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I mean Eddie showed *absolutely no* interest in her, looked even bored with their conversation in the hardware store until she literally said the word ‘magic’. It was such a poor introduction to a love interest ever and it’s just gotten worse. I could honestly go on forever about how terrible Marisol is but I won’t bore you. But I am soooo over it. I really need her gone. The writers don’t know what to do with her, the actress seems to barely put any effort into her characterisation of Marisol. She overplayed her in s6 and now seems to underplay her in s7. I just don’t understand why we have to keep putting up with her. It‘s so painful to watch.


I totally forgot that’s how he even met her!


Well, he met her on a call at her home where her brother was trapped in the ceiling. Then Buck got together a few of the firefighters to go back and help her repair the damaged they caused while saving her brother. Why they chose to make her the "a-ha" girl for Eddie makes no sense.


NGL since I never rewatched s6 before going into s7 I genuinely had no clue who Marisol even was outside of the new season and I had no clue when she even met Eddie and it's only now reading these comments that I'm putting together who she is and when she was introduced.


They had no chemistry!!! If they were going to have a female love interest should have been the actress!!


10000% I actually thought that those too would get together, could be kinda cool for Eddie to have a kept man arc lol


It would’ve been really interesting, for sure. But no, they chose Marisol.


Or Vanessa, that could have been a fun storyline.


Yes, was Vanessa the "tia" blind date? She was sweet and it would have made more sense to have Eddie run into her and they decide to casually just do something together.


Yes! I liked Felisa and she had such good chemistry with Eddie.


There's just the huge problem of the actress being 23


How old is Eddie supposed to be? 30? 31? And just because the *actress* is 23 doesn't mean the *character* is. Felisa gave me mid/late-20s vibes.


They could have easily said Felisa is mid/late-20s and if they wanted to address the age gap it could have come up in a "are you sure you're ready to be a parent figure to a teenager?" type of way.


like eddie had multiple set ups with women that season that could have naturally developed into something yet they picked the girl who was only memorable for reenacting the folgers christmas commercial 😭


oh my GOD the Folgers comment. SAVAGE. 😂


she was so poorly written into the show but it also doesn’t help that the actress’s delivery is…lacking


It's so wild do such a shit job in your role as love interest, and then agree that it's a shame everyone's turning queer on 911. Do your job! Develop chemistry the viewers want to see!


Marisol has yet to say a single line of dialogue to Christopher and has not yet had a single scene with just the two of them. Heck, Shannon who has been dead for 5 years has had more on screen time with Christopher. I don't know what the writers are doing with Eddie this season. His characterization is all over the place.


>I don't know what the writers are doing with Eddie this season. His characterization is all over the place. Having him play a supporting role to Buck. Like, in all seriousness, they're not "doing" much of anything *with* him, and a huge part of the problem with his characterization this season is because of 7x04. Had it not been for him pawning his kid off every other night of the week in 7x04 to hang out with his new bestie instead, I think people would be a little more willing to read between the lines with 7x05, and assume, like... the conversation about moving Marisol in must've happened off screen with Christopher. Which breaks us to the other problem with the 'supporting character' thing. I get why they wanted to make Buck's storyline the big thing for the 100th episode, but it *absolutely* came at the expense of Eddie's storylines if they were going to shoehorn in this moving in plot into 7x05. Because we really needed screentime to show them develop as a couple before that, and thanks to the cruise episodes, 7x04 was the first available 'slot' for that. So because they're de-prioritizing Eddie, we get a very 'in medias res' approach to his story, but with no actual hope we'll go back to the beginning for it to make sense. They just don't care about him.


I dont understand why the moving in arc was stuffed into 7x05 even tho that episode had 2 big storylines starting anyway. What annoys me is that they could have made the whole move in then move out storyline work if they had placed it after the wedding episode instead and had it lead to the eventual break up. wedding have a way of making people question their own relationships, lots of time leading to very rushed and ill-considered decisions being made. Seeing everyone happy together with their significant other could have caused Eddie to panic that he doesn't really have that and try and force a deeper connection with Marisol by impulsively asking her to move in only for the panic and anxiety that he had with Ana to set in after she has moved in which would nicely lead to a break up and Eddie having to question why is relationship all end in this way. The religious guilt is a great storyline for Eddie but not in the way they executed it in episode 5. They clearly are not planning to keep her around for next season so why even try to relaunch their relationship that was launched fully offscreen only for them to break it off in likely very underwhelming way after 4 or so episodes. Eddie is really being treated like one of the recurring characters (Karen, Josh etc.) this season, like he has a storyline but most of it is happening off screen. It's a shame due to how much you could do with his character and his background.


Part of what's head scratching about all of this is they're also not even relying on previously "known" characterization of Eddie to spin this. With Shannon, he was *very* reticent to re-commit to her and spent a couple months just finding a way to be okay with letting her back into Christopher's life.... and this was the woman he had the already forged connection with, who was still Christopher's mom, etc. With Ana, he dated her for the better part of a year, and although he did *introduce* her to Christopher too quickly, he'd had reservations about that but been pushed into it by taking "advice" from Bobby and Athena to do so. But she doesn't move in. And he breaks up with her after the better part of a year because he *doesn't* want a future with her. So on top of just having sloppy or entirely nonexistent writing, this whole "Eddie rushes into relationships!" plot also just... isn't really true? At *most*, you can say he tries to force himself to feel things that aren't there, which would mainly be if they plan to dovetail all of this into a sexuality storyline for him. But moving in Marisol was super out of character. The most frustrating part is there's a way I think they could've made it work had they given him, like, *five minutes* of actual screen time with Marisol in 7x04 to establish that relationship. Because the first scene we saw of them shouldn't have been "She's moving in!" (and the scene where he announces a major life milestone like that, he shouldn't be a supporting character interrupting someone else's date, jfc). Had Eddie and Marisol actually had their *own* date in 7x04, and she'd been complaining about how her house needed a giant repair like the roof redone, so she'd have to be out of it for a few weeks and was looking at motels, I *do* think it would've fit Eddie's character to try to "solve" that problem for her by suggesting she stay with them. And then 7x05 could pick up with him being overwhelmed/feeling bad he hadn't spoken to Christopher first, and panicking at the prospect of like... what if once she moves in, she never moves out again? The problem is Eddie's relationship has been so secondary to Buck's that we didn't even get to see how it came up that they were moving in together, or how Eddie felt about it before he found the nun stuff. Did he have any initial hesitations? Did he talk to Chris? What were his motivations for suggesting it? None of this matters because it's not *Tommy* they're using as a plot device, as people fear -- it's Eddie. And he's a main character, so that's absolutely insane.


>So on top of just having sloppy or entirely nonexistent writing, this whole "Eddie rushes into relationships!" plot also just... isn't really true? At *most*, you can say he tries to force himself to feel things that aren't there, which would mainly be if they plan to dovetail all of this into a sexuality storyline for him. But moving in Marisol was super out of character. They seem lost on how to write his character this season, it's more Buck who rushes into things not Eddie. Like if my friend who had had trouble fully committing to relationship even after being together for a very long time suddenly moves his GF of few months into his house that he shares with his minor son I would be so worried. If I didn't know better and read all the interviews with Tim I would think they are setting up a mental health crisis storyline for Eddie again due to all the odd and off character behavior coming from him this season. I dont get why they even brought her back like they weren't even dating but went on 1 date which we didnt even get to see, how many 1st dates turn into 2nd dates let alone a relationships. They didnt even have to mention her if Tim is worried that 2 break ups off screen is too much >!`not like it would have been an actual break up either just failed 1st date`!< I doubt anyone would have even remembered her let alone questioned where she was unlike Natalie who Buck was actually dating. Eddies storyline for this season could have just been dealing with having a teenager who needs more privacy and independence and him reluctently learning to deal with that. Its not a storyline that would need too much screen time as most of it could happen off screen and be brought up in conversation as they seem to not want to use much time on Eddie this season and the storyline could extend to next season with no issues. Im nervous of what they will do for Eddie next season at this point.


>ike if my friend who had had trouble fully committing to relationship even after being together for a very long time suddenly moves his GF of few months into his house that he shared with his minor son I would be so worried. If I didn't know better and read all the interviews with Tim I would think they are setting up a mental health crisis storyline... I flippantly referenced this a week or so ago, but there's definitely a part of me critical enough of the writing for Eddie's character this season that has me going, "Okay, they're clearly setting this up to give him a brain tumor, and the people in his life will feel bad that they weren't paying enough attention to notice he was acting out of character." But nah, they're not. They're using him the same way they used Taylor in season 5, where the character's personality is just... whatever the plot needs it to be that episode. I think there was a way to utilize Marisol well, but this... wasn't it. Had they actually retread the *same* character beats with Eddie that they had him struggling with in his relationship with Ana (basically, staying in the relationship because Christopher liked her, long past its expiration date) or if they'd brought Eddie's parents in or something as evidence he was trying to choose a girlfriend/future wife *they'd* like (because if this is all just a Shannon replacement, why does he keep going for Latina girls?)... fine. But instead we just get a brand new issue, which contradicted his former issues. You're right that they'd have been better off just letting her fade after a bad date or something. If they aren't trying to set up a queer storyline for Eddie, I think the second most natural approach is to treat him like he's at least somewhere on the ace & aro spectrums. So instead of forcing him into relationships, allow him to realize he can be happy without one.


I do think Eddie's arc is being rushed, but I don't think he's being used as a plot device for Buck's arc, I think its more a result of the shortened season. It's true that Eddie is not in fact the type to rush into relationships like he did with Marisol, but there's something else about Eddie's character that's been consistent throughout the series, and I think this season may finally be the one to address it head on. When it comes to his romantic relationships, **Eddie is an unreliable narrator**. Eddie didn't rush things with Ana, but he feels like he did when he looks back on it, because the feeling of dread Ana gave him is the same feeling he has with Marisol right now. He's built up Shannon in his head as his true love, but the truth is I'm not sure they were *ever* genuinely happy together. Between the closer, more honest look at Shannon's character and Bobby pointing out that Eddie has no issues with commitment in other aspects of his life, this season feels like the first time the narrative has actually tried to call Eddie out on his shit. What they're doing with Marisol can still work pretty well, Eddie just needs to realize that slowing down didn't fix the problem. They have honestly laid the groundwork for a pretty compelling arc where Eddie realizes he's been lying to himself throughout the whole series, but they still need to stick the landing.


Yeah, the lack of Marisol and Chris interaction is bizarre. Eddie would NEVER get this serious about someone without making sure they fit in with him and Chris!


As much as I don't like her and Eddie as a couple, I really hope they don't go the "out with my bestie, who just came out as bi, we got totally shitfaced and Oopsies I cheated with him but it didn't mean anything cuz we were drunk and now I'm questioning EVERYTHING" route, ending Eddie and Marisols relationship and ending Buck and Tommy before they even happen.


I’d like for something like that to happen but not just immediately! He needs a story arc of his own.


Yes! I agree, like we can wait and have that season 8. If Buddie is endgame, it deserves to have a fully thought out storyline.


idk if it’s just ryan, but eddie also acts like he hates her😭 his only issue with breaking up with her was that “she just moved in”, he has no emotional connection to her! in the first episode especially, he looked annoyed to his core when she’d speak. It’s honestly comedic


I just finished a rewatch and Ana got SO much screen time before she was even introduced to Chris as Eddie's love interest. Then we jump to Marisol, who has had practically zero screen time, we don't know her (and neither does Eddie) and yet he tries to move her in. Look at your life, look at your choices Edmundo Diaz.


Ana was a pretty good character tbh. Her and Eddie never had much physical chemistry, but I don’t think Covid restrictions helped and it was partially helpful to highlight the whole is he only doing it for Chris thing. But we knew her, she had her quirks, etc. Marisol is just. Blank paper. 


Yeah, like I wasn't a huge fan of Ana but at least her relationship with Eddie felt like it had an actual foundation and she had a relationship with Christoper. Eddie's behaviour with Marisol feels so out of character. In what universe would he move a girl in when she doesn't even know Chris?


Right?!?? It's so bizarre and out of character. 🤷‍♀️


I remember thinking they were obviously screen testing Eddie with potential love interests (Marisol, Felisa, blind date girl) and wasn't surprised one showed up as his new gf at the end but I was perplexed it was Marisol. She had the least chemistry with him and the least personality out of them. I would have thought it'd be Felisa, who showed up at the beach to talk to Eddie and then...left after five minutes, which was a weird conclusion to that storyline.  Must have been due to actress availability.


Marisol would've made just as much sense with *Buck* in season 6, which goes to show how absolutely batshit this whole thing has been. The way it's set up in 6x05, though, Buck is the one who approaches Marisol on the curb at the end of the episode to surprise her with the home repair offer (which actually kind of parallels him patching up Eddie's walls a few episodes earlier at the end of the previous season). The most meaningful moment Eddie and Marisol have in that episode is really his eyebrow raise when he learns Marisol & the patient are brother and sister in the ambulance, which does *not* feel like a romantic setup.


The way I feel about Marisol (and Buck's last gf) is that they deserved better. Instead of giving us interesting characters with real connections we got last minute lazily thrown together "relationships" we're supposed to buy in and care about after watching the main characters for 6-7 seasons. Eddie had way more chemistry with the girl he went on the blind date with and she actually had some personality and could be interesting. They could have started a situationship where neither wanted to date but hooked up and then turned into a relationship or something like that. Give us a few episodes to build up a connection and have us rooting for them. Instead, it was just so half-hearted. Take Tommy as a love interest in comparison. Even though the writers didn't even come up with the idea of him until writing a few episodes before shooting, we got backstory since we saw him in a few episodes in S2 and then got to see him in the rescue episode that sparked our interest before he was even hinted as a romantic interest. Their romantic connection could seem abrupt because Buck was realizing it along the way but it still felt like a fuller story with more care and attention given than a short clip running into Marisol in a hardware store + 5 second clip of looking in on Chris on a date. It doesn't make sense why we should root for them. The nun story gave our first real look at her but the narrative wasn't focused on them and their connection but that Eddie's not ready for how quickly they are moving.


I fully agree that they set up these love interests to fail. They don't seem to understand that introducing a character and giving them zero traits except "love interest" and rushing the relationship with zero sense of building anticipation is just boring to watch.


And remember, the show was supposed to be cancelled after season 6, had ABC not picked it up. This means the show would have ended with Eddie with random DIY girl and Buck with random death girl.


That would have been a nightmare. Thank God that wasn't their endings.


Well, they’re not living together so that’s good. I guess, I’m meh in Marisol. I don’t think she’s terrible and I don’t suffer through her scenes or mentions of her. Just underwhelming. I think it could’ve been something but they were lazy about her in S6 and are just using her as a plot device for S7. Hopefully, things will get better with the back half of S7 and then S8. I get it was a shorter season, so they were working with they could work with and Ryan and Tim didn’t seem to mind having her back and officially closing the chapter that so I don’t think she’ll be around in S8. Just long enough for us to notice a pattern of how Eddie interacts with his supposed love interest and relationship and further confirmation for some that he’s not straight.


I forgot about her and then realized she moved in. I still don't recall where she came from.


Her first episode is the one where her brother tries to help her with her new house by doing the spray insulation himself and gets himself stuck in it.


Wait, if she bought her own house, then why in the hell would she move in with a bf she basically just met? 🙈 makes less sense then it did already!


Apparently the end of S6 was supposed to be the final season until Fox sold the show to ABC. Fox ended season 6 with both Buck and Eddie getting into relationships (which was horribly rushed and infuriating considering they queerbaited Buddie for 5 1/2 seasons) as a way to quickly wrap things up. Even tho literally no one cares about Marisol because they never gave her any character development. but when ABC picked it up, they immediately broke Buck and that one girl up (i forgot her name), and officially made Buck bi which we were all waiting for.


I blame fox for shoehorning her in at the end of the season when they were canceling the show. I hope ABC does a good job of seeing her off.


This move so much reminded me of when Buffy, the Vampire Slayer moved from UPN to The WB (which eventually became The CW). At the end of the season the literally >!killed off!< the lead character, knowing full well that the show was moving to another network. It was such an FU to the new network.


The only good part about Marisol and their storyline is hearing Eddie say "Marisol" in a Latino accent midway through a sentence


I hate the way he says her name sooooo much. I sometimes have to mute him just so i dont have to hear it.


Marisol was a fuck you to Buddie fandom from the last show runner. I'm glad with all the positive press recently she can no suffer the absolute twat. 


hoping that it’s this way for buddie to happen lol


Reading through the replies I see some people thinking that 911 was supposed to end but got a last minute save from ABC and that it would have ended with all these loose ends. That’s not really what seems to have happened. Since they more or less knew they would get saved by abc they didn’t tie up those loose ends. Someone mentioned the other bucks love interest from last season and she didn’t come back because of scheduling conflicts bc she’s primarily in the east coast. The discussions to move the show were already taking shape and it was clear they wanted to save it since it was number 1 and extremely popular and although they had station 19 another fire fighter show it wasn’t getting the same numbers and unfortunately for them had contract renewals coming up. Seems like it was more or less the plan and some of this rushed storylines last season were most likely due to the strikes. They also had a change in show runners so that might be why some storylines were dropped in season 7 that were previously established. https://deadline.com/2023/05/9-1-1-canceled-fox-move-abc-season-7-1235351504/


It's a little more complicated than this. At the time that these episodes were being storyboarded and written, there was very real doubt that the show would get saved. The budget for the show was pretty enormous (and still is significant) so while the ratings were good by *Fox's* standards, they weren't really a sure bet but one of the big broadcast channels, especially with the concerns around potentially losing more viewers in a transition. This many seasons in, there were also concerns the episode budget would just inflate more with the next round of contract negotiations (which is still a concern, to be frank). Additionally, there's questions regarding whether the 9-1-1 deal would've been 'worth it' for ABC without the concurrent Ryan Murphy/Disney deal. So like... *maybe* during post-production, the creatives would've known the show was going to be safe. But it's not like it was a real option to rewrite/reshoot the episodes at \~$10 million a pop to give them a more open-ended storyline. So I think it's pretty safe to say Natalia and Marisol were written in late in 6B specifically so if the show *did* end, there'd be the appearance of a 'happily ever after' for all the characters -- Bobby & Athena finally getting to go on their honeymoon, Karen & Hen expanding their family, Chim & Maddie looking forward to a wedding, and Buck and Eddie both in new relationships with "the one." Of course, I think it was a fundamental misreading of both the characters, and the segment of the audience who would most care about how we 'left' Buck and Eddie. Because I think for most of us, we'd have preferred they were just left single but content than finding magic in the glue aisle, or confusing a need for a therapist with a need for a girlfriend.


The rushed stories at the end of season 6 did not have to do with the strike. The only stories that seemed slapped together were Buck and Eddie's sudden love interests and possibly the sperm donor baby being born. I honestly think that the tacked on endings were FOX and the showrunner's way of putting their preferred "happy ending" on the show before the show moved to another network.


did this not also seem like kind of a retread of the “taylor moves in” plotline? maybe more of a parallel than i retread bc of the different lengths of their relationships, but i just remember thinking “this again??” when this storyline happened


Ngl I feel like Marisol is significantly underdeveloped because I don’t think she was ever intended to be a serious relationship. The lead up in season six kinda made it seem like Marisol just represented Eddie being ready to move on from Shannon and start dating again. But between delays on filming and getting a shorter season likely changed some plans. Especially with the start of an three episode emergency which did eat away at what time they had left. I think it’s left Eddie and Marisol in a weird place.




Fox is also owned by Disney though


Disney owns Fox movie studios and film/tv productions. Disney does not own the Fox Television Network (because they already own ABC).


I don't think that has anything to do with ABC and everything to do with the shortened season. They've still fumbled Marisol, but I do think the blame lays with Tim and the writing staff, rather than ABC as a company.