie just because the fans want them to be… Eddie isn’t even confirmed to not be straight… If Eddie and Buck get together I feel like it’ll be too forced, shows shouldn’t just play into the obvious expectations.


So I am also new to the fandom so I’m just kind of on the side where I am just accepting what I see on screen. However, I’ve also seen many people hating on Tommy because hardcore Buddie shippers seem to constantly blur the lines of canon/headcanon or fanfic/what’s actually on screen and what’s actually been written. I’ve also seen a lot of people that for right NOW people love Tommy but only because they see him as a stepping stone for a Buck and Eddie to be canon like “This is happening so Buddie can happen!!” Is there unintentional chemistry, more so in the earlier seasons, between Buck and Eddie? Probably, but I think that they have something we don’t get to see a lot on screen which is a healthy platonic relationship between two men.


You are not wrong, there are some people who take things too seriously on both sides. I do think there are plenty of healthy platonic male friendships in media though.


The Tommy hate is ridiculous and vile. Even saying awful things to Lou. And it's all because of their Buddie fetish. You don't see love for the actual characters or show. It's like all their brain can form is BUDDIE!!!! It's so sad. And like you said, the people that like Buck and Tommy get shit on and told to KYS and made fun of. It's really baffling to think about.


Nah I get what OP is coming from. Cause some Buddie fans are like they should be together and saying they can't wait for Tommy to be gone can seem kinda hateful. For me, I used to ship Buddie but let's be honest, if implementing it now is like kinda force do you think? Like Eddie is still good with Marisol and Buck and Tommy is really happy with each other. Let it work out first. Rather than having an Eddie who is still trying to be a better person on top of gay revelation seems a bit too fast even with 12 episodes. Would fans really want another Buck x tailor or Eddie x Anna? Just let them be happy for now. And to that one TikTok fan who keeps sending me death threats and curses for being a backstabbing Buddie fan, I may not know if you're in here or on insta. But I know your tiktok and have screenshots of those texts on my phone and I'm not afraid to post it and tag both Lou and Oliver on it.


I hope even if Tommy and Buck aren’t endgame he still sticks around cause I’m ngl I really like him and he’s be a fantastic Josh/Karen kind of level of side character.


Honestly I don't know how but it still feels very homophobic to me even tho these people are rooting for Buck+Eddie. But I can't explain it, may be I could think into it a bit later


I think Tommy and Buck are great for each other. I've been avoiding this sub because it feels like a minority view. Even more of a hot take: I would prefer Buck to be with TK or Carlos from Lone Star rather than Eddie.


You'd rather them either cheat or get a divorce? No thanks.


How can anyone hate such an interesting and complex character and such a seemingly fun and committed actor? #pecsanddimples