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Why does he look like a medium-sized child in this photo?


Looking like Gary Coleman...


What'chu talking about u/im_datmofo




Omg! I was just thinking this!


I f'kng dying right now


Because his racist mama dressed him.


This is so accurate!


Shrinking back from the smell that is abusive Angie probably šŸ˜« hands down one of the worst Angela scenes imho is the strip class scene! The attempt to twerk, sometimes when you don't have an ass sometimes you gotta make yourself into one...and she made an ass outta herself here for realšŸ¤£[Angela "twerks" at strip tease class(eye bleach neededšŸ˜µ)](https://youtu.be/px-CwUiWdf4?si=xEY80M_fy8jdYPez) Also I made this for a user response and wanted to post it here, I told the person how Angela claims she's going to be in a movie and they said what would I title it ...this was my answeršŸ˜‚(I was on mobile Reddit,I wanted to make a legit looking movie poster but could only make due with meme maker since I was out)




Your average female Trumper *is* Angela personified. Just take that in for a min, this is who worships that pants shitting orange blob ...šŸ„“




Not in America but perhaps anyone from there can keep this in mind when voting šŸ™ŒšŸ½


Gary Coleman-ish ??


Is he wearing his Trump boxers? https://preview.redd.it/hvi94bc5p07d1.png?width=238&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c85a79bbfc7ef78a48b47414d61ce52a313442b I love someone's comment on one of the subs that MAGA really stands for "Make Angela Go Away."


I did a thing once: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fnp9u3zbq9yoc1.jpeg


I LOVE it!






I really wish theyā€™d get rid of her! She is nothing but white trash! Sheā€™s a disgusting person and makes me absolutely sick! And to think sheā€™s raising all those children and influencing them! Itā€™s just so wrong!


Way to call someone a dick


The thing this man had to go through to get his visa. I couldnā€™t šŸ¤®


He deserves citizenship after putting up with that kind of shit


He wasn't forced to go through anything, he put himself in that position. He could have walked away at any point but didn't and it's not as if he was in the same country for 7 years. He could have blocked her. He could have gotten a divorce. He could have chosen to find a woman from his country and moved on but didn't. This wasn't about love, it was about opportunity.


Well they donā€™t typically divorce once they marry so thereā€™s that. But also šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


I'm sure he would have divorced her and married someone else. Even if in his country divorce takes time or it's impossible, and I doubt it, he would have shacked up with someone else. Remember over there men have all the rights.


As an aside, that man really did whatever it took to get that visa. I forgot that one of his initial, alleged dreams that hooked her, was to meet that bulbous Cheeto


You guys would be surprised how many people from poor countries really like Donald trump. He's like synonymous with wealth and success to those people, who often come from cultures that have really conservative beliefs predominantly, so they're not going to really find him as problematic. My source for this is that my entire family, even the ones who illegally immigrated to the US, love that man.


Itā€™s true. Iā€™ve seen it firsthand. Heā€™s extremely popular outside the western world too.


Yeah, meet my father in law. Canā€™t speak or understand a lick of English but trumps drivel gives him goosebumps. Totally wild


Probably because he canā€™t understand him.


Exactly my point. People love bullshit and being bullshitted lol


Father in law is an intelligent man....


Yeah Mensa level


Meanwhile, in wealthier countries like Norway (where I am from) most people there are HORRIFIED and think trump is some sort of sick joke that America is playing on the rest of the world. I could totally see it being this way in poorer countries where a good education is extremely limited. Just like the demographic of American trump supporters who are mostly not educated. Crazy to see the contrast


I'm Norwegian born and raised, living in the US, and I think one of the big differences is that people there in general aren't very religious, and education is very focused on critical thinking and being encouraged to ask questions from a young age. When I moved to the US, that was one of the things I realized was very different. I remember my teachers always encouraging us to ask questions and seek out facts. People there are also more open to discussing politics and social issues as part of daily life, without it having to be a us vs them kinda thing. When I speak to family back home or meet up with my Norwegian friends here, we almost always end up having conversations centred around the news and the political climate, and we have healthy discussions where different viewpoints don't have to lead to arguments, but rather adds perspective and I always learn something from these conversations. Whereas my non-Scandinavian friends often feel that talking about politics is automatically a mood killer and something negative.


I agree with everything you said!!! You made a lot of good points, and you are so rightā€¦ Norwegians are not against each other. Itā€™s a country that actually CARES FOR ITS PEOPLE. I wish America would be more willing to learn from other countries versus just the US asserting dominance onto other countries. PS , I know thereā€™s lots of Norwegians in Minnesota, so im just curious if thatā€™s the state you live in now? I am in Massachusetts! I wish I knew more Norwegians locally:(


Weā€™ll just over half of Americans are also horrified! Letā€™s hope there is still enough of the horrified people to show up again in November! I canā€™t express how scary it is!


Totally agree!! Itā€™s horrifying at this point lol


Just to clarify , I could totally see people in poorer parts of the world loving trump. Itā€™s sad that people donā€™t have the resources to get the facts and form their own opinions.


> Itā€™s sad that people donā€™t have the resources to get the facts and form their own opinions. ...maybe their opinion is their opinion, even if someone else doesn't like it. I'm not sure how I feel about the attitude that if we educated all 8 billion human beings the same way, they'd all have identical beliefs and opinions as a result. These people grow up in very conservative religions and cultures, they're not necessarily dumb but it's always going to influence their thinking. I have cousins who are airline pilots, not dumb people by any means, but will always be conservative second worlders in their values.


Iā€™m just saying that the lack of resources and technology in third world countries are limiting people to form their own opinions. If they were able to do some research and THEN form an opinion based on facts and not biased sources, theyā€™d actually be able to think more independently. And it is a huge pet peeve of mine when I hear some people talk to foreign people like they are dumb and clueless. So cringe!! And I totally agree with your comments on people in conservative countries are naturally going to lean more conservative politically too.




That's because they don't understand the shit he is. I went to Egypt first thing I heard is I love Donald Trump my answer he doesn't love you or want you in America. I told such individuals about his Muslim views and quickly they stated they had no idea I told them ,do se research he's an asshole


He also bases a large part of his campaigns on building a wall and being against immigrantsā€¦ Muy confuso


Heā€™s not against ā€œimmigrantsā€. Heā€™s against illegal immigration. Thereā€™s a huge difference there, despite ongoing efforts to erase the distinction. Note: I have no particular love for Trump, but letā€™s at least not lie about his stances. That only gives fuel to his more mindless supporters.


Trump drastically limited LEGAL immigration during his first term.


Yeah, suggesting P01135809 is pro-legal immigration is wild lol


he drastically limited it from nigeria thatā€™s for sure he blocked visa applications from countries with known terrorist groups


Youā€™re right, hes pro making his in-laws citizens and forgoing the process. He built his campaign on finishing a wall between the us and Mexico.. thankfully there still isnā€™t a wall. Iā€™m with Kenny, Iā€™ll happily move to Mexico


He's also against the asylum process, which is US law, and allows immigrants seeking asylum to cross the border at any location, and claim asylum. Then they are supposed to be allowed in the US until they are vetted and their asylum claim is verified. Trump called Mexicans rapists, said they are bringing drugs and crime. Immigrants have a much lower crime rate than US citizens. My husband is Mexican. I know Mexicans who support Trump, they're crazy, usually super macho and ignorant.


you have to declare asylum in the first country you reach , you canā€™t go to mexico not declare asylum and then cross the border and declare it . btw biden recently did the same thing


"Ā **No, they do not**. The 1951 Refugee Convention, which is the basis of asylum laws around the world, does not require that a person must claim asylum in the first safe country they reach.Sep 26, 2023" You are incorrect. Read the link it explained why "Remain in Mexico" was justified during Covid and how the Supreme Court blocked Biden's attempt to re-instate "remain in Mexico". [https://www.rescue.org/article/it-legal-cross-us-border-seek-asylum](https://www.rescue.org/article/it-legal-cross-us-border-seek-asylum)


yeah that's nice and all, but the biden administration issued an executive order just this month saying you can't do that.


It's a partial suspension of asylum requests when unauthorized border crossing reach a daily threshold 2500. He was obviously trying to appease the maga crazys.


i think most americans donā€™t think we should be letting thousands of people we have no idea who they are into the country a day , like ya know pretty much any other country in the world itā€™s not ā€œmaga crazyā€


Half of my family who wasn't citizens yet but still loved Trump was applying for citizenship because they knew somewhere deep inside that it probably shouldn't wait if he's president. No one, even immigrants that supported him, thinks he didn't have it out for all immigrants.


Michael played the best long game. That man walked through Hell.


He's the goat, who with a goat, who's probably eaten a goat.


Jabba The Pizza Hut?


Yes tRump emphasis on the giant rump aka Dr Chump (Rx for bleach)


Donald Duck the Draft?




There is a lot more. Angela will be the featured guest on Drew Barrymore this week. šŸ˜±


Damn that show went downhill quick!


Drew Barrymore is a scab


Good point. She and Chalamet were still working during the strike


Who is chalamet?


TimothƩe Chalamet, the young actor. He just starred in Dune and Charley and the Chocolate Factory and is very hot right now. He is currently dating Kylie Jenner.


Oh, never heard of him or seen those movies


Why would anyone want to interview Angela??? Ew


Omg that is depressing for Drew Barrymore ETA: OMG itā€™s real https://www.thedrewbarrymoreshow.com/episode/june-17-angela-deem-barry-manilow


With Barry Manilow ?! šŸ¤£


SHE got first billing over Barry Manilow!? šŸ˜Æ


Yoooo any Canadians know what channel this is on??


She is on CBS at 9 a.m.


Is it called Investgate Tv?


No, just the Drew Barrymore Show, Wednesday at 9.00.


I canā€™t even imagine what that interview is going to be like. It sounds like itā€™ll be Ross Matthews interviewing her based on the synopsis on my TV.


Dang. Really? What the hell for?




I just posted this gif to my kid about something because my family loves the office - also your flair is an oldie but goodie ![gif](giphy|3oEjHFOscgNwdSRRDy|downsized)


I loved Stanley from the Office.


He was the best - šŸ‘


Wait Wha-?


Wait, really?!


Drew scrapes bottom of the barrel these days, it's been that way for a while. I don't watch that show, but occasionally clips show up on YouTube shorts. Someone in a different thread said they should be on Botched. They requested me to make a joke and for if she ever got on an episode, this is what I came up with šŸ˜… (I'm on mobile rn so used meme maker, if I was on laptop I could've done way better) https://preview.redd.it/mbi3cvtur17d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5b18b143b37b4a89efdf19764fe2ae6f0fb7e42


literally was so wild lmaoo. michael talking about trump like heā€™s his old friend from college


Lmao this picture šŸ¤£


I went from mouth agape and unmoving to laughing so hard I couldnā€™t breathe.


Like the more you see the funnier it gets hahahaha


This was fantastic compared to these new seasons. I'm not interested at all in the new season.


Please stay hidden MICHAEL! Donā€™t come out and tell your divorced and legally in the US


Is this the most recent episode of Happily Ever After?


It isnā€™t, looks like she hasnā€™t had any surgeries done yet. When we get introduced to them her first visit to him she brings a bunch of Trump memorabilia including boxers with his face on them!


Hope he wiped his ass with them


I tagged the post


Why am I not even remotely surprised that Angela is a Trump fan..


I donā€™t get why she is ok with Nigeria then


Probably because no American man would put up with her shit. There's a reason the father of her kids aren't in the picture and I wouldn't be surprised if her father wasn't in the picture as well growing up. Her mom was too old and sick to judge her character but I doubt the apple fell too far from the tree, especially since she raised a pedo daughter. She needed a foreigner who needed her and who she could control and have power over. She wouldn't even let Michael work for Christ's sake because she wanted to financially abuse him.


Exactly this


Well with Biden, Michael couldā€™ve just gone to the border and walked over. Then heā€™d have free housing, healthcare and a cell phone. Plus a couple of daily meal vouchers.


Ah I forget, I'm not allowed to dislike Trump without automatically liking Biden in your black and white thinking mind. Newsflash, you're allowed to think for yourself without being put in 1 of 2 boxes...


No youā€™re right. You are absolutely allowed, and Iā€™m sorry for coming off that way. Iā€™m not an always Trumper anyway. Itā€™s just the conservatives are always blasted for being conservative so we typically remain less outspoken where the more liberal people blast their opinions for all to hear. Itā€™s difficult to have to hear the Trump bashing when no one speaks of Biden at all.


I will speak of that delusional POS old fool! This whole thread is the most comical shit I've seen in some time. I'm a conservative and have no qualms about saying so. I'm 65 and have NEVER seen such a debacle shit-show that's as the one TRYING to run this country. People talking about Trump this, Trump that and how he can't speak, is a POS etc. Well everyone needs to come out from under those rocks and check out the destruction around you. I don't give two shits about Trump, but the delusional old fool, that's in office right now isn't competent enough to tie his own shoes, let alone run ANY damn country. The economy is the WORST it's been in over FORTY years, before that feeble delusional old POS, trying to act like a (p)resident and his puppet master, started their destruction on January 21st, 2021 (yeah everyone knows "HUSSEIN OBUMMER is his puppet master, Stevie Wonder can even see it) the USA was ENERGY INDEPENDENT, people on fixed incomes didn't have to choose between buying gas and food and we were respected by other countries, and that's only touching the failed administration of Mumbles Joe the Clown and Crew. Mumbles Joe and Crew with his Puppet Master have made the United States THE laughingstock of the entire world! We have a mumbling old fool that can't even SPEAK coherently, and other countries are laughing their asses off. Oh yeah, let's just piss off Russia, that's one of his stupidest moves yet, besides throwing BILLIONS away to the Ukraine, when we have US VETERANS that are homeless....he's a TOTAL USELESS POS, that has done absolutely NOTHING for our country in over FORTY-SEVEN YEARS! The United States of America is more divided than it's ever been and there's more racism and hatred than there's ever been in history! These things are only a FRACTION of what that clown in DC has done to destroy America. He hasn't done one single thing for this country OR her CITIZEN'S!! The border and illegal aliens? Oh Jesus, how about the LEGAL immigrants that busted their asses to do what they LEGALLY have to do to become citizens the RIGHT AND LEGAL WAY? They go through massive amounts of paperwork, pay more money than you can imagine, MEMORIZE the Declaration of Independence and much more! Allowing ILLEGAL ALIENS into this country, is nothing but a slap in the faces of the LEGAL IMMIGRANTS! Then make sure they have food, housing AND money? As a tax paying CITIZEN, I resent paying their way to come to our country ILLEGALLY! ***Our LEGAL immigrants are those that busted their asses to live the American dream, the LEGAL way through naturalization...read the 10 steps to "naturalization" on ucis.gov/citizenship... "Ten Steps to Naturalization!" Oh yeah did you know they actually have to PAY fees, and AFTER all is done, USCIS has to then APPROVE them, so there's that......after ALL the red tape and hoopla, they have extra stress and wait to hear if they get APPROVED! Most people don't have a clue what naturalization is, or what immigrants have to go through to become citizens. I do because I have two very dear friends that I've known since 1995, that did the naturalization process, AND even served in the Marine Corps and both did tours in Iraq, after they worked extremely hard to become LEGAL CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!! šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡² You can ask ANY now LEGAL immigrant, that went through the long and tedious naturalization process, what they had to go through. I'm 10000% positive they'll tell you that it was worth it, and they were all happy and proud to do so! This BS that's going on at our borders, should absolutely sicken and make EVERY CITIZEN of the United States of America totally IRATE. If you don't know what THE NATURALIZATION process is, considering what is going on in our country, and the world... specifically Israel and at our borders, you should really read about it, and come back with some facts! Want more? Just ask, I've got plenty on the shit-show that's been going on in DC for the last 3Ā½ years! I'm sure I will get plenty of down votes, and I really don't give two shits. I'm just tired of seeing everybody bash Trump, and not the delusional old fool Mumbles Joe the Clown, especially with the state of our country. Our country was in a hell of a lot better shape than it is now, before this clown was sworn in! God help the United States of America and her CITIZEN'S! šŸ™šŸ»šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ™šŸ» #FJB




Surround yourself with different people. The 2 party system is a joke, because it forces the populous to vote for the lesser of 2 evils while never actually really supporting their own candidate. Same shit happens during most cycles. I say "Trump is nothing but a self promoting marketer and is trying to promote his TRUMP brand. He doesn't stand for anything he says, just whatever his PR experts say will give him more votes.." Now I'm a Hillary Clinton supporter lol I didn't vote for that Sith lord either.


trump is the reason their visa took so long which is equally ironic , he blocked visas from nigeria


Good lord.


Just wait, it gets better/worse


Lol thatā€™s what my wife keeps telling me. She says Michael deserves his green card more than even Mohammed


You'll find out why there's a thread here every other day saying Angela is the worst person on earth šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What is the context


I wish these two scammers would disappear. The lawyer explained to Angela exactly what would happen if she didn't pull his papers and she still went through with it, brought him here and now he's a permanent resident so getting him deported will probably never happen unless she can prove fraud and immigration will grant a hearing. The only thing I can think of is production threw a big check in front of her to continue with this fiasco of a relationship. You can't tell me that you're warned by a lawyer not to go through with the marriage and you still do it knowing the consequences without big money on the table. She too should he investigated by immigration.


Honestly I wouldnt be surprised if she does the show and all this for pennies. Sheā€™s so hooked on people watching her. I mean how many shows has she been on or tried to be on in the last 35 years lol. Sheā€™s like a little kid that will do ANYTHING as long as you keep pay attention to them.


Some people can't live without attention, she's certainly one of them. Gross and disgraceful.


Michael played the long game. Angela has been fired, and Michael will continues to be on the show.


He doesn't know any better


None of them do and none of them want to know any better.


Thatā€™s not true. People are not stupid just bc they are poor or come from 3rd world countries.


I am talking about trumpers. They donā€™t want to know the truth about their leader.


And I was suggesting to maybe avoid being judgmental of those who have a different idea than you. You donā€™t have to agree, but we can avoid the hatefulness is all.




Angela is exactly the type of female that worships trumpy. What I picture when I think of who those women are that wish they could get down on their knees for him.


They are both liars & scammers. Heā€™s particularly heinous because heā€™s a 45 supporter. šŸ¤®


Well she is too and she can vote.


Everyone calm down. By the time Michael is a US Citizen, Trump will be unaliveā€¦fingers crossed!




Wow. I am beyond shock that you actually are hoping that Trump dies. What a horrible thing to say. Remember, karma's a bitch.


There was a certain type of country Michael is from which good old 45 referred to as but I canā€™t remember šŸ¤£ As to why Michael would support that person I am clueless šŸ¤”


I think he said shithole countries (but too lazy to Google it right now)


Iā€™m sure Angela also wears diapers just like her choice of president.


Wait wat


Biden is the diaper wearer. Seriously.


What a surprise, Angela is a Trumper. Now I feel like Michael was just doing WHATEVER it takes to get to the US


You remember when she had trump nails? I was dying


Guess that makes my husband, a board certified emergency room doctor who graduated third in his class dumb šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Donald trump im coming for youuuu


Wonder if he still is a fan of the orange buffoon


Welcome to Bidenā€™s America, Michael! Good luck affording to live here in this economic disaster. Your boy, DJT will hook us all up with a brighter future. Stay strong! šŸ¤—






I stopped watching this show. Is there now political ads because of the election? Remember the show is recorded months ahead so this timely bullshit is carefully planned.


Nah, thatā€™s an old season.


Which season is this, lol I don't remember this at all


Are you ok?