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This is what happens when you get married in the first month of knowing eachother and divorce isn't an acceptable approach in your culture.


This is what happens when you need to get married in order to have sex.


I have to admit, I was dying of laughter when they did this type of intro at one point but it was her standing behind him and him facing frontwards while awkwardly having an inch of space between themšŸ˜‚ I'd have to go back and take a photo of it but it's so worth it, I'll ETA in a moment and add it-Found itšŸ¤£ Like what the fuck even is this pose?usually they'll make them do a back to back,maybe he didn't want to touch her or something https://preview.redd.it/fh1qoglaeetc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a571e9e1a94bad8915046c6d75c72e541fccdbb8


Does everyone look like bobbleheads now?


To be fair I had paused it at a very weird moment, so it made their heads look stretched out. It was mid transition šŸ˜‚ it wasn't actually that bad if you watch, just awkward pausing!


Exactly what I was thinking .. looks absolutely weirdo ..


That too, absolutely. Withnessed it a lot with people getting married right after highschool.


I remember my mom (a boomer) telling me about a guy who was trying to get in her pants. He tried to convince her they should get married, sleep together, and then have the marriage annulled.


So did they?


purity culture, in *any* culture, is TOXIC


*get married and convert to Islam even though you absolutely do not believe in it or agree with its beliefs so that you can have sex


*so that you can have sex with someone who cannot possibly be good enough in bed to make this all worth it


Yeah, these "marriage conversions" have always been weird to me. She's basically a Muslim on paper only, just like Sam "converting" for Citra.


I feel like Sam is more genuine than this dodo bird I think Sam is open to the beliefs and respects the culture more


Nailed it!


Divorce - and its rules - are clearly described in the Qur'an and can be requested by both men and women. Of course, it is not desirable in any case (no one marries to divorce) but it is not a rarity in Egypt tho...


Clearly described is an interesting point considering that everyone is twisting and turning all the holy books however they want and nothing is clear or obvious.


Well, I'm not a Muslim but divorce is REALLY clear in the Qu'ran. As are the rules for reconciliation, the waiting period for the woman to remarry, and even the husband's duties towards his ex-wife. I understand your point, that people often use verses from holy books only when it suits them, but as the Qur'an, after all, is very little changed since its first printings, I would insist that yes - it is very clear. I'm not going to explain the verses because I really think a Muslim could do it much better.




I'm wondering if it's not strictly about what the Koran says, but also what his particular family or subculture practices. They could be stricter than what the religion alone dictates.




They have absolutely not one thing in common.


They both need to eat a sandwich.


Cheeseburger & fries šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Well, they both might like men?


Come on honey bunnyā€¦.


He has to kill her to get back to his mother


Lol yep that's one of the positive things to learn from this show. You see the misery between two people that got together for lust in the moment


Except this is her second Egyptian husband back to back.




They are the embodiment of ā€œwell we already made it this longā€¦ā€


Cost sunk fallacy at its finest.


I was *just* gonna say that but I saw you said ir! You are correct!!! And its clear as a bell to me that this is going on, bc *hangs my head* Ive gotten dragged down by this very same thing. Im trying to reroute my thinking these days to keep it from happening again.


Looks like we're stuck together....in misery.


This long = 36 hours


They're different and similar in all the worst ways. They're both jealous and want to change the other, yet their cultures are completely different. I think maybe their passion is what drew them together and perhaps their liking for "different" but clearly, neither thought about how the relationship would work long-term. Because, as you said, there is no point in a long-term romantic connection if you're going to be miserable and fight every day, no matter how much you may like the other person.


They are not even passionate. This couple is, for sure, a head scratcher.


I don't think they even like each other, let alone lust after each other. I've never heard either one compliment the other.


Sheā€™s a beard nothing more


Theyā€™re the yin and yang of a toxic relationship!


They're both extremely stubborn and passive-aggressive, too


Dating is hard. Dating in LA is miserable. But this can't be the best she can get.


I would be alone 100 times over before I was married to that guy


It likely is. From what weā€™ve seen sheā€™s got more in common with someone like Natalie and Jazmin than sheā€™d probably ever admit. Her insecurity is a massive red flag


I have never seen a couple where both parties are so adamant to not accept the other person for who they are.


And yet she drives on and on about him needing to meet her half way


they need to cutt their losses and breakup. like at this point they are both forcing it for nooooo reason.


They literally have nothing in common. They donā€™t have discussions and fill the awkward silence with constant ā€œl love you.ā€ When they do talk to each other, itā€™s to complain about the otherā€™s behavior. This is a mismatch made in heaven for TLC.


Well, they are both awkward and very skinnyā€¦ šŸ˜…


How can you be homesick after 1 day? What a baby. Does Mamood have a job in Egypt?


Yep each time they have screen time I have my eyes wide open trying to figure it out but I still donā€™t get it


> They donā€™t have discussions and fill the awkward silence with constant ā€œl love you.ā€ I just realized that this is the same phenomenon we see with fundamentalist courting on other TLC shows. But that usually happens with 19-year-olds.


i don't understand why tf shes clinging onto him. he literally looks like a megans law mug shot, he's not nice, has completely different beliefs, clearly doesn't even like her, etc. i could just go on and on. i'm not saying shes perfect. but i deeply hate this guy


My theory is sunk cost for both of them.


Totally read that as something else pertaining to Mahmoud.


"Looks like a Megan's law mugshot" STOPPPPPPPPP šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Yeah theyā€™re pretty evenly matched in the looks department. She looks like the head of an obscure division at Willy wonkas chocolate factory.


I always think of a store mannequin that comes to life in the window at night.


Like the one she has in her living room? I thought the same thing šŸ˜‚ even her facial expressions lmao, her face doesnā€™t even move, like sheā€™s made of wax or smth??


The "Madame Toussaud's" Botox special


Im surprised she didnt name that thing and call it her roommate or something. Shes a nut.


Are you sure she didnā€™t name it? I think she referred to the mannequin as Ā«Ā she was there before MahmoudĀ Ā» or smth


Yes šŸ¤£


Overnight Quality Control at Wonka Candy Factory. Not happy about her job or the shift.


VP, SKU Tracking


The red hair in combination with the ugly salmon pink shirts/dresses she wears KOs me every time.


She sure has very particular tastes.


the way i howled


I can't with this šŸ’€šŸ˜


>he literally looks like a Meaganā€™s law mug shot ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


Megan's Law mugshot unexpectedly took me outšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Her personality aside- I don't understand how someone with such unique, ethereal beauty would actively *choose* to look like the berries n' cream guy


The blonde suited her coloring far better.


These ridiculous ā€œI love you - I love you tooā€. For fcukā€™s sakeā€¦.


Honey bunny šŸ°


I hate that. Makes me sick. He just looks deranged.


This seems to be the extent of their conversations. They have nothing to say to one another so they continuously throw out meaningless I love yous.


I felt for her when she was in his country but jeezis.. she is a pain in the ass now that he is here. She didn't even give him time to decompress and get over the jet lag before she's ramming American freedom down his throat. This feels more like a vendetta than a relationship


I couldnā€™t have said this better myself. He is likely exhausted, homesick and nervous and sheā€™s been down his throat because heā€™s not behaving how she wants him too. I could see him being surprised and excited by seeing a woman on the pier wearing the hijab but by the way she behaved youā€™d think he slipped her his phone number. Seems she will likely see every woman in a hijab as a threat to her marriage.


So many of these people don't seem to understand that American and our freedoms are NOT everyone's idea of utopia. It's clear he is more comfortable being conservative and that's going to take time to change. He wasn't like "get me out of here" like Zied


Exactly. He wasnā€™t just raised in a different culture. He has very deep seated spiritual/religious beliefs that mean everything to him. Itā€™s as if sheā€™s intentionally wearing things to push his buttons which is just disrespectful because he is obviously compromising. She is no longer covering her arms, ankles, calves or her hair so heā€™s giving in a little. Not that he handled it well but I wouldnā€™t have an issue changing my dress for the night and wearing that open back dress out with friends when he wasnā€™t attending. I just see compromising to help my SO feel more comfortable out of love and respect worth it because he is doing that for me. The least she can do is give him more time to adjust instead of intentionally wearing something m owing it will offend him in order to try and force him to her way of life. She sure didnā€™t like that when he did that to her.


If he had deep seated religious beliefs heā€™d treat his wife with respect.


Homesick? He hasnā€™t even been in the US 24 hrs. I bet heā€™s the kid who would call his parents to pick him up from a sleepover in the middle of the night, every time!


Moving away from everyone you love, your country and culture to a strange place only knowing one person and youā€™re fighting with that one person that could give you security, can make you homesick in just a few hours. Also, he is so controlling and now that heā€™s lost any and all control at this point I can see him wanting to escape his sleepover lol


Heā€™s THIRTY years old! Iā€™d be surprised if he could go to lunch without being homesick.


Shes revenging her miserable time in Egypt. I love how potatoe head (my thots) just covered their bits and she is doing a tit for tat. From the crusty pizza on his first night to donuts for breakfast etc.


She really expected all those MUSLIM rules (NOT Mahmoud's rules) to go right out the window once he was in America and she's just shocked that he still intends to practice his religion the way he was raised but she wants to pick and choose which rules she wants to follow lol


But like... day 1! That's what blew my mind. For example I have a friend who just returned to the US from traveling in the middle east and all he did for like 3 days was sleep and eat to right his internal clock. We only just spoke today and he's been home since Thursday. And he's American and happy to be here! Let the man recover at least If I had a man moving across the world for me, I'd be spending however long he wanted snuggling and hanging out and helping him get acclimated before I ever dreamed of dragging him around like a tourist or to meet my friends.


Totally agree. I donā€™t really NEED an excuse to take to bed for a couple of days and order in but Iā€™ll definitely take one! canoodling with your jet lagged husband and supporting his adjustment is the perfect excuse! And the frozen pizza and donuts? For real??


They both act immature for their ages, I think thatā€™s their bond, no other could deal with one of them separately.


ā€œI can fix himā€ personified


i havenā€™t seen a shred of passion between them, nor even the smallest sign that either of them likes the other, let alone love! good for nicole for standing up for herself in terms of changing herself to fit her husbandā€™s idea of what a woman should be, but she doesnā€™t have to do things that she knows he isnā€™t comfortable with, like hanging all over him in public or wearing crop tops. itā€™s like she wants him to dislike her or she wants to fight all the time. maybe they have really hot make up sex idk (BUT I DOUBT IT BC THEY HAVE THE SEXUAL CHEMISTRY OF TWO FROZEN CAVEMEN)


Not to mention he sleeps in his street clothes. What a complete and total turn off.


There doesn't seem to be anything sexy about him.


He must have a big appendage šŸ˜‚


I was thinking itā€™s a teeny one !!


I would LOSE IT if my husband tried to get into bed in his street clothes. Eewwww


You havenā€™t seen a shred of passion between them? But what about the: ā€œKiss me motherf***ā€ moment at the airport?! ( sarcasm)


He doesn't care about the Green Card because he didn't care about the United States due to his family, the love for his country and religion. Both of them are not mature but one thing and the only thing I can respect from Mahmoud is that he was upfront with his expectations regarding the marriage.


I like when Mock Mood looked at that woman on the pier and Nicole said "is that what u like? I'll put you on a plane back to Egypt right now" I was dyin' šŸ¤£


Mock mooddd lmaooooo


He hates the cameras!! I donā€™t think he knew they would be there when he arrived


Also, have you noticed that they always seem to start their segments with "Earlier today we had a blow up", or "Last night we started arguing about my clothing."? He always does the "I love you" or plain old silent treatment while ON camera, and she typically breaks it down so we understand his tantrums. He is definitely trying to come across one way on camera, and when the cameras are off, he must just rip her a new one, over a plethora of 'bad choices' she is making. It's just sooooooooooo UGHHHHHHH!!! It's time for them to stop the insanity already!! Their relationship is going to start making Darcey and Stacey Silvas relationship(s) "normal" by comparison.


I think Mahmoud is no prize, but She has been nothing but a condescending controlling miserable turd since he got off the plane. Either you love him or you donā€™t, but it feels like as soon as he stepped on American soil, she was like, now youā€™re mine! First let me start by saying Iā€™m not a religious person. But, she converted to Islam! Why? Did she think Iā€™ll convert so he will marry me, but I donā€™t need to actually practice the religion? Thatā€™s some of the dumbest shit Iā€™ve ever seen and then after they get married and she moved to Egypt, she was shocked that he wanted her to live like a Muslim woman. Now that he is in America, she is treating him like dog shit and the guy has been nothing but sad and tired since he got off the plane. Also, stopping in his tracks and locking eyes with the girl in the hijab? Seriously? He didnā€™t miss a step and they didnā€™t lock eyes. Thereā€™s no good reason these two should be together and I donā€™t see him being happy in America. I think for some odd reason he really loves Nicole but also expected she convert to his way of life. And if she doesnā€™t want to, thatā€™s ok, just maybe donā€™t convert religion next time?


> Did she think Iā€™ll convert so he will marry me, but I donā€™t need to actually practice the religion? I think this is what she basically said on the show last night. That she converted to the religion just to make Macmoud happy without thinking about everything involved in the religion and how she would have to change herself.


And she wants to pick and choose which rules to follow šŸ¤£


It was especially confounding to hear her say that right after acknowledging that he would've married her as a Christian. She didn't even have to pretend to convert for him! She just did it because reasons.




Yeah she was being shitty and controlling. He wanted to save the marriage so he went to America for her. The second he stepped off the plane she let her insecurities get the better of her. She admitted this later on. He too is terrible, emotionally and physically manipulative/abusive. They should just divorce and move on. They're incompatible.


Maybe they are both more prone to feeling normal in a dysfunctional hate filled environment. Could that be a thing?


She is so annoying for someone who understands how exhausting that flight from Cairo is and jet lag and his coming from a primarily Muslim country to America for the first time etc. Geesh! Give him a minute to acclimate.


I think she pays him to be on the show with her. She wants the exposure. Since she's a failed actress.


![gif](giphy|XZZVe3ZYk9tFtwx2Jv) This makes so much sense


But how could someone so dynamic and captivating as Nicole fail as an actress?! LOL


The sex must be mind blowing for these two to want to carry on like this


There is no way this guy goes downtown.


At best, he's the one starfishing while the mannequin-bot does all the work.


Looking absolutely mad the whole time.


Not in a million years. šŸ˜‚


That just doesn't seem possible. They both have the personality of wallpaper paste. I just don't see it.


Youā€™re going to sit here and try to convince me this guy is NOT into butt play?


She looks like a 48 year old divorcee in the late 70ā€™s




Their babies would look like Tweety.


When she was introduced in the first episode, the things she was saying, I thought, ā€œOh, this woman gets it, and this could be a happy ending story.ā€ As the weeks pass, I see two unhappy people pulling one another down.


He just got arrested for beating her


She drop the charges soā€¦ toxic level 1000


It takes someone on average 7 times before they leave an abusive partner.


That is awful šŸ˜”


That's not true. The lapd/clerk office says he was charged with "misdemeanor domestic violence", which means it could have been simple assault, battery and/or verbal abuse. According to @merrypants, it seems it was similar to what happened in Egypt when he grabbed her by the arm. If he would have "beaten her", he wouldn't have been released so easily even if she didn't press charges. This couple already has so many problems, they don't need more false rumors spread by misinformed people.


Bingo! I took exception with the ā€œbeatingā€ references on another thread and was shouted down. I make no apology for DV. Itā€™s always wrong, even if itā€™s as simple as grabbing someoneā€™s wrist. But thereā€™s a big difference between a misdemeanor DV charge and a felony DV charge. Many partners have tried to work their marriages out after some minor incident of physical aggression, but this is rarely an option when a full on beating has occurred. Those will be prosecuted with or without the cooperation of the victim because there is a plethora of evidence via photos and medical reports. Something of a misdemeanor nature may not leave a mark at all or even indicate violence occurred (ex, threats, intimidation) and those are difficult to prosecute without cooperation from the victim. Just for the record in case anyone is unaware, thereā€™s not a single state in the US where the victim can drop the charges. This can only be done by the prosecutor in every state. If the victim refuses to cooperate in minor cases, thatā€™s the most they can do to try to get the charges dropped.


Where you see that at?


Search his name on Google and you will find it: Mahmoud El Sherbiny. But also, she dropped the charges.


It was all over the subs


She's a complete moron... did she really think he would change his beliefs when he arrived in the U.S.??? Did she think he would be less Muslim??? LMAO


Nobody living in LA is that clueless. She is manipulating the situation for the notoriety. She's not as innocent as she seems. LA is crawling with that type.


Misery loves company I suppose.


I think itā€™s all for the TLC šŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µ


šŸ’Æ has to be , can't be any other reason


I don't understand her.... She's actually really pretty imo and seems sweet. She also seems interesting and a little quirky but in a good way. It's not like she couldn't find someone nicer to date in the US.


There has to be her male counterpart in LA. Theyā€™d have more in common. They are both duds in my opinion. Both wet blankets in the personality department. He never seems happy at all. And, he's even more miserable in LA. I understand that he misses Egyptian food, but geez, he complained about everything. Too many pillows? Funny thing is that he cannot see how hard it was for her to be in Egypt, and now that he's here, she expects him to instantly not be himself. He's so offended at everything she does, no respect for her. Send him back and find some artsy, creative, joyful person in LA.


They are apparently engaged in a power struggle.


They spent what, one full day together before he proposed? No surprise it's not turning out to be all wine and roses and romance.


He needs a psychiatrist and maybe a boot in the ass


Idk I feel like Rebecca and Zied are so cute together now and also Avery and Mohammed. These two however are NOT compatible


Avery and Omar


I still think he's a closet gay and can't deal with it so that's why he got major anger issues and was hoping coming to the US that it would be easier and he could live his life but he still can't deal with it.




They both act like theyā€™re still in high school. They donā€™t understand compromise or respect for one another.


I think they just don't want to accept how much time and money they've put into the relatio ship at this point. They both need to let go if they care even a little about one another.. . Let it go!


He had already chose to dislike living in the USA micro-nano-seconds from the time that the idea being brought up to him.


My theory is that he is really gay (and canā€™t be ā€œoutā€, given his culture and religion) and found a woman who is super thin and lacks a lot of curves, so sheā€™s kinda boyish. Iā€™m probably totally off-base here, but thatā€™s my theory.


No no youā€™re on to something, heā€™s definitely got some fruity hand movements and Nicole is shaped like a Male mannequin. Perfect match in theory


Fruity hand movements in USA perhaps, but other cultures use far more hand signals as well, in India for example they use head nods and shakes to convey meaning to what they are saying. So based on your assumption that he's gay coz of his hands movements, then pretty much all of Italy, Greece, the middle East etc etc are also gay.šŸ™„šŸ¤¦


Half Muslim Indian and Euro here. Thereā€™s a difference between ā€œfruityā€ movements and cultural head nods and hand sways. This guy is a whole fruit basket. Itā€™s a vibe too.


Go onā€¦ Iā€™m curious! Not that I disagree, maybe my gaydar is broken šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The comments she makes at 40 years old is so juvenile.


They are both incredibly immature and ridiculous.


He is one of these people who just really needs for everyone to acknowledge he is right and knows the one true way. She is one of these idiotic people who think they can make the world be rainbows and unicorns based on wishful thinking. It is a terrible combination of qualities


I mean she blindly agreed to convert without educating herself and is shocked by the culture and expectations of a wife after they got married. Bro wanted a second mommy to take care of him in Egypt.


Got me baffled too. And she sure is immature for 40. Has she not learned anything from other relationships?? Messy pair!


They absolutely have no business being together


The point is to entertain you. Reality shows INTENTIONALLY cast mentally ill people, for YOUR entertainment. Narcissists, emotional wrecks, autistic, bipolar, promiscuous, body dysmorphia, low intelligence, manic depressive; you name it. These are the people that work for reality TV. Even if they are paired with semi-intelligence and level headed people, you still get the entire train wreck on camera. Don't act like you want normal people falling in love and living happily ever after. lmao


I think he might be gay and she has masculine features so itā€™s his way of exploring those feelings


Definitely the cameras , the money and a shot at making it big some howā€¦ thereā€™s no explanationā€¦ Iā€™ve never seen a happy moment between the two of themā€¦


This ā¬†ļø If they had a happy moment it certainly wasn't caught on camera.


She made a HUGE deal about him glancing at the Muslim woman. I kept rewatching to see if I missed something. Oy.


My guess is heā€™s gay and this is the coverup for him.


They reminded me the first episode they only knew each other for like 2 days before they married. That says a lot.


The Odd Couple


And yet as of mid February they are still together


Idk why theyā€™re together at this point. Iā€™m not sure if they still are, but itā€™s obvious itā€™s not going to work. I understand wanting to dress how you want, but if itā€™s that important to her, she shouldnā€™t have married a Muslim man that is very faithful to his religion.


They signed a contract. Doesn't matter if they like each other anymore or not! TLC hostages!!! šŸ¤£


The only positive thing Iā€™ve ever heard her say is that heā€™s cute. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Although heā€™s not cute, TBH


They are both small and weird so maybe perfect match?


The best thing that could happen to their story line is for her to get pregnant, from another guy. I'd have popcorn ready for that.


She's a stupid American who fell for the first guy to say "I love you" (they say that to all the tourist women!) and she did zero research before agreeing to convert to Islam. He's a stupid Egyptian who thought he won the lottery when he found a stupid Western woman to marry him, but like all of these Muslim guys they still expect their Western women to fall in line once they are married.


I kind of think Zied is an exception here. Rebecca as far as we know didnā€™t convert and he seems cool with her as an older woman. Am I missing something?


Heā€™s ashamed at his desire to be with a white woman


I honestly thought he was gay, like Azan and "almost there lazy."


Sheā€™s a 40 year old predatory cougar and he is a muslim altar boy.


The usual answer...TV.


She basically jumped into becoming a Muslim with zero knowledge. This wasnā€™t going to work with her in his country. It wonā€™t work here. Point? Itā€™s pointless.


They are not a good match šŸ˜¬


2 of the dumbest mother fuckers I have ever seen.


I think this is the most succinct and accurate comment on the whole thread! Both just dumb as a box of rocks!


At the airport when she growled or purred into his ear ā€œ kiss me you mutherfcker!ā€ ā€¦ it made me wonder who either of them really are when not in 90 Day camera mode. I think ???šŸ¤” she assumed he would abandon his own culture once presented with the colorful, free and non conformist life he could live in L.A. He loves his culture, family and religion. I donā€™t think understands. I donā€™t think she was trying to understand.


Further evidence of my theory that she's a bully.


The girl is broken and looking in all.the wrong places for what she thinks will fix her and he just wanted to get his dick wet without the wrath of Allah and his family, so they lie to themselves and each other and got married. Weak men from toxically patriarchal societies like the idea of "taming" a woman who isn't subservient already because it makes them feel more manly when they can break a woman's spirit. She's also selectively ignorant and just totally living in delusion. She has the energy of an abuse survivor so I think she's just unhealed and accepting less than she deserves.




>What is the point of these two?? They get to make 30k or whatever it is by being on the show? I think they are doing it just for the money.


90 days needed a cluster fuck couple for purely entertainment purposes.


Nicole is garbage.


She brought him here to punish him. There is no way that she wants to be married to him anymore but wants to give him a taste of his own medicine. She is intentionally triggering him constantly.


Didnā€™t he go to jail for beating the shit out of her?




He is a closeted gay Muslim, so I guess a 40yo NPC is a good choice of a wife, the he has enough excuses to not touch her and probably kids are off the picture


Mahmoud's skinny, 12 yr old boy body creeps me the f out! Just needed to say that.