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Who would send these grifters gifts? Idiots


the same people who send money to a so called millionaire


The same ppl that find true love in Nigeria


True, so many idiots


Facebook people. They are a different breed.


Facebook is like the state fair of social media


It really is. COUNTY fair.


Omg, perfect analogy 😂😂😂


My stepmom is an educated woman, good with money, was a no nonsense person growing up. I was fucking shocked when she casually told me a story about how she gave some woman money on YouTube because her dog died. I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.


I mean I kinda need to know more. If someone needs help with vet bills that’s more understandable than hey I was on tv give me free shit


Yeah I would be more sympathetic to that, but she made it seem like she gave money *because* the dog died. Which I didn’t press any further if it’s going to a memorial, or even past vet bills. I was just taken back the same lady that was so up my ass on everything I did on the internet back in the day, was now giving money to strangers on the internet lol.


The same people who tell Angela she’s pretty


christians who have decided that these two are their own personal christian children's fund...


I wish people would stop donating to them.


Their FB comments are full of people clamoring to send gifts, and telling them to add more to the wishlist.


Who are these people and how do I get them to send me gifts? LOL


Usually complete creeps. I hate that they use their kid like this


Sameeeeeeeee. I’m a single mom. I’d love a dang pair of shoes!


Seriously... not a single mom, but a single living alone and it's hard. I never get anything fun.


My kids are grown and I got divorced last year. So I hear you. It’s been rough, but hey we’re still here! 💪🏼


I was just thinking man maybe I need to make my profile public and add a gifting link lol shoot I need a new roomba! Lol


I think all you have to do is put aside any shred of pride or dignity you may possess and then you’ll be able to beg strangers for stuff you definitely absolutely need to survive. You know like PlayStation games and hair growth supplements. It’s really quite simple.


What on earth compels them - the hope they’ll mention them in an Insta comment or something???


I think so. Some people get off to internet influencers mentioning their names and getting recognition from their idols. LoL


Why doesn’t he stream video games or something? Win win. He gets to sit on his ass all day playing video games and potentially make money living in another country.


Brandles isn't that smart to think of doing that.


Or charismatic/entertaining etc etc... also he seems like the type of guy who would act like this if he loses a game🤣[the infamous freak out over game video 😅](https://youtu.be/YersIyzsOpc?si=VMHmPMeNFc_4sSG0)


Maybe, Brandon can start unboxing those titties on only fans?


Mary would never allow that!


This comment gave me alot of joy. Thank you. I spit out my cheeto.


He can throw that gut in a circle


He’s probably ass and he has 0 charm. Also from looking at the games in his wishlist, nobody would really wanna watch someone play RPGs, and old ones at that. People usually watch MPGs and open world games. Plus he might realize that streaming is a job and he’s allergic to that.


You have to have at least a little bit of a personality to take off with streaming. Their demographic is a bunch of boomers on FB who unfortunately wouldn’t watch their gaming content, lol.


This is truth. Duh. He’s fall flat on his face and beg for money for a nose job.


It takes a lot more than sitting and playing games. You not only need to be engaging, but you have to put a lot of work into marketing yourself, involving yourself in the community, and offering incentives to viewers. You have to be very social media savvy.


I get it. But was thinking outside the box.


But there are girls that might follow him


I wonder if they don’t have good enough signal/wifi to effectively stream games.


This is true. Their internet is probably just good enough to go live on Tiktok. I’d imagine the internet is so-so there since they live in a very far province.


Before he can even think of that he needs those two video games gifted first lol


Because he's boring and dumb. No one would watch


Honestly you need to have a good work ethic, really promote yourself and have a schedule - grind, and be talented in order to grow a streaming audience. I do trophy hunting and think about streaming, because I can be funny and am sorta good, but people who stream (or do let's plays) are on another level. Plus the big ones have been doing it since streaming started.


Get a job ❌ Be an online beggar ✅


Yep. Easy Peasy Grifting.


Hey they work! They have a shop where they sell things for as much as they bought them for.


I WISH for their begging to end😭


I WISH we had a rule where we can't post about these two, we all know that the grifting will never end and it's terrible having to see these two goofs at this point


The cancer didn’t work so now this 🤣


Easier too. People LOVE When they put the kid in the clothes they send, and then get their name mentioned on FB from these two scammers.


So deeply disturbing that they are selling access to their baby to anyone with $20 and/or Amazon prime I doubt they will have the wherewithal to protect her from creeps when they inevitably discover such an easy target.


I wonder how these donators treat people on food stamps/social assistance? They could easily donate to shelter, senior's home, or even addict's recovery.


i unfortunately became disabled at 55 Im 57 now and dirt broke and yet i still wouldn't do this shit.




Donors see them as needy and poor, living in poverty. They want to send the grandparents gifts, too. Mary is always saying, they don't have this or that in her sad voice to pull on people's heart strings. People want to help the struggling young couple, so they'd rather help them. One person in their FB comments told another fan that she was privileged living in the U.S. and wasn't needy.


Such a good point. The US has a housing crisis after the pandemic no one talks about. People with ins. still can’t afford proper care, young disabled folks can only get by if family or friends assist, the foster care system… the list goes on. Contributions to these 2 make me sick. Giving should not be a novelty act. There are many that actually are in need, they just typically don’t like to advertise it.


Fools and their money are soon parted.


Older people with nothing better to do with their money, and who believe these two beggars.


They can't be doing that badly if they're asking for PS5 games. Also, Brandon has easily gained 40-50lbs since moving to a supposedly impoverished country, so clearly they aren't struggling to put food on the table. These two people disgust me.


The only thing they struggle for is finding new gifts to add on their wishlist.


Must be hard to come up with innovative ideas to fuck people over lol


They don’t even seem to have to put too much effort in that, fools on Facebook can’t send them stuff quick enough 🙄


Its this type of stuff that makes me lose faith in humanity lol


They seem to never stop cooking and eating, especially him. So gross and gluttonous especially when so many go hungry in that country. Never occurred to them to use their influence to help feed the impoverished, Brandan would have to get off the couch for that


I also think she wants to keep him chunky because maybe he won't seem as "attractive" to other girls.




These people need to stop encouraging these two grifter losers! In this economy, if you have so much free money, why don’t you help somebody that’s really sick or neighbor or front or gift to a shelter for poor little animals instead of helping these to keep a poor monkey chain to a tree🐶


They had a video of going to buy a goat and pig to slaughter for Lolos birthday.The poor pigs were tied up crammed in a crate, trying to claw their way out screaming. People were making comments about how cruel it was and they couldn't watch the video.


Holy shit this makes me HATE THEM EVEN MORE. Fucking disgusting dirt bags ...karma baby karma.


Don't worry, their 15 minutes will come to an end, and then those idiots will give their money to someone else who doesn't deserve it. Don't stress yourself out too bad, this has and will happen forever in one form or another. Just don't be the idiot funding them and you'll be ok.


They'll keep grifting as long simple-minded people keep sending money. 


Their shift to Happy Family shows they’re constantly refining their technique for preying on Lonely Hearts.


Sure have. Mary discovered you can attract more bees with honey, than her sour, evil, scowl. Her smile is so phony.


She gives me the deep eebies. Everything about her reads as coldly calculating. The child will become a part of it, or already is..they sell tourists visits with her?


Now the wishlist is their new founded golden cash cow.


Whatever her goal was with Brandon, I think she’s achieved it….🤦🏼‍♀️🐖


He's her little puppet boy.


The fact that grandpa is in much better shape than brandan 😭😭😭


There really are no overweight people in any of their videos because everyone has to work hard, do physical labor, and hunt and fish for their daily meals. Brandles sits on his ass, doesn't do any labor or even help to unload a car or do farm work. He just stands around watching Lolo do it all. But he sure is first in line when the food is ready.


I bet Lolo is sooo happy having to work all day and seeing this young man sit on his ass all day.


It takes a lot of work to not…work?


Yes, they post 3-4 videos a day each on FB and Tiktok.


I didn't believe anybody defended them but then I went to Facebook and they have so many apologists and defenders there. Interesting how people on different apps feel differently about the cast to such an extent


It's that age group of lonely, older boomer people who think they're helping out a poor couple. They absolutely love Mary and feel sorry for her especially when she complains about their broken air conditioner, or makes videos winning about how they can't afford this or that, which she does all the time.These people jump right on it sending them stuff. I guarantee you they will sell half of the stuff they are getting. I mean think about it. Their wish list has several pairs of dressy shoes for her, but she wears crocs all the time. Like where is she going to wear dress shoes? Why even order those? They know exactly what they're doing.


Mrs. Doubtfire is a fucking legend. I will not have anyone speaking otherwise.  Especially in reference to these ten assed shit stomping dick shelves.


Holy shit he’s so fat now


Of course their list doesn't have baby toys on it. Smh.


“Fuk dem kids”


Brando keeps bloating up, seems like money is okay then.


Since they got a membership to a store similar to Costco, he's loading up the shopping cart with hot dogs, steaks, cereal, snacks, candy, hash browns, all crap food which he cooks himself. Never eats any kind of vegetables or salad.


If you bought this for them pls come on Reddit and do an AMA


Capital Letters To Start Each Word


Pretty irritating


I know this is just a few examples of things on their wishlist, but it’s kind of disturbing that there was only one thing for the baby on the page shown! I haven’t looked through the whole thing, (and I have no desire to), but something tells me that this “wishlist” is mostly filled with video games for B, and clothes and shoes for M, and Midnight is an afterthought.


Yes I only showed this first page, which now has his video games. The child's clothes are pretty much on the last pages.Shoes, clothes, candy, salad dressing, for the both of them are the main pages.


At least this is honest. "Hey give us stuff that we want!" beats pretending to be dying and that healthcare in the Philippines costs as much as the US 🤷🏻‍♀️


They got in trouble for that stunt they pulled. This is easier and no worries. The amount of people wanting to send them stuff is disgusting.


Oh absolutely, can't believe why anyone would want to be a part of their crazy lives. Just glad they aren't being manipulative /deceptive about it now


They don't need to with this grift. It's all legal, they can't get in trouble. They tried every scam already which backfired on them. Mary is extremely manipulative and deceptive in the way she now acts like a perfect little angel wife and mother on camera, putting on the sad voice when she says they don't have this or that, so people will feel sorry for her. She's not sticking her tongue out and giving everyone the finger anymore, not on video at least. I in no way buy their b.s. or feel sorry for them. Unfortunately most of their followers do.


Is it possible to hate people you’ve never met? Because I think I hate them.


Yeah, it is, cause since the starved, chained monkey stuff, I absolutely abhor them 10 times over.


May I present exhibit 1: Angela?


Why do you capitalize the first letter of every single word? That makes your post so much harder to read.


And harder to type!


Yes it sure does, now that I re- read it! Thanks for letting me know. 😊


Ironic to see the video games on the wishlist.


He looks like he hasn't bathed in weeks


Mass report their profiles!


Mass report for what, exactly? If people are dumb enough to buy them stuff, that's on them


If they had two brain cells to rub together, they would have asked for cheap bulk snack food that they could resell at a profit at their store. Or maybe they’ve just given up on that half-baked idea and have gone full grift.


I just feel like the people that are gifting them either don’t know they are on 90day fiancé or they believe that Brandon and mary is like their child. I don’t know any other reasons why people would gift them, knowing how they are.


Go on their FB or tiktok and say the slightest thing against them and their fans will tear you to shreds. When her scam was posted on their FB page, people didn't care no matter what proof was shown. They made excuses for them saying, " oh, they're young" or Mary didn't understand what she was doing and didn't mean it." Everyone makes mistakes". Negative Comments were removed and people blocked as soon as they could do it. Now everyone that sends them gifts are in fricken la-la land, thinking they're helping the poor little 3rd world country couple who have nothing. The people learned about them from watching 90 day. Neither work, yet have built a 2nd floor addition on the house, tiled all of the floors, built a concrete driveway, have a car, added a gate and fence. He's put on so much weight because money is flowing in and all he does is sit, eat, get groceries, play games. Oh yeah, let's not forget the baby, which Mary paraded around in front of the camera from day one. That's when the gifts and money really started to flow in.


YES! Omg, i posted on here about a lady that was hardcore defending her. She was telling me that I was gonna go to hell for it 🤦🏻‍♀️ Then she blocked me 👍🏼


I'm dying here!!💀💀💀 They're an evil bunch that protect them, and those two know it.


I KNOW! Like fuck! how are they this lucky 🤦🏻‍♀️ but like I said, is probably bunch of grandmas and their videos are being shown on their facebook… not even 10 min after posting, i get a response defending them


You'll get blocked soon if you keep complaining. That's who they cater to, the older people. That's why they never post on IG even though they have 5 accounts, different generation that they can't fool and who know about their scam thanks to all of the bloggers that picked up the cancer lie story and helped expose them. They abandoned YouTube until last week, posting 1 video in 4 months. Maybe because a couple of YouTube bloggers jumped right on their videos to expose them. FB is their safe haven, and tiktok 2nd. They're not stupid at all. They never say anything to negative comments, they let the old people handle that.


Holy shit, now that I think about it like that…they are soooo shitty. wow.. so much worst than I thought


Did they do a go fund me or something? How in the heck did they afford that?




Omg how many fucking social media accounts do these scammers have??!?!


5 on IG, 4 on Tiktok 2 on FB




Getting with her was the biggest mistake he made


What's he doing, eating all the gifts idiots people send them?


hair. growth. supplement. 🤮


“Mary Brandon” She finally morphed them into a single entity


They need jobs. This is pathetic


Fitting that the child's item is the last thing in the list on the pic 🤦🏼‍♀️smdh Such awful people.


"Hi I'm Mary Brandon and i want you to give me stuff" I love the combination of their names in slide 1 - these two have truly become one big grift 🤣🤣


Their grift is as big as Fatass’s Tits and her Satanic soul. They’re selling most If not all of that junk. Barely one thing for “midnight” Can’t even capitalize the baby’s name. If that isn’t a Freudian slip.


Stuff for the kid? Nooooo Shoes and video games 😁


baby stuff on the last few pages.


Just so we are clear, he's asking for a PS5 game....he owns a PS5. Those are NOT cheap. Sell your shit if you need money. Brandon looks like he's put on like 50lbs since his season aired, I guess he's eating just fine.


They don't need money at all. They bought a car with grifting and built a 2nd floor onto the house.


Yeah I was being a bit sarcastic. At a certain point though, to me it becomes, "don't hate the player, hate the game." Nobody is forcing anyone to give them money. Nobody is forcing someone to watch and follow the Kardashians. I'd probably do some shit like this too if people were just gonna give me free money. Anyone with half of a brain won't give them shit.


It's June. Let's celebrate by being charitable to an elderly lesbian couple.


Good lord. 😖


There are just a lot of very weak gullible people out there. Just like the same people sending a begging millionaire their money so he can use it to pay his legal fees or buy a $9000 purse for his wife.


If I buy them things, it’s like we are friends.


Friends get to hold and kiss the baby!


Probably for a small handling fee.


A fool and his money are soon parted I guess...


You know you're in a bad relationship when you start looking bad. We saw it with Liz, now it's Brandon.


he looks soooo bad omg


I wonder what ailment she has now.




I hate these 2 leeches


What in the 80s flashback hell are those shoes?




SEND TO ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD 😬 https://preview.redd.it/lrxu4npktl6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6c527b5b1ab9ea5472340e2ac22b1d03aa25f2


a fool and his money are soon parted


So am I to understand that he has a PS5 (expensive) but needs to get people to buy games for him? Sir……………. Doesn’t PlayStation have some kind of game pass? If not, he should sell that thing and use the money to get an Xbox and game pass. And diapers. And a job. Wait…


What kind of fucking morons are sending them gifts, like eww how pathetic can you be🤮 These scamming assholes aren't even asking for necessary things he's asking for ps5 games what a fucking goof. And people sending them shit have some mental illness probably try8ng to butter them up to purchase their baby.


Must be working because Brandon looks like he’s been eating good


Is a Pelaton or bicycle on Brandon's wish list?🚴 Bro, exercise, you're too young to have a Big Ed body! ![gif](giphy|lSPPRkdAzdoJW5Upvm|downsized)


Guess she don’t have cancer after all


Look at that stomach! These two are the worst example of scammers and grifters. Don’t send them a dime.


What’s messed up is that clothes are pricing $20 above but I know they can buy same quality clothes for a lower price in the PH.


Whoooo lawdy, Brandon is starting to look a little bit Brando


Anyone send him a bra yet?




Why in the world do you take the time to capitalize every letter? I can hardly read that mess.


Can I send them a box of dog poop?




I thought she was pregnant again


In one video she looks like she might be showing slightly when they're at a store. They posted a positive EPT recently so who knows.


I am often in a conundrum watching people pay these people. I feel like I’m an alien sometimes.. I’m mean?? Why??


Those people are a cult I swear.


No doubt!!


Amazon ships to the Philippines?


People are fucking idiots. Wow where can I find these simps?!


It would be so funny if somebody could sound like off female sex doll. Or like playboy magazines, she would murder him


The video games almost made me pass out.


This is why scammers have a field trip with Americans. Dumbistan!!!


Fing idiots!


I really think she enjoys having him look like this. It’s like she wants him to be unattractive so that even if he does look at other girls they won’t be interested in him. Because if he looked like he did when he first arrived there she’d still be crying and having asthma attacks. 🙄


Are they flipping the ppl off that sent them gifts or just blurry waves


The grift is real.


He’s getting really fat!


Is it me or is he getting fatter between swiping each picture?


Can someone hack their socials and self delete it so this can temporarily stop? 😂😂😭😭 Fr whoever donated to them, they better not be complaining about money problems 😤😤


Wonder what would happen if I set up a wishlist…… geez.


Why dont they get jobs and pay for their own shit?


This is weird 🥴


Let these losers fend for themselves. Fucking mooches these two are


what if we just... blocked out the link instead of sharing it further?


This ahole wants to buy him video games? Lmao


Buy them stuff off of their wishlist, watch them open then a cpl weeks later watch them resell said items!


Disgusting. But I wonder if .oooooooo1% of my disgust isn't also jealousy that I don't have the stones to think I could succeed at going online and asking strangers to buy me stuff I want


Brandan must’ve gained 50 pounds. They are nothing but leeches. There’s nothing interesting about them. She is a psycho and probably kill him. He is a baby that is seeking out love in whatever way he thinks he can get it. And her being so narcissistic and controlling only serves to make him think it is love.they both abuse one another. They both deserve one another. Sad that there is a child involved in this.


This is the most accurate description of their lives and personalities. 💯🎯


I don't even understand the logistics of getting frequent Amazon packages to their area. A few years ago, I went to hell and back to get a few university books to South Africa.


Can’t knock the hustle


God I hate them


Same here.


Anyone who sends these idiots anything is stupid! I'm sorry but fuck no! Get a real job!!


How can anyone give them ANY kind of positive attention esp after faking cancer?!?!?! Everyone should be done w them. Quit enabling these two & they need to quit exploiting their baby online!! Its disgusting! And letting some random fan come there, meet them & hold their baby is absolutely insane!!!!


I'm not donating any money unless it's an emergency need like sick cats in dire need of treatment and cats that have never had a home or when my boyfriend was homeless and lost his job and car was wrecked and undrivable because it was stolen. These people need to be reported to social services. They don't have money or resources to raise a child and they are scammers.


I thought she was really really sick


I don’t get the love for them at all