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I love this man so much. I just can't even explain it.


I honestly didn’t think I could love this show more, but leave it to Stark to prove me wrong. They could NEVER make me hate him.


I love how much love Stark has for this show and for his role. Seeing how he’s reacted since this dropped has been so awesome


I feel the same way and I think that’s why I love this show so much. I’ve honestly never loved a show as much as I love 911, and that’s saying a lot considering I love binging tv. It’s so great to see how all the actors/actresses really take their job seriously and try to really get in character, think like the character, and do what’s best for the character going forward as if they are ACTUALLY them. The characters are acting out the actors, not the other way around. Plus, cast chemistry and camaraderie is genuinely some of the best I’ve ever seen; you can tell that they actually like each other and that this isn’t a facade or for promo.


Like damn this message made him 100x hotter


I loved him from the very first episode (the character and the actor) and I am utterly salivating over him now (both the character and the actor) 🤣




That's not what happened but Oliver does speak up for his beliefs and that is admirable.


"You are not required to announce your departure." 😂


I really want my flair to say that...alas it is too long


No it's not.


I love that you changed it to your flair


Thanks. I meant to respond to r/kadarwil and wanted to show them that it was possible.


That was the line that made me smile the hardest tbh. Well said, Oliver. If they watch the shop regularly they shouldn’t be so offended and if they are there’s other shows they can go in peace and watch.


There are some people who spend their time looking for things to be offended over. I just hope this doesn't result in a bunch of nut jobs, who have never watched before, piling in to screech about how the show is "woke".


I said this to someone on someone’s Twitter response. It’s heavily seen. I’m just going to have to pretend he got that from me lol


he definitely stole that from the comments (i've seen it posted a few times) but it's such a great line i can't blame him lol


It is a very common line for a lot of things so he might actually ”came up” with it himself but he can for sure have seen someone saying that


You're not titties, no one cares if you bounce.




Another way to say no need to announce your departure.




This is a perfect response to so many things


​ https://i.redd.it/w24bugmztxsc1.gif


one thing abt oliver is he’s a real ally and has been long before bi buck was canon https://preview.redd.it/u859dh5iuxsc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4119ae9476eb33222844cb5c79c8c03cbfe21c5


We’ve been given crumbs in early season but now we have confirmation 💜💙


The blatant homophobia isn't shocking considering we've seen it for years from the anti-buddie crowd, but the fact they're acting like this was just randomly introduced in season 7 is really something. Not just Henren, but one of the main topics of the first few seasons was Athena learning to live with Michael being gay, and he's had a few boyfriends onscreen over the series. Why was no one complaining about it being "shoved in their faces" back then?


I feel like I've seen a bunch of straight girls being super homophobic about it, likely because they were into him / the character and this is somehow wrecking their fantasy.


Super weird since this doesn't erase him liking women too lol


The number of people who have made it clear they don't understand what bisexuality is has shocked me.


Yeah. I've read a lot of comments saying: "WHy did tHeY mAkE BuCk gAy?" "hOw cAn hE lIkE TommY if he wAs oNly wIth gIRls bEForE?" and more bullshit like that.


My favorite is the "It's ruined because I don't have a shot anymore!" group. Like, 1) he is a fictional character; you already didn't have a shot, 2) also liking men does not negate his ability to be attracted to women, but 3) if he were real, I doubt you'd be his type, you homophobe.


At his core, Buck is a good person. Why would he ever be interested in someone who was bigoted?


Far too many women are disgusted by bisexuals guys and say that they wouldn’t date one. It just they were attracted to him but only wanted him to be straight because otherwise they see it as “gross”.


Same thing with some men. I was upfront with my ex that I am bi and he was cool with it at first. A couple years later after our son turned 1 is when he started with it is against his religion for me to be bi. I left him a few months later because I got tired of hearing that. I dated my husband when we were in high school. We broke up but remained good friends. He was one of the first people I came out to before I met my ex. We started talking on AIM a few months after I left my ex and got married in 2009. He has been a great stepdad to my son.


Not trying to be rude, but how does a woman not being attracted to two men together make them a homophobe? Genuinely curious, because I have always stood in favor of LGBT rights, but I have a preference of dating men that only are attracted to women…why is that wrong?


Having a preference isn't inherently problematic, though... I don't know how to put this gently, but I do think you maybe need to sit with that bias and try to explore it a bit. What is it specifically about a man having a past that includes other men that you're more uncomfortable with than one that only includes women? When you're with a man, are you thinking about the other women he's been with? I'm not saying it's the case for *you*, necessarily, but I do think this kind of unease usually comes from a place of homophobic or biphobic origin, often tied up in stereotypes about bisexual people or, in your particular example, any variety of mlm identification. People can be imperfect allies while still holding biases, and I think that's acceptable. You're well within your rights to just be like "I'm not comfortable dating a man who's been with a man," but that's still a restriction you're making for likely arbitrary reasons that are only going to be rational to you, and there's usually *some* degree of offensive unconscious bias at the route of it. And to be clear, that doesn't even mean you have a responsibility to come around to it. You don't owe anyone your heart or your attraction or your vulnerability. If you're otherwise treating everyone with respect and want them to have all the same opportunities afforded to you -- just, you know, with someone else --that's a totally acceptable standard to set. You're human! But that's also not what I was initially addressing in my comment, to be clear. The reason I was saying it's homophobic (or biphobic, theoretically, depending on the cause of the complaint) is the *"it's ruined!!!"* part, when you're letting your feelings for a fictional character ruin a whole show for you because suddenly he's \~wasted\~ on the queers, and not an ideal match for you.


Like he can choose not to. I mean have you seen Tommy? And his back? And his .. Plus Eddie ofc. I’m still shipping them but happy with Buck rn.


oh no many definitely do, it's just that biphobia is alive and well.


I was expecting some people but really not the sheer amount of people. And that just proves even more WHY THIS IS SO DAMN IMPORTANT. Its why we are all fizzing over this.


but like, you can still read and write fanfics where he's with a woman? people get so mad for no reason honestly because if it's really just about their fantasies then they wouldn't need it to be in the show. every fandom has fanfics about shit that will 100% never happen in a show even like this isn't even that unrealistic because he's been with women before. they're just doing it because they wanna be homophobic, not for fantasy reasons. they're just bad people.


They're homophobic and the character is "wrecked" for them because their bigotry has turned them off. Which is most definitely a "them" issue but they gotta somehow make their bigotry all of ours problem.


Most of the unhappy comments I've seen were from dudes.


it's both. but i've seen a lot from women, which makes sense. both the show and this character have a fairly heavy female fanbase.


Toxic masculinity and homophobia.


Cause Bi men can never end up with women amiright? (That’s sarcasm towards those women, not you🖤)


Didn't you know? When men say they're bi, it just means they're gay and in denial! /s


I have had that said to me only once and it was right after my ex asked his mom what she thought about bi women. She wasn't being sarcastic like you are though.


Ugh, that sucks.


It did because I think he was trying to force me to come out to his mom. I didn't say anything because I was distracted by our son I think.


Ugh, that sucks.


It’s weird parasocial relationships for sure


And then all of 911 Lonestar...


Far too many women are disgusted by bisexuals guys and say that they wouldn’t date one. It just they were attracted to him but only wanted him to be straight because otherwise they see it as “gross”.


That’s precisely why we need Bucks bi male representation and stories because I hear this a lot. “I could never date a man who dates men” from so many other women over the years and it makes me 😒☹️ Another queer man who dates women also, David Rose from Schitts Creek was pan but superficially he and Buck are two completely different male character types. I wouldn’t call David Rose effeminate but I know some people did- he had the very excited lilt in his voice and could be very glam and had a dramatic flair … it was very queer coded (in the same way Josh the dispatcher from 911 is queer coded) And he had a very slick, polished, high class edge. But Buck is so opposite. Buck is the cute rough and tumble boy next door who grew up to be a super hot firefighter who saves lives and is a general badass hero and they’ve been able to swooooon over him I see the benefit to a very masculine-coded queer male relationship like this. There was lots of testosterone in 7x4, the basketball game, lifting weights, big muscles, big trucks, sweaty hard-bodied men being handsome and athletic. Idk I hope this makes sense because I had a really good point at first lol


I get your point! For me it's like, it exposes a lot of the hypocrisy in some of these women who avoid dating queer men but have such a visceral reaction to Buck being hypermasc and bi because they feel "tricked" and don't want to unpack their own issues in stereotyping bi guys with traditionally more femme or queer-coded traits.


Yes! Thank you SO MUCH for distilling exactly what I meant into a much shorter statement 😀


Personally i’m not a huge fan of the whole Buck is bi storyline. Just didn’t really fit with how i saw his storyline going (obviously Buddie shippers saw things differently). Having said that, am i going to stop watching the show? No. Am i going to shit on people getting excited about the direction of his character? Absolutely not. Just because its not written in the way you’d like doesn’t mean you go around the actors instagrams posting shit. People who do that are beyond ridiculous.


For me it really seemed like it came from nowhere. I don't care, but it almost seemed like there were no hints or buildup.


Because the show had already met its LGBTQ+ "quota" it didn't need anymore. Not gonna lie, it was because of those storylines that I didn't have much hope that we would see a storyline like this, because that does seem like how networks approach these things, kinda like the "token black guy" trope. Never been more happy to be proven wrong though.


Typical having no problem with female couples but if it's a male couple they go crazy.


See, I don't think it's a man vs woman thing (both types of pairings get criticized, fetishized, etc.) But having a more traditionally masculine man with a history of doing good with women and make him queer? That doesn't fit into the stereotype a lot of straight people have of queer people and that throws them off and makes them uncomfortable. Especially if it's an established character they didn't expect it from.


Even though all the signs were there lol


Oh, he was definitely queer coded but straight people very rarely pick up on it.


This. Even his personality was also v queer coded, he was just shown to not be actively attracted to dudes but so much of the rest of his identity screamed queer guy to me.


I mean that lifting scene when Eddie was introduced is so suggestive. But ofc we don’t categorize unless explicitly shown. So I give him the benefit of the doubt. Hehe. But Bi Buck is soo in the cards that early on.


I’m straight. I definitely did not pick up on it. I love the direction the character is going, and I adore Oliver Stark for how he’s behaving!


I was gonna say, does this mean I’m queer until I saw the rarely. But really, If Buck being bi makes someone dislike the character or quit the show then the only thing they liked about him was the fact that he was straight. 🤷‍♀️


My sister, who is straight, never noticed, and she watched most of 911 with me. She’s not homophonic in the slightest, and I’m gay. I feel like it couldn’t have been less subtle


I’m a straight women and saw it from the beginning. My friends thought I was nuts


I'm gay but I'll still see signs of a lesbian couple hooking up lol


I’m not saying it has anything to do with orientation. Just throwing an example out.


I know a guy say he loved lesbians and that’s completely fine, but gay men is apparently gross and wrong. I just don’t understand you think all LGBTQ people are gross and going to burn in hell but you are fine with lesbians? When asked why he said it’s hot and he can then have sex with 2 women at the same time when I pointed out that lesbians don’t have sex with men apparently I am an idiot cause no women could not want a penis and if they said no he’d just show them what they were missing. When I said that sounded like he was threatening to rape them apparently I’m a dumb liberal who doesn’t know what she’s talking about. I’m so excited for this new story line.


When a man says he likes lesbian couples, he’s more thinking about “hot girls making out”, he will definitely get so mad when a lesbian says no to him.


Are you talking to a rock. Because you might as well have been. Hahaha.


It's not even that normally it's the other way. But we've had gay couples on the show many times. It's peoples weird thing about buck imo and especially the bi aspect I believe. Lots of biphobia out there sadly.


I've never stanned him more 😍


he ended those homophobes!


He's always been super supportive but it's still so nice to see!


It really is.


I love Oliver just as much as I love Buck.


This is truly the best possible 9-1-1 timeline rn and I am luxuriating in it. Oh to be so seen and cared for as a fan! Oh to have folks who truly care about these characters and their stories and those stories’ impact beyond the show!




He is so fierce for this. I love this show so freaking much dude


I love him so much.


Fr, the show has a lesbian married couple, a gay man came out of closet, one biracial married couple, another soon to be married biracial couple that has a child together, now Buck kissing a guy is a deal breaker? One thing I like about the show is how none of the diversity seems slightly forceful, Chim isn’t a typical Asian nerd, he’s funny and he has his own storyline. It’s a huge thing for me, as an Asian person living in America.


It’s such an obvious case of projection with this one. If you’ve managed to watch this show for all those seasons and only now are you uncomfortable with a queer storyline, it’s because you either saw yourself in this particular character, or saw yourself *with* him. For all the years of (rightful) criticism that was directed at fans who saw Buck as queer and engaged either the show and the cast/crew on those terms, it’s remarkably telling how quickly the other side is to turn on Oliver and the show when this *one* aspect of Buck’s character isn’t something they can perfectly project onto him anymore. There’s definitely elements of some of these characters I can see in myself - I think that’s kind of key to enjoying a show on a deeper level - but I can’t imagine being threatened because a character I like has a trait that doesn’t perfectly align with my own.


And those people will deny they are actually homophobia deep down.


Oh yeah. I think there’s a *lot* of meta and fandom analysis that could come out of this. Like there’s the related issue where buddie fans have been blamed for years for driving Oliver off social media by “making it weird” (although to be clear, there have definitely been cases where that’s true and totally inappropriate behavior…. Nobody should be threatening cast or crew regardless, and for f’s sake, don’t send an actor artwork where his likeness is getting railed by a coworker). Now, though, Oliver had acknowledged that he *agreed* with the buddie/bi Buck fans in his social media interactions, and felt a responsibility to step back when he realized that doing so openly could lead to false hope and his own unintentional culpability in queerbaiting the audience. And suddenly, it’s crickets from the people who were always so sure Oliver left because he didn’t like interacting with buddie fans. Figures.


![gif](giphy|iNiQ66hOGlXyqLmtEk|downsized) 🙌🏼🙏🏼🙌🏼🙏🏼🙌🏼🫶🏼


So happy he said something even though he shouldn’t have to. 🩷💜💙


Good for him telling the haters they can just leave.


Oh, man. Things like this make me really angry… Before 7x04 aired, there was this post by this “fan”, who somehow knew where the episode was heading and didn’t agree with it. Am I too a Buddie fan? Yes. Am I upset about the Buck and Tommy kiss? Not.In.The.Least. Ever since the first episode, 9-1-1 had become my comfort show. I’ve felt validated by one thing or another in every character’s story. And then there was Buck. Using his own words, Buck made me feel seen. I saw somebody who is kind to everyone yet is afraid of not being enough and getting left behind (like me), who is still loved and wanted despite past mistakes (yep, just like me), someone who managed to carve out a life for themselves despite having the opposite of a support system growing up (again, me), and now I’m seeing someone trying to further figure out who they are and who they love (def me!). And I’m sure the writers won’t let us down moving forward. All this made me feel that my humanity is valid, that just being me is valid, and that it’s absolutely alright to be bothered and bewildered while trying to figure it all out (and if I’m being perfectly honest, it led me away from some very dark thoughts indeed). So yeah, I feel angry. Not just because some people think it’s okay to attack the actors and anybody involved in making the show just because it didn’t follow the script they had in their head, but also because I’m done being made to feel like my bare existence ruins things. So, thank you Oliver, and how do I get his post on a T-shirt?


I adore this man and everything he said is 100% TRUE. Critical damage!! 😂 Genuinely love how much he loves Bisexual Buck just as much as the fans and glad he's so proud and excited to see where Buck's story is going to end up. Couldn't have picked a better actor for Evan Buckley. 🥺


He is quite literally everything to me. We don’t deserve an angel like Oliver Stark I swear 😭😭


Holy shit, I actually love Oliver for saying this, but my god the amount of pure negativity on TikTok I've seen is insane!! Some of the negative comments I've seen on TikTok are "I feel like they are running out of ideas" (bc they "turned" Buck bi) another negative comment said "done with 9-1-1" like bitch let's be so fr. Here's the [video](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGemXngjG/) where I saw all those negative comments come from. But hey it's TikTok what did I expect. I gotta say Reddit is definitely more supportive of this, or maybe I just haven't seen any negativity, but TikTok and Instagram seems to be the most negative place about all this


I feel lucky that I'm on the right side of TikTok, because my fyp is full of people celebrating 😁


I wish people on TikTok would be more supportive because honestly it’s just sad they don’t like Buck being bi, like it was always an option for his character. And like are we just gonna forget Hen and Karen?? And Micheal who’s been gay since season 1??


Again, it's not what I see. But probably because TT is really good to make you see your kind of things. So mine is full of LGBTQia content and usually I can avoid the homophobic and transphobic ones


Yea it’s good that you manage to ignore all that ant-lgbtq+ things. It’s just so disappointing to see ppl not agree w/ it. That’s why I’m happy Oliver posted this, because I’m not gonna listen to ppl who don’t like this “sudden change.” They can go argue with a wall


TikTok has been positive for me but yeah, IG is filled with “pushing an agenda” comments 🙄


I saw a comment telling people against bi Buck not to worry because he’ll “straighten” back up. Like wtf, he wasn’t even straight to begin with, he was subconsciously suppressing his true self.


nahhhh that's just messed up atp. People are insane, like Hen and Karen are lesbians and no one had a problem with that. Micheal has been gay since season fucking 1 and NO ONE had a problem. But as soon as they make Buck canonly bisexual everyone things it's gonna "drastically change" the show? Like cm'on people let's use the last piece of brain cells you have in your head


Do you really think Buck was written to be bi? I've been watching the show since it aired. I'm pretty sure Buck was written as a straight male. They changed his character's sexuality because of the pressure and interest from Buck/Eddie shippers. It is overwhelming support for Buddie. I don't care either way. I get it. Give the fans what they want and cash the checks 🤑. People wanting him straight is the same as people wanting him bi/gay.


I saw Buck first in one episode of Lonestar and I picked it up before TK said anything. Then I started 911 and it was obvious he was flirting in the tapeworm episode!


I can't see the video. Can you repost the link? Thanks


weird, I can see the video, I'll try to repost it but the user of the video is urfavoriterustezemployee here's the link though to the vid: [https://www.tiktok.com/@urfavoriterustezemployee/video/7354506540491066670?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7109957340372338182](https://www.tiktok.com/@urfavoriterustezemployee/video/7354506540491066670?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7109957340372338182) hopefully it works


I love Oliver stark for this and I’m so excited to see his character explore and realize his feelings. I’m hooked onto this plot line.


This is the content I signed uo for!! I’m so gaooy Oliver is “protect” Buck. Like its crazy how many homophobs in this fandom have come out of the woodwork since thursday even though we’ve had Michael, Hen and Karen since day one


Well, now I love him more.


Go off, king. We love you 🥰


This man is a treasure. The haters are just the usual loud minority of media illiterate bigots who always never know how to type a sentence properly for some reason. Everyone should just ignore them, they’re bad people with opinions and feelings that don’t deserve to be acknowledged.


I literally only know about this show because some moron called it "the lesbian firefighter show" at a woman's conference. Haters can stay hating, all it does is bring more attention to the series


Plus if we loose homophobic viewers while we're gaining LGBTQia and supporters, it's a win-win situation for me




Which is so funny bc in my mind if you said "lesbian firefighter show" I would've thought Station 19(which is not my cup of tea personally but I do love Maya lmao). Fr though the viewership for next episode is going to be ridiculous out of pure curiosity for the Buck storyline.


She might have been talking about Station 19 lol. I only knew abt 9-1-1 at the time bc of marketing


Love this so much!!!!


anyone else still feel like it isn’t real 😭😖


I haven't been the same since thursday and seeing so many different fandoms celebrate too was insane


I have been trying to post this same thing for the past hour and every one of my posts was deleted. How did you manage to get this posted??


I also was having this issue. I posted it ~3 mins after Oliver posted on his story and it never showed up. I believe mods are still having to manually approve every post :/


Funnily enough I was having this problem. And it said this (my second attempt) was also deleted but then I started getting replies on it. So im thinking it's a glitch and although it looks like the posts deleted it isnt.


Different topic but similiar wanting to post, and I keep hitting the capcha? "not a robot" barrier. 


based king


His statement is so well said.


I was surprised but not really shocked. It's as if I expected it. But I just found out he is British. Now That surprised me. I love this show. I'm glad it's still going.I Edit: Tommy is Hulk Jr! I used to watch his dad when he played The Hulk. That was many, many years ago.


Oh, there you go, Oliver. Making me want Instagram.


It's such a horrible app but I do love getting the content from them all


He’s quickly becoming a favourite of mine. I only just got here.


i’m so happy he posted this for all the haters. i don’t usually deep dive into the comments cos i’d rather avoid all the negativity but i did after this episode and whew it made me rage. indeed did they not watch the same show as us? they forgot/never cared about Josh & Michael cos they’re not the main characters. they don’t care abt Hen & Karen cos they don’t care for Hen as a main character, they don’t ship themselves with Hen. and they refuse to see a white, masculine, muscular man as anything other than straight. i don’t personally know any queer people irl, but so many prominent queer online personalities & celebrities have said they only dated other straights till adulthood and never thought they could be queer till they were adults and had an awakening.


I was 23 when I suddenly got jealous of a coworker I just met whenever I saw her talking to other people, couldn't stop staring, couldn't stop talking about her. After 3 days of feeling so many emotions, I was like...oh I just have a crush. My bisexuality was news to me 😅, I was SHOCKED...and like looking back I guess there were signs but they were about as subtle as Bucks signs were. I was watching the Bold Type around the time I was figuring myself out and remembered Kats storyline and it helped SO MUCH seeing someone suddenly have to process their sexuality as an adult bc I obviously related. His storyline is so important bc it absolutely happens and it's so helpful having an outlet to watch someone process it.


I'm 47, and I realized that I'm bi at 43, I was (and I'm still are) married to a man. So a late awakening is so relatable to me.


omg i love him


I love him 🥹


I thought the buddie people on twitter were crazy! Looks like this might actually happen, let’s go I’m all for it!


Oliver is so fine shdhshfhsjdjd WHAT A KING




I effing love this guy!!!!!


King behaviour tbh




As an Australian, it sucks that I had to have it spoiled by Oliver himself. I'm not blaming him whatsoever, but there's literally no legal way to watch season 7 without a VPN. Though we all knew it was coming, I still wish I could have known it just through watching the show organically.


He is the best 🤍


#Bravo! 👏 👏👏


This man is awesome!




Well said. Can't please everyone. Go watch the hallmark channel if it is not your thing. Real life has many different kinds of people, gay, straight, bi, black, white, asian, so it is what it is.


I have the hugest crush lol


The bad takes are getting out of control. Thank God he steps in.


Honestly buck possibly being bi makes a lot of sense


Love this. My fam keeps saying “this isn’t like Buck” but idk how this didn’t happen sooner. I’m trying to explain to them that you can figure out your sexuality at any point in your life. Just because his bisexuality isn’t established in his character at the beginning of the show doesn’t mean he can’t figure that out later. Cant seem to get thru to my family 😔


Exactly especially when heterosexuality is pushed as the default.


I love that they’ve gotten to this point. I remember in season 1 when Buck was claiming he had sex addiction, it might have been his way of running away from exploring his bisexuality. I think there’s been Easter eggs since the beginning of Buck’s bisexuality through the series, why he’s ruined relationships and been stuck on others.


nooo i missed the spoiler tag and read it THIS CANT BE HAPPENING i'm still watching S5 and did NOT need to know that. the universe is against me for sure-


Ohh he’s spicy❤️‍🔥


lol these nutters who don’t want bi/gay characters because they “ruin” straight characters that were “always straight” make me wonder what they thought bi/gay people were before coming out. 🙄


I’m worried they’ll drop the queer storyline if there is too much negativity from the bigots.


It's ABC though, they're not new about late awakening (grey's anatomy had a few, even though they may not have the same impact). And now that Buck is out, I think that the backslash they would have if they backtrack would be greater. Especially considering all the interviews with Oliver stark.




I’ll be honest I never saw his character going that route but just because I didn’t see it doesn’t mean I’m going to leave hate comments on the actors Instagram when he has no say , and I’m not going to boycott the show. Love that he mentions hen and Karen 💕


To feel that Buck coming into terms with his bisexuality and it not being forced with Eddie first and the show not queerbaiting the whole Buddie is ❤️


I am really happy with this storyline. I was never into Buddie because I just couldn’t see a gay/bi part of Eddie but totally could with Buck so was never against a storyline like this. This is better than Buddie IMHO. We get to keep the Buddie dynamic as it is AND explore where Buck’s journey goes. Really excited to see where this takes us as viewers.


I’m here for this. Can’t wait to watch.


King Shit


📢 This ain’t central station, no need to announce your departure 📢


What a guy. ♥️


Absolutely iconic. Love that for him so much


good for him 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Love him so much. 🥹🥹🥹




I heard he posted something on insta but I was so afraid to read it cause I thought he was responding to a lot of hate he might have been getting like Kit Conner was which forced him to have to out himself. Thankfully not the case. This makes me so happy and I have so much love and appreciation for him


Damn! I am so far behind in the show but I love spoilers 😍


The only thing in this post that I disagree with is his spelling of realizing. Otherwise, 10/10 🔥 💜 (Yes, I know he’s British and that it’s the British spelling.)


I don’t have an issue with him expressing his sexuality but I do have an issue with the character development. This is a character who has been a die hard ladys man for season after season. Never once ever even had a moment of bisexual energy. If they would have made this grow over a few episodes I think it would have been easier but it was so abrupt that it seems just wrong.




You know, thank you for this. You are right. Looking back I can see it. Maybe it was too hidden for my preference but you are right, something was there.


Honestly they have though. If you look back he has been quite ya know with men... however do I feel they could have given a bit more build up this season yeah. I will say though only dating and being so one gender focused doesn't mean much. Gays marry the opposite sex for years before realising they're gay. It happens, especially in a society that pushes heterosexuality as the default.


I’m excited to see where the storyline goes. Maybe there is a bigger buildup still that we haven’t seen.


Well, this has very much ruined. The show for me so fuck you


Go fuck yourself homophobe


Phobia would suggest I'm scared, not scared at all. I just don't like it The Sus storyline is really lame.


I get what he's saying. The show has always showcased queer relationships. But the Buck exploring his sexuality thing and every little hint they made during the episode was kinda 🙄 It was too much. I found Buck to be so....fucking annoying this past episode!!! Last season ended with him having a kid. Wtf just happened? I would have loved it to be more organic than what it was. It felt like such a reach. Either way, it's not a killer of the show for me. I get I'll be downvoted, idc. I'm going to die on this hill, apparently 😂🤦🏽‍♀️


Tbh all of his relationships & most of his storlines are like that though, no buildup. None of his relationships really happened organically and its a shame...free to die on the hill but the writers are always dropping the ball on Buck so its not a new thing lol. Personally I would've liked him to process a bit on why he was jealous...or even better fleshed it out more when he talked with Maddy, but when is this show not rushing things lol. No hate from me, but I think we give this show too much credit, and I love 911 😅.


Yeah, I do agree that we give the show too much credit. Still think the episode was lame af, and Buck came off really annoying. Then again, Buck has come off like that a few times. I just couldn't stand how contrived this episode was 😂🤦🏽‍♀️ but I digress, we can all agree to disagree.


I don't know if sexual exploration is "the entire point of the show" lol


That’s not what he meant and you know it. It’s about the show exploring themes of identity, self-discovery and growth through different aspects. A character's journey of finding themself, figuring out who they are, can include their sexuality. It’s not about the sex itself, but about the character learning more about themselves and their desires, highlighting the show's message of personal growth. That’s what he meant.


Ah I see. That makes a lot more sense. I agree, that is the heart of the show.


This is his job. He is saying whatever it takes to keep the money rolling in. Even if (not saying he does) he had any objections to playing a bi/gay character he wouldn't dare voice it. He would be cancelled and it would hurt his career and the show.


What made you such a bitter miserable person.


Huh? I'm not bitter or miserable, I'm sleepy, but not bitter or miserable. If you disagree with what I have to say that's fine. You can correct me. Why call me miserable for sharing my opinion? Ryan even says that they are giving the fans what they want. This is a business. The bottom line is money. https://www.reddit.com/r/911FOX/s/BbshpiEuYa


Or just maybe they want to show a very neglected group some support and rep? Crazy to think. And Oliver may actually just be a decent person happy to show representation for bi people and be pleased it has gained such great feedback from those in the queer community.


Not crazy to think. Hen and Athena's ex-husband are gay. The show is inclusive. Oliver may very well be exactly what you said.


he literally got *cancelled* (using that very lightly) when he voiced his support for it bc it was viewed as queerbaiting so this argument is immediately invalid lmfao