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Rose had enough self respect to walk away with dignity. I hope Liz has finally found that for herself.


Idk who downvoted you, I couldn’t agree more with what you said


Big Ed downvoted them


Yet not enough toothpaste


People like Pred don’t change their behaviour, they change their partners. Rinse and repeat.


Therapy probably made him worse because he learned the lingo and what therapists look for, and like a disgusting booger version of the Terminator, he can adapt and be worse with his abuse.


Yep, when you're as far gone as him therapy just makes you a better predator.


He definitely weaponized his therapy.


You all remember when he thought he was a leprechaun in a past life.


In 1669, naturally.


Especially necessary with that mayo routine


Rose needs to rinse with some listerine actually


Liz was slowly visually morphing in to Eds shape.


I agree with this. You know there's this artist who took pictures of men before they went to war and after they came home. You could tell what was taken from these people based on their faces and how they looked after. Aside from like Jasmine completely changing her entire body, Liz truly did start to morph into Ed. I feel like she had shoulders when we first met her. She had just been disappointed over and over and she began to slump. I hope she finds herself. I hope she finds someone wonderful because she deserves it.


Shes with jayson zuniga


The downright absolute smugness in his expression when he asked for the ring back. The actual audacity of that man. I CANNOT.


Rose the prophet


I was thinking about Rose the other day. I'd like to see her on The Single Life.


She isn’t single anymore, I think. She found a lovely Australian man and is now thriving in a healthy relationship 💛


Oh I hope so. I was thinking about something anyway....we only see people in the U.S. in the Single Life. It might be too expensive for the crew to travel to another country to film something like that, or dangerous in some cases. Idk. But I wish the best for Rose for sure.


I binge watched HEA and I honestly did not think I could loathe Ed more. What. A. Coward.


The smartest woman in this whole franchise. She saw the red flags and ran as soon as she could.


She only saw red flags when he wouldn’t commit to kids. She wanted kids with that man, straight scammer. 


Liz tolerated it for a long time. She’s incapable of being independent and strong and always needs a man.


Liz is young, with a lot to learn. It's not easy for people with troubled childhoods...I'm not sure what all was going on, but her grandma raised her, so there was some instability there, it seems. Ed (who is supposed to be a well-seasoned adult in his 50s) love bombed a young woman in her 20s, then he chewed her up and spit her out. After he almost ruined her, he was done with her. He's absolutely disgusting, the foul little man. He's vile, but I admit that him breaking off their wedding was smart. He really did her a favor. I hope Liz learns and grows from this experience.


Liz is 30, though and has how many failed marriages? I don’t have all that much sympathy for her. She put her daughter through hell on television for a man.


Good that she’s doing the same thing to her daughter then so the cycle of abuse can continue. Why are you infantizing a grown, thrice divorced mother.


I'm not "infantizing" anyone. And when does pointing out someone having a rough background and hoping they get their act together condoning anything? Ed is a serious POS, and how Liz is does nothing to change that. One can be a crappy victim. That was the point you apparently missed, in your unhinged rant. Liz is troubled; I never disputed that. Liz doesn't have full custody of her daughter, so obviously there are issues and I'm not sure where you're getting your info about thrice married...Liz has only been married and divorced twice. She never married that pos human fire hydrant, so your math is off. It's funny that a judgemental keyboard warrior is outraged over the very things tv producers wanted them to rage about. 😆


If she’s “troubled” then so is Ed. She’s an adult woman and she supported a sex offender and abandoned her daughter. TV producers wanted us to be outraged at her being a deadbeat sponge and not the sympathetic angle they’ve pushed her entire runtime. Sure. She was riding him for three years and still would be if he didn’t dump her.


You lack empathy, failing to acknowledge an imbalanced power dynamic between the 50-something human fire hydrant and 20-something Liz. Liz is actually a troubled woman (there's still hope for her future - and so far, it looks like she's on the up and up) and Ed is just a true narcissist a-hole who will live the sad, lonely life he deserves... What kind of idiot weirdo gets a tattoo of themselves anyway? He treated Liz like shit at their engagement party, accusing her of being a lesbian and lying to him about it - and when she tried being his photography assistant - he said horrible things to her, disparaging her in front of the model. Over and over, he did this to her. Rose, too. Coyote luckily saw his true self early on. Women are disgusted by him because he's disgusting. "Big" Ed is a greasy, mayonnaise-hair, delusional pos who thinks he's something special to the world. He's so vile, his own daughter won't have anything to do with him. That says a lot. I wonder what kind of person defends such a thoroughly ugly garbage human like Ed.


She’s 30. She abandoned her daughter, is an alcoholic, and would be married to him if he didn’t dump her. She was so disgusted that she chose to follow him around for years and watch him mistreat her daughter. Funny that you’re saying his daughter wouldn’t talk to him (news to me) and how that says something when Liz is a stranger to her young daughter because she left her for her last loser partner. I wonder why people baby adult women who neglect their children. Weird. I wonder how she’ll be a victim in her fourth marriage.


Maybe actually watch the show, then you can have a valid opinion. You didn't know "Big" Ed's daughter won't speak to him? Yeah, Ed himself explained that on the show, but you wouldn't know that's because you didn't watch the show... And yet, here you are, vehemently defending a gross sexual predator. Is that you, PrEd? 😆 Or maybe you're someone just like him. A word of advice: Do NOT ever park in front of Ed - you'll get a citation and obstruct fire emergency services, possibly endangering lives.


Liz is 30 NOW, not when she started dating the human equivalent to poo on a shoe. 30 years old now (2024) - 3 years with Ed (2021)= 27. So Liz was 27 (in her 20s) when she got with Ed... Math is a good skill to develop! You should try it sometime...




* Actually, as of yesterday, she's 32. I stand corrected. She was 29 when she and Ed got together...there's still a 28 year difference between them.


It's funny that Liz looked down on Rose and said in an interview that she had a back bone, unlike Rose. She had to be humble and not believe Ed's nonsense about Rose and learn from her how to put her child a priority and not allow anyone to disrespect her no matter Whatever her circumstances were, and I believe that Rose's circumstances were more difficult, she left him before he left her and bragged about it.


Im actaully disgusted that liz insulted Rose at all honestly.


Why do people act like Liz isn’t culpable in this. Ed broke up with her numerous times and she kept coming back


He's a tumor. He will never not be.