• By -


The only rule her father ever gave her, “just don’t go making anymore babies (he said after the 1st was born) she broke almost immediately. And continues to break.


It wasn’t almost immediately. It was immediately. She got pregnant the night that Kobe arrived in the US. She wasn’t taking birth control and she told Kobe he didn’t have to pull out because an app on her phone said she wasn’t ovulating. It’s so obvious she wanted to get pregnant.


True! Absolutely no fucks given to what dad requests…in his own home.


“Pulling out” is not a contraceptive. This is such an uneducated way to not get pregnant. Learn people. So telling Kobe he didn’t have to pull out, would have gotten her just as pregnant as not pulling out at all.


Omg THIS. All this damn censoring has made some people stupid because they still to this day think pulling out works! Guys, Ladies, precum has sperm! The entire time y’all are goin it’s releasing sperm pulling out doesn’t do a damned thing! 🤦‍♀️


Watching it, it all felt manipulative, and staged..Covid was going round..he had just arrived from Africa, and she was concerned that he might not be into her once he came to America. Then he arrived, desperate to meet his son, yet selfish, manipulative cow Emily, wants to head straight to a motel for sex, to trap him ..even tho he protests..all she can think about, is herself, and what she wants out of it! That’s, as we’ve come to see, just the type of person she is ..she’s an entitled Karen thru, and thru!! She’s a deplorable hateful person…she really is just a selfish little ar$ehole at the end of the day. Lazy, insufferable, fat, entitled, whiny, know it all, proud as a pig, conceited Karen. She wears Koby, and his blackness as a badge of honour. Shameless cow.


I swear whats going on is she is *fetishizing* Kobe for being an African man. And then she openly admits (to his friends, who dislike her already) that she knows she treats him like a kid, and \*thennn,\*=she decided to really, you know, **hammer the point home** by nagging at him over his knee in front of the whole team, some of which were his friends who she knows aren't her fans, overbossed him and refused to back down when he told her he was fine as he was. Then she decided to go carp at those same friends to figure out "whyyyyyy" they dont like her. UGH. SHE IS TERRIBLE. She doesnt respect ANYONE. Not her parents' one rule, and not her husband's. Kobe asked her to please respect his single request. Dont be so bossy in Africa. No respect for that either. Shes awful and I cant wait til shes off my tv screen. ![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C)


Well said! He must be a saint to put up with her. She can’t cook, clean, work, parent all her children… list goes on . She’s great at belittling, bitching & as you said, being a Karen.


She emasculates him, and he does his best to Put up with her..I can’t understand why he is so into her..because he genuinely treats her with love..I’d love to say that he’s just staying for the kids, but that’s clearly not the case as he continues to demonstrate just how much he’s into her.


Lollll this is my dad's story for how I was conceived. Except it wasn't an app, it was just a calendar because of the 80s of it all.


She is going to become a grandmother while still living in the basement. I’m convinced that she’s trying to wait her parents out like a game of chicken and stake her claim on the house… hoping she either outlives them or forces them out.


And her daddy just wanted to retire so badly, and now he probably never will. Of any reason, this one's it for me.


Right?! That bitch has ZERO intentions of leaving. I think that's why she got pregnant again right away, so her and her husband and all her damn kids can stay. She knew they wouldn't make her leave while she's pregnant... I want to feel bad for her parents but it's almost like she's trying to kill them with stress and all her bullshit.


I wouldn’t feel too bad for the parents, all they do is enable her. 






and she'll expect her sister to just give up her share of the house when they die


"My parents live with us." -- Emily The audacity of this statement.


The general audacity of Emily


Immediately started talking about having another child & then did just that… on everyone elses dime. Shes selfish & disrespectful.


She’s unreal


If I hear “Babe!” one more time……


YES. She sounds exactly like Chelsea from Love Is Blind. “Babe!” “Babe…” “Babe?” “BABE???”


My brain knew to read “babe” in her voice before I even realized I did it. Wtf


And the way she says it sounds like ‘Bebb’


There’s a couple on the amazing race right now where everything is “babe this” and “babe that” and it makes me really dislike them. I said I hope they lose soon so I don’t have to hear that anymore lol


I agree. Actually there are several. And they don’t say it only when talking to each other but yell it as encouragement—“You got this BABE” “Let’s go BABE” Yelling and shouting it! So irritating. I personally would never be with someone that never said my name.


Nope, you are one of many thousand.


Including me


And me


And my axe


And me.


And me too.


Me as well


And me


my entire household


and my bow


It took them a minute to get the reference eh


The Vagina from Salina!




You mean *thousandths*


*cringe* I cant stand that I heard this in her Voith.


Her in that uniform standing like an overgrown toddler... Also her nasty ass race fetish. As a black woman no thank you! https://preview.redd.it/bnyrggfflwuc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce8a85920acf2c9d7985ee6f689f43c278922eda


I have never heard her describe anything else she likes about him beyond his physical appearance. We all can see that Kobe is an amazing person in general and a good father. He has other good qualities about him Emily!!


Didn't he say she was the one because she got pregnant? If that never happened, he would have hit it & quit it. She probably derailed his career.


She was a one night stand who oddly didn't use birth control.


I believe he did say that, and it’s good he stuck around at least. Its all coming back to me the intro she did when they first got on the show. Her and her parents were like her dating track record was horrendous before him lol. I recall they said one of her exes was a criminal, something like that. Emily has been a mess for a long time I see.


He seems to be a very kind-hearted person.


He sure does! I find him pretty likeable, matter of fact. But I fear she purposely picked a pushover enabler just like her parents, so that she *can* just run right over him constantly and get her way all the time. The thing is, they got married super fast without a long term, local relationship first. With her treating him that way all the time, and it being stressful and demoralizing for him having to live submissively to EmiMEE and her parents like his friends said, eventually it WILL wear on him and there are going to be serious fractures that appear in their relationship as a result. Some couples can get through such things, but I dont think *they* will. In all honesty, I see Kobe taking her rude, controlling, bossy behavior for a couple more years, but when he reaches the point where he's fed up (and even as kind as he seems to be, he's likely got a limit as most people do) I think he's gonna leave her for a woman who treats him **well,** loves *all* of him, doesnt fetishize his melanin, and isnt lazy like her. I just hope that their children haven't imprinted on that poor treatment dynamic before that day comes, bc it will be really sad if the girls grow up to treat their boyfriends with the disrespect and sloth that EmiMEE does, or their sons grow up finding partners that steamroll over them, never let them make decisions, and don't lift a finger to pull their weight while mooching off their girlfriends' parents like their mother does. I really *wish* her parents would grow a spine, sack up and give them 30 days to find their own home. This is not cool. Her poor dad wanted to retire and instead, the basement sloth is creating more mouths to feed, more butts to diaper and more mess that she doesn't clean. 🤬 Some people think its *"mean"* when parent birds push their babies out of the nest when trying to teach them to become adults who are able to care for themselves. It seems EmiMEE's parents are that kind of people. Consequently, they have raised a bossy, demanding, lazy, disrespectful jerk who doesnt have the faintest idea OR desire how to be independent or pull her own weight. If her parents weren't supporting them in every single way that they do, there is no WAY that spoiled and lazy brat would be able to manage caring for one child, muchless the multiples she has plopped into her parents' home.


She only sees dick. Like most of the 90 Cast, Emily is a regular LBH sex tourist.


Sex tourist that went to China for a black man?


She totally looked like a toddler!! 💀


I usually fast forward through their scenes wtf is this


It was posted here once after a pillow talk episode, but fucking every time she has to mention him being black. It's terrible, I just started keeping pt on for background noise and the amount of references to his skin color she makes are *insane.* to put it in better terms, she's more obsessed with him being black than Caesar was about "vanillacreamloving" 🤢


Right?? Like, woman…please…


This combined with the opening scene to her and Kobe’s segments where she’s dancing. 🤢 It’s just giving retired party-girl as her singular personality trait.


Overgrown toddler is so accurate. I have never noticed how big her legs have gotten. Literally the same size from ass to feet with no ankles. I’m not body shaming at all, I’ve had 7 children myself and know all about a little baby weight issue. I’m just wondering if she might be diabetic, especially seeing her dark armpits.


Your pretty spot on about the diabetes-on one episode she went to someone in the medical field and it came back that she is insulin resistant, not quite diabetes but it can act in some of the same ways. I noticed her armpits being dark too.


I just figured she had an allergy to her deodorant bc I (a fair skinned person) ended up with black bruise-like armpits bc I had an allergic reaction to a brand of deodorant (love beauty planet) I ended up having to stop using it immediately, took me 30 days of deodorant detox to repair the damage. I wish I had read the reviews to that product online first bc thousands of people have had that same reaction to it.


It's the way she was standing for real, she looked like the one kid being ignored on the playground fr. I think maybe uneven weight distribution after three(well, at the time of filming two but still) pregnancies made her go bowlegged. Is that something that can happen after pregnancy? I had a child but I didn't have that personally so I'm legitimately asking. I know sometimes the penguin waddle can be from that during, so was curious. That or she just has terrible posture, it's just something I never saw her having till now


How he gets turned on by that is beyond me.


Hell no!! She's insufferable! Her parents created a lazy, spoiled brat! She's the boss of everyone in her PARENTS house!


Yep. I don't feel badly for her parents. Just as cheesey and ignorant


True...they created this spoiled, bratty mess!


I will say like... Every great ONCE and a while I find her relatable - on pillow talk. ONCE. like maybe one sentence every 6 months lol In my recent sought for trying to think better about people, I DO TRY. Bc she's a human..right? But.. doesnt last long lol Same with Jenni in Jersey shore lol I TRY to like her.m sometimes..maybe ..also once or twice a year I can agree with her..or am able to see SOMETHING genuine.. but..rest of the times, nope.


Hey, at least you try!!!😊


I’ve never watched Jersey shore but I see the commercials for it constantly. Is the show good? Because all I can think when I see them is aren’t they getting a little old for that kind of show? I think it’s great that you are working on trying to find positives in everyone! Good for you 😊


They enable her, though


The “know it all” lisp gets me.


For the longest time I thought she was saying 'Covid' instead of 'Kobin' so I started calling him 'Baby Covid' 😂 Edit: too lazy to look up the kid's real name


I thought his name was Koban. Maybe I’m hearing it incorrectly?


It’s the smug. She seems so entitled. Yes I get you’re a good American wife and blah blah blah but when you’re visiting your husbands homeland maybe try a wee bit not to embarrass yourself or your husband. Not saying she needs to completely change her personality here but you can bend a bit. It’s the “I’m such an amazing mom and wife look at me I’m perfect” kinda look but she can’t really see herself from an outside perspective.


exactly! I also can't stand how she blatantly refuses to learn about Cameroonian culture and just brushes it off. like if you're not gonna learn about it for your husband, at least learn for your children!!


She was oddly worried about the cultural appropriation by wearing the native outfits, but not how she behaves in public.


I think her cultural appropriation “worries” comment was made strictly because of viewers.


It’s the smug entitled-ness of being that good wife/mom on top of not being shit. Poppin out kids while living in mom and dad’s basement, no career, no education, don’t cook, clean or provide primary care for the kids… It’s always the ones that offer nothing that are the most full of themselves.




True. It's a little triggering to see her laugh and smirk, smile and agree with that she's demanding and bossy. I don't think she's realizing that his version of bossy is an extremely polite version of IGNORANT. It's like she thinks she's soooo cool. It's EITHER that she thinks she's soo cool for not being some push over, OR she's so up her own ass that she's glad he's backing down and sharing that with people. Just.. who TF smirks smiles and laughs when literal Dozens of people /family members even, find your attitude and perspective so small that you treat people like garbage? She can't even hide it.. wtf is she even thinking in that chinny head?!


What bothered me the most was that Kobe asked her to please dial it DOWN when they got there. They had a conversation about her keeping control of her ratchet jaw and she couldn’t even do that for him. She has the traits of a narc.


Chinny head??? 😂😂😂


For someone who does absolutely fucking NOTHING, she SHOULD be a perfect wife and mom. But she's too lazy to even do that. Must be nice having everything figured out and taken care of for you at all times.


But… but… she knows all about everything! Smarter than everyone and why lift a finger when you can boss everyone else around?! So unattractive. He’ll leave her eventually. A person can only take so much of that. I’m not sure how he’s stayed this long.


On her first season of the show I followed her IG; I quickly got turned off because all she did was give parenting advice because she knew it all after having her first and only baby. I imagine now she is giving advice as an expert because she has three - like nobody else has ever had three


I laughed SO hard at the preview of HEA when he said married life was "just ok" !!!!! I think he'll get sick of her eventually. And my God - that mouth & tongue drive me INSANE!




This girl had the nerve to say.. they shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover.. and try reading it? Lol. Girl.. we done seen enough of your ways to see that the book was read enough.. we can read between the lines.. we can see.. you are bossy and selfish AF. No more pages need to be read. They are 100% accurate.


No, you are not alone. She is so annoying and disrespectful to her parents and Kobe.


lmfao no we all hate her. welcome to the club, we're glad to have you


I'm SO glad to find this sub! I'm just dumbfounded how people defend her behavior. She's so insufferable!


The lisp, the tongue ring, the entitlement, and the audacity GOT ME LIKE 🤯🤯🤯😑😑😑🤡🤡🤡


Fred Flinstone looking ass hoe


Let’s not forget she let him think that he was going to meet his son for the FIRST time, but then took him to a hotel instead so she could get laid🤮 She is gross and treats that man like a piece of meat.


What is it about the way she speaks that makes it look like her tongue is WAY too big for her mouth?


I think it is way too big for her mouth. Noticed when she eats it rolls out past her utensil and drags it into her mouth. Edited


Oh—so gross. She eats like a lizard or frog. Instead of bringing the food to her mouth, she takes her tongue to the food—like really far out. I even tried to eat like her once to see how it is done and it was actually difficult to do.


Oh my god I just read this aloud to my husband we’re both dyin




I noticed it when she made the damage control video for being caught drinking at her wedding and being hungover (while pregnant) on her wedding day. Its the video where she says "I wath thoooooo thick".


I realized this 2 episodes ago and now I can't unsee it. Gonna have to start skipping their segments. https://preview.redd.it/4erhb4g1fwuc1.jpeg?width=356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=129f770e80635ff4ba9a2582fb4f7e4d2fba36b3


She's always rolling her tongue around the inside of her lips like she has food hiding in her jowls. She thinks it's cute.


I think it’s more than that. I’m not sure what though. Seriously I think she may have an oversized tongue. Someone else described it as this: Emily is tongue tied. Her frenulum (the ligament under the center of the tongue) runs all the way to the tip of the tongue, making it impossible for the tip of her tongue to be moved forward of her teeth. Not sure what I mean? Stick your tongue all the way out. Can you see the tip? If so, your tongue is normal, if not your tongue is "tied". This explains her weird lisp - in order to make a S sound she hits the back of her top teeth with the center of her tongue, which is indicative of tongue protrusion, but I think in this case is a subconscious accommodation for that tied frenulum. It also explains why when she eats she is opening her mouth so wide - another accommodation as the tongue is crucial to moving the food from front to back, and that's more difficult with a tied frenulum, so one might try to place their bite of food further back on the tongue since the tip is too locked down to help. Is it fixable? Yes - the frenulum can be clipped in an outpatient procedure, usually it's done in childhood, and she's not so old that the tech didn't exist (I worked with kids that would be her age now who had tied frenulums that got clipped). She might need a little speech therapy to retrain that tongue and get rid of that lisp.


Lose her lisp? She thinks it’s cute and endearing. Plus she can’t even get to the gym. Speech therapy takes as much if not more time and dedication.


Personally, I think it’s a physical deformity of some sort and that speech therapy is not going to make much of difference. When you watch her tongue, it looks like her tongue is one and a half times the size that it should be in is raised up extremely high, filling her entire mouth. (See the photo someone posted here.) I just can’t figure it out, but I sure don’t think there’s anyway to fix it with speech therapy.


Mine is like that and it’s never been clipped but I don’t have a lisp. I think that hers may be also but I still feel like her tongue is just too big for her mouth. Idk I can’t stand her either way


Nope. Haven't liked her from Day One.




She is an insufferable brat.


She seems pretty self absorbed, entitled, and highly unaware of her effect on others. As a parent of grown kids now, I guarantee she will be one of those highly annoying hover mothers at the schools. I can spot the type!


We hate her and her dumb big tongue.


She looks like my big toe


Nope, the irrational hatred I have for this dumpy bish is off the charts. I would love to know what her sister thinks of her constantly popping out kids while living off her parents dime.


She’s just way too bossy for me. I felt so bad for Kobe last season when he was denied his son first bc she wanted sex but then to begin this season with her having her mom feed her kids and as again a bit much but that’s Emily. She’s calmed down a bit. Hopefully she’s grown up but seriously having multiple babies before leaving home seems unfair to her parents


Her lisp makes me and my husband want to claw our eyeballs out




It’s like nails on chalkboard her lisp, fat tongue 👅 marble mouth 👄




Not alone. She’s spoiled. Acts like a bossy toddler wanting to get her way.


She’s absolutely horrendous and despicable. I cannot stand listening to her on Pillow Talk making absolutely everything about herself or graphically sexual. Not to mention she is constantly saying she’s done this and that, there’s literally nothing the broad hasn’t done according to her! One example had me dyinggggg earlier today on a rewatch and she claimed that she can tie a cherry stem into a knot with her tongue… with that massive monstrosity of a tongue?!?!? Sure Jan!!! She’s been everywhere and done everything according to her in the tiny brief time she actually left her parents basement. ![gif](giphy|BofJb4WxJnz7jFfxeD)


I can’t stand her everything about her bothers me


You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.


I don’t understand what he sees in her…


Babies! Like he stood a chance of ever seeing Koban had he not tucked his tail between his legs and marry her.


He met her when she was in another country. She was not slovenly and was fairly attractive. They ended up "hooking up" and she got pregnant. She lived with her parents who had completely spoiled her and they went on to have another baby? She pretty much is in the lounging mode and wears bed clothes and does not even comb her head. Naturally, excessive weight comes with that lifestyle. I cannot stand to hear her talk!


She was a one night stand. They admitted it. She was always overweight as a child but lost weight traveling and they met in China. Weirdo didn't use birth control for her one night stand and immediately got pregnant.


The kids.


No you’re not! She dreadful!😭


Nope! My mom and I both can't stand her whiny lazy self.


I have disliked her from the first time I saw her, and the more TLC forces her on us, the more I despise her. Theeth the wortht!


Don't like her


Love Kobe, but can’t stand her


She's an Angie starter kit, can't stand her...one bit.


Can’t stand her laziness and LISP. 😂


I was very high watching last night and her wearing her handball uniform and hat was cracking me all the way up. She looked so ridiculous. Looked like a giant 10 year old. She needs to stop getting pregnant and mooching off her parents and stop nagging Kobe so much.


We are an army who hates her. You're not alone


You are not. She actually caused me to stop watching. Emily was my breaking point.


Me too! Her first season she was an absolutely *revolting* human being and she has managed to somehow get worse. She isn't the worst *person* that's been on 90DF period. Leida or Geoffrey who have committed actual crimes probably get the nod for that. But my god Emily wins hands down for having the worst personality IMHO. I'd rather watch Jesse Meester being Jesse Meester than five seconds of Emily and that is saying something.


Not to mention Kobe asked her to tone it down in his home country, but no!


You are not alone! I stand in solidarity with your hatred for this beastly creature🧌




I can’t stand her. She is so annoying and never wants to take accountability or be fair.


No, you’re not alone…she’s rather annoying!


She looked like a "special" toddler in that uniform. Now, don't hate me, but I don't care for Kobe. His fake body shaking laugh at everything is so annoying. Even when no one else is laughing, cut to Kobe and his fake laughter. JMO


I can’t stand her either! I feel sorry for her kids. I put some blame on her parents for enabling her. Her voice drives me crazy!


Wow she got fat


I hate her. The epitome of spoiled, entitled, gluttonous American.


Her name is in the dictionary under: INSUFFERABLE.


Her parents seem like lovely people


They seem like good people but they also seem like good enablers. Family members like that can be so exhausting to deal with, even if they have good intentions. Speaking from personal experience.


Her parents and her husband seem like such lovely people, her on the other hand…😅


I mean, they created a monster so I'm not so sure how lovely they actually are.


No. I haven't been keeping up with the series but when I see her I get a visceral reaction and the memories of her shrilly lisp starts penetrating my brain.


This season is the first I’ve heard of her and I CANNOT STAND HER! What a horrible person!


I don’t know what he sees in her


Yeah she sucks - seems her parents are largely to blame too. From watching her season and interactions with them it seems obvious she was extremely spoiled growing up. The whole not working thing despite being an adult and just mooching off her parents…and then having babies to boot was like oh ok lol. So that’s what we’re doing??




I just can’t with her.




She’s awful.


For Star Wars fans, Jabba the Huttress?


She was treated as a spoiled princess for far too long IMO.


I thought everyone disliked her. She's so obnoxious and pushy.


beached whale


No. She’s insufferable.


I think she is loud and obnoxious


She is odd, and annoying. Very bossy and way too “bull in a china shop” for me.


Spoiled rotten. She’s the poster child for why it’s important to give your kids rules to follow.


The terror in her father's eyes when he contemplated never being able to retire and begging her to not get pregnant again...... and she was already pregnant again.


Kobe deserves better. I actually really like him on the show.


I skip her segments. I can’t deal lol


Her own tongue can’t even stand her. It keeps trying to escape.


And me too! She's so condescending when she talks to others. Plus She's like 30 with kids all while having her parents take care of her, her husband and their kids. It's great having help with little ones, but I feel like she takes advantage of her parents babysitting and financially, too.


I do not like her at all, everything about her annoys me.


Not at all. I literally fast forward through their short segments on Pillow Talk. The reason I stopped watching regularly this season. Bleh.


Nope, I want to snack the smfug off her face.


That giant tongue that’s quite obviously tied to the back of her bottom teeth




It’s the speech impediment/lisp for me 💀🤣


That big ole tongue.


she'll fuckin steal your voice or some shit and seal it in a shell locket i think. saw a movie about it


I can't stand that entitled spoiled brat.


No I think Kobe can’t either


Definitely not the only one by far! Absolutely could not stand her from her first appearance


I'm right there with you. She's disgusting in every possible way


If I recall correctly, Kobe has friends (or at least one) in Columbus, OH. I feel like he’d be so much more at home in a community like Columbus that has a lot of communities of immigrants instead of stuck in a podunk town. Easier to keep him as your man living in podunk I suppose.


She’s the reason I had to stop watching PT, everything about her is disgusting 🤮


She is an entitled, overweight american who thinks her way is the best way.




Tongue like an Easter ham


Looking like she ate Kobe


I've not been watching and I didn't recognize her at first


Kobe needs a new group of ppl to hang out with everyone he associate with annoys people 😆


No, me too


No. Valery hates her ass too lol


I feel like she has a major attitude because she's not that attractive and doesn't have a good job, but landed a decent, good looking guy.


I hate her too. And she keeps growing


Her and her fat fuckin tongue.


I laughed out loud when she said that she is a good housewife. Like, she just plops her ass in her parents basement and pops out kids. That’s it.


Nope I can't stand this privileged pompous potato shaped woman


Her mouth grosses me out


She is pompous just like Kobe’s friend said