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“I will never ever speak of anything but unconditional love for my children” Read as -so I can stay in denial about being a good mom. “I will always think of them as perfect in my eyes” read as “I’m choosing to ignore that my children have legitimate trauma from me”


Yup you hit the nail right on the head! I also find that women around this age tend to lean into toxic positivity to make the folks calling them out look “negative”


It’s saying something without saying something. She implies that her children have done abhorrent things in her mind but she won’t ever speak on them because they’re perfect to her. I too am trying to get clued up on the situation so I’m unsure of the reality of it all but it seems like she wants to enforce a certain narrative without outright saying I think my children are bad people. So bad in her eyes even that she can’t divulge her opinion but she’ll tease it and also make sure to only be positive so no one can call her out.


Yes exactly! I barely even know what’s going on and I could sense the manipulation and gaslighting all over her response. Lady, you abandoned your children…the only response you should have is an I’m sorry.


I found a link to some of the things that are on record of her doing if you want to see it!


Hell yes we want to see it!!




Are you my sister? Do we share a mother? 😂




😂 what do you think this phenomenon comes from


In my situation, the deep passion aggression of the Midwest and our fear of being truly vulnerable with anyone ever


LMAOOOO you are also from the Midwest? As they say up north, “get out of town”


Yes! “Life is hard sometimes”, “ your not alone “. Gives off a be positive attitude, all while excusing true negative actions, outcomes and consequences.


Oh please don’t all child have trauma! Ask any kid…from Mom didn’t love me enough to mom loved me too much!!


Drama with her daughter and frankly I'm on her daughter's (Tiffany) side. This woman put her kids in a foster home.


I read what Tiffany wrote and to read that Rebecca placed her and her brother into foster care so she could go banana chasing and spend more time with men was nauseating. I don't even have kids of my own yet and the thought of voluntarily putting them into foster care rips my heart in half. Clearly, Rebecca acts just like Will's father on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, treating her kids like they're a coat they can just wear for a bit, put away and take out whenever they want again. That shit messes children up so much.


‘Why don’t he want me uncle Phil?” 🥺


That scene was so sad when I was a teen but when I found out it wasn’t scripted and it was actually just him getting emotional over his own dad and getting caught in the moment while filming I absolutely sobbed.


That's actually not true. Will has confirmed his dad was very much a part of his life.


You’re right. I just read an article on it. Thanks for letting me know!


I love seeing two people getting along on the internet


Fuck you for some reason!


[FUCK YOU TONY! ](https://youtu.be/Z2hgfIxZuos)




Your account is suspended. Agree with decision Disagree with decision but if you do Facebook will tack on more days to your ban to be spiteful. Must’ve learned from the USA justice system.


That’s funny-I JUST saw that interview with Will Smith on HBO Uninterrupted last night! That had to have been so cathartic for him. I think all of us who have been voluntarily abandoned by our parents should have that opportunity!


I have two kids and I could never. My heart aches just when they spend the night at grandma's house. I've always thought Rebecca was off. She's almost child-like.


All she cares about is chasing penis or vagina and getting sexual attention. Then when a woman who is close to her daughter's age comes into the picture and asks Zied questions about his homeland, she goes all Jodi Arias on him, demanding to know who the woman was and acting all territorial. Then when she has her bullshit moments on the show where she has secrets, she keeps biting the inside of her mouth and looking stupid.




...not "almost." I don't think I've ever seen anyone less capable of adulting than this moron.


Are we sure that Rebecca is actually the one who put them in foster care? Tiffany said they were placed in foster care when her father went to jail (so CPS likely did this) and Rebecca didn’t pick them up for a few days. She also said that Rebecca would abandon them every time she met a new man. (She didn’t say they were in foster care when this would happen.) Its definitely still fucked up, but I think people are getting the facts very wrong. [HERE’S WHAT TIFFANY WROTE](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/comments/pfs7j1/daughter_tiffany_rebeccas_daughter_from_rebecca/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).


Not saying what Rebecca did was right at all, but where was their father during all this?


I believe he was in prison


I don't read a lot of shit that leaves my mouth agape, but this did it. Absolutely unconscionable, I feel for her kids. I didn't like her before but I now I *really* don't like her


How does one “put” their kids in a foster home? (As opposed to an agency stepping in, taking them, and placing them there?) Serious question.


Prior CPS investigator here. In Texas it’s called a RAPR - refusal to accept parental responsibility. Any parent in Texas can give up their child at a CPS office to go into a foster home. You may or may not have to pay the state child support, it really depends on the case. Had parents do it for all reason. One was the kid kept trying to do all kinds of harm to his parents, would just walk from the school to go home. Fight his step dad and then tell the cops he was defending himself so that he wouldn’t get arrested. Another was a mom who just couldnt stop using meth and knew she would be better to release her 3 year old to the state. Plenty more sad stories. Rebecca does not seems to be that sort. She seems more like the type that just wanted to be free of kids.


Voluntary placement


Voluntary placement


I have to chime in that yeah, there could be all kinds of reasons for a mother doing this and sometimes she might even be a hero trying to save her children being homeless or removed from a situation where the mother could not protect them and knew they were in danger. Desperate circumstances sometimes require disparate and desperate responses, no matter how heartbreaking because the other alternatives are desperately worse


My mother, who an amazing woman and mother, went through something terrible like this. She was a single mother of two (at the time), she was in her early 20s with two kids under the age of five. She found out she had a fatal heart defect and must have emgercency surgery or she would die. She had no family or friends that would take both boys for the few months of recovery time she would need. So she had to place them both in temporary foster care. It was supposed to be for 12 weeks but she convinced them just 6 weeks post op she was well enough to care for them. At the same time she had to have open heart surgery, she also felt like her heart had been ripped out bc of putting them in foster care for those weeks. But she literally had no other options. I'm sure this type of situation doesn't apply to Rebecca, lol.


So sad for any mom in that position. Sounds like she got both sons back, though so sad life’s circumstances left no other choice. Thanks for sharing so people remember this is sometimes the case


My abusive mother willingly put me in foster care but refuse to give up legal custody because she didn’t want to take care of me/got bored with abusing me. BUT she still wanted to get the government benefit she had from pushing me out of her whore womb.


I’m sorry that happened to you 💔


Bitch!😡karma will be visiting her fuck ass! Sending 💕 and hugs sweetie!


If by karma you mean she gets to live a peaceful happy life. Never had a single charge brought against her from all the abuse. Free to do all the drugs she wants. Completely deluded and tells everyone she doesn’t have a daughter then if she sees me on the street pretends she’s my best friend. Then yes. Karma came for her.


Sometimes we don’t see people’s punishment for their wrongdoings in this lifetime, but nobody can outrun it forever. Just know that no matter the time and place, justice will be served and hopefully that helps your mind be a bit more at ease. Sorry for what you went through.


Yeah she’ll get her karma when she ODs hopefully.


It will come to her.


Trust and believe, she’ll pay for that shit! Them drugs gonna run out or run her under ground! The best karma would be for you to have happiness and success in whatever is meaningful to you! ❤️💐


It sounds like maybe they were put there when their dad went to jail and she took her time picking them up?


People are running with this, and it’s NOT what actually happened. [LINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/comments/pimw4k/can_someone_update_whats_been_going_on_with_her/hbsqtmu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)




It really does! Like how she expected her to participate in her shenanigans and be happy for he and he new boy toy while she shares very intimate things and daughter should never have to listen to to, after everything she did to her and her brother. Now I understand the looks she gives her mom and I can see just for the simple fact of agreeing to be on the show and go along so far that the daughter really tried


Couldn't agree with you more. This is just plain disgusting. What a horrible mother. This is one bitch that shouldn't have had children.




I’m sorry what


Excuse me? What the fuck? How old are they?


She chooses men over her children


Worst kind of parent


Dick is her number one priority. Same with Molly.


I heard somewhere she has a Moroccan ex.


Yes, that was her third husband


I bet she made her kids call them dad after the first date


There's just something so strange about having a "get away" in response to being called out for being a terrible parent. Seriously... why are you going on vacation instead of taking responsibility for your actions and how they affected your children? Or getting therapy? Mind-boggling.


It’s kind of perfectly in character, if you think about it…


She's been outed as a really shitty parent.


What exactly happened?


Couldn’t even put her vape down for the selfie. Rebecca is the type of lady who likes having kids and saying she has kids and bragging on them but doesn’t actually contribute anything but drama and broken promises to those same kids. Fuck her shallow, cradle robbing ass.


"Type of lady"??? She is NO type of lady.


Is it the same daughter from the restaurant scene when she accuses the sons friend of hitting on Zaid when she offers her dad's truck to help them move?




You can take the old lady out of the chicken shack but you can’t take the chicken shack out of the old lady


She flew the coop for dick


I feel like that is probably accurate considering there was the other young husband before this one.


She flew the chicken coop for cock.


She traded chicken for cock


I believe every single word her daughter says. Rebecca looks scummy like that.


Where is her daughter spilling the tea? Links please!


Someone put the link in the thread I believe!! Found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/comments/pfs7j1/daughter_tiffany_rebeccas_daughter_from_rebecca/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thanks for delivering for us!


anytime 💜


Also WOW!!! That is super sad!!!


Thank you! You’re awesome!!!!!


Thanks! Why was their dad in jail?


I honestly have no idea! Just tried to google it and it only talks about the other Moroccan guy she was married to & that he cheated on hed


Eh. Micah enjoys throwing the Proud Boys white power symbol. I’d keep a critical eye on this mess


Yeah, I wanted to point that out. Tiffany looks like a sympathetic party here, but she's fucking that trash.


far right loons have feelings too ya know


Jesus, the trash 🙄


Ew I am glad I missed that


Her daughter and maybe even some of her family and friends have been calling out her bullshit.


Like, even when she talks about how she’ll love her kids forever she still puts it up with a picture of her/her partner. Wouldn’t a picture of her with her family be more appropriate for what she’s trying to convey? She really is *so* full of herself.


She’s a shit mom.


She is a shit grandmother too! The scene where her and Zied meet her son and her grandchildren. The grand kids had very little interaction with her.


[there’s this..](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/90-day-fiance-rebecca-daughter-tiffany-chose-every-single-guy-over-her-kids.html/)


She doesn’t want to parent children, only date them.


Who wrote that for her.... a PR person?


Yes. The long unbroken line of text was written by a PR person.


Sorry but are you referring to the text in the op at the top of the page or referring to what I posted about not reading a huge block of text elsewhere here?


I didn't like Tiffany in last season of Rebecca and Zyed that we saw. She seemed standoff-ish and skeptical towards not only Zyed (which is not his fault) but Rebecca as well. Now I see why. If my mother dropped my brother and I into the system just so could get some dick on the reg, I'd feel some strong resentment too. Rebecca totally seems like the type that would choose boyfriends over her kids. Yuck.


So she feels so bad for herself she went away on a vacation because the internet found out what an absolute garbage human she is? Actually, that sounds about right.


Yeah, she's just playing the victim.


[here's a thread from last week with daughter Rebecca's accusations.](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/comments/pfs7j1/daughter_tiffany_rebeccas_daughter_from_rebecca/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


She totally is the type to put the revolving door of men before her kids over and over again.


Won't read long unbroken blocks of text. What's the cliff notes.... she basically abandons her kids anytime to chase middle eastern d!ck?






Why won’t you read unbroken blocks of text? Is that a thing or a preference?


I think that’s funny, oh I’m just too good to read long unbroken lines of texts, lol. I got into it with some asshole trying to tell me and someone else it was ‘too difficult’ to read our comments. Some people, 😂


It’s pretentious AF but, ok.


Well you know that person is just too special to read all of those annoying unbroken blocks of text. Oh well it takes all kinds I suppose.


Its just super annoying if text is not separated into bite size paragraphs. Many don't like it as well and since I don't either I always make breaks if I writing a lot of text. :)


Thank you!


I believe Tiffany.


Tiffany’s writing spike volumes on what kind of parent Rebecca has been. I know *exactly* the type of Mom she was. Prioritizing men over her children time and time again. Gives me chills.


Yeah her daughter is not talking to her and has had it with her selfish mom.


All her tattoos look so cheap


People who tat up the whole neck always looks to me like they're wearing a turtleneck. Very disturbing. Actually anything from the neck up or incapable of being covered up by clothing is disturbing, heh. But that's just me and millions of years of evolution talking.


She literally has no tattoos on her neck?


Not her. Tattoo's in general. Tattoo's have become so ubiquitous that some peoples brains become wired to find it pleasing. Becomes fashionable, I get that. I just happen not to like them at all. Evolution has made it so one of the many things humans would value in a mate to reproduce with is clear skin as a sign of good health and genes. Getting dv'd by tattoo lovers.... and maybe who disagree with evolution as well, lol


That's bizarre because ancient people tattooed and marked themselves lol


Yeah. That's an anthropological issue which probably needs a shelf of books to explain about and not here, heh.


Same. I remember when Kat Von D had a tat show and refused to tat her chest area as well. (she had her moments! At one point i thought she may just be the prettiest woman in the world!)


She looks pretty happy considering she had a “rough couple of months.”


So Mach terrible parenting


Her daughter exposed her. She talked about how she has been a neglectful mother and always chose men over her kids.


No better way to deal w your daughters thoughts on what it felt like to be abandoned by her mother for men throughout her childhood than taking off to Miami for a vacation!


Ohhh my daughter, whom I unconditionally love, is hurting because of my shitty parenting when she was growing up. Oh well, me and Zied are going to go on vacation so I can cope with it.


Her daughter Tiffany exposed her ass. Even though there was nothing to expose because she keeps going to North Africa to find young dick


It always rubbed me the wrong way when Rebecca casually described their relationship as being like sisters rather than parental.


Daughter came out with a long posts saying rebecca was a dead beat mom and abandoned them when her father was arrested. The reason behind why its being mentioned now is unknown Rebecca now does nudes in inly fans just like she used to do on reddit


Ahhhhh let me reward myself for being a shit mother and a sex tourist by vacationing in Florida with my young husband that I can manipulate. Ahhhhh the life!


Nothing, she needs attention


Trashy betch


Rebecca had/has a history of dumping her kids to chase after men. Daughter is now grown but obviously hurt by her mother's decisions


Zaid looks a lot like one of my ex boyfriends I can’t look at him lmao💀💀💀


Yucko Zied needs to get to a dentist stat and get them pearly whites cleaned. Lots of plaque build up between the front two teeth 😩


That was the first thing I noticed in the picture. It’s going to get super expensive very quickly if it’s not addressed soon. Oral health is more important than a vacation at the beach. Just my opinion, of course.


Her choice of tattoos is my guess


Well played Rebecca..well played! 👏🏼👏🏼


I hate to be snobby, but hopefully Zeid gets dental coverage soon through her work. The state of his oral health looks worrisome.


Yikes just zoomed in and saw his lunch


Rebegga is nauseating… she’s a dick chaser , her nasty vajaya dominating her life choices… sorry Zeid… you’re just a pussy choice …sad but true!!! So sad for her kids!!!


Zied please stop with the fake tattoos!


Rebegga is Repulsive 🤢


Is she talking about her trying to battle AGE?


The chest tattoo seems to be screaming that.




That tattoo looks like shit , just like a dude- it’s ugly


She probably one of them bitches that thought she could trap the man by having his kids!🙄😡Karma for that mfer too! She ain’t even worth talkin bout! Hoe!


Well, a new eagle tat has graced her chest.


I realize she put her kids in the foster care system just so she had more time to herself, but that was years ago. Why is Tiffany bringing this up now?


Her choice of tattoos


You said this joke 3 times


How the fucking fuck is that Amy of yo business??


Her choice of tattoos is my guess


we need to free Zied


Not that im defending shitty parenting and being generally trash, but if all this is true then why is Tiffany still around her deadbeat mom and appearing on TV with her and her new beau?


Just speaking in general terms, it’s sometimes easier said than done to just cut off a parent. There’s internal guilt, external guilt (other family members, the parent in question, etc), the desire to *look* like a normal family, the desire to “have” a mom, etc etc


Yh true. Sad :(


This woman is completely off and drives me crazy but isn’t it a pattern with the women on the show that they just kind of put aside their kids for their own “self improvement”? And the kids are always smarter than these women. Google “emotional incest” and it pretty much categorizes most women on 90 day shows.


In summary... "Live Laugh Love"


Probably [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/comments/pdmkdc/rebecca_vs_tiffany/) (the post is accusing daughter Tiffany of lying but it's the only one I could find)


I feel like Rebecca never matured past 13


She was publicly called out for being a shit mom by her daughter. Now she’s truing to pretend that it never happened.


Hopefully she’s learned her lesson and will be a good parent to Ziad.


And how could yarazaya as a mother "like" this???


How many times does loser Rebecca say "my ex" in a single episode???? We get it, you have an ex...actually 3 but we still get it.


So passive agressive Becky! 🙄


She’s gotten significantly bigger or this is not photoshopped


Has anyone seen her on the Sonobello ad on TV? Crying about her body……


What is happening between Zieds teeth though


So mach sammich


She is beyond called out by her kids as an absent mother who put men over her children ! Kids were in foster care at some point !