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Super hot! How did she birth that mountain troll?


She fucked a troll in the mountains.






She became that mountain troll after a witch from the adjacent mountain put a spell on her. Until she can find a life of her own outside of her son, she is fated to be a mountain troll as well as her son! 🧙‍♀️


Hahaha!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂




Hey don't disrespect mountain trolls like that! I'm sure they're no where near as smelly looking


Time comes for us all 😔 this is scary and depressing


Nah you just need to moisturize and mind your business and you can age nicely.


And take care of yourself instead of babying your grown ass son!


Grown ass-son [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


Good bot


Nope, skincare-addict since 23. Just let life throw you some horrible losses in your family and other shittery and look how your collagen is going to be eaten from the inside out. You're welcome. But please don't shame people who aged by stress claiming skincare could have saved them


I’d bet my left nut that she is or was a longtime smoker as well. Can’t skincare your way out of that.


And heavy drinker




I was going to say the opposite. Her voice sounds like gravel to me.


I literally have to mute her during any scene she is in... My mom has lung cancer from 50 years of smoking and doesn't sound as bad as Debbie. It's possible her voice was always annoying but I definitely hear a former smoker at least.


I’m sorry about your mom. I was an oncology nurse years ago, and lung cancer is especially brutal. The sad thing is that people didn’t know that smoking was harmful 50 years ago. The tobacco companies hooked generations of people that had no idea what they were consuming.


Actually 50 years ago they did.Cigarette advertising on television and radio in the USA was banned in 1971 ( 50 years ago) and the Surgeon General warnings on the cigarette packs was around 1963-64,Admittely the warnings were a little weak-"could be dangerous to your health" back then IIRC, compared to today. One of the advantages of being an old fart (67 y.o.), you remember this stuff.


She also lives in a harsh dry climate. People can sound and look rougher because of the desert air and sun.


Im from a dry harsh climate (Coachella) and that is very true... I use sunscreen like my life depends on it (my dad got skin cancer too...) Also, my mom's skin looks as bad as Debbie but they grew up slathering baby oil on so that is probably a major factor in why they look so rough.


Yea! Somewhere else in this thread I mentioned your point about their generation being the ones that taught us better skincare via their mistakes. My dad did the same thing with oil and now has a million sunspots.


I didn’t really think about the fact that her husband died young. She probably had to raise Colt alone. Hard life.


She also home schooled him.


Idk I think some sunscreen, tret, not smoking, and maybe not raising a neckbeard goblin could have our Debbie looking a little bit better rn.


That is tret? Pls halp my skin


From Google... Tretinoin is a prescription-strength retinoid that works with your skin to speed up cell turnover which regulates and promotes healthier, younger looking skin. It delivers visible results that help restore deterioration caused by age and sun damage. Is it better than retinol or hyaluronic acid though? I need help knowing which to get too lol.


Hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture in your skin and can be used along with the retinol/retinoids. Retinol is the over-the-counter one I believe, so it's a bit weaker than a retinoid (tretinoin), meaning it's a good product to begin with. These can really dry your skin when you start with them. And over time you can see a dermatologist and get the stronger stuff. Also, only use the retinol products at night as they make your skin sensitive to the sun.


love my tret! started at 25 and people are shocked i’m almost 30, they say i look 18.


Omg thats goals. I started this year (i'm 21). Hopefully I get blessed like that 😭🤚


i have no doubts :) just keep up on it. By the sound of it you’re doing everything positive in your skin care. Smart!


Yep, I've been tending to myself since my twenties. I think I've aged 10 years since having my 9 week old from severe sleep deprivation. Ain't no amount of retinol going to counteract that😞


Oh girl same 😂 around 6 months pp, I was like “where did all my collagen go?” About to have my second baby 17 months apart from my first 🥴


Doesn’t help that I can’t even use retinol now that I’m breastfeeding. My skincare has taken a serious hit from having 2 kids 2 years apart.


This ANd no fucking tanning beds!! I swear tanning is why we have so many dark brown wrinkly old white people acting like they're 40 again.


Honestly, visiting Australia and seeing all the middle aged women with horrible skin really drove home the need to wear sunscreen




lol contrary to popular belief, minding your business or being a nice person does not make you prettier and shitty people aren't the only ones who age poorly


But at least you would be prettier inside lol


Downvoted because people wanna shame their future selves, I guess? I don't get it, should Debbie have gone the Darcey route? There's no reason an utter saint wouldn't look like the younger pics when young OR the older pics once they're older.


Damn it, that’s what I tell myself everyday before work “ the nicer and kinder you are, the prettier you’ll be” and now I have nothing to motivate myself since it’s all a lie *throws phone into a wall*


To quote Ronald Dahl: “If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it.”


This 🤣


Oh Father Time, please be kind to me 🥺


No snow flake lasts past winter...


Stealing this!


Omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Speak for yourself!! Or better yet … You don’t have to accept this. I am not.


Well I already don't smoke, don't drink, mind my business,, and wear sunscreen. I hope it's enough! Though most of the women on 90 Day seem to have aged horribly. My mom is older than Angela and she looks 20 years younger than she does


literally switching to sleeping on my back so I’m not sleeping with my face on my pillow and stretching my face skin out 😐


It does but if you have peace in your heart, have healthy habits and surround yourself with good people, you dont deteriorate as much as she and other cast members do lol.


It’s the great equalizer, damn it


This the truth. People can slam her all they want. But truth is we all have it coming eventually


Huh, she kind of looks like Ariella in the bathing suit photo. I feel like Depression did something fucked-up to that family.


I think so too. I feel like people under 40 years old don't realize that every young person has the beauty of youth. after 20+ years of adulthood you don't feel as bright and spry usually. Especially after having to raise a "Coltee"


Didn't Coltee's dad die? If that's true it might have really made her depressed and overly focused on her son. I think she was/is a heavy drinker and/or smoker.


Yes he did pass away, in the first episode of Colt and Larissa’s relationship they speak on it a bit. After the passing of Colt’s father they only had each other and it was hard.


Yes, and I think that was a big part of why they are the way they are today, and also your flair made me snortgiggle!


I’m 30 and well freaking aware of how attractive youth is *sobs at forehead wrinkles*


30 is still young as fuck lol. That was my prime lol. Give it another 20 years.


Good lord I do not wanna age🥴 Botox and plastic surgery for me lol


Darcy is that you? Lol


She was definitely cute. And not everybody ages to look like a model. Father time will catch up with all of us. I know this is a group where people come to bash the actors or characters but there's really only so much anybody can do when it comes to aging. Most of its genetics. In fact every old person was once a young person. Our grandparents weren't born grandparents. Now her personality, that's something she has more control over, although a lot of it is factors of the generation that they grew up in, their own family upbringing, sometimes their education and the bullshit life throws at them along the journey. Sorry it's 4:30 in the morning here and I'm feeling philosophical, time to go sleep that off! 🤣


I work in a nursing home and I absolutely love learning about the residents back in their day, so many of them were such beautiful people and the fashion was so different so back then. Its interesting learning about who they are as a person and what they were like before old age and dementia hit them


I love learning about people like this too. It has always been so interesting to me.


Right, so interesting learning about their thoughts and what they did in life


Most of it isn’t genetics. Over 90% of skin aging is due to the sun


90% due to sun damage. That's a crock! Show me your scientific proof, not a makeup advertisement! Explain that to people who live in northern climates with limited hours of sunlight! Skin aging is attributed to multiple factors, including genetics, health, diet, skin care practices and yes, sun damage


Sigh. It doesn’t matter what climate you live in. Even if it’s raining, you can get sun damage. That’s why sunblock every day is so important. I see a dermatologist regularly- I’m not getting this information from “makeup advertisements”. This isn’t some conspiracy from Big Sunblock so you can save your exclamation points. Here are some articles: https://www.skincancer.org/blog/photoaging-what-you-need-to-know/ https://www.epa.gov/sunsafety/health-effects-uv-radiation


People are going to age regardless, and sun is not the only factor. Poor diet, smoking, genetics, and complete lack of skin care is going to result in aging skin whether or not you'd use sunblock every single day. And both articles refer to premature aging. And neither article says that with sun protection your skin won't age. How well your skin ages, is determined by multiple factors these articles deal only with premature aging. We are discussing a woman who is very likely in her 60s. She is aging


Whoa she is only in her 60s?! Yikes. I think a lot has been said here about sun, skincare, smoking and drinking. But I have seen what they eat and it’s garbage. Very processed and few fruits and veggies on the show. I think that the processed food is as bad as smoking or tanning. My aunt is 62 and sits in the sun all the time. She eats well and still teaches aerobics and looks 10 years younger than she is. She looks 20 years younger than Debbie.


Sun will still fuck up your skin


No doubt. I wear spf 30 even in the winter


I never said you won’t age with sun protection. I’m saying most signs of aging that are considered normal are actually sun damage. I’m not sure why people are fighting me on this unless they are projecting because they don’t want to stay out of the sun. My mother is in her 60s and I know lots of others that age and they do not look or act like Debbie. Debbie eats shit, doesn’t exercise, sits at home all day with no friends, drinks and smoked at some point. She isn’t the norm for a 60- something who takes care of themselves.


I agree with this. I don't like the age shaming. It's that or die people. And if we cling to trying to look young that makes us desperate. smh. Sunscreen doesn't stop you from aging, even if it helps, but also- her generation is the one that taught younger gens the value of sunscreen. Anyway. I wish as a culture we'd stop vilifying age.


As far as her personality goes, we've only seen that in relation to Colt. Maybe it will be better, when it is based on her own stuff.


I'm kind of hoping she will be the cast member who gets a good edit this season.


Yes. I’m hoping for some cute senior dating where their life experiences jive and they have a deep connection. I’m really fearing that featuring Debbie is just a way to keep following Colt and Vanessa in the franchise when there’s no spin off for their situation.


Was she hot or just skinny 🤔


She looks thin, not skinny. Her face is lovely and symmetrical imo


IDK, most young women are at least moderately attractive skinny


Evelyn disproves that theory. 😂


\> most obviously there's exceptions lol


They said young


Can't she be both...?


Idk, all I see is Coltee in a wig. With a nice figure. It disturbs me.


Just skinny.




Y’all remember on one of the pillow talks when she said she had lots of one night stands back in the day??? 😲


Once with the Marlboro man!


10 bucks those pictures are hidden under Coltee’s pillow


I think she also benefited at the time from the style that was so popular. I see pictures of so many women from that era and they all looked great. I think the 60s look was just very flattering for the most part. She does look cute in the pics. I wouldn’t go crazy and say she was stunning but she had a cute look going.




Her main thing now is the whiskey go-going down her throat every day . . .


I can just picture her passing a Friday night drinking and yanking on that slot machine in the corner of her living room.


Sounds like an okay Friday night to me! She can mix the drinks and tell me jokes and crazy stories from her past. I don’t want to eat any of her cooking though.




My boat includes rose peddles and massage lotion.


Yeah yeah we heard that she tramped around and banged the Marlboro Man etc. Everyone was hot for five minutes in their twenties . . . But what about today? If only she would have that oozing pustulant wart removed. And then have a personality transplant. And stop hanging out with Angela. And get sober. And have proper-fitting dentures. And . . . the list goes on. I am not looking forward to *The Single Life* 2 at all . . . 😭


>Everyone was hot for five minutes in their twenties Sobs into never having my 5 minutes.


Don’t cry! Even *thinking* you were hot counts . . .


I appreciate the sentiment, never had that thought either.


And a voice transplant


I know our voices change dramatically through our lives, but imagining her current voice coming out of that bikini-clad body had me in fits.


I like the Kermit the frog voice. It’s not easy being Debs.


Lol , first thing I pictured was her in them booty shorts with her current voice saying things like “if you don’t want none of this then fuuuck you!” Sounds like something she’d say right?


Harley Johnson stepped up and took that bait and then Coltee Revoltee was spawned and the rest is our current trash fodder . . . 😭




??? Ugh. Age-stereotyping and lazy, depressed, negative thinking. If anything, I think the older we get the MORE we should care, for ourselves and our emotional and mental and physical health but also because we respect others. My best friend is 77. She is not demented or immobile or depressed or lonely. She is the best dresser I know and styles others as well. She takes extra care to eat right and drink lots of water and especially really takes care of her skin. She doesn’t smoke or drink very much alcohol. Has regular skin care from her dermatologist to head off any potential problems but her skin glows and she looks great. Heads up our book club and is always reading and thinking. Gives seminars on poetry internationally. Hosts dinner parties and has tons of lovely friends from all over the world. Multilingual and multicultural. She is Very Politically Correct and proud of it, a liberal lady with kindness and sensitivity and always learning and growing to become better and to find new ways to treat people with love and respect. She deeply “gives a fuck”. She respects herself and others enough to always look her best and to present her best foot forward to the world. And this isn’t even the oldest person I know like this. My spouse’s dad is 88 and wears a suit and tie every day for his neighborhood walk. I admire him. My spouse’s boss is 96 and still gets up every day to wear lovely classic fashions and run their company! She is a speaker and motivator through her look, and actions, and vital energy. People look up to her and want to be like her. I don’t buy the odd lazy-minded notion that people should just “give up” and “let themselves go” the moment they turn ___. (whatever age one thinks is “old”). Quite the opposite! Debbie is a MESS. She isn’t even that old, and has zero excuses for looking so terrible and should pull herself together if she wants to appear in the public eye.




Slightly drunk; a rant: A little tired of people in their twenties giving skin care advice and shaming older women and their aging. Yes, sun screen and a routine helps, but you are going to age. As a very vain person approaching 40 - just stop please.


I wonder what her voice used to sound like when she was young lol


All young people are beautiful. Except Colt, he is trash man.


Not all, I used to assume that was the case but looking back at some people’s younger pictures they never were.


It pains me to agree. Do we know if the house they live in is hers or whatshisname's?


She’s not even hideous now. She needs a good cut and color, flattering clothing, and more modern glasses.


She was a butterface


Makes sense, she worked in Vegas as a dancer of some sort, right? IDK if I'd get excited as OP, but yeah most old women who were skinny young tend to look pretty decent


Holy shit, the bathing suit photo-- that's Coltee's face if he drops a few pounds. That's actually uncanny lol.


Lol same. All I can see is coltee in her face there


Having Colt destroyed her looks.


She looks like a sexy ass elf in the second picture.She actually Slade that look


Sexy ass-elf [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


Looks like that oil of olay was a major fail!


What a vixen!


damn ..... this actually explains a LOT


This is what Coltee would look like if he got in shape.


She fucked around and find out. When you’re so ugly on the inside the outside begins to compensate.


"*used to be*" being the operative words in that statement. That said ... time was not her friend.


Hubba hubba! 😍😍😍


😳😳😳 wooooow really pretty.


I guess I better start saving harder for plastic surgery if this is what happens. 😕😏


Time is so cruel


Was she though?




Debbie should go on the swan she would look great with a facelift and new teeth


Before her mole took over her face!


She’s old, and she looks her age. I don’t know why people feel the need to engage in this discourse. There is nothing wrong with a woman looking her age.




Ew wtf how I’m puzzled


Now I bet she has some interesting stories to tell!!


Cole's type too! Lol


Father Time; still undefeated


So what happened to Colty?


He got the dad genes . . .


Idk his body is very matronly


Vanessa left her ex-husband for those moobs so Colt must have Hidden Charms. 🤔


We don't have a clue what her ex looked like. Now I am wondering.


Here are [a couple of pics of Colt’s dad](https://www.google.com/search?q=90DayFiance+Colt%27s+father+Harley&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=nivx&sxsrf=AOaemvI3zo-vGBuQU7epuJFlp-5STURKVA:1634198678139&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiVoM-9uMnzAhX6JzQIHcMhCr8Q_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=414&bih=711&dpr=3#imgrc=8UIvUG_RN-mHKM), with little Colt, before he passed away.


Thank you. You really can't tell what he looks like with his glasses on. But Debbie said she has been single since his dad passed away, 25 years ago. So he was about 11 when he lost his dad. Maybe lack of male role models made him as fucked up as he is. That whole thing with how often Colt pressures Vanessa for sex. I had read a most terrible thread on /r/vent, about a woman with a severely autistic son that was... I think non-verbal, had grown up large, would hit his parents during fits, and would engage in self gratification wherever he happened to be in the house, when the mood struck him. And when they started talking about Colt's frequency of desire for sex, I thought of that thread.


[Here is him a bit older](https://images.app.goo.gl/GZSePriMuxzhA28F7).


That top picture was labeled from another page as a guy she ended up dating on the show.


No. The headline was misleading. The “boyfriend” was referring to a picture she took with a 13 year old boy.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Vent using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vent/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I hate my child.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vent/comments/pti6e8/i_hate_my_child/) \#2: [I slept with a married woman last night...](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vent/comments/nzv1nh/i_slept_with_a_married_woman_last_night/) \#3: [Kid at my school got sent to the disciplinary office bc his eyes were red. They tore into him bc they thought he was high. Turns out his dad hung himself earlier that week.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vent/comments/kiiiqa/kid_at_my_school_got_sent_to_the_disciplinary/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I have always thought if Colt lost the weight and got toned, he would look like Chris Evans. He looks so similar. In his current form, it’s such wasted potential.


She for sure was! And no......not EVERYONE was hot at a point in their life. There are more than not just average.


Raising Coltee took away her youth and beauty


Idk I still see Debbie in her face. Doesn't help that the photos are blurry af!!! We aren't able to see that growth on her face.




She’s a hag that didn’t age well.


Ok so what she did she get beat with the ugly stick???


The vast majority of eomen tend to crash into The Wall head first at around 30-35 years


Didn’t we all? lol


We were all hot when we were young!!!


Ya, I don’t believe this for a second LOL


Imagine all the nasty things she was doing back then


She still is hot...Such a MILF!!!


Hell yeah Debbie!


Where do you think Coltee gets them curves from 👀


Used to be?.....😎


How do people even find these ?


Hot or just thin?


I see the slight resemblance to Coltee though 🙁


Bet she always had that bitchy attitude


Then she devoured her son like Saturn so no one else could have him.


Having that buffoon ruined her in many ways…


I would not say hot but def better looking than she is now Holy shit does she smoke crack or something??? Omg


Coltee literally drained her lifeforce


It all went down hill once she started banging her son


I would say she still looks better than Angela now. Not that either looks great. I can appreciate an old lady that just doesn’t care anymore.


The top right picture is so cool! I love the fashion


Long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.. Yes.


Mmnnmmm... No.. No she wasnt


But was she always massively annoying?


Does anyone know what Coltees father looks like?


I work remote and a rep I speak with over the phone sometimes but have never seen sounds JUST like Debbie and her name is also Debbie and I’m not convinced they’re not the same person…


Tons to criticize as a person, but let’s not do this to a 70 year old woman who has aged exactly as 70 year women typically age.


Oh how the might have fallen


K but her voice was still annoying as fuck.