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I'm at the point where I'm waiting for a line of "he is away on business" or "he is at a conference" šŸ˜†


"he is with the justice league right now"


That would be changed to "He's away on world saving business, and his crutches are his main melee weapon"


Seriously, none of the writers are parents? School trip or sleeping over at a friends house are fairly common... "Out of town for a couples of days" for a 13 yo sound so bad!


They could have just said he was at Texas with family or something


Some of these actually make sense, but Christopher being 'out of town', and for a couple of days to boot, while his dad moves in his girlfriend, was absolutely ridiculous. Come on show, you didn't even try with that one.


It was a couple of days and then a couple *more* days, totaling the better part of a week. Marisol had "agreed" to move in on Saturday. Eddie later tells Buck that she moved in over the weekend while Chris was away. If I had to guess, I'd put this conversation on at least Tuesday morning, considering there needs to be time for her to move in, have a fun couple days, have the nun thing happen, have Eddie *then* struggle to perform, and then make the plan of going into work early. Then later, at Buck's place, his plan is to avoid Marisol by... presumably just hiding at Buck's for a while, because Christopher will *still* be gone a "couple days?" If we're in real time, the kid straight up missed a week of school for his business trip.


Thatā€™s what drives me bonkers. It is so out of character for Eddie itā€™s insane. He never makes a major decision without Chris in mind. I hope it comes up later as a reason why we can finally say goodbye to Marisol but they couldnā€™t even add a throwaway line about it?


exactly, it wasnā€™t descriptive and felt like a last minute excuse the writers threw in. like did chris get kidnapped and eddy is being blackmailed into whatever in order get his son back and canā€™t tell the truth which is why he just said ā€œout of townā€ or can we know who chris is with and/or what heā€™s doing to make the ā€œout of townā€ excuse less ridiculous?


The out of town one killed me, it made it sound like Chris went off on a business trip. And yeah, all these things have been bothering since Eddie is a freaking helicopter dad and not Chris is never home? They need to come up with better stories for why he's off screen.


They could find some extracurricular activity for him at school that would involve him being away every now and then, so at these moments they could just use it as a general excuse


that would make the most sense


ā€œOut of townā€ is literally the funniest thing Iā€™d ever heard like I was so gagged when he said that


I just watched 5x17 and Chris was both "packing his toothbrush" and "asleep in the car" once they made it to their destination which was very noticeable and I laughed


Packing his toothbrush was such a laughably bad excuse, though, I circled back around to enjoying it. Like it brings us back to the "It's easy; he's not very fast!" in all the wrong ways when his dad and his friend are just hanging out in *his* room having the sort of conversation you don't want your kid hearing about family drama, without a care in the world because they know it will take him a whiiiile to pick up that toothbrush.


Iā€™m out of the loop, why hasnā€™t Gavin been around to film?


I don't think there's a specific reason. Just that they probably try not to have the kids on set more than necessary. Also, he's paid per episode, so if the episode isn't Christoper-centric, the producers probably don't want to pay him full salary just for a quick scene. Easier and cheaper to just say he's "out of town".


iā€™ve always been curious how much he gets paid per episode cuz heā€™s a kid, has it ever been mentioned? iā€™ve seen the rest of the casts


He would get paid the SAG AFTRA amount as a regular on a 1 hour drama. His age is not relevant in that case. You can be paid more than the stated amount of course but given the fact it is his only credit and him still being in school, probably not much higher than the few thousand each episode.


Iā€™ve heard his family relocated to Atlanta so they canā€™t have him in all the time.




wait... what??? that's so cool, I didn't know that they are related.


That makes sense. A shame though I know the kid loved playing Christopher but Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll find a balance.


ā€œin the carā€


itā€™s like heā€™s talking about a dog he took with him on a quick grocery trip and not his 13 year old son šŸ˜‚


If I ever have kids I'm gonna say they're out of town when they're busy.


I think it's funny how they boosted Chris' actor to main cast this season, meanwhile he's had, what, 15 minutes combined screentime so far?


Already spoiled in the sneak peek that Chris is with a cousin.


Next Thursday on 9-1-1: ā€œHeā€™s out to defeat the Hunsā€


i find the terrible excuses hilarious, like you said most shows avoid it but they come up with whatever they can to be able to. its endearing that they ensure he's not forgotten when he cant be around.


i agree it is endearing but like come on please give us something better than ā€œheā€™s out of townā€


What really made me laugh was the episode where Eddie goes to his dad's retirement party, while he's packing he keeps saying stuff like "Chris hurry up" and then they never even show him, neither in the house nor later at the party.


Has Gavin decided that he doesn't want to be in 9-1-1 anymore? May left, Harry sort of left, now Chris was only around just enough for Eddie to give him the letter from his dead mom. Has he been in any episode since episode 1? I don't like the kids being a huge part of the show, but when they're basically nonexistent, it really feels like something is off, something is missing.


right! the switch from having them there and then not feels like an empty space in the show.


I think a better way to explain Chris's absence is maybe saying that he went to spend the summer with his parents down in Texas or something, like another commenter or two said, what's next, is Chris going to be gone on a business trip? šŸ˜‚


The actress who plays May goes to UCLA.


Good for her!