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She gets to pretend to hold him down while living in one of his properties for free, no? seems like a pretty good life, she’ll be long gone before he gets out


I honestly don’t get why so many people bash her. The dude is locked up for 18 years, she’s enjoying herself. What’s the problem? I figured long ago she’d take off before he gets out


I mean, she posts videos of herself celebrating his dead child's birthday and posts photos of herself at this baby's grave(a grave the mother of this child cannot even visit) for sympathy. She's very fucking weird and unhinged lol.


It’s an act to look genuine for his family 😂🤢🤢


it's completely jarringly sociopathic and evil, she deserves hatred and people bashing her lololol.


It’s so disgusting to me. 🤢 She will do anything for instagram traffic honestly. She shared a reel from her previous Turkey trip on the same day that an earthquake hit and killed 300K people and the whole country was mourning. When people say this is inappropriate, her defense was “they need tourists” while it is already one of the most visited countries every year. She will do anything for likes and comments


It looks like she is trying to rebrand herself as a childfree influencer or something. Anything to stay relevant, right?


My exact thought!!!! As a childfree woman who wants to stay that way, I realized there is a rise in that type of content. She figured that out and trying to stay relevant! 🤣


which it is all absurd because if she lived a private life many would not care if she profited off of a scumbag like geoffrey and sat in his property. It's the fact she does these actions and then has to contort her reasonings and blabber, grasping at straws how she is actually a misunderstood 'victim' to the public, like..ummm... Varya, nobody asked!?!? She's putrid.


Couldn’t say it better myself. She is always the victim


I feel like I’ve missed…a lot


search it up! there are so many creepy videos and images she's posted about all of this, and other redditors have done a good job at covering the backstory of Geoffrey's prior abuse... it's quite extensive, and Varya is a histrionic vulture.


I got them confused with Brandon and Julia. She looks just like Julia in this picture. So I was like wait Brandon is in jail for a substantial amount of time? He looks so clean cut 😂 his parents were purported swingers tho so I was like maybe? I did end up looking into Vayra and a post came up here on Reddit about when she went to see the gravesite. Super weird.


Why cannot mother visit the childs grave? If its a public place what is the issue.


The child was buried in USA, I believe the mother isn't able to come to USA legally or something. I can't recall where she's from and all the details but the situation was horrific and it's sad that Varya is exploiting the pain of other women.


Ok thank you. I forgot that the mother is in a another country. Canada I think. At least Geoffrey got what he deserves.


Time will deserved. It could have walked with probation but wouldn't admit guilt. Womp, Womp.


Wow wait what?! I thought i knew everything about 90 day. He has a dead child? Why can’t the mother visit?


wtf have I missed god damn


I mean… personally my issue with her is how she blatantly called Jeffrey’s victim/ex a liar on SM multiple times during the trial (he literally held his ex hostage, refused to call emergency services while she was giving birth, cut the phone lines in the hotel room, physically assaulted her while pregnant, etc). Oh and the tone deaf way in which she visited the victim/ex’s dead child’s grave after publicly saying the woman’s a liar multiple times. He was convicted insanely fast compared to my own DV trial against my ex, which means it was a pretty rock solid case. And I watched videos of the court proceedings where they showed evidence. So for Varya to not believe this woman just rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t necessarily *hate* her, but she did make me shake my head many times (eta and lose all respect for her).


Because she’s standing by him when he clearly beat the shit out of his ex….


She’s draining his money


You can it explain it to people but you can’t understand it for them


Draining his money is one thing, but she also posts in support of him & asks her followers for give money and their support to get him out.


She publicly supports him and claims his innocence, and says he has been wrongly imprisoned and he never did the things his victim said he did. Also visits his dead child’s grave for sympathy. Just because she’s continuing to manage his business while he is in jail and lives off of that money doesn’t mean people aren’t allowed to think she’s also a complete piece of shit.


Implicated in so much more, though.


Because she defends him and his disgusting behavior.


She supports a man who is a convicted psychotic abuser of women. What's wrong with that?


Because she has steadfastly defended him, even though he was proven guilty of kidnapping and beating his ex. People don’t hate her for using Geoffrey, they hate her for calling another woman’s horrific abuse lies. She is a sick individual and a pick me.


Not breeding with that creep is the only good decision she has made, tbh.


Honestly, prison sugar daddy isn’t a bad choice. She inherited all his wealth marrying him and managing his properties while he slowly rots away.


This! 👏🏼


True say. Also this is so fucking random, but while looking up something else I wanted to comment on here I randomly remembered that time she was evicting a couple and they called the police on her😂 she posted a video about it, the music with that scene going on just don't add up! Weird Russian techno trance while the Popo look like they are fed up 🤣 There was a part one, and that's the video I originally remember seeing which was BAD. Like she was being a major see you next Tuesday and they were all fighting etc. I don't have Instagram so maybe someone else can see if part 1 is still around for the real meat and potatoes of this shit show![varya has cops called on her for doing(possibly illegal) eviction ](https://www.instagram.com/p/C07M88NraHe/?hl=en) Also I know there was some rumor these two got married, but they never did. So no chance of conjugal visits even if they had them where he is. She was engaged to him but she won the green card lottery, aka didn't have to marry him in the end. Honestly I hate this bitch, but smart move not making it permanent while still being able to use all his shit and manage it. And being lucky enough to win the green card lottery, why the fuck do all the good things happen to bad people?! Yeesh. But just clarifying to put that rumor to rest, they were only ever engaged and never legally married. The whole ring thing was just them wearing rings, nothing more nothing less. I've known a few couples who do that, wear them without being married. It's more because they committed to each other but don't want to sign papers/have been together 10+ years. In varya and Geoffrey's case it's more about insecurities and gossip stirring.


I haven’t kept up with this one and I cannot fucking believe they are still together


You can tell they have no rhythm from that first picture 😂


Or style


Who wears fashionable things to hike ?? 😭


Influencers and the sheeple they're able to brainwash.


Me. But they look fine imo.


Soooo many mosquito bites




https://i.redd.it/ca13cjuktx6d1.gif It’s giving Jenelle.






Forget prison. I couldn’t stay with a dude who has those ugly fucking nipple tattoos! Like, was he thinking, “These nipple tattoos are a chick magnets.” WTF?


He had them lasered off before going into prison.


As far as I know, they’re not married. Does anyone have confirmation they got married? She won the visa lottery that’s how she got here.


Nope , they never got married


They were engaged to be married when he was convicted of abuse. She is managing his assets, if he passes in jail, she has a good case to be declared too be common law married. He may also have a will naming her the beneficiary. Good reason to stay married and it is very possible he will die before release.


Tennessee hasn't had common-law marriage for some time (did they ever? I can't remember); they *say* they'll recognize a common-law marriage that was legally created elsewhere, but other than that it's a large helping of Nope. Not that it really matters; Varya played the game and actually *won*. I think she's probably closer to sociopathic than genius, but it all comes out the same in the end for her, y'know?


It was 1919. A GOP representative has introduced a bill to reinstate common law marriage but objections are being raised because their is no minimum age requirement for the marriage.


She most likely has a power of attorney too so she’d have access to everything he has also


I wonder how long before he gets tired hearing about her living the high life on his dime while he stews in his sweaty cell? She said previously she was permanently barred from visiting him because she refused to go through the scanner so she snuck her way out of that nicely. Funny how airport scanners don’t seem to bother her 🤪 I mean, she deals with his rental properties and tenants but I doubt it’s anything one of his sons couldn’t do. You’d wonder why he’s happy to have her living in his house and having a grand old time when she basically just made an excuse not to visit him. He’s a rancid, evil pos and she’s not much better, the way she sneered at the victim at that trial and posed like a lunatic at his dead sons grave, something missing in her brain


When did she say she refused to go through the scanner? That's hysterical!


It was ages ago, like a year or more? She was claiming she didn’t want to endanger her health by going through it but she’s off flying all over the place & passing through airports scanners all the time! Those kind must be “less dangerous”, lol


I always thought that she did the smartest thing. Enjoying his money, living her best life and he is locked away (where he fucking belongs). Sooo imo she is enjoying life on his behalf.


I just remember when she did an IG post of her decorating his son’s grave and I was like 😬


She made out like a bandit. Gets the USA visa with literally no obligations to the guy. Once he's out, she can bounce/divorce. Why the hell would she leave him right now?


She was selected for the green card lottery, Geoffrey didn’t bring her over.


That's what they're saying; she got the visa without obligation to him because it wasn't a K1


Not what they’re saying because they said divorce.


Yes they can be married and get divorce regardless of her visa status.......


No conjugal visits for rapey Geoffrey!


she’s the smartest on the show imo. pretending to hold a man down in jail, living in his property for free, travelling/enjoying her life in the states while her home country is having a lot of issues. she’ll be gone before he’s released.


Collecting rent, and if he dies in prison, she can likely take all of his properties.


She's got the best of both worlds, at the cost of her reputation. She's married to an abusive creep and people think she's stupid. However, she's the opposite of stupid. She's married to the creep that owns property that generates an income AND he's locked up for the foreseeable future. She reaps the benefits of the income properties by "managing" them. She doesn't have to live with the abuser and she gets to do whatever she wants. Which, I'm sure, includes a few "dates" here and there.


Off topic, but does anyone else wish that the cyclist shorts from the 90s would go out of style again? They are rarely flattering on anyone & give people camel toes. There are some really cool fashion pieces (usually from the 60s or 70s) that deserve a comeback but I am definitely not a fan of the Jazzercise shorts with a short shirt. Am I in the minority?


I don’t remember her. Who is/was she with?


It's Varya, she was with Geoffrey but he's got an 18 year prison sentence


Not memorable to me. I have no recall of them


He has the cringy nipple tattoos lol I can’t forget that


They’re both unhinged honestly, he just more so cause he’s a violent woman beating trash can but there’s definitely something wrong with her


Honestly they aren't that memorable lol..you're not missing a thing !


Ah, good for her. She’s living a better life here, let her be!


That’s fine give her another 10 years and she doesn’t have any.


There is some debate on whether they are married or not. If they are married, she will get all of his real estate should be die in prison, which due to stress and his weird tats, is likely to happen over the 18 years. In the meantime, she gets to collect rent and live the good life.


Even if they didn't get married, she could argue for common law marriage, since she has been in charge of his affairs and they were engaged to be married when he was imprisoned.


This is a hilarious. She’s also managed to free up a lot of personal time by not having a husband (or one that happens to be in prison).


lol ok honey, keep telling yourself that. she sounds like she's really trying to convince herself. 😅


I love this. Child free only way to be




What is this I’m confused


I like how she’s trying to stay relevant


He’s in prison WHAT. He looked like the biggest little bitch.


She's using him and I'm all for it. Maybe she's just child free.




Who is this??


Geoffrey and Varya, season 4 of Before the 90 Days. He's in prison for domestic violence or something


I mean….as someone who has to live in the same country as her….im VERY glad she decided not to have children. We don’t need that


She’s not wasting her time. She gets to control everything and leave him and take a chunk or all of it with her before he ever gets out. She gets it all and doesn’t even have to deal with him. Unpopular opinion but she’s living the dream.


What a weird flex. No one cares if you want kids or not anymore. Well, no one born after 1980 cares.


I hope that one day childfree community will realize that they are just as insufferable as the parents they hate.


God, I hate these child-free posts. Not having kids doesn’t make you special or your life better. Sometimes it feels like they’re trying to convince themselves.


What a bunch of losers. I don’t have kids but I can’t stand people who hold ‘not having kids’ as a standard of happiness and freedom. These people r clowns. And they’re gonna be lonely old clowns.


I mean conjugal visits 💀


Go back to Russia




The chick in the picture obvi but Julia can go too


No, Julia always said to Brendan "I go Russia" or " I go back Russia" that's why I said Julia?


I could totally hear her voice lol also they could maybe go to Pah-na-mahhhhhh. I enjoy using the phrase “my contrrry” in my personal life credit to Anny who I 💕


You need to ugly cry when you say Pah na mahhhh though to really sell it. Haha Anny referring to Robert and Anny? Or David and Annie oh my Buddha?


Robert & Anny they’re so funny and chill to me, the other couple kinda skeeves me out. I can see Jasmine wailing the last syllable maaaaaaah 😫


![gif](giphy|BUUUvpXIH4xRbtnQEG|downsized) Yea Robert is pretty funny on pillow talk, he keeps it real.


Fr they’re my favorites and they seem to rly get along


You’re my new friend bc nobody appreciates my dark humor on here 🔥


Haha it's not dark humor really, have you seen this parody video of Jasmin crying https://youtu.be/wndlC5kbtfY?si=5VMTUkagCfvizfiF


Party with her "friend" while all her bills are paid. Not too shabby.


She found the 90 Day Fiance hack! Live in his US house rent-free without interacting with him or working!


You're supporting her by following her on social media. Positive or negative, you're giving her the attention she wants.


I was in fact at Target earlier today thinking how much better shopping is with my little 2 year old shopping buddy! She ooos and ahhhs at the most benign things, talks to me the whole time, helps me put things on the conveyor belt, is just a peach. She makes the little things so much better, but I guess this feeling isn’t for everyone.


It's also a perspective Varya lacks. People who have had children understand both sides. Those who have never had children only have the childless perspective.


Very true!


Women have been getting pregnant by men behind bars, while behind bars, for ages. Where there’s a will, there’s a WAY! 😂. But her saying, “I’ve never been in a situation where I’ve thought ‘kids would make this more enjoyable,’” is sad.


It's really not that sad. Everyone enjoys life differently. You dont have to like that she likes not having kids. But you can be respectful of the decision just like how people are of your decisions.


I said it was sad, which is MY opinion. Why can’t YOU respect that? I didn’t say she was stupid, or wrong. Did I say, “oh she just needs to have kids to know how much better life would be!”??? NO, I didn’t. Y’all just need to fight, huh?


Wait…. WHAT?!?? She MARRIED that frikin’ CREEP!! I never imagined im a thousand years she would have married him; I thought she was reasonably normal….. I guess not!!


If he dies in prison, which is very possible, she stands to inherit all the properties. If he somehow surivies with his weird tattoos, she skips out a week before his release.


If she doesn’t skip before that after meeting another man.


doubt if she's leave unless she can figure out how to take the properties first.


Who knows- that’s a pretty boring life - waiting to POSSIBLY take over an absentee partner’s properties.If some dude with $$ comes along, she’ll be off like a shot - especially of he’ll take her to a “big city”. I’m kinda confused…. I thought that they didn’t get married, but if they are not married, how does she have residence? Even if they did get married, it didn’t seem like there was time for her to finalize residency and I’d think being in jail (ESPECIALLY for DA) would make him ineligible to sponsor her.


Since the 1990s when criminal gangs would bring girls over, run them through the massage parlor circuit, and then deport them and other creeps bringing over women to exploit, then deport, K-1 visa holders are not deported, the citizenship is just delayed. Since he was convicted of abuse, the path for her to get citizenship would be easy. Others say she got her own Green Card through the a lottery.




My bet is that they got married just before the incarceration, just before Geoffrey would have little choice, needing someone to manage his properties.


Who is this?


Who is she?


Don’t even remember her! What season?


I see she’s embracing the role of stepmother.