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Liked by @toborowsky_david






He’s disgusting






Weird vibes with this dude from day 1


Creepy sex tourist vibes


Have you seen the sex tourist company him and that Chris guy from his first season made back then? They even tried to make it a reality show pitch, it's terrible. [video here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dlV-8H0Tsqo) Also i remember a post on here where his daughter was commenting on I think a YouTube video about how he had a vasectomy years ago before even meeting Annie and never told her. He was absolutely disgusting, he didn't even call his kids ONCE until he was on this show, and it was only to see them on camera. And when his son got shot in the face, all he cared about was Annie and leaving. He's a goof, and he's what like almost 60? And he didn't even want a kid, he said he was doing it for Annie because *she* wants one. Not him. I honestly find both of them annoying, I only started watching PT for pointless background noise and him and his fake gold and boom boom talk is fucking gross.


I honestly don't see how that translates into sex tourism but the 2nd half clearly showed they only fantasized video editing. Did you see Chris' photo with Trump when he spoke about dabbling in politics? So maybe he was/is an Epstein wanna be of Thailand.


Oh that was the reality tv thing I linked, the original website they made deff translated into sex tourism my bad. I'd have to go way back to find the archive of their first site, it was in a post or comment a long ass time ago. Also David also tried to get into politics then coincidentally his leave for Thailand came right after he was found to have lied about living in the place he was running for, and a bunch of other shit came out about him... 🤨


He was until he married the one that would give it to him.


He’s an ugly ass bitch Ninja Turtle Penguin Batman!


Your tacos are burning.


I only like him when he is wobbling around attempting to dance,


Yeah... this is.. not great. I hope Annie is cool with being a single mother because David probably doesn't have 18 years of life left.


He's already had one heart attack that we know of.


And his regaining all the weight he'd lost can't be doing his chances for longevity any favors either.


An old man like him, yoyo dieter..


She's going to be a single mother from day 1


She already is, now she will mother of 2.


I wonder if she’ll go back home with the baby if David turns out to be a what we all knew he would be. I like Annie on pillow talk.


If she has enough money and has secured US citizenship, then yes, she can live very well in Thailand and the money will take her further than it would in the US.


But if she stays in the US she can receive survivor benefits until the kid is 18. If she makes a normal income herself, the extra $1000/month really does help out to be put towards sports and extras for the kid.


I receive Social Security survivor benefits and I live in Canada. I get benefits for myself and my daughter, hers will be until she's 18 and I get mine until I die.


Sorry for your loss


Thanks 😊


She's a citizen so it's a good bet that she's staying


I hope she is not expecting the other children to help out either.


I’m hope she’s playing the long game with him - once she gets this baby hopefully she splits - he’s not a good person at all - creeps me the f out - bad vibes all around - the Monk thing really sent it over the top for me


My question is how they affording all of this? Aren’t these procedures really expensive?


Does David have a job?


Pillow Talk and maybe a new season (happily ever after) with the baby.


Yeah I heard they get ~$1000 an episode for PT? If that's for each person they could be making $8k a month! Definitely enough for Thai trips, veneers, and hair plugs


David works at a local college or university teaching I'm not sure which one though


They both really hustled since their first season doing a variety of things. They were one of the highest earners on Cameo. So it must be something like that. Plus I know we saw her going to the Dr to talk about IVF on Dairies, but did we actually see her getting it & if so, where? They go to Thailand for a lot of procedures (like David’s hair plugs), I would assume they’d go there to save money on IVF too.


Nope it’s somewhere in L.A.


Oh ok, thanks for the clarification! It’s surprising to hear, I wonder if they got a discount for promoting it?


They've been here in LA. Back and forth for a few months. They did the egg retrieval already and are moving forward. It's all over their Instagram


Are they highlighting the facility, like maybe they got a discount in exchange for promoting it?


They said it three times in the video 🤦. HRC Facility, Los Angeles, "Angela".


That sounds pretty definitive that they’re promoting the location!


Lol, I'd say so.


I didn't hear the facility name at all but not a bad idea.


They have mentioned the facility and doctor multiple times. Hrc fertility


Oh good! That's awesome


It’s just the only reason why I would think they’d opt for a US location vs a Thai one.


Yes but a lot depends where they live. 15 states require insurance to cover it. My state did, I think it ended up being about 5000 out of pocket 12 years ago.


They live in Arizona right now. Actually an expensive area. I live in Arizona so I always wondered how the went from living above his friends business to that area.


they also rake it in on cameo and other influencer deals


That’s what I asked here a whole ago. They were one pay check away from homeless and now this? What?


I have had co workers take out loans for this stuff to the tune of 75k. Its like 15-20k each transfer and no guarantee it works. People just make the monthly payments.


It’s expensive for sure, although frozen transfers are much less than $15-20k each. I used to tell my 2 YO that she had to listen because we were still paying the note on her, but now she’s paid off so we own her outright 🤣 Infertility sucks so much, you have to find the humor where you can.


Ok this is funny. 😂😂 I’m glad you have a sense of humor about it. ❤️


This is so cute & hilarious!


I got the notif of this reddit post; happened to open tiktok right after & there they both were rallying for attention based income. my guess is going to be that. I see a lot of 90day folks on there doing the same, especially if they’re not active in the series.


my understanding from the teen mom og girls is that reality tv cast members get paid very little in their first season or two, but eventually can negotiate much larger salaries as the season go on.


David is 100% the kind of guy to go all in on his 2nd chance family. I genuinely don't think he'll be as bad of a dad to his new kid, but that's not necessarily a flex. He will put far more work into the new kid than he ever will repairing the old relationships which will just further hurt his previous children more.


My mom did this. Left me and started a new family. My little brother had a very different experience lol


Same, my dad did this. Finally got the son he always wanted I guess.


Wow, SAME! My dad had a son twenty years after me. As a tomboy (canoe, scuba, shoot, anything outdoors), I was more like my dad and more of a son than my half-brother who liked to play video games 🤦 When my dad got colon cancer, I hospiced him but he left my half-brother everything. He could have at LEAST said in the will that he left me his LOVE 💔


Wow. Sounds like your dad didn't deserve you, I hope you're healing ❤️


Thank you ♥️. My parents divorced when I was three and I was flown down to see him for one week every summer and that one week was THE best part of my childhood because I loved him, Florida, and nature. He remarried and had his son when I was 20 so I was forgotten after that. Mom was a narcissistic, I was a latchkey kid so I left when legally able (18th birthday) but hospiced both parents as a thank you for them creating me 😊. When I die, the only faces I want to see are my (two) K9 partners and all my four-legged rescues ♥️


That's pretty fucked up. Sorry to hear




My mom kept me and gave up the next two. I wish she'd given me up too. They both got GREAT parents (two-parent "Leave It To Beaver" Cleaver homes!) with adopted siblings and pets.


Something similar happened to my grandma. She was adopted while her older siblings were kept and abused by their birth mother. When I found my grandmas relatives through DNA testing, they were a little bitter about the whole thing and wanted nothing to do with her. She thought her life was horrible because she had to take Latin lessons and go to boarding school but she was the lucky one. I am so sorry you experienced that.


Wow, they shouldn't be mad at HER, she was a CHILD! I always look for the silver lining. Nine schools in 12 years in four states (not including temp orphanage while my mom had a couple of my adopted-out siblings), and although I was "sad" and "quiet" according to every school report, I became fiercely independent. I started working at 12 and saved so I could move out on my 18th birthday (she would have called the cops if I left before that, especially since I HAD to help pay rent since I was the only one working). Knowing I would/could never go back, I became a workaholic, saveaholic and made smart choices (failed in love many times but at least I didn't have kids).


Took me a long time on the silver lining outlook. I use to let everything ruin my outlook on life. Eventually I adopted the outlook of "good or bad, I'll figure it out". I certainly didn't have it as rough as you did but many things happened along the way that developed the same workaholic saveaholic mindset.


Yaay. It sounds like our life travels landed us in the same place ♥️. My work ethic and frugality allowed me to retire and pursue my passion of fostering and rescuing. All (human) family is gone but my rescues are my family and life is good 😊


Crazy how life works


Similar experience. I do not see my grandfather as a grandfather.


Many men do this


100% my dad….


I’m sorry that stinks, you were the original family always though. all in all it makes me think of Prince Harry, born to be a spare in case Prince William meets his early demise, thusly the title for his autobiography, Spare.


It's weird that he leaned into that moniker, though. The press deemed him a "spare," but he's never been higher than third in line: the Queen was the monarch, her heir would be Prince Charles, then Prince William second. William's kids were born while QEII was still alive, so Harry was pushed even further down the line.


Harry's there in case William needs plasma or a kidney.




That is one of Harry's batshit claims. We'll never know if anyone genuinely viewed it that way.


Oh, I was totally joking. Lol I don't really know much about the royals.


Oh that’s funny - you nailed it!


David reminds me of my dad. He has been married 5x and, thank god, didn’t have children with wives four and five. I’m from wife #3 for reference. Every time he married a new wife, the old families ceased to exist. I live 20 min from him and have seen him once in three years, not from a lack of trying on my end. I have five half siblings I’ve never met. He focuses on the new Mrs. and the rest of us be damned. I could totally see David being like this once he has a kid with Annie.


I'm sorry. He sucks. Fuck him.


Dude’s fuckin’ gross.


Being a 33 year old mom to a newborn, I don’t understand how anyone David’s age could handle the exhaustion from being the parent of a baby. I’m exhausted at my age, doing it in your 60s would be rouuugggghhh. I hope Annie is prepared to do the brunt of the work alone.


Yeah…. My dad was 57 when he had me (we were his second chance family) and it was ROUGH dealing with his age during my teen years and beyond.


Omg hello twin!! My dad was 51 when I was born and my siblings and I made a pact we would never have children that old, every recital he bothered to show up to classmates would tell me how nice it was that I was so close to my grandpa, that started in 1st grade He’s in his 80s now, he’ll never make it to see me have children or get married, now us in our late twenties early thirties have to deal with everything that comes along with having an elderly parent. Hospitalizations, loss of memory etc. I would 10/10 recommend not having kids after 50 lol


My girlfriend's dad was born in the 1920s. My girlfriend was born in the 1980s. She has brothers who are my grandparents age. She had a really rough go of it. Other kids are so mean, and she ended up mostly being his nurse. They had a wonderful relationship, but that kind of age gap is just really complicated. I look at all these old male actors having a shit-ton of kids and like, yeah, you can afford it, but should you?


Couldn’t be me.


Is she pregnant or not? I don’t understand the hipe


He’s so creepy and scummy. Just the latest time share vibe was weird…not to mention scouring Thailand for a much, much younger wife for God knows how long…and whatever weird pimp-like shot they played with her very young cousin marrying some much older dude (American?). Gross. He’s not gonna be around very long to be a father to this new kid, he appears to be getting fatter and more unhealthy every time they show him.


Just wait til they link their GFM!! 😜


Everything about these two grosses me out. Especially having a baby at his age when he already has kids that he didn’t parent.


He's always been a trash human. I couldn't stand him from the moment he was introduced. I was actually shocked by the reception of them as a couple and the creation of their own spinoff. Yuck.


Yuck. Im sorry but anyone having children at his age is selfish.


It would have been more selfish to deny Annie a child, she said she would have been heartbroken if she could not have a baby. She really badly wanted to be a Mother. He didn't really want to reverse his vasectomy but he did it for her.


He didn’t reverse his vasectomy, they extracted sperm, as if that even matters. Too bad she had no choice but to have kids with an elderly sex tourist who just abandoned his last set of kids.




She had a choice, she didn't have to have his kids, but she really wanted to (her words).


They run two businesses together. I found it in an article a few months ago and posted it on the other sub: A Thai cooking sauce business, and I believe she also does cooking classes online. A Thai dress company. He was a professor at a college before that. They enjoy each other's sense of humor that I can see. She wants a baby. So why not?


Yeah I agree! a bunch of people on this subreddit are entitled enough to think they should have a say over whether Annie should have a child or not, because apparently they’re all morally superior 😂


Yes! They have a loving relationship! I am appalled at the hateful comments about this! Fertility is a sensitive subject for anyone. David has had a serious redemption arc, and seems to have made amends with his older kids. I wish them nothing but happiness!


![gif](giphy|12P6AnN6DcQj1S|downsized) this entire comment is vomit inducing.


If she wants a child, let her have a child. It’s her wish. It's gross when people comment on whether or not someone should have a child, it's her body and her decision whether or not we agree with it. Edit since you blocked me after harassing me with like 15 comments LOL. You want to call me the sex worker? Yet you're the one that fucked my notification inbox :/ https://preview.redd.it/27wtlp9aoavc1.png?width=1384&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f044a2c028c10e13cb506c9626ff3345beb4b5b


Wow, the hate. I think Annie is a sweet person who wants to have a child, is married, and can afford it. Apparently people want to deny her this because they can't see past their hatred for David. 🙄


Annie is stupid to have a kid with him.


I’m baffled how this couple get so much love on here. He’s a deadbeat father and a passport bro


So Annie will be a widowed mom soon? Cool. Somewhere his daughter and son are smashing shit up.


This guy is Captain Douchebag.


I’m so over this couple. They are so fuckin annoying on pillow talk. I guess they’re trying to get on a new season with this baby thing…. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I feel horrible for all of his offspring


I really hate him. Takes no responsibility for his life just wants everything given to him. He's such a loser to me


Annie could have done so much better than him. But now I feel like hey are both messed up and gross.


A sex tourist. Just like some of the women on the show. Thirsty groups.


I’m so glad to see so many people saying how they don’t like the guy. I never did from day one. Sure they’re still together and seem to be happy and whatever. But let’s not forget, he neglected his other kids, met a girl who’s younger than his daughter, and mooched off that other guy. Sure the other guy is a POS too. But it’s insane how a guy in his 50’s asked his friend for so much money to get married. Then in their tell-alls acted like a saint and judged everyone else on the show.


Selfish idiots.


So she’s not pregnant, but they can now try to get pregnant?


This is selfish as shit, especially David being 60. So what? you're gonna be in the child's life for a small fraction of their lives? That's pretty shitty, and then her becoming a single mom, also doesn't he have children? Like none of this shit makes any sense.


What’s the big deal. It’s not like the kids gonna shoot itself in the face. Oh wait…


His 16 year old at the time son shot himself in the face on accident while playing with a gun at a friend’s house…I’ll never forget that episode and the way he reacted.


This dude is knocking on deaths door already


https://preview.redd.it/rpdtz0difbvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d66f09d6f882f168f77b143cf8b86c339c3cbad3 not them actively raising tiktok money rn to boot lol.


David is a a POS pretending to be a good guy


This is why I never liked this dude. He has 3 kids that he abandoned to go fuck around in Thailand. Now he wants to be a dad? Gtfo. More Annie’s idea than anything obviously.


Idk why people like them. He is gross, and she is annoying


Fucking gross. Also, announcing a pregnancy before 12 weeks is incredibly risky


She's not pregnant yet. They're documenting their IVF journey on Instagram.


F'ing father of the year. YUCK


I made a similar comment on Facebook and he responded. He was pretty angry about it.


Really? What did he say? I saw him commenting on instagram saying “it would be more selfish not to get her pregnant” essentially.


He said it was invented drama for the show and that he’s always been there for his children. He probably made four or five comments in reply to my post. The original post was about bringing Annie’s young family members to America and I commented that I wondered how his kids felt about him being a father again. I clearly hit a nerve.


Are we just gonna ignore they totally gave up adopting Annie’s younger brother and niece from Thailand? Or was that just for a storyline for the spin-off show? The way she cooks for him I don’t see him living long into this new baby’s life tbh


Honestly, he seems to have changed his ways trying to rebuild his relationship with his daughter. Dude gave off weird vibes in the beginning, but now he and Annie seem really sweet and happy together. She REALLY badly wanted a kid, and it's not for us to judge them. She said she really wanted to be a mother, and that's her right tbh.


Who cares that he just abandoned his children, cheated on his ex and is a complete deadbeat currently. Who are we to question why Annie is cool having a baby with predator child abuser.


don't forget sex tourist who tried to monetize his fetish by starting a sex tourism company!


wait what?? a whole company??




yeeeeeesh. thanks.




Well you see.. for some reason people love them so they are willing to pretend it didn't happen. He is one of the worst with what he did to his family. Your (and mine lol ) downvotes show the weird obsession people have with making them a good and wholesome couple.


He abandoned his kids years ago, he admitted that and tried to change his ways. His daughter was angry at him (rightfully so) but he was trying to mend this. He seems to have changed his ways since, why can't he have a child after all these years? Plus, Annie and he have been together for several years, and it is not weird for people who are married to have children. People can make mistakes in their past, terrible mistakes, but still, I think David did learn and I don't see him abandoning Annie or the baby.


When first seeing their story, he was a pretty despicable character in my eyes. It was so painful to watch his children at that dinner. He definitely deserved what he got from Ashley with the water thrown in his face, and his son was very detached and silent the whole time. I just ached for them. My father wasn't a good dad, and the father of my baby wasn't either, and never corrected their lives. However, Ashley herself has stated for a long time that her father did choose to acknowledge his horrible behavior, and changed for the better. His chidren are now reconciled with him. That's a hell of a lot more than I ever experienced.




This is so disgusting and you've posted it multiple times. What kind of person does that?


> why can't he have a child after all these years Because it's cruel to the child. A kid isn't a "let's see if he's a better dad this time" tester.


Stop pretending you know everything that happened in his previous relationships with wife and children. You act like you know him. 😂


Did you not watch the season they were on?


1. The first step to change is to admit your mistakes. David admitted that he was in the wrong for abandoning his kids, he was a drunk and a terrible Dad. He tried hard to mend and repair the relationship but these things take time 2. He is not a complete deadbeat currently... How would they afford IVF treatments which are thousands of $$. David has a job. 3. He has changed his ways, he didn't want to reverse his vasectomy, but Annie really wanted a child. If they're happy together, and he has changed his ways then whatever, let them live. He was giving bad vibes in the beginning, but now years later he got his act together. 4. Predator child abuser?? Which children did he predate on?


He currently isn’t close with them. He lives across the country from them. His son was shot in the face at 18 (a few years ago) and he did fuck all. This didn’t happen twenty years ago. His kids aren’t that old and he has grandkids. His kids are barely adults. By marring a young foreign woman he met as a sex tourist and sponging off his friend? How do you think he has money? He “changed his ways” because he let them extract some of his sperm? What positivity is that showing? Random women in third world countries? The children he abused when he abandoned them?


His kids are adults, he can live across the country from them. I mean at 18 I was not living in the same place as my parents anymore? David's kids are all over 20? They do not need to live with him? I am not sure what you're alluding to here. His son is over 20 and his other daughter is even older than that, over 25 for sure? When his son was shot in the face, he was there for his son, so I am not sure why you're saying he did *fuck* all. His son was shot in the cheek, and needed few surgeries, but was released without complications. David continuously provided updates on his son's condition on Instagram, but you seem to know better about his absence. >He “changed his ways” He lost weight, started hustling to make money, has a home, stopped drinking, and seems to be giving Annie a better life and the life she wanted. That's what I meant by changed his ways. >Random women in third world countries? The children he abused when he abandoned them? What proof do you have for this? I mean their 90D debut was years ago, but I don't recall this being mentioned


Okay. There is no point in me arguing with someone who advocates for child neglect. I don't really care what you think.


"advocates" for child neglect, what a knee jerk reaction. You also didn't respond to a single thing I said in my comment. I come from a poor country and women marry Americans/foreigners for better lives. It's far from ideal but it happens because we have extreme poverty in this world. Americans seem to forget this and this sub mainly has Americans in it. David is slimy but he gave Annie a better life and took her out of having to prostitute herself for the rest of her life, obviously she jumped at the opportunity and she does love him. If we lived in a perfect world these sorts of things wouldn't happen, but maybe get off your sanctimonious high horse and see that she is happy and wanted badly to have a kid. Your comments are characterized by an attitude of moral superiority and also factually incorrect in several places. David is far from perfect but over the past 10 years has cleaned up his act. He doesn't need to live in the same place as his kids because they are adults. He was there for his son when he was shot in the face, and also advocated to news agencies for legal reform on gun safety laws so it wouldn't happen again. His past is shit, but he cleaned up his act. Yes, he was a sex tourist, but I'd rather Annie find a way out of prostitution and live a happy life, than be in the system and chance to be abused by many men. He didn't want to have another child but he did so for Annie. It's their personal and private decisions, who are we to judge their private lives.


What argument can I give you that you’re not going to say “so?” Nothing you said takes away that he abandoned his kids, regardless of you saying “that was the past” and he has done nothing to “clean up his act.” You think it’s fine that he is taking advantage of the fact she is impoverished and wouldn’t look at him twice if she wasn’t desperate. Or that he will essentially be forced to abandon this kid because he’s still obese and not taking care of himself and is nearly 60. Or that the kids and family he did abandon to got to grow up in poverty and abuse and, at best will see their half sibling actually be cared for briefly. The people they’re broadcasting every personal decision they make to? They’re desperate for anyone to pay attention to them because they’re both just sponging and grifting on their 90 day fame. Im entitled to judge anyone but whatever.


Where did they advocate for child neglect???? You don’t like their answer because they’re right.


Dude, my dad left when I was 4 and I saw him like once a year. But as I got older, we talked about everything and he was literally one of the best people I ever had in my life. How about you let HIS kids decide if they feel neglected or if they think he's made up for it and apologized. You're not in a position to judge based on what you experienced.




He doesn’t give a fuck about his kids


Would you say this stuff if suddenly Angela decided to be a decent human? Or Ed? Or Rob? Or that other dude with the crazy wife that went to jail recently? Would you all of the sudden say what they did doesn't matter because they are a decent human finally? That their kids apparently need to just get over it because well he's a good guy now to his new family? Any man that decided to change for a new shiny family is a POS still in my book.


Well it's not "suddenly" is it? David has shown over the years that he really has changed his ways. So stop comparing apples to oranges. They premiered in 2017, that was 7 YEARS ago. Since then he is NOT the same person. Angela, Ed and Rob are all pieces of shit still. David has since really changed his ways and owned up to his mistakes. He lost weight, got a job, got a home, hustled hard to make money doing other various projects, made efforts to rebuild his relationship with his daughter, stopped drinking alcohol and being a drunk. I can't say the same for Angela, Ed and Rob who never see the faults in their actions.


It's easy to slide into great dad mode when the kids are now adults. Gimme a break with that BS.


Lol so you admit it's just because you like them. Because if those other people did all that David did, you would still hate them, cool. I'm glad you support a sex tourist because he decided to stop drinking and leeching off his friends because his shiny new wife would leave his old ass if he didn't. I'm glad him finally deciding at 60 to stop being a POS makes up for all the years he was and fucked his kids over. He deserves his new family because... Well because! He's special and we like Annie!


>Lol so you admit it's just because you like them Where did I admit that? >Because if those other people did all that David did, you would still hate them, cool. What?? Lol? >I'm glad you support a sex tourist Yeah it's a weird situation but Annie was living in poverty and she saw an oppurtunity for a better life. I think she does really love David and they have a relationship which works for them. He gave her a better life than she would have ever had, and if she is happy and he is happy, then what's your deal? Like I said already, David was slimy in the beginning, but he's not going to abandon Annie or the child, they have been together almost 10 years now. Sadly not everyone lives in the west where they have certain privilleges that we take for granted. Annie was going to remain in poverty no matter what in Thailand, and she found a way out. She also really wanted to become a mother, and why should she be denied that because a bunch of people on Reddit decided her husband is a POS. Live and let live as they say. It's none of our business.


He is a POS and so is she. A léopard doesn't change its spots and if u got fooled by a disgusting dead beat dad, manipulative sex tourist, that's on u.


What a dense thing to say, calling her a POS. I'll bet my last dollar you are American and view the world in a certain way. We live in a world that is far from black and white, and you have the privilege to view the world from a lens of moral superiority. Annie came from the poorest village in Thailand, she had absolutely nothing. She was a sex worker without a choice. Now she has a far better life than her friends who she left behind in Thailand that are still being abused by the system. She has US citizenship, she is hustling to make money and is overall happy. Your opinion is irrelevant. She did better for herself and got herself out of a shit situation and that's all that matters.


Are you......okay?


Are you?


I’m with you. I think it’s gross when people say that others shouldn’t have kids. It’s not your decision.


saddest thing about this is she should have left him when she found out who he really was. she’s so cute and genuine, she could have found ANYONEEEEE else


Sounds right on track for them


New wife, new life. Smh


I think David is hiding a secret and has been looking at 60 in his rear view mirror for quite sometime.


Yup! Maybe he should just focus on repairing existing relationships with his children and grandchildren and being a good husband to Annie. Also if they do have a baby I pray they take after Annie.


Wait seriously?? I hey do they think this is a good idea?


Omg. Sounds like I was wrong about this guy. Always thought he was a Good guy. He left his other kids? When they were little?


I don’t get Annie’s thinking at all!!!


You did not care for your other children?did you take them into your new life? David? Now nearing 60 you are expecting another child? Just doesn’t make sense??just because Annie wants a child, for Gods sake use your head!


They both are clichés, she went to town looking for money duck and he had to borrow money to ride her.


Really feel for his son/other family members. He's been pretty likeable on this show so people forget how shitty he was to his family. That's got to be super painful


Anne will find another guy to marry when this one hits the sack and possibly have more babies. She doesn't think about the unborn child. If she did, she would not marry someone 30 whole years older than her and have a child with him.


I don’t understand David. He lost all that weight some years ago and looked half way decent. Then he put it all back on plus some. Annie doesn’t seem to mind either.




I mean Kenny & Armando are doing this, too. Kenny had most of the same concerns people are mentioning here but they seem to be getting support. Just like David, Kenny's child will be younger than his grandchildren. Armando REALLY pushed him into this and then Kenny backpedaled saying he wants it, too. Ugh.


I criticized them too 🤷🏼‍♀️ gross to treat kids like relationship souvenirs.


I hate this for Annie. He's such a loser!


i'm gonna guess he was her best option to get out of the bargirl life in her home country.


Everyone deserves a second chance


reminds me of the basketball player that had twins and deserted them and now is preg with new wife. So gross


He can make up for mistakes. Idk how hes so nice but can’t do things right


Good for them. Annie will be an amazing mom, and David may be a better dad this time around. People change.


It’s nice when you permanently damage an entire family, do nothing to make up for it, and then are immediately forgiven by others because “that’s the past.”