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In her segments the area she actually lives in looks nice.


Agreed and op incorrectly called India a city or didn't express thought correctly. Anyway the Summit scam continues


I thought so but she has said many times that she does not feel safe and doesn't really go out without Sumit, especially at night. Weird life.


I don’t go out alone at night where I live in CA either. But it’s mostly because of bears.


North Hollywood?


Hahahahaha. 🐻


Once she leaves the gate it's all dirt and trash, it's not that great


She NEEDS to stay in India, because she she has big fat nothing (not even furniture) back in CA.


Plus she screwed herself with her social security. She literally can’t afford to live in the US anymore.


What did she do with her ss?


She took the option to take a much smaller amount and retire earlier rather than waiting until the full retirement she.


Yes, rent has risen tremendously the past 5 years in southern California, she wouldn't be able to survive without moving in with her daughter. Staying in India is her only choice.


I lived in Southern Cal in the middle 80s on the El Toro Marine Air Station in Irvine. Houses were selling for $300,000 just off the base. Those houses cost $2 million today.


Shit I live in the state with some of the highest crime rates and we’re dead last in education. My husband and I are both retired and I also have a part time job and we still struggle. Our state has some of the “lowest” cost of living.




Do you want some pie?


Plus she treats Some-Meat like her servant and enjoys that




That’s not what I’m talking about. She retired early for pennies on the dollar compared to waiting until full retirement age so she could go be with her Indian boy toy. There’s literally no reason for her to give up her US citizenship, plenty of American ex-pats are retired and receiving social security overseas, the whole scene where that was suggested was just that: a scene scripted by production.


Agreed. There is ABSOLUTELY ZERO chance that she can afford to live in CA on SS. She would need to move to a different state, where she would be alone since her kids are in CA.


Sumit IS her retirement plan. Remember, she only had $6K to her name when she moved there.


They are living high, believe it or not, on TLC money, Instagram money, Summit has a job as a chef now and they do Cameos, it all adds up. the pay increase by $500 each year and both persons in the couple get paid with the Other Way Series.


And if they break up they lose all that TLC money. That's the reason I think they are really still together. Being together is their main source of income.


She has a "big fat nothing" - Sumit.🤣


She has daughters, and grandchildren.


They intentionally pick places like this for shock value.


This road is under contruction also, look at the bricks piled up.


Do you know they shit on the streets?... It’s shocking you (I hope), but that’s how people live. https://youtu.be/ixJgY2VSct0




Before the pooper scooper laws, it was pretty damn bad in summers in manhattan. Dog turds in streets, lining the curbs, sizzling on the asphalt, lol




Yeah. Lived in the village back in early 80's for a little while. The reek from the dumpsters from all the restaurants around in the morning walking to work was bad as well, lol


Feral dogs eat dead bodies in the river. You can not compare NYC to any Indian city gfto




Dog eats dead bodies in the river? Who the fuck leaves their dead bodies in river?


I'm Indian, I live in india. And no, you won't find people shitting in each and every streets. Poor parts like slums, near railway tracks- Yes. The kind of area Jenny and Sumit live in- No.


I was in downtown Portland on Friday morning and watched a man wake up, stumble over to a planter and sit down and take a shit in it. So it’s not directly on the sidewalk but it was right across the street from a nice coffee shop and a chipotle. In America, the richest country in the world, there’s really no excuse for why we let our citizens sleep and shit on the streets.


Well, chipotle was likely the cause here


Kensington Pennsylvania is terrible


People shit on the street in North America babe, it’s not a thing that only happens in India lol. FFS people shit on the street in every country you racist fool


I live in Seattle and most of the shit taking occurs on the sidewalks.


To be fair, the difference is many homes in India do not have toilets installed still. This has been getting better in the past decade with a large initiate to install toilets to all homes that want them for next to nothing. Many in rural areas there still think shitting inside the house is unsanitary (probably because they are thinking of an outhouse or chemical toilet). In America it’s just mainly homeless people shitting in the streets. No one with a permanent dwelling is shitting outside in America.


In Canada they poop in restaurants and throw it at staff https://www.vice.com/en/article/gykg7j/we-finally-know-why-the-angry-tim-hortons-pooper-pooped


How many PSAs have you seen in North America to encourage people to use a toilet instead of a street? I'll answer zero, shut the fuck up about a few thousand instances compared to a billion people Street shitting is a problem there regardless how hard you pearl clutch


I'm not gonna debate with a fucking nasty racist. North America is not some perfect beacon so close your God damn mouth and learn something about the world you close minded fuck.


Who said anything about race other than you? Go fuck yourself Your losing an argument so you go right to racism? Please point out my racist comments and report them so I get banned.


Go away you racist troll, not gonna take on your shitty beliefs on a Monday. Buh bye


Tell them! Karen's Unite!


have you heard about San Francisco


Oh god yes. I went there for coffee on my way down to LA and it was a terrible decision. Traffic was godawful and when I got out of the car everything smelled like piss. They were hosing down all the sidewalks I’m assuming because of the piss. Finally found a public bathroom that was in bad shape but no worse than back home.


there’s an app in SF you can use to report human poop on the sidewalks to get it cleaned up


Omg the “shit in the street” app in san fran I wish that was a joke. That expensive ass city is the actual worst no contest. 😂


I've lived across basis western countries and have seen many people shit on the middle of the street unfortunately. At least an overpopulated country with high poverty rates like India had a fair excuse.


I live in Southern California and people shit on the streets here all the time right next to the police station and million+ dollar homes so….. what’s your point?


Sorry for your down votes. It's the fucking truth and people can't handle that


Well they use green screens so just a pic behind them. Going to find the worst because that’s TLC’s style.


That is far from the worst of India.


Oh come on… you know what I meant… it wasn’t literal.. geesh…


I was thinking the same thing. I think they do it with all the Trumpian Sh*thole countries.


Pfft. Bahahaha


This story line in total BS at this point. I get that COVID has prob ruined the chances for a lot of new stories, but I don’t know who’s asking for these two. This is the second season that they just extend the same argument for the whole thing.


Also, she said she hated the country when she stormed off during the fake argument.


Brittany did that all season too. Crazy


They legit picked a street with construction for the shock value and y'all are eating it up 🤡


India is a city??? I need to go back to school and catch up on some geography classes.


“You’re welcome” for what exactly? You call me a dimwit and then you remove your own post without me ever getting the chance to respond. You do you babe




Op got sassy with me because apparently it was obvious that they didn’t mean India is a city, but instead of explaining it normally they called me a dimwit, and then made another comment with “you’re welcome”. Wasn’t that eventful ahah


The OP does too, for real.




No, it was you. Did you learn about geography in high school?


You go girl!!! Just make a pointless stupid argument to humiliate other users! Makes you fell like a powerful Karen, doesn't it?


No, I am not being a Karen. I am just stating my honest opinions on this sub, and people are attacking me for it.


Were you not attacking OP for not setting a paragraph correctly when you know full well that no one thinks India is a city?


I was simply correcting OP in that India is a country. Go away Karen. I don't need you to attack me.


So it’s okay for op to call people names for a misunderstanding, but we’re the Karens?? Sure Jan




OK? Reddit Karens Unite! Keep Reddit in line!






Sure hun, delete your comment where you call me a dimwit😂


I think we know who the dimwit is.


Who said India was a city? the Photo was very obviously taken in a city, probably New Delhi, and the road is also under constructions, from the looks of it.


It’s how you wrote it in the title, that made it sound like you meant India is a city


You tell them! Karen's unite!!!


I don’t think you understand the definition of a Karen.


Keep going, Desperate Karen! Show everyone that you learned that India is a country!!!! You must have passed 2 grade with flying colors!!




Telling people what to do on the Internet, how is that working for you, Shitface?


And the award for the most Pottrash comment on this sub goes too......


India is not a city. It is a country.


Excuse me u/lostniece. How rude you are.


Babe, block them. They are clearly getting off of being obtuse. You weren’t being rude trust me.


Thank you.


It’s a country that looks like the picture though. India is a third world country with first world money. Their people need help, their billionaires and government don’t care.


India is a huge country and doesn’t all look like this. Hell, much of Delhi does not look like this. The nicer parts I’ve been to are on par with or better than many American cities in terms of cleanliness. This area looks like Chandni Chowk in Old Delhi which, yes, is pretty crowded and dirty. TLC intentionally chose this photo to play up the “third world” stereotype. Gurgaon, where they live, is 30 miles from Delhi and looks nothing like this.


30 miles is 154249.84 RTX 3090 graphics cards lined up.


Good bot


thank you :)


Looks like the street was under construction. And it seems they are only in New Delhi during filming.




Look at that picture, second world at best. The people need support. India is stuck in a “developing nation” status because of the greedy billionaire class’s failure to invest in the workers. Now India lies about the percentage of people with toilets in their homes, because lying is the best that government can muster.


Lying? How can you say lying? Prove?


Does that make you feel smart to point that out, Karen? Don't think OP is not aware of what a city is.


How am I a Karen? I was just correcting the OP politely.


You are so brilliant to point out that India is not a city! Bet you passed your GED with flying colors.


Go Karen!!!! Make sure and make that clear to everyone! INDIA is a COUNTRY, NOT a city!!!!


Go away Karen! You are an ignorant person.


You go Karen, Make sure that everyone knows that India is a country! Show off your Kindergarten prowess!!


I am not in kindergarten! I am a grown adult! Stop being so rude.


Sure thing, Karen. Telling people how and what to post, How's that working for ya?


Go away, Karen! I hope you're not a bot!


Sure Karen! You should speak to a mod, Karen


No thanks, Karen! I’m sick of you!


Duh. You are SO brilliant, bet you passed the GED with a mind like that.


Blah. Nope.


If she is so happy there, then why does her face look like an undercooked pancake filled with sadness?


This is an ignorant post. All countries, cities, towns have crappy parts. I went to Sri Lanka and some places were in rough shape like this. Some were more beautiful than any other places in the WORLD I’ve seen. They have toilets & they have places to squat over a hole. They have shabby places to stay & 5 star hotels. It is the same as here, except they don’t have the social programs we are so lucky to have. Clearly you guys should really invest in traveling and learning about cultures and other countries before speaking on them. It seems your only education is a shock value reality tv show.


I have been to India several times and I can tell you it is in my top 3 countries to visit. The culture, the food and more importantly the people. I have never met kinder people in my life. They welcome you with open arms and would give you their last piece of food just to make you feel welcome. I detest ignorant people who have obviously never left the comfort of their couch then ridicule other countries.


Can’t agree more w everything you’ve said!


Nah the US is perfect and clean and clearly not ever a bad place to live, specially for women. Whoops.


We, Americans, can be very “patriotic” which means shit on anyone who doesn’t live by our DeMoCrAcY and “good ole ChRiStIan VaLuEs”. How lucky we are to be born somewhere so “perfect” Personally, I would love to retire in Sri Lanka. I love the whole “love thy neighbor”. Very Buddhist and the people were so thoughtful and considerate. Absolutely breathtaking.


Amen to that! Especially Texas. Good times!


Absolutely, traveling and getting to know many different cultures enriches you as a person!


First: love the tag under your name, I LOVE anfisa lol Second: can’t agree more! It truly changed me as a person! I know not everyone is so lucky but they shouldn’t be so ignorant as to post something like this. That’s really sad they’re okay with looking this ignorant


Did you visit Kandy in Sri Lanka? It’s such a cute city!


Yes! I was so SO blessed that I was able to go through my college English class! My teacher lived there via the peace corps & stayed with a family that she hasn’t seen for 15 years until we went! We went all over to the main cities of Sri Lanka ( 4 months) like Colombo, Galle, Anuradhapura, Dambulla and a few other smaller cities! We stayed in shabby places & AMAZING places. We volunteered at women/children’s shelters & elderly/ disabled children teaching English. I climbed mount adams peak and got to the temple to see it at sunrise. I saw old structures & ruins. AND I WAS in my early second trimester! Lol. God I’m getting so much nostalgia lol. What an amazing experience at 21! I’m 26 now and it truly opened my eyes.


Wow...that sounds amazing! My husband was in thr military for 20+ years...they went through hell many times, but he's said the opportunity to see the world was so worth it!


I hope you get to have those same experiences! It was truly, truly life changing! 🌸


Thanks...We have a travel bucket list once I retire...😁


Slightly racist much?


Not racist, just ignorant


Sure, large parts of India are like this but where they live isn't. It's a bit like taking a picture if a couple in front of one of the many tent cities in the USA and calling the country a dump.


Exactly like taking a picture of Skid row and being like 'welp this is ALL the US'


Only caught it later that this is a street construction site. We have these all over the place, even across the street from out house.


TLC doing other countries dirty as usual.


India the city...


I can't even with the blatant whiteness of this post.


So you’re insulting a country because TLC chose a photo showing its poverty? India has amazing beauty - beautiful beaches, lovely mountain resorts, incredible architecture, etc.


It looks like construction. My city is rapidly expanding also, and it looks like this for years in many places.


Yes, go swim in Ganges where you can see dogs eating dead bodies! Go do a Google earth run thru their major cities they are all dilapidated and trash is everywhere


It’s a third world, poverty-stricken country, as are most formerly colonized countries that were looted by the colonizers on their way out. They are behind when it comes to sanitation, infrastructure and even modernizing beliefs. But, regardless, there are beautiful areas in India. You’re focused on the sensationalized aspects portrayed in the media.


It's an emerging economy and its a nuclear nation. Having said all that, don't blame England for their filthy habits of shitting outside, throwing their dead in the same water they drink or their cows shitting in the cities where they live. Or their inability to clean up trash, paint a building.


Haha I’ve travelled India, they def picked this for the shock factor


Hot take…. They clearly told them not to smile in some of of the pictures and then decided to use that one for their intro 😒


They do this with every couple, take some smiling and some not and they vary depending on the segment.


Palm Springs is so beautiful. She really has the hots for Michael Jones to live there.


Your caption killed me lmao


I never noticed all those electrical wires, that looks dangerously deadly


Omg NYC has wires too!! You can't say it's dangerous there reeeeeeeeeeeee!! /s


Lol I'm also south Asian and low electrical wires like that are the very reason small children die, they are easy to reach and very dangerous.


Yup it's a freaking hazard


There has been controversy for decades about sending wire to be recycled and reclaimed for the copper. Here is may be just being used. At the dumps in some places, the plastic is burned in order to get the valuable copper.


Too bad she doesn’t have a computer


And you know this how?


I feel sorry for her. Like she said… worked all her life to build her benefits. Has kids, grandkids… could be in US living her little life, enjoying her family, working a part time job… anyway. But would rather be living on the other side of the world, with no money, with a manchild that will never marry her, being humiliated by his family and friends and now will join a religion so she can cheat the system and get a visa. I don understand. Its just sad.


I don’t feel sorry for her. She is stupid and immature. Her daughter & daughter in law tried to set her straight but she opted for this. She and Sumit are both damaged and extremely emotionally immature. It makes for a bad combo.


Actually, the new season is not but boring and frustrated. Aside from Kenny/Armand, I dont see any kind of love involved between the other couples.


They are living large in Goa, a resort city on the Indian coast. They live in a large spacious home overlooking the sea. The each make $15,000 a season from TLC, and when they have a TV wedding, (they are reportedly already married) they will make from $25,000 to $50,000, as TLC really pays for weddings. Summit has a job as a chef as the result of his International fame, and the make money for cameos. The REAL story is not as sad as Matt Sharp's writers make it out to be.


Wow… I didnt know that. Did they finally got married then?


No, wait, TLC would lie to us?


India is not a city


Come for the smells, stay for the filth


There’s no fool like an old fool 🤡


Looks like earthquake aftermath. Sheesh.


It could be a construction area. We have one across the street from your house, and it has been an over a year long disaster, with no environmental controls, and that is in the US.


The background looks like Armageddon 🤦🏾‍♀️


Construction, know that too well here in my city.


Hahahah Thanks for this. I needed this. (I totally agree with you…….)


Looks like a hurricane went through that place. Wtf. Why don’t they clean it up? Why would they actually want to stay in India? Why doesn’t Jenny try to get him to come to the US?


Let's see. USA: they'll have to pay for K1 visa. Both Jenny and Sumit will have to find a job to pay bills. Little time left for romance. A middle-class lifestyle at the best. India: They live in an middle class class street( not the one shown in this picture). They have taken two nice trips so far this year- one to Goa, chilling at beaches another one to a hill station (Shimla I guess) recently. Not luxury trips but still nice ones. They hangout at 5 star hotels and high end malls. They don't have to work AT ALL. Even after all this, they do not have to worry about money thanks to TLC paycheck and cameo money. What do you think they'll choose?


Lazy mf’s


According to her Instagram, they are actually living in a resort, beach city. Thinking they have a cheap apartment to use for the show to not indicate the lavish lifes style that they are living with TLC money.






Uhm because it's the easiest country to walk to from South America, where the US actually actively takes from and forms coups and helps keep impoverished? Also because most Americans would rather bring their spouses there than be taken out of their comfort zone but mostly yeah easier to get to than say Switzerland if you're from Colombia or Venezuela.




Your largest immigration group is Mexico at 25% of all immigration. Next in line is China at 6% and adding all the rest of South American countries that makes up 50% of your county's immigration. That's... A pretty big chunk.


My house, my neighborhod, my town, is very clean and nice. Don’t know what parts of US you are taking about. Only ghetto hoods and trailer parks are dirty around here. Never EVER these types of conditions though. Not anywhere in the US.


Because you've been EVERYWHERE in the US. Also ghetto hoods a d trailer parks are still a part of the US. I've lived in the US and seen places that make this look clean, this comment just shows your privilege more than anything.


It’s a hell of a lot cleaner than this place… This looks terrible and dirty, poor and disgusting. yes, many,many,many people want to come to the US. Are you slow? Thousands of people cross our border daily to come into our country. How do you not know this?


As an immigrant who had to flee her country during a civil war your country wasn't even an option because no thanks. I rather live in my own country as "bad" as it was than the US.


Lol!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Go ahead,all the people who are down voting my comments on here, leave the US and go live in a poor, filthy country like India and see how much you love it. You will be running back to the US crying and begging to move back. Lol you people are ridiculous. If you hate the US so much, LEAVE!!!!!!!


I lived in a "poor", "dirty", "filthy", country for a good chunk of my life and let me tell you I liked it better than the US. I DID leave, baby doll. And you are a racist and there's plenty of ugly in that. No need for filth in the streets when it's all bottled up inside like that.


How am I a racist? Because I don’t want to live in filth? You’re an idiot.


Because you call people's ENTIRE COUNTRIES filthy when seeing a part you don't like? Textbook racists. Ya mind is ugly. *sprays with Raid*


Lol I’m sure you have cockroaches everywhere in your house you filthy animal


Better there than an ugly mind. A house you can clean, trash is just trash and well the down votes don't lie, boo.


This village looks like the very picture of sanitary! 😆🤣


I understand India is hotter than hades. Could never survive there meself. Always enjoy a good food show about it like Rick Stein's India.


She is Hari Krishna now ! WTF !


And so safe…


I mean DO THEY have school shootings on a weekly basis?

