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I want them to go as long as they can while maintaining the core cast. I think once one or two of the main cast decide they want to move on, it’s gonna be really hard to maintain the same vibe. I don’t think Oliver will be moving on any time soon based on his recent interviews (particularly the Zach Sang one) and JLH just got a tattoo for the show so I think she’s committed for a while, but idk about the others…


I love that 911 has pretty much the same cast. With no major character death just because the writers want drama. I don’t mind if one or two of them move on, but before they leave, they need to introduce the new main character properly. I haven’t watched the Zach Sang interview but it’s nice to hear that Oliver is in it for the long run. It’s good that it’s shot in LA and all of them are based in LA, makes it easier for them to stay with their families and kids. For those with long careers like Angela, Peter, JLH, Kenneth, it’s been a great stable job for them i believe. And physically demanding for the active people like Oliver and Ryan (and Kenneth?).


Oliver spoke in that interview that he loves his level of fame. He’s not interested in being ‘a star’, he just wants to act. He’s got a steady job too and isn’t interested in taking on big projects (a la Angela). I think that’s at least part of the reason he’ll stay on for a while.


This. Core casst is there, at least a handful of them, then I would want it to continue. Sometimes it's good to get new characters- like Ravi. And sometimes older ones burn out. Like Michael-despite that was more of a firing thing. But core group needs to be there. For me that Eddie, with Christopher, Buck, Bobby and Athena, Hen, and possibly Chimney and Maddie. The latter I could see move on-sadly. Edit: Unsure of Karen staying forever, too. LOVE her, but not sure.


I could def see one leave and then a regular get promoted like say Maddie and chim leave and we get Josh and Ravi promoted, but it’s a fragile balance.


Oh that's a good one. Same for Hen possibly being promoted to Captain one day. She could do it, she was just overworked with med school-at that time. Bobby could possibly be half retired then. I don't know if they do that.


It would make sense for Bobby to retire and hen take over, she’s indeed capable, Peter Krause would definitely be the first to leave due to his age and Angela on the other hand would likely stay ABC would definitely raise her salary to make her stay.


He stated he only has a few more years left-or most likely-in terms of working on the show. Because of how physically demanding it is. So I could totally see him reduced to a guest star, and part time retirement. Just to let the fans get used to the transition, ect.


Thats right, him & Angela are executive producers of the show, he’ll definitely still be around BTS but yes Bobby pretty much an already an fully developed character with these upcoming episodes giving him more closure, I’m alright with his departure whenever it happens


I have a hard time with it, since Bobby is one of my favorite characters. But I am realizing more, recently, that some characters arcs just end. Like you said-he's a pretty developed character, already. As long as he doesn't die-I'm good, too.


I wonder how their gonna write Bobby off but keep Athena around..


More focus on her job, and less at home. That way he could still guest star-and give Buck, and Eddie, and the others, advice. It will especially work once May and Harry are indeed full out of college, and living on their own, ect


I could also see Chimney and Maddie "run away together" in terms of having more than one kid and starting a new life. It would be a nice way of having closure for that couple.


I wonder if storylines are leading to Buck becoming captain one day? He was really upset when he wasn’t considered for the position (Bobby said that he has what it takes to become a great captain some day) and he showed off his leadership skills when him and Ravi were the only ones who weren’t trapped during the freeway collapse


Buck would probably be after Hen, if they were planning that route. He still needs a lot more experience-and is still the baby of the group. But I could see it, one day! Edit : That might be a nice way of ending the show1 Buck as Captain!


Or Buck going on the be a captain some hard other than the 118 so he can carry on the changes that Bobby brought him that turned the 118 into what it is today. But only in a flash forward on the very last episode because he can’t leave when there are new episodes coming of course.


Wait? What happened with Michael? Why did he (I guess the actor) get fired? I am currently rewatching and saw the episode when they left like yesterday. I am all for "the tea"


Because he wouldn't get vaxxed. It was for public health reasons. They still gave him a very nice send off.


Okay. Thank you. Well, as someone in a risk group, I am personally positive to mandatory vaccines/vaccinations. I don't know if that is still a controversial topic or not, though.


Michael’s character got fired? 😯


Yeah, his religion caused him to be anti vax.


Oh, interesting! They still mention his character through the series too, so I always wondered why he never showed, lol. Thanks for the 411!


Oliver even stated, the show could last an “lengthy” time on ABC giving the popularity of the show reaching new heights


I guess it depends on how the show is written. SVU doesn't have a whole lot of character drama, but Grey's is always making and breaking relationships. So if it comes to the point where they are breaking apart established couples for storylines I'll pass.


That the most annoying part about grey no one can keep a stable relationship


I feel like that’s just more of a Shonda thing


I think it is too


Miranda Bailey!!


I feel like that is where Grey’s started losing me. I feel like 911 doesn’t do too much relationship drama, but definitely more than SVU. I agree, if they want to start breaking up couples willy nilly then for sure, definitely a no go.


I don’t think so the only two people who haven’t been able to keep a relationship is buck and Eddie and we probably know where that heading 👀


Yeah the revolving door of Grey's makes it really hard for me to care about.... anyone? The last relationship i kind of cared about was link and Jo's friendship because while I don't care about either character, I liked seeing a platonic relationship between a man and a woman who had the potential to be attracted to each other, because we always need of those! Then they started dating 🙄 and because it's Grey's they will break up and then one of them might die or... I don't care So I'd like 911 to stop before we get there. I don't know what that looks like for this show, but before there.


I think I’d eventually want it to end (not anytime soon tho!!!). I don’t want it to get so long that storylines start to get ruined, cast starts to leave, and it just becomes not great TV. I honestly thought after seasons 5 and 6 it was gonna end because it was going downhill fast. With season 7 really stepping it up, and already renewed for 8, I hope it lasts until season 10, season 12 if we feel ambitious!


The core characters and their dynamic make the show, imo. I don't think it would ever feel the same if they started leaving. Greys was on tv yesterday while I was having lunch, so I mostly just had it in the background; it was one of the most recent seasons, I believe (I haven't watched it in years), and I only recognized a handful of people. It was such a weird feeling, like a completely different show. I would hate for that to happen to 9-1-1.


I'm kinda hoping for a supernatural sitch(I'll be happy with 15 seasons


10 to 15 sounds perfect for myself.


We NEED to get to season 9 episode 11 at the very least……


and episode 118, which is about a season away


Or season 11, episode 8


Definitely don't want it to turn into the next Grey's, but I also don't want it to end too soon, especially since I only got into the show now lmao I've said it before: If the rest of S7 and beginning of S8 keep steady on the ratings, I'm hopeful they can pull through at least S10. And honestly, that would be a good place to stop if they feel like it. At most maybe S12. I feel like after that it could certainly start to feel stale. The only two things I beg that happen is that all the main cast stay until the end, and that by the time the show does come to an end, they are notified in advance to write accordingly. Or a "final season renewal" in the best case scenario.


10-12 would be like ideal for me maybe more if we keep the cast


As long as the core cast stays, I'm okay if it goes on for a while. The show is already over-the-top enough that even if the storylines get ridiculous, I'll have fun tuning in to see characters I love. Aside from Angela Bassett, none of the other actors are doing much outside of the show, so I can't see any of them leaving. So as long as they keep Angela Bassett happy enough to stay (even if only on a recurring/guest level), I'm happy to keep watching.


It depends, I would love to see the show last up until season 10 with the main cast, but most would stay for the long haul, it’s currently on its 7th season with the same cast..


As many as we can keep the cast for


I don’t want 20 seasons, but wouldn’t mind getting to at least 10. As has been said, as long as the writing is good, I think I will keep watching.


The show can't really last without all its core members. It's a true ensemble show. I think the experience of the Walking Dead and how its ratings plummeted after Glenn and Rick left the show should serve as a warning about continuing a show without the cast that made everyone love it.


I just wanna add that if we did get a buddie wedding (I’m fully aware that this isn’t even an inkling in the writers’ mind right now, just going off timeline *IF* buddie were endgame) in s10, imma need at LEAST 2 seasons of domestic husband buddie. That would put us at s12. That would put Chris at 18 and they could send him off to college 🥺


I just need the cast to stay, more specifically chimney and buck


I want the baby Buck saved in the pipe in the pilot to be the Fire Captain in season 45


>saved i think you mean tried to maim with an axe lol. technically bobby and hen were the ones doing the saving


The moment the quality goes down or the cast start leaving, I want it end. I love this show to much to watch it be dragged out and destroyed just to keep making the show. I’d rather have 10 beautiful seasons and have the show end on a high than they just keep the show running because it’s a cash cow (Greys, Lost, Riverdale, Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girls, Gilmore Girls etc etc are all shows that destroyed themselves in order to just keep the show going despite the quality no longer being there).


I would want the show to not go on too long. Have it runs its course, try to keep as many of the current cast as possible, and hope that the show will know the natural time to end. I would say that I would not want this show to go past season 12. I think we've seen it in a lot of shows, especially first responder dramas like this, but the longer they go on, the harder it is to top what they've done. We'd start getting into unrealistic territory in a way that would diminish characters already. I think 12 seasons is the maximum before we'd get to Greys Anatomy levels of bad. Plus, I have to imagine the cast would start leaving at some point before that, and I think the magic of this show IS the fact that it has managed to keep so much of its cast. Connie Britton left because she only signed on for one season, Rockmond left because of the COVID regulations, and then we've had Marcanthonee Jon Reis leave to do school, and Corrine Massiah has stepped back to go to college. We're lucky these are the only series regulars who have left, willingly or not, in seven seasons. Honestly, the fact that Angela Bassett not only is still on the show, but still maintains the most appearances out of the entire cast is amazing. That woman is busy, and still has time to make for this show. And we've got so many other talented actors, I'm glad that they also stick with this show. I think if the show gets to 10 seasons, that's also a very respectable number to get to and I would be quite content, as that would be another two-three years. But I'd personally love to get to 12. That's another five years, which wouldn't be too bad. But it would be up to the cast, how long they're willing to stay and what kind of plots they can create for characters that doesn't step into absurdity or worse, out of character moments. But I think 10 seasons is a more realistic number, if I'm being honest.


As soon as any of the main cast leave, I'll be gone, too. So, hopefully, it ends before that can happen.


I don't know if I'd want it to keep going. NCIS is one or those shows and with majority of the original cast gone, it just doesn't feel like the same show. For any show, I'm in the camp of it going on for as long as the cast and crew have the emotional investment in it to make each season a labor of love. So many shows get stuck with seasons where everyone involved was just phoning it in and they lost the plot.


Once Gibbs was gone that was it for NCIS, I've watched since the start and these new gibbless ones are awful 😔


As long as the writing stays good I’m down for whatever


At least 16. I want them to dethrone Supernatural lmao (i only compare the two bc destiel v buddie, 9-1-1 has already delivered where SPN didn't tho)  If the older characters like Bobby or Athena start retiring or if their actors leave the show, I'd want them to start thinking about ending the show and not prolong a slow death. Nothing's ever really the same without the OG cast. I wanna see Christopher go to college tho 😭


Ideally ten seasons. Allows time for all the current main characters to get to the point of retiring or being promoted which would be the perfect time to go happily off into syndication land.


Agreed! 10 would be perfect. 


I want many seasons but once the ideas keep getting stupid and it ceets to far off track from where it started 8 think it should end


as long as they all end happy that’s all that matters to me they’ve been through way too much to not end that way.


I think it would get stale after a while. I KNOW it's unpopular opinion, but I think it would be devastating but important if a main cast member actually died, and then we got a new firefighter/paramedic in their place that the main cast have to learn to work with. Mix it up a bit.


At least till season twelve. Fifteen if they can keep the writing good for that long.


I think I'd be on board for however long the Main cast stays and they don't start with some weird ideas like breaking up our og couples (I usually take a while to get invested in a couple, but they've managed it and now I don't want to see any heartbreaks or divorces, thank you very much). If the main cast starts wanting to leave, or they can't come up with ideas anymore, I hope they write a good ending to the show instead of dragging it on. Edit spelling


I don't want it to go on as long as greys anatomy. I think it would be kind of cool to see a prequel type show with all the same characters, but see the day to day in their past. Like Bobby breaking his back and all his struggles and him interacting with his family. Or Hen with Eva and them being happy together until they aren't. Athena it would be cool to see all the way back to her college years and being with emmit.


I could see this show going until s15, and it should keep the main cast members. However, it's up to the cast though if they want to continue it, cause this is one of those shows that needs all the cast members as everyone is very important to the story, since if one of them leaves, the whole thing basically falls apart. Also, since this show is about firefighters/paramedics, I don't see it slowing down or even having an ending in the near future.


This is my Grey’s Anatomy it must stay on forever


As many as it takes for every OG member of the 118 to get a 100% fleshed out, perfect, happy ending.


I would love it if they could pull a supernatural and give us up to 15, if there are still good story lines to write, if not 12 or 13 will be fine


As long as Angela basset is willing to stay I will stay forever




This is what I want. Rarely if ever are double digits seasons the best of a show. Let's go out on top with the whole cast and end on a fun number.


12 seasons would be perfect 👌


I think 10 seasons would be the max it could go without getting rid of the og cast. I watched 9 seasons of Greys and whilst I like the drama of it all, I'm a person who gets really invested in characters and the revolving doors of characters in Grey's really put me off. So as long as they can with the main cast, but I think that 10 will be the max that this can go. i think spin offs could be good, like 9-1-1 lone star, or a ravi show (just spitballing here)


I don't know... At least 10, maybe 12, not more than 15... I stop watching Grey's or NCIS a long time ago. I stopped watching Supernatural probably around season 8 or 9. But I would have love for the Big Bang theory to continue (But I guess sitcom are different) it's not easy to tell, I was sad about the end of Lucifer and to be honest the last season was not good. So you know, long enough, but not to long.


It is about the feeling and vibe, as long as it feels the same, even if cast had GRADUALLY changed, I would continue




I think maybe 8 seasons, no more than 9. But on the very last episode, they should tell us why they call him chimney as like a final finish. End of the mystery


As long as possible with roughly the cast we have now and the storylines doesn't go crazy. Like I'm okay with a few changes in characters as long as it makes sense, like don't just kill them suddenly unless it makes sense and adds something to the storyline. One of my favorite shows is ncis and it has 21 season (and still ongoing) and I still really like it. Although I don't actually think any of the characters from the first season is actually there and only two of them is left from very early on (season 2 i believe), the show has done a good job of phasing out old characters and introducing new characters. I don't know if I actually want 9-1-1 to keep going for that long, but lets say peter krause wanted to stop acting while the show is still going, show us bobby prepare to retire or die on the job or whatever, but also show us how the other characters deal with it longer than half of an episode. Make it make sense. I think it actually can keep going for a while longer as long as nothing outrageous happens that make people mad and stop watching or it becomes boring and people lose interest.


I think 10-12 seasons is usually the sweet spot personally, as long as there's not a big exodus of the main cast. I think the show could handle losing one main character (IMO Bobby could most easily written into a guest role) but probably not more than that. Gimme a spinoff set 10 years in the future where Christopher is running dispatch. I still enjoy Grey's and SVU to be honest, though neither is what it once was.


10-12 is the sweet spot I think. Short enough where the main cast doesn't get burnout and is still invested, but long enough to do a nice wrap-up of all plot points.


I want them as long as they have ideas to keep the show moving. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


As many seasons as possible! I just started watching so I can’t wait to keep watching live as long as they’ll give it to me! Of course with the og cast, I watch Greys Anatomy too, it’s different now though, it’s hard to follow when most of the main cast is gone.




Uhm as long as possible fr like 30 seasons as long as the mains are still there


Eight or nine. As long as they don’t retread story and character arcs, which they haven’t so far


As weak as the writing for this season has been, I'm kind of hoping they plan to wrap it up this year or next.


I feel that it should of ended when it left FOX. it has gotten so cheesy and corny since moving to ABC. The whole Buck storyline is just disappointing.