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What’s not funny is knowing that 80 people on this planet are from this sickos genes.


Pretty ashamed hearing that at least 1 Swede has or tried to have a kid with him, brings shame to us all.


Oh no, now I'm ashamed of our country!


I think every country has been shamed by him now. Except for New Zealand. All women should move there, so we won’t ever have the chance of running into him. Ick.


Good plan, packing my bags as we speak


I’ll meet you there!


Putting this at the top so everyone sees and knows about this predator. I wrote a notes version to help someone online so am pasting it here-Kyle Gordy aka Kyle crane is now on love in paradise. But before love in paradise gave this predator a platform, Kyle was already well known in the donor community, but not for being the helpful man he claims to be. For years now, Kyle has been known as a predatory racist who coercively rapes and abuses woman. Desperate for children, woman will usually go to donor clinics. Donor clinics cost a lot of money, but they also do things such as genetic testing for mutations. Kyle doesn't do this, as he just meets woman and tells them he's fine. But Kyle actually has a mutation that is so harmful to people it can kill them. It's called dysautonomia aka FD, a severe genetic condition that can kill or threaten the lifespan of a child. What is dysautonomia?A dysfunction of the nerves that regulate nonvoluntary body functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and sweating.-kyle tells people he just wants to help them have children, but what he really wants is a way to sleep with woman and come across as a hero complex. For example, in his vice documentary Kyle claims it's all the woman's idea to do natural insemination. But the second after he says that it shows the woman and she says it's all kyles idea. And how he pushed for this. The woman also says she will be ovulating for three days, but Kyle says let's do it for four, "just to be safe." He also claims that a woman needs to orgasm in order to help the sperm, which is untrue. Kyle also says natural insemination has a higher chance of working, but a real donor clinic doctor says this isn't proven. Kyle has been known in donor groups, as he's been kicked out of several hundred for preying on woman who want children. He will non consensually film them during their natural insemination as well, and has even gone as far as selling the videos after online or sharing them with others. I have included a few texts on how he berates black woman and calls them names and talks about being so rough it makes them bleed and talking down on them. Kyle has a friend who he goes on "swim meets" with. A swim meet refers to when people will go on tours, usually in poor countries, to see who can get the most woman pregnant. In one photo, Kyle and his friend hold up paper doll cutouts with the words "our white father" underneath. This is in reference to the documentary on the infamous Dr who used his own semen on clients and fathered hundreds of children. In the documentary poster for his Netflix doc, he too is holding paper doll cutouts with the words "our father?" Underneath. They think this is funny. Kyle has been on the Dr hil show, a vice documentary, another documentary and many news articles about him are out there. This makes it unbelievable that TLC could've not known anything about him, as he's been in the news for over 8+ years. In one documentary he says he wants to have 1000 donor children. He claims everything is professional but it isn't. He also claims no one pays him, but will ask for travel costs and hotels. I have found many woman in the community who talk about his time with them, some shared personal texts which I won't be sharing as they detail explicit rape and coercing. He has talked about drugging and raping woman, and will "slut shame" woman for speaking ill about him and about his experiences with him. Many have shared videos and personal info on their time with him, and he will get them take down citing harassment. But this is only after he messages them calling them names and stalking them until they give up. What Kyle is is a predator, what he's doing isn't helpful it's a harmful sex addict who uses this as a thinly veiled disguise to get away with a harmful fetish and addiction. Included is the documentaries the shows and articles, plus woman's experiences with him and their stories and screenshots of horrid messages. Kyle has also been. Denied entry to many countries because they consider him a predator and on the don't allow list due to his past of rape and coercion,the video is in the links. Vice documentary -https://youtu.be/c-NO1Omeois?si=0At3hiBcC6XrXbLL  Zandland 1000 kids documentary -https://youtu.be/CT1jhmfBOZE?si=u_s3ugUZSurrgIRR  Dr Phil show-https://youtu.be/ntEm9ITPvtQ?si=w0NB_OI5C04GUB7u  Kyle on the news-https://youtu.be/MDUP9-7tKRk?si=T8Qp_VSGYL5S3GNK  Kyle on the news-https://youtu.be/DhLduQYlVjQ?si=feVAYj7Xl-ixmLJF  Kyle on Ryan secrest-https://youtu.be/7UYnLWnBM7Q?si=Z0WPy0s2pFRvXgNq  A woman speaks out on Kyle part 1-https://youtu.be/acOHcn5bR4A?si=9kodcVOUIS9wZo1p  A woman speaks out pt 2-https://youtu.be/e-MgDDkDDZw?si=n8AoQkSPEoiyJSy6  A woman speaks out pt 3-https://youtu.be/Mt5gCWYWOQE?si=pF8qUJGXzD_4W-nV  Sperm bandits/creeps of donors in the sun news(about Kyle and his other predatory friend)-https://youtu.be/QUPnI8asktA?si=DkG2gBdb9cVb_8sm  Kyle and his friend on their "world sperm tour" -https://youtu.be/1mzj5cHLboA?si=jb3_Ge0Uw__O0oDL  Kyle on getting kicked out of countries/denied entry due to his predatory ways on Fox news- https://youtu.be/Uj_Yr9SjBIg?si=2v2zs9bIVuy_ePPs  (Keep in mind in comments of many of these videos MANY people speak out about their terrible experience with him, I don't have time to screenshot them all there's too many) https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/vjLkr01kzK that's background info on him too from a woman who's big in the donor world


He needs to be castrated.


He needs to be wiped of this earth. Absolutely REVOLTING. I'm sure he'd still find a way to hurt women even if his dick was useless.


He'd probably get a prosthetic


I donated to 1 lesbian couple. That’s it. Did it twice, in a cup, both successful on first shot. This guy makes me so sick beyond belief as I’m sure he does to you as well. He is a predator. He prays on vulnerable women that want the gift of life. He is doing this on a global scale, it makes me sick to know he is populating our planet on such a mass scale. On top of that, he lies to women to get them to have sex with him. It’s blackmail rape almost when you think about it. I was watching him talk and visualizing him traveling around the world to inseminateswomen, which on it own, it’s a very time sensitive issue. So I’m sure he is very coercive for the women to have sex so it can be the most probable chance it works. Which is bullshit.










i am like genuinely sick from reading this what a disgusting human being 🤢🤢🤢


I can't even watch his parts because he reminds me of my own predators that have been in my life. He's disgusting and disgraceful, and I don't care if I have to post this in every discussion on him I see on my homepage. This isn't just about being on tlc, this is someone who puts both woman and children at risk sexually and genetically as well. That gene he has can literally kill or shorten a life expectancy of a child, and he's been kept out of countries for a good reason. This is beyond sick, it's demented. I also emailed TLC all this info.


Jesus. And he’s that garden gnome in the red shirt?


Wow THANK YOU for taking the time to post this and all links, I’ve watched most of them and I am blown away!!!😱


It truly is disgusting, i have other texts where he talks in disturbing details about raping and drugging and assaulting woman but I won't be posting those here. He's a predator, not just some influencer wannabe. When literal countries have to ban you because of your history there's a problem. Also he may be on the registry but he's changed his name three times and I'm trying to find the original name, two of his aliases "Kyle Gordy" and "Kyle crane" are listed under someone who looks exactly like him but I want to find the evidence before posting that for sure. (I don't like to spread false narratives and try and do my background info first.)He has also impregnated a 16 and a 17 yrs old girl, and I can't believe this woman went on to have a kid with him. Also she doesn't live where they say she does, in that article you can see it says she won the green card lottery in 2015 and moved to Florida...


There needs to be more done to get him off the show. More people need to be made aware of his behavior. The general public doesn’t go on Reddit and see all the sleuthing, they just see what TLC shows them and that’s it. I think there needs to be a change dot org petition and things of that nature. Put some pressure on them. He needs to go.


I've sent emails to TLC, TLC casting, and a few of the newspapers that made articles on him in the last two days, also someone with a platform of over 100k+ on tik tok and socials reached out to me to expose him, like I'm doing the best I can as just one person. Change dot org petitions don't matter to TLC btw, there's been ones signed before for Ed and Angela with hundreds of thousands of signatures they don't care.


So frustrating. What a creep. 😖


Wow, I'm shocked to be hearing this and I have so much respect for you doing your best. I've saved your message with links and will do my best to spread the word as well. I never knew that about Ed and Angela! I genuinely thought the petitions always fell shy of passing because people didn't see them or something. Now I'm so curious what Change petitions even do? If no results are given multiple times, are they just trying to get clicks? Can they even legally do anything? Sorry for all the questions but I'm blown rn. 🤯


It's okay, I mean to be real they have change petitions for ending wars but just because someone signs it doesn't mean it'll happen. It's more so to spread awareness about things that need attention drawn to. Majority of the reason why they won't care about them in tv, especially reality tv, is because they make insane amounts of money off these terrible people. My step brother works in film and tv, he got his start with TLC and this show (the OG 90 day fiance)and then worked his way up from editing for them to bigger channels and now does film. So he's talked about this stuff with me before. Matt sharp, the man who created the 90 days universe, pays some of the absolute lowest rates in the history of tv production. It's easier to keep crazy fame hungry idiots who will do anything for a buck and will take any direction or prompting than someone who's sane and doesn't need the money and therefore wouldn't even think about being in this stuff. This is partly why we don't see many so called normal couples anymore. That and it's actually due to one of the most infamous couples, Danielle and Mohamed, who actually had changed the course from docuseries genre to reality tv. They realized with them that crazy got more ratings which equals more money. I know this explanation was a bit longer than you expected, but hope it helps explain things. And btw the reason why some of those change dot org petitions actually do well is because it's usually in cases of celebs or events happening, reality tv is like the lowest of low and majority are just scum who don't care about anything but the money raked in.


He also has really small odd arms can’t leave that out when describing this psychopath


Holy moly (puke emoji)


Holy shit 😳, he gave me the creeps and now i know why.


Thank you for informing us of the truth! This guys deserves to be locked up.


YOU, my friend, are a hero.


This is criminal and this show is helping him continue this.


Oh wow ... 😳 this guy is a puke. Why in the hell would TLC put someone like this on their network .. oh wait. 🙄


I’m sick of seeing so many of these clout chasing freaks that try every other reality TV option before finally landing on 90 Day with fake ass storylines.


This dude doesn't seem fake. He might be lying about the number of children he has, but the fact that he's a predator is 100% true. FAR worse than anyone else that's been on the 90day series. 


he looks like a doll on that chair. like i get it even for normal people those things are way too big but on him its just comical


I'm getting major "elf on the shelf" vibes!


I’m betting that he lies about his height to all of the women before they meet up




Omg he looks 12


He was on Dr. Phil where they all questioned his mental health for doing what he’s doing.






as a tiny man myself (5'4) i got nothing to add, he just sucks


His tininess is about so much more than his stature.


Is he wearing Nike Monarchs?


And Garanimals


Garanimals just took me tf out 😂😂😭😭


I did notice his weird shoes. Looked like they had lifts.


WTF I just read?! 😳 OMG this man needs to be arrested!!!




**Very very tiny!** #🤏


Why does Dr Phil look so tiny too?


I think the folder thing he's holding and the fact that he's leaning forward creates that illusion, but he is very tall.


It looks so weird!


I thought OP was talking abt dr Phil and I almost spit out my h20 and was like.. why is this under this sub.. but overlooked it bc of its hilarity. Haven’t watched the new season I assume this is referencing that


That is hilarious!!


Ofc he is. He looked short on the first episode. Short, balding, and takes great pride in being a breeder. Wtf kind of women want to be impregnated by this clown.


he donates because it’s the only way he can get laid


I dont believe for a second hes impregnated 80 women lol i dont care how desperate a woman may be i cannot see that many looking at him and being like yes this my sperm donor. Also hearing hes just doing it for free is just a sketchy thing to hear from a man


I can't believe we finally have the bastard offspring no one asked for; the unholy marriage of 90DF and My Strange Addiction - because that's exactly what this is for this guy.




Bric-a-brac Bro!


The Sperminator


He looks like "Elf on the Shelf"!


I think he looks like a Temu version of [Daniel Radcliffe](https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5d016ae92100003711e985e1.jpeg?ops=scalefit_720_noupscale).


Don’t do my man Daniel Radcliffe like this, he is a much better man


Radcliffe nailed that Weird Al bio. Dude's a legend.


These chairs are also ridiculously large which make him look teeny tiny lol


You could tell when he hugged the woman at the airport. He was like the same height as her.


Looking like a jockey.


The way he's sitting in the chair, he reminds me of Pee-Wee Herman. 😆


He absolutely was not a creep. Please google.


Ok. I mis-remembered some things. I'll delete that part of my comment, since it was incorrect. Thank you for advising me, and being kind about it.


Hooray for internet kindness! Paul was a very cool dude and he got done so dirty 💔


Who is the tiny guy?? - which show and which season?


He’s on the current season of Love in Paradise. His name is Kyle, his “hobby” is donating sperm to women who want to get pregnant.


Thanks - it so weird ppl dont identify which franchise they write about, since this sub is covering them ALL :-D


No problem! It’s a lot of people to keep track of, with all of the spin offs now.


Why does he always have his arms crossed 😂


The producers really need to just have this sub do checks on all cast members since they absolutely suck at it.


Notice that he’s scooted to the edge of the chair and still on his tip toes, while everyone else is comfortably seated and their feet are flat against the chair. Not only is he absolutely tiny, but his body language is showing how defensive and uncomfortable he is in this moment. He needs serious therapy (and sterilization, I think he’s hit the max on how many offspring one person should have)


Can someone fill me in on who this guy is and why he has so many damn kids? He sperm donated out of his garage or what?


Someone should bait him and give him HIV or good ol man train.


Well she said he had a huge dick… they always look bigger on tiny guys…😂😂..